frames- [ARG0 William Gates and Paul Allen] [ARGM-TMP in 1975] [rel developed] [ARG1 an early language-housekeeper system for PCs] , and Gates became an industry billionaire six years after IBM adapted one of these versions in 1981 .
- Alan F. Shugart , currently chairman of Seagate Technology , led [ARG0 the team] that *T*-32 [rel developed] [ARG1 the disk drives for PCs] .
- Esso said 0 [ARG1 the fields] were [rel developed] *-36 [ARGM-TMP after the Australian government decided in 1987 *-2 to make the first 30 million barrels from new fields free of excise tax] .
- But [ARG0 they] have obtained 8300 forms without court permission and used the information *-1 to help [rel develop] [ARG1 criminal cases] .
- [ARG1 *-2] [rel Developed] *-1 by [ARG0-by Avrett , Free & Ginsberg , New York ,] the $ 6 million *U* campaign pitches Enterprise 's consumer-driven service and its free pick-up and drop-off service .
- In May , University Patents filed a suit *ICH*-1 in federal court in Philadelphia against Albert M. Kligman , [ARG0 a researcher and professor] at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine who *T*-182 [rel developed] [ARG1 Retin-A] [ARGM-TMP in the 1960s] [ARG4 *-2 to combat acne] .
- [ARG0 ShareData] [rel develops] and markets [ARG1 low-cost software , peripheral equipment and accessories for computers] .
- As a result , he said 0 NBI will focus on * servicing its installed base of systems , trying *-4 to provide maintenance for other manufacturers and expanding its software business , *-4 using some of [ARG1 the applications] 0 [ARG0 it] [rel developed] *T*-3 for [ARG3-for its hardware] .
- *-2 Given *-3 that choice , associates of Mr. Hahn and industry observers say 0 [ARG0 the former university president] -- who *T*-1 has [rel developed] [ARG1 a reputation for * not overpaying for anything] -- would fold .
- `` They got us thinking 0 maybe [ARG0 we] should be helping U.S. companies improve existing products rather than *-1 [ARGM-TMP always] [rel developing] [ARG1 new ones] . ''
- This will require us to develop a much more sophisticated understanding of the dynamics of homelessness than we currently possess *?* , [ARG1 an understanding] that *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD can] be [rel developed] *-20 [ARGM-MNR only through careful study and research] .
- This will require [ARG0 us] to [rel develop] [ARG1 a much more sophisticated understanding of the dynamics of homelessness than we currently possess *?* , an understanding that *T*-1 can be developed *-20 only through careful study and research] .
- * Determining that may enable [ARG0 them] to [rel develop] [ARG1 better ways 0 * to introduce the needed crystal-lattice patterns *T*-1] .
- Cray Research indicated that the survival of [ARG0 a spinoff company] , which *T*-1 is [rel developing] [ARG1 a new supercomputer] , depends heavily on its chairman and chief designer , Seymour Cray .
- Researchers at Plant Genetic Systems N.V. in Belgium said 0 [ARG0 they] have [rel developed] [ARG1 a genetic engineering technique for * creating hybrid plants for a number of key crops] .
- Jan Leemans , research director , said 0 this gene was successfully introduced in oil-producing rapeseed plants , a major crop in Europe and Canada , * using as a carrier [ARG1 a `` promoter gene ''] [rel developed] * by [ARG0-by Robert Goldberg] [ARGM-LOC at the University of California in Los Angeles] .
- [ARG1 One technique] [rel developed] * by [ARG0-by some of these companies] involves a chemical spray supposed * to kill only a plant 's pollen .
- [ARG0 Biosource Genetics Corp. , Vacaville , Calif. ,] is [rel developing] [ARG1 a spray containing a gene that *T*-39 spreads from cell to cell and interferes with the genes that *T*-40 are responsible for * producing pollen] .
- And some U.S. Army analysts worry that the proposed Soviet redefinition is aimed *-75 at *-1 blocking [ARG0 the U.S.] from *-2 [rel developing] [ARG1 lighter , more transportable , high-technology tanks] .
- [ARG0 Coke] could be interested in *-1 [ARGM-MNR more quickly] [rel developing] [ARG1 some of the untapped potential in those markets] .
- The move also reflects [ARG0 Coke 's] eagerness * to have a hand in * [rel developing] [ARG1 the soft-drink markets in Pacific Basin countries] .
- But that does n't mean 0 Mr. Guber and Mr. Peters might not eventually get their hands on some of their projects ; [ARG0 studios] [rel develop] [ARG1 hundreds of movies] but produce only 10 to 20 [ARGM-TMP each year] .
- [ARGM-CAU Because of Leche Fresca 's success] , he says 0 *T*-1 , [ARG0 the joint venture] is [rel developing] [ARG1 other dairy products tailored * to Hispanic tastes] .
- According to veteran watchers of Unificationist affairs , such as Dr. J. Gordon Melton , director of the Institute for the Study of American Religion , almost all operations are being drastically reduced *-1 as [ARG0 Mr. Moon] now concentrates more on *-2 [rel developing] [ARG1 his empire in the Far East] .
- Israel has been accused *-201 in the past of *-1 using subterfuge *-2 to seek elements needed * [ARG0 *] to [rel develop] [ARG1 nuclear weapons] .
