frames- [ARG0 The powerful group , which *T*-1 represents many of the nation 's telemarketers ,] was instrumental in * [rel derailing] [ARG1 the 1987 bill] .
- Jaguar has been discussing an alliance with GM , but [ARG0 Ford 's move] [ARGM-MOD may] [rel derail] [ARG1 the talks] .
- [ARG1 Ramada 's previous plan] was [rel derailed] *-1 by [ARG0-by upheaval in the junk-bond market that *T*-2 hindered the offering of $ 400 million *U* in high-yield securities of Aztar Corp. , the new company that *T*-3 will operate Ramada 's casinos in Nevada and Atlantic City] ,
- In an effort [ARG0 *] to [rel derail] [ARG1 the buy-out] , the union has already called for investigations by the Securities and Exchange Commission , Transportation Department and Labor Department .
- Mr. Stanley 's arrest is the latest in a series of [ARG0 incidents] that *T*-1 threaten *-2 to [rel derail] [ARG1 Namibia 's elections] .