frames- Earlier this week , [ARG0 Dr. Sullivan] tried *-1 to [rel defuse] [ARG1 these charges] [ARGM-MNR by *-4 stressing that candidates 0 *T*-2 to head the NIH and the CDC will be judged *-3 by `` standards of scientific and administrative excellence , '' not politics] .
- In order [ARG0 *-1] to [rel defuse] [ARG1 pressure for an amendment] , Mr. Mitchell and House Speaker Thomas Foley -LRB- D. , Wash . -RRB- had arranged for lawmakers to pass a statute barring flag desecration before *-2 voting on the constitutional change .
- [ARG0 Couple Counseling] Grows *-1 to [rel Defuse] [ARG1 Stress]
- [ARG0 Lawyers for dozens of insolvent savings and loan associations] are trying a new tack in their efforts * to [rel defuse] [ARG1 suits filed * by borrowers , developers and creditors] .