frames- They also said that [ARG0 vendors] were [rel delivering] [ARG1 goods] [ARGM-MNR more quickly *ICH*-1] [ARGM-TMP in October] than they had *?* for each of the five previous months .
- Mr. Einhorn of Goldman Sachs estimates 0 [ARG0 the stock market] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel deliver] [ARG1 a 12 % to 15 % *U* total return from appreciation and dividends *ICH*-1] [ARGM-TMP over the next 12 months] -- vs. a `` cash rate of return '' of perhaps 7 % or 8 % *U* if dividend growth is weak .
- Futures Contracts -- Obligations [ARG0 *] to buy -LRB- for those who *T*-1 have purchased a contract -RRB- or [rel deliver] -LRB- for those who *T*-2 sold one -RRB- [ARG1 a quantity of the underlying commodity or financial instrument] [ARGM-MNR at the agreed-upon price] [ARGM-TMP by a certain date] .
- Carnival said 0 the Fantasy , [ARG1 a 2,050-passenger ship] that *T*-3 was slated *-4 to be [rel delivered] *-2 [ARGM-TMP this month] , will be delivered *-1 in January .
- Carnival said 0 [ARG1 the Fantasy , a 2,050-passenger ship that *T*-3 was slated *-4 to be delivered *-2 this month ,] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel delivered] *-1 [ARGM-TMP in January] .
- [ARG1 A second ship] is now expected *-2 to be [rel delivered] *-1 [ARGM-TMP late next year or early in 1991] .
- Carnival had expected [ARG1 that ship] to be [rel delivered] *-1 [ARGM-TMP next fall] .
- With the harvest winding down , however , some analysts are speculating that prices might jump in some regions as U.S. exporters try *-1 to gather [ARG1 the corn] 0 [ARG0 they] are obligated *-3 to [rel deliver] *T*-2 .
- The Soviet Union wants [ARG1 much of it] [rel delivered] *-2 [ARGM-TMP by January] , which *T*-1 would be a strain in most years .
- Free markets , free minds and free elections have [ARG1 an appeal] that *T*-32 seems *-1 to get muddled *-3 [ARGM-TMP only when] * [rel delivered] *-4 [ARGM-MNR through U.N. organizations -- which of course *T*-33 are made *-5 up largely of governments that *T*-34 fear these principles at home] *T*-2 .
- Two of the 757-200s are [ARG1 new aircraft] 0 *T*-1 to be [rel delivered] *-78 to [ARG2-to American Trans Air , the main subsidiary of Amtran Inc. ,] [ARGM-TMP in December 1991 and January 1992] .
- The two units are Prentice Hall Information Services , which *T*-155 publishes tax , financial planning and business law information , among other services , and [ARG0 Prentice Hall Information Network] , which *T*-156 [ARGM-MNR electronically] [rel delivers] [ARG1 tax information] .
- The city 's Department of Consumer Affairs charged [ARG0 Newmark & Lewis Inc.] with * failing *-1 to [rel deliver] on [ARG1-on its promise of * lowering prices] .
- The company has no immediate plans * to close any operations , she said 0 *T*-1 , but Quotron may subcontract some work that it has been doing *T*-2 in-house , including refurbishment and production of Quotron 1000 equipment used * in [ARG0 *] [rel delivering] [ARG1 financial data] .
- [ARG0 The voters] [rel delivered] [ARG2 Mr. Gonzalez] [ARG1 a third mandate for his successes] .
- Although the company could see fourth-quarter revenue shrink by nearly $ 5 billion *U* if [ARG0 it] is n't able *-2 to [rel deliver] [ARG1 any more planes] [ARGM-TMP this year] , those dollars actually would just be deferred *-1 until 1990 .
- That means 0 Eastern , a unit of Texas Air Corp. of Houston , can go forward with its pitch for creditor approval as early as [ARGM-TMP today] , when [ARG0 it] is expected *-2 to [rel deliver] [ARG1 a revised reorganization plan] to [ARG2-to the committee] *T*-1 .
- `` [ARG0 We] 're committed *-2 to [rel deliver] [ARG1 the customer 's package] [ARGM-TMP by a stated time , usually 10:30] , '' notes *T*-3 Glenn Mortimer , a Federal Express courier who *T*-1 led the Natick team .
- Second , we trimmed more than a month off the time required * [ARG0 *] to [rel deliver] [ARG1 a finished product] . ''
- [ARG0 The Short Term Bond Fund , with an average maturity of 2 1\/2 years ,] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel deliver] [ARG1 a total return for one year of about 10.6 %] [ARGM-ADV if rates drop one percentage point] and a one-year return of about 6.6 % if rates rise by the same amount .
