frames- `` Feeding Frenzy '' -LRB- Henry Holt , 326 pages , $ 19.95 *U* -RRB- , a [ARGM-EXT highly] [rel detailed] [ARG1 account] of the Wedtech scandal , begins on a reassuring note .
- MiniScribe filed [ARG0 a status report] *ICH*-1 with the NASD on Monday , [rel detailing] [ARG1 its efforts * to comply with listing requirements] and requesting an extension of the exception , but has n't received a response .
- Sources said 0 a `` complex and [rel detailed] '' [ARG1 announcement] of a joint agreement between General Motors and Jaguar would be made *-1 by Jaguar `` some time in the next 2 1\/2 weeks .
- Mr. Phillips made his comments during [ARG0 an interview] [rel detailing] [ARG1 his plans for the agency] .
- `` First , they produced [ARG0 a flowchart] [rel detailing] [ARG1 the process by which an air-separation plant actually gets built *-2 *T*-1] .
- A key provision in the current version of the charter would give the commission a mandate 0 *T*-1 to produce [ARG0 an `` action program ''] [rel detailing] [ARG1 on what points EC member states would be required *-2 to comply with the goals set * out in the charter *T*-3] .
- And on Mr. Engelken 's 40th birthday , his wife bought [ARG0 a book] [rel detailing] [ARG1 the big homer] and sent it off to Mr. Thomson *-2 to be autographed *-1 .
- One would force brokerage houses to provide the SEC [rel detailed] [ARG1 information] about loans made * by their holding companies .
- These figures omit secondary guarantees , deposit insurance , and the activities of Government-Sponsored Enterprises -LRB- [ARG1 a huge concern] in its own right , as * [rel detailed] *-1 [ARGM-LOC on this page] [ARGM-TMP May 3] -RRB- .
- [ARG1 It] [ARGM-DIS also] was [rel detailed] *-1 [ARGM-LOC in Congressional testimony] [ARGM-TMP this past February] : An explosion at the Microbiology and Virology Institute in Sverdlovsk released anthrax germs that *T*-2 caused a significant number of deaths .
- Overall , the government contends that [ARG0 GE 's disclosure efforts] largely were intended *-1 to `` curry favor '' with Pentagon officials without *-2 [rel detailing] [ARG1 the extent of the management lapses and allegedly pervasive billing irregularities uncovered * by company investigations] .
- According to a [rel detailed] [ARG1 report] by [ARG0-by Zbigniew Bochniarz of the University of Minnesota 's Hubert Humphrey Institute] , 27 areas containing a third of Poland 's population are regarded *-1 as `` ecological hazards '' due to multiple violations of standards .
- I estimate that these mismeasurements as [ARG1 *] [rel detailed] *-1 by [ARG0-by Martin N. Baily and Robert J. Gordon] add a further 0.12 percentage point to the downward bias in the growth rate of real business product .
- The centers are complete with [ARG0 maps] [rel detailing] [ARG1 utility lines beneath rides and `` safe havens '' where people can be assembled *-1 away from major structures *T*-2] .
- When the company last considered *-2 adding the equipment two years ago *T*-1 , it estimated the cost at $ 21 million *U* to $ 22 million *U* , but a task force will have *-3 to prepare a [rel detailed] [ARG1 plan] before the company can predict the current cost .
- The letter , along with a [rel detailed] prosecution [ARG1 memo] , sat on the desks of Justice officials for months before the case died a quiet death .
- But while the NAHB has suggested actions that states and localities should take *T*-1 *-3 to reduce regulatory barriers , the association has proposed no activist legislative program -- comparable to , * say , its [rel detailed] [ARG1 request] for more federal subsidies -- 0 *T*-2 to eliminate counterproductive controls .
- Without [ARG0 *-1] [rel detailing] [ARG1 specific product breakdowns] , Nintendo credited its bullish upsurge in sales -- including advanced computer games and television entertainment systems -- to surging `` leisure-oriented '' sales in foreign markets .
- The group has n't yet released earnings figures for the first half of 1989 , nor has it made a [rel detailed] [ARG1 forecast] of its full-year earnings .