- Meanwhile , President Kume ordered everyone from top executives to rookie designers to go `` town watching , '' *-1 to visit chic parts of Tokyo *-3 to try *-2 to gain insights into [ARG0 *] [rel developing] [ARG1 cars] for [ARG3-for trend-setters] .
- [ARG0 One engineer] [rel developed] [ARG1 a `` crab car '' that *T*-246 moves sideways] .
- Nissan helped [ARG0 *-1] [rel develop] [ARG1 a Tokyo restaurant with both vehicles as its design theme] .
- Cotton Inc. , the fiber company that *T*-295 represents cotton growers , will begin [ARG1 a new ad campaign] , [rel developed] * by [ARG0-by Ogilvy & Mather] , Thanksgiving Day .
- [ARGM-TMP In the 1960s] , [ARG0 Mayo Clinic researchers] [rel developed] [ARG1 magnetic devices 0 *T*-1 to stimulate motor nerves in the hand and other limbs] .
- The field took off in 1985 after [ARG0 scientists at Britain 's Sheffield University] [rel developed] [ARG1 a handy , compact magnet for brain stimulation] .
- Similarly , [ARG0 a Purdue University team led * by heart researcher W.A. Tacker] hopes *-2 to [rel develop] [ARG1 ways 0 * to magnetically induce cardiac muscle contractions *T*-1] .
- The collaboration will include at least 25 researchers and will be aimed *-2 primarily at [ARG0 *] [rel developing] [ARG1 thin films of high-temperature superconductors] for [ARG3-for use in electronics] , the companies said 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 He] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel develop] [ARG1 the beach] [ARGM-MNR through a trust] , but instead is trying *-1 have his grandson become a naturalized Mexican so his family gains direct control .
- [ARG0 Medco Research] [rel developed] [ARG1 the drug] and licensed it to Lyphomed for sale in the U.S. and Canada .
- [ARG1 A string of costly projects , including the high-speed national aerospace plane and the advanced communications technology satellite ,] would continue *-1 to be [rel developed] *-2 [ARGM-MNR within these limits] .
- But as Drexel analyst Linda Dunn *T*-1 notes , [ARG1 its properties] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel developed] *-2 [ARGM-TMP over 15 to 20 years] .
- Researchers in Belgium said 0 [ARG0 they] have [rel developed] [ARG1 a genetic engineering technique for * creating hybrid plants for a number of crops , such as cotton , soybeans and rice] .
- Subsequently , I have learned that [ARG0 a private group , of which Du Pont is a part *T*-1 ,] is funding a modest program * to continue data gathering at the Scotto report stations as well as to [rel develop] [ARG1 more sophisticated UVB measuring instruments] .
- Thus , [ARG0 Mr. Sinyard 's company] must innovate more than ever *-1 to stay ahead of them , by *-1 [rel developing] [ARG1 new products specifically for mountain biking] .
- At the trade show , Specialized also unveiled [ARG1 a revolutionary three-spoked bike wheel] [rel developed] * [ARGM-MNR jointly] by [ARG0-by Specialized and Du Pont Co] .
- [ARGM-TMP By 1988 , when only 10 genetic probe-based tests of diagnostic infectious diseases of humans had been approved *-2 for marketing by the Food and Drug Administration *T*-3] , [ARG1 eight of them] had been [rel developed] and sold *-4 by [ARG0-by Gen-Probe] .
- Kobe Steel Ltd. adopted Soviet casting technology in 1966 and used it for 14 years until [ARG0 it] [rel developed] [ARG1 its own system] .
- [ARG0 Kawasaki Steel Corp.] bought a Soviet steel-casting patent two years ago and has [ARGM-MNR jointly] [rel developed] [ARG1 the system] [ARGM-MNR with the Soviets] .
- The Soviets are `` contemplating a flexible system under which it *EXP*-2 would be possible [ARG0 *] to [rel develop] -LCB- [ARG1 technology] -RCB- [ARGM-MNR jointly] and even to market it jointly *T*-1 , '' he says 0 *T*-3 .
- [ARGM-ADV Among other things] , they said 0 *T*-1 , [ARG0 Mr. Azoff] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel develop] [ARG1 musical acts for a new record label] .
- So says *T*-3 the Commonwealth Fund , a New York philanthropist that *T*-1 's sponsoring [ARG0 a $ 1 million *U* project] 0 * to [rel develop] [ARG1 joint masters in business and nursing programs] [ARGM-LOC at 10 universities] *T*-2 ... .
- The brew , called * Miller Sharp 's , will be supported *-1 by [ARG1 ads] [rel developed] * by [ARG0-by Frankenberry , Laughlin & Constable , Milwaukee] .
- Another suggestion would draw [ARG0 banks] more directly into *-3 tracking down money launderers by * [rel developing] [ARG1 a `` suspicious international wire transfer profile , '' which banks would use *T*-1 *-2 to spotlight questionable payments] .
- [ARGM-TMP Already] , [ARG0 scientists] are [rel developing] [ARG1 tests based * on the newly identified genes that *T*-1 , for the first time , can predict whether an otherwise healthy individual is likely *-2 to get cancer] .