- [ARG0 The Short Term Bond Fund , with an average maturity of 2 1\/2 years ,] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel deliver] a total return for one year of about 10.6 % if rates drop one percentage point and [ARG1 a one-year return of about 6.6 %] [ARGM-ADV if rates rise by the same amount] .
- In the Gulf of Mexico , [ARG0 a boat] 0 *T*-1 to [rel deliver] [ARG1 supplies] to [ARG2-to offshore rigs] now costs around $ 3,000 *U* a day , up nearly 60 % since June .
- One of its `` more ambitious goals '' is * to get Jaime Escalante , the Los Angeles high-school mathematics teacher featured * in the film `` [ARG0 *] Stand and [rel Deliver] , '' to come to Harvard for a guest lecture .
- Miami-based Carnival said 0 [ARG1 the first of the three ships] is scheduled *-2 to be [rel delivered] *-1 [ARGM-TMP next month] , [ARGM-TMP just in time for the winter tourist season in the Caribbean] .
- [ARG1 The second ship] is scheduled *-2 to be [rel delivered] *-1 [ARGM-TMP in fall 1990] and the third in fall 1991 .
- One analyst said 0 [ARG1 the first ship] [ARGM-MOD probably] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel delivered] *-1 [ARGM-TMP close to schedule] , but that Carnival may have *-2 to pay up to 25 % more *-3 to get the second and third ships .
- An 8.5 % drop in North American factory sales of cars and trucks cut into revenue , and rebates to dealers and customers more than offset gains from price increases on [ARG1 1990 model vehicles] [rel delivered] * [ARGM-TMP during the period] , a GM spokesman said 0 *T*-1 .
- The problem for Congress will be *-3 to weigh what China is saying *T*-1 to its people against [ARG1 the more conciliatory message] 0 [ARG0 it] is [rel delivering] *T*-2 to [ARG2-to the Bush administration] .
- [ARG1 The first five leased units] were *-2 to be [rel delivered] *-1 [ARGM-TMP in 1991] .
- So much of the stuff *ICH*-1 poured into its Austin , Texas , offices that [ARG0 its mail rooms there] simply stopped *-2 [rel delivering] [ARG1 it] .
- The deluge has spurred cost-conscious companies to action , with [ARG0 mail rooms] throwing the stuff out rather than taking the time or money *-1 to [rel deliver] [ARG1 it] .
- [ARG1 Magazines] are [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel delivered] [ARGM-MNR at all] , [ARGM-ADV even if an individual 's name is listed *-1] ; employees who *T*-2 want their magazines have *-3 to pick them up from the mail room or the company library -- and are told *-3 to change the subscriptions to their home addresses .
- As of March 1 , [ARG0 its Flint office , with about 2,500 employees ,] stopped *-1 [rel delivering] [ARG1 bulk mail and non-subscription magazines] .
- `` We just do n't have [ARG0 the staff] 0 *T*-3 to -LCB- [rel deliver] -RCB- [ARG1 it] , nor do we have the space or the time , '' says *T*-2 a spokesman for the Schaumburg , Ill. , electronics company , which *T*-1 has 5,000 employees in the Austin area .
- Jack Ellis , a U.S. postal inspector in New York , says 0 [ARG0 the Postal Service 's] only job is * to [rel deliver] [ARG1 the mail] to [ARG2-to the mail room] ; once it gets there , a company can do with it what it wishes *T*-1 .
- General Motors earlier this year said 0 [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD would] [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel deliver] [ARG1 bulk mail or free magazines] [ARGM-LOC in its Flint , Mich. , office] , while Air Products & Chemicals , Allentown , Pa. , says 0 it screens junk mail and often throws out most of a given mass mailing .
- [ARG0 The FM radio band] , *-1 considered *-2 technically superior because it can carry stereo broadcasts , has cornered the airwaves for * [rel delivering] [ARG1 music] .
- There was also some fear that without Ivory Coast cocoa [ARG0 a large French cocoa merchant , Cie . Financiere Sucre et Denrees ,] might not be able *-2 to [rel deliver] [ARG1 cocoa] [ARGM-MNR against the contracts 0 it had sold *T*-1 earlier for December delivery in London] .
- This modification , apparently , would permit [ARG0 the French merchant] to [rel deliver] [ARG1 this cocoa] , [ARGM-DIS if necessary] , [ARGM-MNR against existing short positions] .
