frames- One group says 0 the futures contribute to stock market volatility ; the other contends that futures are [ARG1 a sideshow] of speculation that *T*-1 [rel detracts] from [ARG2-from the stock market 's basic function of * raising capital] .
- Dealers suggest that [ARG0 the only positive news] on the horizon that *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD could] [rel detract] [ARG1 attention] from [ARG2-from equities transactions] is September 's U.S. consumer price data .
- [ARG1 A harder sell] , says 0 *T*-1 John Kosar , the firm 's president , [ARGM-MOD would] `` [rel detract] from [ARG2-from the profession] . ''