- The team used a battery of the [ARGM-TMP newly] [rel developed] `` [ARG1 gene] probes , '' snippets of genetic material that *T*-1 can track a gene 's presence in a cell .
- G.D. Searle & Co. said 0 the Food and Drug Administration approved the sale of Kerlone , [ARG1 a hypertension drug] [rel developed] * by [ARG0-by a joint venture between Searle and a French concern] .
- U.S. gas buyers must also decide whether [ARG0 they] want *-2 to enter firm contracts for Mackenzie delta gas or [rel develop] [ARG1 Alaskan reserves] [ARGM-LOC in the Prudhoe Bay area] [ARGM-TMP first] , a project that *T*-1 has been on hold for more than a decade .
- Crossland said 0 it retained [ARG0 three investment bankers] 0 *T*-1 to assist it in * [rel developing] and implementing [ARG1 a financial restructuring plan] .
- As * previously reported *-1 , the account is troubled , with Philip Morris asking [ARG0 Backer Spielvogel Bates , Ogilvy & Mather , and possibly others] to try their hand at *-2 [rel developing] [ARG1 new creative work] .
- [ARGM-DIS In addition] , [ARG0 the two companies] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel develop] [ARG1 new steam turbine technology , such as the plants ordered * by Florida Power] , and even utilize each other 's plants at times *-1 to take advantage of currency fluctuations .
- [ARGM-ADV *-1 Armed *-2 with this shared understanding and requisite background information] , [ARG0 each department] [rel developed] [ARG1 its specialized contribution to the proposal] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 submitting data and cost estimates on a closely managed schedule] .
- The team trimmed more than two months from the cycle time previously required * [ARG0 *] to [rel develop] [ARG1 comparable proposals] .
- [ARGM-TMP Sometime next year] , [ARG0 Control Data] [ARGM-MOD will] `` [rel develop] [ARG1 a new bank relationship] , '' Mr. Perlman said *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 Control Data] recently announced an agreement *ICH*-1 with MIPS Computer Systems Inc. * to [ARGM-REC jointly] [rel develop] [ARG1 machines with simplified operating software] .
- For example , he says that [ARGM-TMP since 1985] , [ARG0 he and Mr. Peters] have [rel developed] [ARG1 over 85 movie projects] , and Warner has `` passed *RNR*-1 '' or chosen * not to produce *RNR*-1 at least 76 .
- [ARG0 GM lawyers] have been working with technicians *-2 to [rel develop] [ARG1 more uniform welding procedures] -- the way 0 a vehicle is welded *-1 *T*-3 has a lot 0 * to do *T*-4 with its durability .
- Further , under the agreement , [ARG0 First Tennesse] would continue *-2 to [rel develop] [ARG1 the software that *T*-1 creates customer products and sevices] .
- [ARG0 Ciba-Geigy] intends *-1 to [rel develop] [ARG1 the Ciba Corning unit] into [ARG2-into a `` substantial business] , '' [ARGM-ADV *-2 making the unit an `` integral part '' of Ciba-Geigy 's `` comprehensive disease management concept] .
- [ARG0 The Merc] is now cooperating with the Comex in * [rel developing] [ARG1 such a device 0 *T*-1 to provide such an audit trail] .
- [ARG0 The Merc] first started *-1 working on *-2 [rel developing] [ARG1 this contract] in 1984 .
- Hewlett-Packard , a Palo Alto , Calif. , computer company , said 0 [ARG0 it] acquired the stock `` *-1 to [rel develop] and maintain [ARG1 a strategic partnership in which each company remains independent while *-2 working together *-3 to market and sell their products *T*-4] . ''
- Mobil Corp. is in the midst of * cutting back [ARG0 its exploration and production group] , which *T*-1 finds and [rel develops] [ARG1 oil and gas reserves] [ARGM-LOC in the U.S.] , by as much as 15 % as part of a new restructuring of that sector of its business .
- [ARG0 They] [ARGM-MOD would] [ARGM-TMP then] [rel develop] [ARG1 priorities] [ARGM-MNR by *-1 identifying the least painful program cuts as they moved from higher to lower budgets] .
- [ARG1 The field] is [ARGM-TMP currently] being [rel developed] *-1 and is slated *-1 to start production by the end of the year .
- The optical products company has signed a licensing agreement with Photoprotective Technologies Inc. , [ARG0 a closely held firm] in San Antonio , Texas , which *T*-1 has [rel developed] [ARG1 a method 0 * to incorporate the synthetic melanin into plastic lenses *T*-2] .
- The Belgian computer system finally was repaired and restarted *-2 on Tuesday of this week , with the aid of [ARG0 Toronto Stock Exchange officials] who *T*-1 [rel developed] [ARG1 the system] .
- The switch to London underscores the fact that despite [ARG0 the economic restructuring] associated * with European Community efforts * to [rel develop] [ARG1 a single market] [ARGM-TMP by 1992] , European stock trading remains a highly fragmented and very localized activity .
- But for others , the pledges echo the promises made * after the 1987 stock crash , when similar problems led [ARG0 many markets] to [rel develop] [ARG1 the new systems that *T*-1 performed so badly last week] .
- Calgene Inc. and Gustafson Inc. said 0 [ARG0 they] plan a joint project 0 *T*-1 to [rel develop] [ARG1 biological products 0 *T*-2 to control such plant diseases as aflatoxin , a potent cancer-causing agent] .