- [ARG0 It] aired 94.5 hours of mostly live events in Calgary -- * helping raise ratings slightly from 1984 -- but still failed *-1 to [rel deliver] [ARG1 the audience promised * to advertisers] .
- The disarray in the junk-bond market that *T*-1 began last month with a credit crunch at Campeau Corp. and the failure *ICH*-2 of [ARG0 banks] * to [rel deliver] [ARG1 financing for a leveraged buy-out of United Airlines parent UAL Corp.] has reverberated through some of the nation 's largest law firms .
- The law could redound to the advantage of [ARG0 brokers and banks] , who *T*-1 incur high administrative costs *-2 to [rel deliver] [ARG1 securities] to [ARG2-to investors] .
- Mercedes-Benz of North America Inc. , Grosse Pointe Shores , Mich. , estimated 0 it will sell about as many cars *ICH*-3 in 1990 as [ARG1 the 75,000] 0 [ARG0 it] expects *-1 to [rel deliver] *T*-2 [ARGM-TMP this year] .
- `` [ARG1 The others] [ARGM-MOD will] [ARGM-MOD probably] be [rel delivered] *-1 [ARGM-DIS as well] , but Carnival will likely have *-2 to pay a higher price for them . ''
- If [ARG1 the ships] are [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel delivered] *-2 , however , it will likely have an effect on the company 's earnings as soon as the 1990 fiscal year , which *T*-1 begins Dec. 1 .
- Carnival said 0 [ARG1 the `` Fantasy , '' the first of the three $ 200 million *U* ships that Carnival has *T*-2 on order ,] is scheduled *-3 to be [rel delivered] *-1 [ARGM-TMP next month] , [ARGM-TMP just in time for the winter tourist season in the Caribbean] .
- [ARG1 The second ship , which *T*-2 is half-completed ,] is scheduled *-3 to be [rel delivered] *-1 [ARGM-TMP in fall 1990] , and the third in fall 1991 .
- `` There 's a 99 % chance that [ARG1 the Fantasy] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel delivered] *-1 [ARGM-TMP close to schedule] , '' said *T*-2 Caroline Levy , an analyst at Shearson Lehman Hutton Inc .
- It does n't help that sometimes [ARG0 Ms. Rose 's language] fails *-1 to [rel deliver] [ARG1 the effect 0 she appears *-3 to want *T*-2] .
- A crowd estimated * at 100,000 held a torch-lit march through Budapest as [ARG0 Acting President Szuros] [rel delivered] [ARG1 a nationally televised address rejecting communist dominance] .
- Changing legislation has opened the field to thousands of inexperienced Soviet players , many who *T*-1 promise more than [ARG0 they] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel deliver] [ARG1 *?*] .
- [ARGM-LOC At a private dinner] [ARGM-TMP Thursday] , [ARG0 Drexel Burnham Lambert Inc. chief executive Frederick Joseph] [rel delivered] [ARG1 a sobering message about the junk bond market] to [ARG2-to officials of Prudential Insurance Co. of America] .
- [ARGM-CAU Because UPS drivers are n't permitted *-1 to load their own vehicles at the depot] , say 0 *T*-2 these couriers , [ARG1 packages] [ARGM-TMP often] get buried *-3 in the load and are [rel delivered] *-3 [ARGM-MNR late] .
- Like Mr. Brown , they sometimes go to surprising lengths *-1 to meet that overarching corporate goal : [ARG0 *] [rel delivering] [ARG1 the goods] [ARGM-TMP on time] .
- [ARGM-DIS And] , [ARGM-TMP at least once a show] , [ARG0 someone] [rel delivers] [ARG1 the line `` * Get off that soapbox] . ''
- Instead of *-2 paying for parking by * putting money in [ARG0 the existing machines] , which *T*-1 [rel deliver] [ARG1 little paper receipts] , drivers would be able *-2 to buy electronic cards in local tobacco shops .
- But it *EXP*-1 is n't clear that [ARG0 banks] would lend sufficient money * to [rel deliver] [ARG1 a big enough price] to [ARG2-to shareholders] .
- Commonwealth leaders issued a declaration giving [ARG0 South Africa] [ARGM-TMP six months] 0 * to [rel deliver] on [ARG1-on pledges * to ease apartheid] *T*-1 or face new reprisals .
