frames- [ARG0 They] [rel devised] [ARG1 a 69-point scale] [ARGM-ADV -- *-1 awarding one point for each subskill measured * on the CAT test --] [ARGM-PNC *-1 to rate the closeness of test preparatives to the fifth-grade CAT] .
- [ARG0 Lawmakers representing some of the cleaner utilities] have been quietly working with the White House *-1 to [rel devise] [ARG1 ways 0 * to tinker with the administration bill *T*-2 * to address their acid-rain concerns] *PPA*-3 .
- [ARG0 The newest breed , also called * `` rocket scientists '' because of their backgrounds in physics and mathematics ,] [rel devise] [ARG1 the complex hedging and trading strategies that *T*-1 are popularly known *-2 as program trading] .
- *-1 Keeping the mood light , the two then chanted and chortled their way through [ARG1 some murderous polyrhythms] , [rel devised] * by [ARG0-by Mr. Douglas] as [ARG2-as an alternative to Hindemith 's dry theory-teaching techniques] , and then , with Mr. Gomez , soared and improvised on the composer 's tight `` Bebop Etudes . ''
- [ARG0 UNESCO] is now holding its biennial meetings *ICH*-2 in Paris 0 *T*-1 to [rel devise] [ARG1 its next projects] .
- [ARG0 The State of Wisconsin Investment Board , which *T*-190 owned about 7 % of the company 's voting stock ,] worked with management *-1 to [rel devise] [ARG1 a time-limited poison pill] .
- If [ARG0 Brazil] [rel devises] [ARG1 an economic strategy allowing it to resume growth and service debt] , this could lead it to open up *RNR*-1 and deregulate *RNR*-1 its sheltered economy , analysts say *T*-3 , just as Argentinian President Carlos Saul Menem has been doing even though he was elected *-2 on a populist platform .
- [ARGM-TMP After the 1987 crash , and as a result of the recommendations of many studies] , [ARG1 `` circuit breakers ''] were [rel devised] *-1 [ARGM-PNC * to allow market participants to regroup and restore orderly market conditions] .
- *-2 To win their seats on the council , [ARG0 these political leaders] have had *-2 to listen to all the voices in their district and [rel devise] [ARG1 public policies that *T*-1 would benefit all] .
- [ARG1 The solution] [rel devised] * by [ARG0-by the professor] was * to hire six people who *T*-1 would mirror the actual jury demographically , sit in on the trial and report their reactions to him .
- Mr. Asman is also annoyed that Mr. Castro has resisted collaboration with U.S. officials , even though [ARGM-ADV by his own account] [ARG1 that collaboration] has been [rel devised] *-1 [ARGM-ADV essentially] as [ARG2-as a mechanism for acts directly hostile to the Cuban regime , such as * facilitating defections] .
- *-1 Alarmed , [ARG0 state and federal authorities] are trying *-1 to [rel devise] [ARG1 ways 0 * to certify and regulate planners *T*-2] .
- Pilot union Chairman Frederick C. Dubinsky said 0 [ARG0 advisers to UAL management and the union] will begin *-1 meeting in New York today and will work through the weekend *-1 to [rel devise] [ARG1 a new proposal 0 * to present *T*-2 to UAL 's board `` at the earliest time possible] . ''
- [ARG0 Some organizations] have [rel devised] [ARG1 their own systems 0 *T*-1 to sort through news wire items as they come in] .
- [ARG0 The MIT project] [rel devised] [ARG1 ways 0 for E-mail to be automatically categorized *-1 as top priority if it comes from certain designated senders or requires action in the next couple of days *T*-2] .
- Eastern Airlines ' creditors committee , unhappy with the carrier 's plans for * emerging from bankruptcy-law proceedings , asked [ARG0 its own experts] *-1 to [rel devise] [ARG1 alternate approaches to a reorganization] .
- After Friday 's decline , Mr. Perritt 's firm ran statistical tests on 100 high-quality stocks , *-2 using [ARG1 old-fashioned value criteria] [rel devised] * by [ARG0-by Benjamin Graham , an analyst and author in the 1930s and 1940s who *T*-1 is widely considered *-3 to be the father of modern securities analysis] .
- [ARG1 The so-called circuit breakers] [rel devised] * by [ARG0-by the Big Board and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange] [ARGM-PNC * to quell free falls in stock and futures prices] were n't triggered *-1 yesterday because the markets were higher for most of the day .
- The system worked [ARGM-MNR the way] 0 [ARG0 we] [rel devised] [ARG1 it] [ARG2 to work] *T*-1 . ''