- The panel found that since 1987 , real-estate prices rose nearly 50 % in a speculative fever fueled * by economic prosperity , the 1988 Seoul Olympics and [ARG0 the government 's] pledge * to [ARGM-MNR rapidly] [rel develop] [ARG1 Korea 's southwest] .
- [ARG0 Big personal computer makers and many makers of engineering workstations] are [rel developing] [ARG1 486-based machines , which *T*-1 are expected *-2 to reach the market early next year] .
- [ARG0 The New York futures exchanges] have been working together *-1 to [rel develop] [ARG1 a trade recording system much like the one called for * in the bill] .
- Earlier this month , Mr. Iverson agreed *-1 to buy exclusive rights to [ARG1 a software system] [rel developed] * by [ARG0-by Visher Systems Inc. , Salt Lake City] .
- That 's why `` [ARG0 we] have been working hard *-3 to [rel develop] [ARG1 a single , more unified presence in Europe] *T*-1 , '' said 0 *T*-2 A.J.C. Smith , Marsh & McLennan 's president , at a London news conference yesterday .
- [ARG0 Explonaft] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel develop] [ARG1 application guidelines for lubricants] , sell high-quality mineral oils , and offer services in industrial cleaning and related fields .
- [ARG1 A competing version of EPO] is being [rel developed] *-1 by [ARG0-by Genetics Institute Inc. in Cambridge , Mass] .
- Mr. Hilger said 0 Hoechst will invest 50 million marks -LRB- $ 27.2 million *U* -RRB- in a plant * to make [ARG1 a substitute product] 0 [ARG0 it] has [rel developed] *T*-2 that it says 0 *T*-3 is unchlorinated .
- The two-stroke engine displays by Toyota and Fuji Heavy Industries , the maker of Subaru cars , drew plenty of interest from [ARG0 U.S. auto executives] , who *T*-1 are rushing *-2 to [rel develop] [ARG1 two-stroke engines] .
- While [ARG0 universities] [rel develop] [ARG1 the basic research] , `` venture capitalists are the ones best positioned * to finance its commercialization , '' says *T*-1 Gloria W. Doubleday of Commonwealth .
- Last year , for example , [ARG0 Avalon and others] invested $ 14 million *U* in Athena Neurosciences Inc. , South San Francisco , Calif. , *-1 to license and [rel develop] [ARG1 technology for delivery of drugs to the brain] .
- [ARG0 Athena] eventually acquired exclusive rights to the technology and [ARGM-TMP currently] is [rel developing] [ARG1 it] .
- [ARG0 Universities such as Harvard and MIT] should be able *-2 to [rel develop] [ARG1 a way 0 * to act as brokers for the individual scientists *T*-3] , says 0 *T*-4 Katherine Bick , who *T*-1 oversees the huge NIH grants program as its deputy director for extramural research .
- With $ 2.3 million *U* , he and other investors launched Lithox last year *-1 to market [ARG1 a gallstone cure] being [rel developed] * by [ARG0 researchers of the University of California at San Diego] .
- The company typically sells [ARG1 the centers] 0 [ARG0 it] [rel develops] *T*-1 , but has usually sold only one or several at a time .
- [ARG0 K mart] [rel developed] [ARG1 the centers , which *T*-1 range in size from about 150,000 square feet to just over 250,000 square feet] .
- [ARG0 Caspi Development Corp of Armonk , N.Y. ,] has [rel developed] [ARG1 two apartment buildings called * Classic] and plans a third .
- The study , conducted * by a task force of the Brookings Institution , suggests that Congress should require [ARG0 the courts] to [rel develop] [ARG1 the plans] .
- [ARG0 President Bush and other supporters of SDI] will be able *-2 to take credit for *-3 blocking House efforts * to significantly cut the program * to [rel develop] [ARG1 a space-based antimissile system] , which *T*-1 already has cost some $ 17 billion *U* .
- Its capital spending is growing at double-digit rates for the second year in a row , and [ARG0 its superefficient producers of everything from cars to computer chips] are rushing *-1 to expand capacity , modernize factories and [rel develop] [ARG1 new products] .
- `` The boom 's so huge , '' says *T*-1 Mitsuru Saito , an economist at Sanwa Research Institute , `` 0 it makes you think of [ARGM-TMP the Golden '60s] , '' when [ARG1 Japan] [rel developed] [ARGM-MNR rapidly] *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 Many] are pouring money into * [rel developing] [ARG1 high-quality products] *-1 to target affluent consumers and , to some extent , to avoid direct combat with cheaper cars from South Korea and Taiwan .
- [ARG0 Wellcome] has replied that it is moving ahead *-2 to compile the relevant data , and recently promised *-1 to [rel develop] [ARG1 a pediatric syrup form easier 0 for youngsters to take *T*-3] .
- [ARG0 House-Senate conferees] agreed *-1 to continue production of Grumman Corp. 's F-14 jet and to provide more than $ 3.8 billion *U* during the current fiscal year * to [rel develop] [ARG1 a space-based anti-missile system] .
