frames- South Korea has opened its market to foreign cigarettes but restricts advertising to [rel designated] [ARG1 places] .
- A specialist is [ARG1 an exchange member] [rel designated] * [ARG2 to maintain a fair and orderly market in a specified stock] .
- They transferred [ARG1 some $ 28 million *U*] from the Community Development Block Grant program [rel designated] * [ARGM-DIS largely] for [ARG2-for low - and moderate-income projects] and funneled it into such items as : -- $ 1.2 million *U* for a performing-arts center in Newark , -- $ 1.3 million *U* for `` job retention '' in Hawaiian sugar mills . -- $ 400,000 *U* for a collapsing utility tunnel in Salisbury , -- $ 500,000 *U* for `` equipment and landscaping 0 *T*-1 to deter crime and aid police surveillance '' at a Michigan park . -- $ 450,000 *U* for `` integrated urban data based * in seven cities . '' No other details . -- $ 390,000 *U* for a library and recreation center at Mackinac Island , Mich .
- The MIT project devised ways 0 for E-mail to be automatically categorized *-1 as top priority if it comes from certain [rel designated] [ARG1 senders] or requires action in the next couple of days *T*-2 .
- McCaw said 0 [ARG1 the three independent directors provided * for in the offer] [ARGM-MOD would] be [rel designated] *-1 by [ARG0-by the current board] .
- More than $ 1.8 million *U* is allocated *-1 for pensions and expenses for former presidents , and the budget for the official residence of Vice President Quayle is more than doubled *-2 , with [ARG1 $ 200,000 *U*] [rel designated] *-3 for [ARG2-for improvements to the property] .
- [ARG1 Two Air Force facilities near Sacramento , and Travis Air Force Base , 50 miles northeast of San Francisco ,] were [rel designated] *-1 [ARG2 to serve as medical-airlift centers] .
- And , for an extra $ 6 *U* , Land 's End will deliver orders within two days ; [ARG0 customers] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel designate] [ARG1 the day] .
- [ARGM-TMP Four years ago] , [ARG1 Pittsburgh] was [rel designated] *-1 [ARG2 the most-livable U.S. city] by [ARG0-by Rand McNally 's Places Rated Almanac] , and the honor did wonders *-2 to improve Pittsburgh 's soot-stained image .
- On Tuesday it approved [ARG0 Senator Bob Dole 's proposed commemorative resolution] [rel designating] [ARG1 April 24 , 1990 ,] as [ARG2-as the `` National Day of Remembrance of the 75th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide of 1915-1923 , '' suffered * at the hands of the warring Ottoman Empire] .
- [ARG1 Thomas M. Hurley and Robert A. Vanourek] , who *T*-2 had been [rel designated] *-3 [ARG2 to take over Recognition 's top spots had Prospect 's tender offer succeeded] , were named *-1 co-chief executives and directors .
- This law aids hurricane-wracked locales named * by the president as disaster areas , as well as [ARG1 regions] [ARGM-DIS so] [rel designated] [ARGM-TMP after other 1989 disasters] .
- It has been waging an all-out campaign * to beat back a proposal *ICH*-1 , pushed * by Utah bike groups , * to allow the cycles in [ARG0 federally] [rel designated] [ARG1 wilderness] areas , where they are now prohibited *T*-2 .
- Mr. Langton 's group , Concerned Off-Road Bicyclists Association , mounted petition drives 0 *T*-1 to help keep open [ARG1 certain Santa Monica Mountain trails] [rel designated] * for [ARG2-for closing] .
- While the practice was discouraged *-1 in the past , the conference agreement is laced *-2 with veterans ' hospitals , environmental projects and [ARG1 urban grants] [rel designated] * for [ARG2-for specific communities] .