- The latest developments in cold fusion research were presented *-1 in [ARG1 24 reports] [rel delivered] * [ARGM-LOC at the fall meeting here of the Electrochemical Society , the first scientific meeting in five months 0 *T*-2 to hear formal reports on cold fusion experiments] .
- When it comes to investing *T*-3 , * trying *-4 to weigh risk and reward can seem like * throwing darts blindfolded : Investors do n't know [ARG1 the actual returns] that [ARG0 securities] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel deliver] *T*-2 , or the ups and downs that *T*-1 will occur along the way .
- [ARG1 Mr. Lawson 's speech] , [rel delivered] * [ARGM-LOC at the Lord Mayor of London 's annual dinner at Mansion House] , came on the heels of a grueling period for the U.K. economy .
- Although Olivetti 's profits tumbled 40 % in the first half of this year , she believes 0 Olivetti 's restructuring last fall and its introduction of new products will begin *-1 to bear fruit with an earnings rebound next year , especially if [ARG0 it] can fulfill its promise * to [rel deliver] [ARG1 the new machines] [ARGM-TMP by December] .
- But Mr. Batchelder says that [ARG0 Citicorp 's] `` failure * to [rel deliver] '' on [ARG1-on its promise * to raise the UAL bank debt for a labor-management buy-out group] `` is very distressing to potential users of a ` highly-confident ' letter from commercial banks . ''
- But two big New York banks seem *-1 to have kicked those chances away , for the moment , with the embarrassing failure *ICH*-2 of [ARG0 Citicorp and Chase Manhattan Corp.] * to [rel deliver] [ARG1 $ 7.2 billion *U* in bank financing] [ARGM-PNC for a leveraged buy-out of United Airlines parent UAL Corp] .
- That was [ARG1 the message] [rel delivered] * by [ARG0-by government and private security experts] [ARGM-LOC at an all-day conference on corporate electronic espionage] .
- Instead , he says 0 *T*-1 , `` they were cautious , and that was n't [ARG1 the message] 0 [ARG0 we] wanted * to [rel deliver] *T*-2 '' on Monday .
- Even Sears , Roebuck & Co. is getting into the act , *-1 offering for the first time *-2 to have [ARG0 Federal Express] [rel deliver] [ARG1 toys ordered * by Dec. 20 from its Wish Book catalog] .
- When President Bush arrives here next week for a hemispheric summit organized * * to commemorate a century of Costa Rican democracy *T*-1 , will [ARG0 he] be able *-2 to [rel deliver] [ARG1 a credible message] in the wake of the Panamanian fiasco ?
- By *-1 buying futures contracts , these companies attempt *-1 to protect themselves from swings in the price of [ARG1 the corn] that [ARG0 they] are obligated *-3 to [rel deliver] *T*-2 .
- `` [ARG0 We] 're [rel delivering] [ARG1 a check for $ 750,000 *U*] to [ARG2-to an automotive business in Berkeley that *T*-1 burned on Tuesday] . ''
- Salespeople also could get a precise reading on [ARGM-TMP when] [ARG1 products] [ARGM-MOD could] be [rel delivered] *-1 *T*-2 -- in much the same way that Federal Express has marketed its ability * to tell exactly where a package is *T*-3 in the delivery system *T*-4 .
- Howard Bailit , a panel member and a vice president of Aetna Life & Casualty , said that utilization management will also do a better job of * containing costs as it spreads *-1 to cover [ARG1 medical services] [rel delivered] * [ARGM-LOC outside of hospitals] .
- And [ARG0 IBM] is n't expected *-1 to [rel deliver] [ARG1 a new generation of mainframes] [ARGM-TMP until 1991] .
- Still , no one expects [ARG0 IBM 's rivals] to [rel deliver] [ARG1 a knockout] .
- [ARG0 The company] has long struggled *-1 to [rel deliver] [ARG1 a strong mainframe-class product] , and made a costly decision *ICH*-2 in 1988 * to halt development of an interim product meant * to stem the revenue losses at the high end .
- [ARG0 Digital 's] failure * to [rel deliver] [ARG1 a true mainframe-class machine] [ARGM-TMP before now] may have cost the company as much as $ 1 billion *U* in revenue in fiscal 1989 , Mr. Willman says 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 Spiegel] promises a `` Guaranteed Christmas , '' with a pledge * to [rel deliver] [ARG1 goods] [ARGM-TMP before Christmas] [ARGM-ADV if * ordered *-1 by Dec. 20] .
- [ARGM-DIS And] , [ARGM-CAU for an extra $ 6 *U*] , [ARG0 Land 's End] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel deliver] [ARG1 orders] [ARGM-TMP within two days] ; customers can designate the day .