- The satellite , built * by Hughes for the International Telecommunications Satellite Organization , is part of a $ 700 million *U* contract awarded * to [ARG0 Hughes] in 1982 * to [rel develop] [ARG1 five of the three-ton satellites] .
- Amoco Corp. said 0 [ARG0 it] plans *-2 to install two platforms and drill as many as 22 wells *-3 to [rel develop] [ARG1 oil reserves 0 it discovered *T*-1 in the Atlantic Ocean about 25 miles off the coast of Congo] .
- 3 -RRB- [ARG0 *] [rel Develop] [ARG1 rental agreements with exclusive purchase options for the renter] .
- Unless [ARG0 parents and educators alike] start *-1 to [rel develop] [ARG1 more discipline in children] , all the worthy concern , discussions and actions will not solve the problem .
- [ARG0 Toto Co. , a Japanese ceramics maker ,] has [rel developed] [ARG1 a toilet that *T*-1 can check the user 's health] .
- [ARGM-DIS So] [ARG0 owners] have [rel developed] [ARG1 a `` code of ethics] , '' [ARGM-ADV *-1 outlining rules for consultants and agents , and disclosure of fees and any conflicts of interest] .
- `` We would be the first 0 *T*-2 to admit that [ARG0 we] have not devoted the necessary amount of emphasis over the past several years '' to * [rel developing] [ARG1 examinations for discrimination] , said *T*-1 Jonathan Fiechter , a top official of the Office of Thrift Supervision .
- *-2 Using [ARG1 the new technique] [rel developed] * by [ARG0-by Cetus Corp.] , called * the polymerase chain reaction , the scientists rapidly made millions of copies of the section of DNA that *T*-1 ordinarily contains the hemoglobin gene , *-2 providing enough copies 0 * to test *T*-3 .
- In the early 1970s , when the `` world food crisis '' was a major worry *T*-1 , [ARG0 Phillips Petroleum Co.] , like several other big companies , began *-2 [rel developing] [ARG1 `` single-cell protein , '' edible protein made * by microbes feeding on non-edible materials] .
- But Andrew Porter , a drug-industry analyst at Nikko Securities Co. in London , said 0 if [ARG1 the product] were *-2 to be [ARGM-MNR successfully] [rel developed] *-1 it would represent `` a potential threat to the long-term viability of Retrovir .
- In Japan , by contrast , [ARG0 companies] tend *-1 to [rel develop] [ARG1 their own talent] and promote from within .
- [ARGM-DIS And] [ARG0 Time Warner Inc.] is [rel developing] [ARG1 a spinoff of Time magazine aimed * at kids] , [ARGM-LOC on the heels of its successful Sports Illustrated for Kids] .
- [ARG0 The 40-year-old Buddy L concern , based * in New York ,] designs and [rel develops] [ARG1 toys] [ARGM-MNR under the names `` Buddy L '' and `` My First Buddy] , '' he said *T*-1 .
- Pre-trial polling helps [ARG0 the consultants] [rel develop] [ARG1 a profile of the right type of juror] .
- [ARG0 Japanese chemical companies] are at work *-1 [rel developing] [ARG1 their own substitutes] and hoping *-2 to conquer new markets , of course .
- In Pennsylvania , small businesses are pushing for a voluntary alternative ; they favor [ARG0 a commission] that *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD would] [rel develop] [ARG1 sample leave policies that employers could adopt *T*-2] .
- As early as move six , [ARG0 Mr. Kasparov] deviated from a well-known sequence of moves , *-1 [rel developing] [ARG1 a knight] instead of making a standard bishop attack against the computer 's advanced knight .
- Ms. Garratt sued the Dallas apparel maker earlier this year , *-1 charging that [ARG0 Jerell] [rel developed] and marketed [ARG1 clothing lines fashioned * after her designs , in violation of their contract] .
- IBM 's manufacturing staff also will be able *-2 to provide [ARG1 software] that [ARG0 IBM] has [rel developed] [ARGM-MNR internally] *T*-1 and will be able *-2 to form teams with a customer 0 *T*-3 to jointly solve manufacturing problems .
- Sam Albert , a consultant in Scarsdale , N.Y. , said that [ARGM-TMP in the past] [ARG0 IBM] has [rel developed] [ARG1 broad software strategies] [ARGM-PNC only for problems that *T*-1 crossed industry lines] .
- `` When that occurs *T*-1 , and when the time is right *T*-2 , we 'll release the films in the U.S. , '' he said *T*-3 , *-4 adding that [ARG0 Turner Pictures] [ARGM-MOD may] [rel develop] [ARG1 such movies] [ARGM-TMP next year] [ARGM-PNC for domestic release in 1991] .
- [ARG0 It] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel develop] , produce and market [ARG1 high-performance electronic parts] .
- [ARG1 COMPUTER chips that *T*-2 simulate human vision] have been [rel developed] *-1 by [ARG0-by Japan 's Sharp Corp] .
- [ARG0 Saab and Fiat] have worked together in the past , [ARGM-ADV in one case] *-2 [rel developing] [ARGM-REC jointly] [ARG1 a new auto chassis that *T*-1 became the foundation of Saab 's 9000 model , Fiat 's Croma and Lancia 's Thema] .
- Seita is a partner in [ARG1 the project] , which *T*-2 was [rel developed] *-1 by [ARG0-by Matra SA] [ARGM-ADV * using Japanese technology] .
