frames- That is n't [ARG0 the $ 40 *U*] that *T*-1 [rel delighted] [ARG1 producers] [ARGM-TMP a decade ago] or the $ 10 *U* that *T*-2 pleased users a year ago .
- Mr. Corry expected [ARG0 the Texas Oil & Gas sale] to [rel delight] [ARG1 Mr. Icahn] by [ARG2-by *-1 addressing his concern about * boosting shareholder value] .
- FOR [ARG1 THOSE] WHO *T*-1 [rel DELIGHT] in [ARG2-in the misfortune of others] , * read on .
- * Concerning your Sept. 19 article `` Wall Street Firms Link Analysts ' Pay to Performance , '' [ARG1 I] 'm [rel delighted] [ARG0 that Wall Street is finally tuning in to the hard , cold facts of the real working world] .