frames- The Treasury said 0 [ARG1 the U.S.] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel default] [ARGM-TMP on Nov. 9] [ARGM-ADV if Congress does n't act by then] .
- Exchange officials also point out that Hibor futures were designed *-1 for institutions and corporations , not for the type of [ARG1 small individual investors] who *T*-2 were very active in Hang Seng index futures and [rel defaulted] [ARGM-LOC in the 1987 crash] .
- Under the initial proposal , for example , banks would have been required *-2 to disclose that portion of allowances for loan losses that *T*-1 reflects specific letters of [ARG2 credit] for which [ARG1 customers] had [rel defaulted] *T*-3 .
- On Oct. 19 , [ARG1 Qintex Entertainment] was about *-1 to [rel default] on [ARG2-on a $ 5.9 million *U* payment owed * to MCA Inc. in connection with the distribution of a television program] .
- General Electric Pension took control of the 85-title library last month after [ARG1 Color Systems] [rel defaulted] on [ARG2-on the loan] .
- Mr. Lloyd said if [ARG1 Qintex] had [rel defaulted] it could have been required *-1 to repay $ 92 million *U* in debt under its loan agreements .
- In addition , they fear that banks have been overeager *-2 to issue cards to the public -- *-2 giving cards to [ARG1 too many big spenders] who *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD will] [rel default] [ARGM-TMP during a recession] .
- Newspapers are full of headlines about [ARG1 companies] [rel defaulting] on [ARG2-on their debts] and banks writing off real estate loans .
- The exchange said 0 it feared that [ARG1 some members] would n't be able *-2 to find enough soybeans * to deliver and would have *-2 to [rel default] on [ARG2-on their contractual obligation to the Italian conglomerate , which *T*-1 had refused requests * to reduce its holdings] .
- -- In June , two months before [ARG1 it] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel default] on [ARG2-on interest payments covering some of its $ 1.2 billion *U* of speculative debt securities] , New York-based Integrated Resources Inc. said 0 it ran out of borrowed money .
- -- [ARGM-TMP In September] , [ARGM-TMP just as the cash squeeze hit Campeau] , [ARG1 Lomas Financial Corp.] [rel defaulted] on [ARG2-on $ 145 million *U* of notes] and appeared unlikely *-1 to pay interest on a total of $ 1.2 billion *U* of debt securities .
- [ARGM-ADV *-2 Without cash from asset sales and unable * to reach a new bank-credit agreement] , [ARG1 Lomas] [rel defaulted] on [ARG2-on $ 145 million *U* in notes that *T*-1 became due Sept. 1] .