- The Rafale project is the result of France 's inability [ARGM-MNR jointly] [ARG0 *] to [rel develop] [ARG1 a plane] [ARGM-MNR with other countries] , and French officials question whether the state can continue *-1 paying for expensive independent programs .
- In [ARG1 the Grand Boulevard Plaza] [rel developed] * by [ARG0-by Matanky Realty Group in Chicago 's Third Ward , opposite the Robert Taylor Homes ,] 29 % of the stores to date have been leased *-1 to blacks and 14 % to members of other minority groups .
- The IL-4 receptor is one of [ARG1 five such receptors] 0 *T*-2 to be *-3 [rel developed] and tested by [ARG0-by Receptech Corp. , a spinoff of Immunex] , through a proposed $ 30 million *U* initial public offering .
- `` [ARG0 We] continue *-1 to [rel develop] [ARG1 products] [ARGM-MNR faster than anyone else can *?*] . ''
- Besides the marketing agreement , GRE said 0 [ARG0 Nationwide Anglia] has agreed *-1 to [rel develop] [ARG1 life insurance products] [ARGM-MNR with the composite insurer] .
- The company said 0 [ARG0 it] also suffered in the quarter from incentive programs , losses from * discontinuing a motor home line and costs of * [rel developing] [ARG1 a new commercial vehicle] , among other things .
- [ARG0 A handful of small U.S. companies] are struggling *-2 to [rel develop] [ARG1 the technology 0 *T*-3 to build the screens for the thin , high-quality televisions that *T*-1 are expected *-4 to hang on living room walls by the end of the 1990s] .
- In the 1970s , [ARG0 Mr. Brody] helped *-1 [rel develop] [ARG1 the first display panels based * on active-matrix liquid crystals] [ARGM-LOC at Westinghouse Electric Corp. 's research labs in Pittsburgh] .
- So DARPA is trying *-1 to keep [ARG0 the industry] interested in * [rel developing] [ARG1 large display panels] by *-1 doling out research funds .
- [ARG0 Two other firms , Ovonic Imaging Systems Inc. of Troy , Mich. , and Magnascreen Corp. of Pittsburgh] are [rel developing] [ARG1 a variation of the flat-panel screens called * active-matrix liquid crystal displays] .
- Not only does this come close to a violation of law , it violates [ARG1 the trust] 0 [ARG0 we] have all worked *-1 to [rel develop] *T*-2 . ''
- Sen. Boren said , `` It 's time 0 [ARG0 *] to stop bickering and work together *-1 to [rel develop] [ARG1 a clear and appropriate policy 0 * to help the country in the future *T*-3] *T*-2 .
- Although [ARG0 the bidding group] has n't had [ARGM-TMP time] 0 * to [rel develop] [ARG1 its latest idea] [ARGM-MNR fully] or to discuss it with banks *T*-2 , it believes 0 bank financing could be obtained *-1 .
- [ARG1 A previously available program] called * Network Computing System , [rel developed] * by [ARG0-by Hewlett-Packard 's Apollo division] , for instance , takes a task and splits it up into parts , *-1 divvying up those parts to several computers in a network for simultaneous processing .
- `` Beta is only part of the risk in a stock , '' says *T*-2 William F. Sharpe , [ARG0 the Stanford University emeritus professor] who *T*-1 [rel developed] [ARG1 the measure] .
- [ARG0 Federal and state] tax enforcers [rel develop] [ARG1 many group targets for investigation] , [ARGM-MNR on the basis of occupation , high income , type of income , or some other characteristic that *T*-1 may signal an opportunity or tendency * to hide income or exaggerate deductions] .
- Soon *-3 to feel the glare of attention are *T*-2 lawyers elsewhere in the state , doctors , dentists , and accountants , says Frederick G. Hicks , director of [ARG0 the tax-department division] that *T*-1 [rel develops] [ARG1 the computer-matching programs] .
- [ARGM-DIS However] , [ARG0 Monarch Capital Corp. of Springfield , Mass. ,] has [rel developed] [ARG1 a `` combination plan '' of annuity and insurance coverage that it says 0 *T*-1 does not violate the new regulations and that *T*-1 allows policy loans without tax consequences] .
- [ARGM-CAU Because index-fund managers are no longer satisfied with * merely being average] , [ARG0 they] have [rel developed] [ARG1 `` enhanced '' indexing strategies that *T*-1 are intended *-2 to outperform the market as much as three percentage points] .
- Throughout 1988 and this year , I and others in Congress have pressed [ARG0 the U.S.] to [rel develop] [ARG1 a plan for * pushing this `` narcokleptocrat '' out of Panama] .
- Regrettably , [ARG0 two administrations in a row] have been unwilling and unable *-1 to [rel develop] [ARG1 any plan , military or economic , for * supporting the Panamanian people in their attempts * to restore democracy] .
- *-1 Capitalizing on that presence , [ARG0 Western Digital] is launching a major effort * to [rel develop] [ARG1 the embryonic reseller market in Europe] .
- [ARG0 A core group of six or so Democratic senators] has been working behind the scenes *-1 to [rel develop] [ARG1 a proposal * to reduce the tax on the gain from the sale of assets] .
