frames- [ARG0 The laws of heredity] [rel dictate] [ARG1 that half of the plants springing from these greenhouse-produced seeds will be male sterile and herbicide resistant and half will be male fertile and herbicide susceptible] .
- [ARGM-DIS In part] , [ARG1 this division] is [rel dictated] *-1 by [ARG0-by economics] : West Germany is a net exporter of capital while the U.S. is n't *?* .
- With [ARG0 no petroleum-related news or changes in the fundamentals] 0 *T*-1 to [rel dictate] [ARG1 price moves] , `` technicians are wanting *-2 to sell this stuff , '' said *T*-3 Eric Bolling of Edge Trading Corp .
- [ARG0 It] [ARGM-ADV virtually] [rel dictated] [ARG1 how ships were *-2 to be built *-1 *T*-3] and it monitored commerce through a unrivaled intelligence network in ports around the globe .
- And though [ARG0 federal law] [rel dictates] [ARG1 that only $ 100 million *U* *ICH*-3 can be disbursed *-1 from that fund in any one state per disaster] , administration officials expect Congress to move in *-2 to authorize * spending more now in California .
- Nor was [ARG0 it] intended * to [rel dictate] [ARG1 a set of prescriptive solutions] , although various points were raised *-1 .
- A federal official said that Continental Bank worked with securities and banking regulators over the weekend *-2 to fashion the Fossett bailout , but that [ARG1 conditions] were [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel dictated] *-1 by [ARG0-by those agencies] .