frames- But it does that at the cost of [ARG0 *] [rel deepening] [ARG1 the taxpayer 's exposure] [ARGM-ADV if the FHA is forced *-1 to pay for more loans going sour] .
- As the yen soared in recent years , [ARG1 Sansui 's] [rel deepening] financial problems became a vicious circle .
- The [rel deepening] [ARG1 bloodbath] for takeover-stock traders , who by then *T*-2 had seen UAL stock tumble 49 % since Oct. 12 , also triggered a marketwide sell-off that *T*-1 sent the Dow Jones Industrial Average down more than 80 points at 10:40 a.m .
- Winnebago Industries Inc. , battered * by a [rel deepening] [ARG1 slowdown] in recreational vehicle industry sales , reported a widened fourth-quarter loss and slashed its dividend in half .
- Winnebago posted a widened quarterly loss and slashed its dividend in half , * reflecting the [rel deepening] [ARG1 slowdown] in recreational vehicle sales .