- [ARGM-ADV In a move that *T*-1 complements the company 's basic strategy] , [ARG0 its Westmoreland Energy Inc. unit] is [rel developing] [ARG1 four coal-fired cogeneration plants] [ARGM-MNR with a partner in Virginia] .
- The author of the futuristic novel `` 1984 '' invented a language called * Newspeak that *T*-1 made it *EXP*-2 impossible [ARG0 *] to [ARGM-ADV fully] [rel develop] [ARG1 a heretical thought -- that is , anything negative about the policies and practices of the state] .
- It *EXP*-1 's no accident that [ARG0 they] 've been able *-2 to [rel develop] [ARG1 such successful material] . ''
- When Roger Birnbaum , an executive who *T*-1 worked for Guber Peters in the early 1980s , left *-3 to take a job as head of production at the United Artists studio *T*-2 , they made him forfeit all credits and financial interest in [ARG1 the films] 0 [ARG0 he] had helped *-5 [rel develop] *T*-4 , including `` Rainman '' and `` Batman . ''
- `` Unfortunately , there is only one laboratory for [ARG0 *] [rel developing] [ARG1 techniques 0 * to withstand earthquakes *T*-1] , and that is an earthquake , '' said *T*-2 Burch Bachtold , San Francisco district director for the transportation department .
- [ARG1 The product] , [rel developed] * by [ARG0-by Desktop Data Corp. , a new company based * in Waltham , Mass. ,] scans the wires *-2 looking for articles that *T*-1 contain key words specified * by the user .
- Individual Inc. , a new company in Brookline , Mass. , uses [ARG1 filtering technology] [rel developed] * by [ARG0-by Cornell University computer scientist Gerard Salton] , *-1 to automatically produce customized newsletters 0 it sends *T*-2 electronically to subscribers by 8 a.m. the next day .
- Mr. Digate says 0 [ARG0 his firm , Beyond Inc. ,] has licensed technology known * as Information Lens from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and plans *-1 to [rel develop] [ARG1 it] for [ARG4-for commercial use] .
- He added that [ARG0 the Office of Management and Budget , the Transportation Department and other agencies] are `` [rel developing] [ARG1 longer-term legislation '' that *T*-1 should be ready soon] .
- In [ARG0 *-1] [rel developing] [ARG1 that theme] [ARGM-LOC at Interpublic Group of Cos . ' Lintas : New York unit] , account supervisor Lisa Buksbaum says 0 she made a `` couple of phone calls '' to Dallas ad friends and reported her `` findings '' to a team of writers .
- [ARG0 Saudi Arabia 's foreign minister] met in Damascus with President Assad *-1 to [rel develop] [ARG1 a plan for the withdrawal of Syria 's 40,000 troops from Lebanon] [ARGM-MNR as part of a settlement of that nation 's 14-year-old civil war] .
- Japan 's biggest women 's underwear maker , Wacoal Corp. , said that [ARG0 it] [rel developed] [ARG1 a sports car that it plans *-2 to market *T*-1 in two years] .
- [ARG0 EMPIRE PENCIL , later called * Empire-Berol ,] [rel developed] [ARG1 the plastic pencil] [ARGM-TMP in 1973] .
- The company said 0 [ARG0 Mr. Franco] [rel developed] [ARG1 a plan * to establish a business that *T*-1 might be competitive with Capital Holding Corp. 's Accumulation and Investment Group , which Mr. Franco headed *T*-2] .
- [ARG1 The time schedule for * installing the equipment] [ARGM-DIS also] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel developed] *-1 by [ARG0-by the task force] , the company said 0 *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 U.S. companies] [rel developing] [ARG1 management teams] are wrestling with how * to handle individual suggestion systems *T*-1 .
- [ARGM-TMP At the same time] , [ARG0 abortion foes] have [rel developed] [ARG1 a national legislative strategy] , [ARGM-ADV *-3 deciding *-4 to move on what Jacki Ragan , the National Right to Life Committee 's director of state organizational development , calls *T*-1 `` reasonable measures that an overwhelming mainstream majority of Americans support *T*-2] . ''
- Digital , based * in Maynard , Mass. , hopes *-1 to stage a repeat performance in mainframes , and [ARG0 it] has spent almost $ 1 billion *U* *-2 [rel developing] [ARG1 the new technology] .
- This bill simply says that if [ARG0 you] want *-1 to [rel develop] [ARG1 property on a barrier island] you have *-2 to do so without taxpayer support .
- [ARG0 *] [rel Developing] [ARG1 an executive-model range] would mark a major departure for Britain 's leading luxury-car maker .
- `` [ARG0 We] have designs for such -LCB- executive -RCB- cars , but have never been able *-2 to [rel develop] [ARG1 them] , '' Sir John said *T*-1 .
- He said 0 the tie-up would mean 0 [ARG0 Jaguar] [ARGM-MOD could] `` [rel develop] [ARG1 cars down range -LCB- in price -RCB- from where we are *T*-1] '' [ARGM-MNR by *-2 offering access to GM 's high-volume parts production] .
- Computer Associates International Inc. , Garden City , N.Y. , and Digital Equipment Corp. said 0 [ARG0 they] agreed *-1 to [ARGM-MNR jointly] [rel develop] [ARG1 software 0 *T*-2 to help *-3 manage Digital 's Vax computers] .