- [ARGM-LOC Here] [ARG0 she] [rel delivers] , [ARGM-TMP especially during her enthusiastically awful rendition of the `` Candy Man , '' which she sings *T*-2 while *-21 prancing around in a little cotton candy pink angora sweater that *T*-1 could n't be more perfect] .
- The agency did n't mention possible quantities and did n't say [ARGM-MNR how] [ARG1 the gas] [ARGM-MOD would] be [rel delivered] *-1 *T*-2 .
- DREYER'S GRAND ICE CREAM INC. , Oakland , ice cream maker , annual sales of $ 225 million *U* , OTC , said 0 [ARG0 it] is [rel delivering] [ARG1 ice cream] [ARGM-LOC wherever roads are passable *T*-1] .
- [ARG0 House Speaker Foley] ought *-1 to [rel deliver] [ARG1 that promise] .
- [ARGM-LOC Under the existing contract] , Rockwell said , [ARG0 it] has [ARGM-TMP already] [rel delivered] [ARG1 793 of the shipsets] to [ARG2-to Boeing] .
- [ARG0 Each speaker] was asked *-1 to address a specific topic , [ARGM-NEG not] [rel deliver] [ARG1 a point of view] .
- [ARGM-TMP By early May] , [ARG0 Moscow] had [rel delivered] , [ARGM-DIS for example] , [ARG1 1,000 trucks , about 100 tanks , artillery and hundreds of other combat vehicles] .
- When they determined that GM needed parts more quickly , Armco convinced a steel service center to build a processing plant nearby so [ARG1 shipments] [ARGM-MOD could] be [rel delivered] *-1 [ARGM-TMP within 15 minutes] .
- He said 0 Hydro-Quebec already has some `` customers *ICH*-2 in mind '' for [ARG1 the power] that *T*-3 was *-4 to be [rel delivered] *-1 to [ARG2-to Maine] .
- But in a letter sent * in August to Asia Development , Schroders said 0 the loan was terminated *-1 because [ARG0 the developer] had failed *-2 to [rel deliver] [ARG1 adequate financial data] and pay certain fees to the loan-management committee [ARGM-TMP on time] , according to officials close to the project .
- Although [ARG0 they] do n't contemplate *-1 [rel delivering] [ARG1 any disabling blows] , he says that Mr. Alexander will be asked *-2 to sign a release from liability , just in case .
- A spokesman for AMR Corp. said 0 Boeing has assured American Airlines 0 [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel deliver] [ARG1 a 757] [ARGM-TMP on time] [ARGM-TMP later this month] .
- [ARGM-TMP As of Friday] , [ARG1 four] had been [rel delivered] *-401 and a fifth plane , a 747-400 , was supposed *-1 to be flown *-2 out over the weekend to Air China .
- Mr. Otradovec said 0 Boeing told America West that [ARG1 the 757 0 it was supposed *-3 to get *T*-2 this Thursday] [ARGM-MOD would] [ARGM-NEG n't] be [rel delivered] *-1 [ARGM-TMP until Nov. 7 -- the day after the airline had been planning *-4 to initiate service at Houston with four daily flights , including three nonstops to Phoenix and one nonstop to Las Vegas] .
- [ARG1 The planes , long range versions of the medium-haul twin-jet ,] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel delivered] *-1 [ARGM-MNR with Pratt & Whitney PW4060 engines] .
- The exchange said 0 it feared that [ARG0 some members] would n't be able *-2 to find [ARG1 enough] soybeans * to [rel deliver] and would have *-2 to default on their contractual obligation to the Italian conglomerate , which *T*-1 had refused requests * to reduce its holdings .
- `` The capability *ICH*-1 of [ARG0 existing fields] to [rel deliver] [ARG1 oil] is dropping , '' and oil exploration activity is also down dramatically , as many producers shift their emphasis to natural gas , said 0 *T*-2 Ronald Watkins , vice president for government and industry relations with Interprovincial 's parent , Interhome Energy Inc .
- `` Wyse has done well *-3 establishing a distribution business , but [ARG0 they] have [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel delivered] [ARG1 products that *T*-1 sell] , '' said *T*-2 Kimball Brown , an analyst at Prudential-Bache Securities .
- [ARG0 He] flew to Dallas on Oct. 19 , when the market plummeted 508 points *T*-8 , but then turned around the next morning and returned to Washington without *-9 [rel delivering] [ARG1 his speech] .