- AMERICAN BUILDING MAINTENANCE INDUSTRIES Inc. , San Francisco , provider of maintenance services , annual revenue of $ 582 million *U* , NYSE , had some damage to headquarters and lost phone service , but operations were moved *-2 to a branch office and are running smoothly thanks to [ARG1 a decentralized computer system] 0 [ARG0 the company] had [rel developed] *T*-1 [ARGM-TMP before the quake] .
- [ARGM-TMP During the past year] , [ARG0 Wang] has [rel developed] [ARG1 new products and a new strategy] and hired a new president .
- `` [ARGM-LOC On the comptroller side] , [ARG0 you] 're [rel developing] [ARG1 *RNR*-1] and making work *RNR*-1 financial controls governing a $ 6 billion *U* budget .
- A second phase of research , which *T*-2 is still being planned *-1 , will test reformulated gasolines on [ARG1 newer engine technologies] [ARGM-TMP now] being [rel developed] for [ARG4-for use in 1992 or 1993 cars] .
- Under bankruptcy law , [ARG0 Eastern] has exclusive rights *ICH*-1 for a certain period * to [rel develop] [ARG1 its own reorganization plan] .
- Similarly , the House agreed *-1 to add back $ 62 million *U* * to continue work on [ARG1 the advanced communications technology satellite] , being [rel developed] by [ARG0-by General Electric Co] .
- Analysts believe 0 [ARG0 the car makers] also will create joint ventures 0 * to [rel develop] [ARG1 new executive models] *T*-1 , * doubling Jaguar 's yearly output of 50,000 cars .
- Control Data also said 0 [ARG0 it] is [rel developing] [ARG1 what it called *T*-1 a `` supermainframe '' computer , the Cyber 2000 , intended * for scientists , engineers and other users of generalpurpose high-performance computers] .
- But while *-1 making the obvious point that [ARG0 both composers] [rel develop] [ARG1 variations] from [ARG2-from themes] , this comparison ignores the intensely claustrophobic nature of Mr. Glass 's music .
- It requires that `` discharges of pollutants '' into the `` waters of the United States '' be authorized *-1 by permits that *T*-2 reflect [ARG1 the effluent limitations] [rel developed] * [ARGM-LOC under section 301] .
- Even though National Geographic offers far more readers than does a magazine like Smithsonian *?* , `` the page costs [ARG0 you] an arm and a leg *-2 to [rel develop] [ARG1 any frequency] , '' says 0 *T*-1 Harry Glass , New York media manager for Bozell Inc .
- By 1982 , however , the patent status of the Lanier microcassette had changed , * permitting [ARG0 Dictaphone] to [rel develop] [ARG1 its own competitive micro system] , which it did *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 Mr. Paul] [ARGM-DIS thus] [rel developed] [ARG1 a close , symbiotic relationship] [ARGM-MNR with Sotheby 's] .
- [ARG0 The company] [rel develops] and markets [ARG1 products] for [ARG3-for the food service industry] .
- `` At this point , the minimill capacity wo n't make a great dent in the integrated market , but it does challenge [ARG0 them] *-1 to [rel develop] [ARG1 new markets] , '' says *T*-2 James McCall , vice president , materials , at Battelle , a technology and management-research giant based * in Columbus , Ohio .
- [ARG0 The operation , which *T*-2 has been slow *-4 to respond to consumers ' shifting tastes away from fried foods ,] has been [rel developing] [ARG1 a grilled-chicken product that *T*-3 may be introduced *-1 nationally at the end of next year] .
- [ARGM-PNC *-1 To help do this] , [ARG0 Mr. Palmer] [rel developed] [ARG1 a portable massage chair *ICH*-3] [ARGM-TMP three years ago] that he hopes 0 *T*-2 will bring `` structured touching '' into mainstream America .
- The messages resemble the Business Traveler , a daily dose of [ARG1 travel tips] [rel developed] * by [ARG0-by Mr. Bear] and sponsored * by travel agencies in several major cities .
- [ARG0 He] also professes an `` evangelical '' fervor 0 *T*-4 to [rel develop] [ARG1 a corporate culture that *T*-2 rewards managers who *T*-3 produce and where decision-making is shared *-1 *T*-5] .
- [ARG0 Elcotel] has [ARGM-DIS also] [rel developed] [ARG1 an automatic call processor that *T*-1 will make further use of the company 's system for * automating and handling credit-card calls and collect calls] .
- Himont faces lower prices for its mainstay product , polypropylene , while it goes forward with [ARG0 a heavy capital investment program] 0 *T*-2 to bolster its raw material supply and [rel develop] [ARG1 new uses for polypropylene , whose markets *T*-1 include the packaging and automobile industries] .
- The arrangement , reached * after about eight months of negotiations , grew out of [ARG0 80-lawyer Fenerty Robertson 's] desire * to [rel develop] [ARG1 ties with a U.S. firm] [ARGM-ADV in light of relaxed trade barriers between the U.S. and Canada] , said *T*-1 Francis M. Saville of Fenerty Robertson .
- [ARG0 She] will help [rel develop] [ARG1 the mass-media practice of the San Francisco-based firm 's communications group] .