frames- [ARG0 Supportive callers] [rel decried] [ARG1 unfair testing , not Mrs. Yeargin ,] [ARGM-LOC on a local radio talk show on which she appeared *T*-1] .
- [ARG0 Peter Anthony , who *T*-1 runs an employment agency in New York ,] [rel decries] [ARG1 program trading] as `` [ARG2-as * limiting the game to a few] , '' but he also is n't sure 0 it should be more strictly regulated *-2 .
- John Dingell demagogues a David Baltimore , animal-rights activists do $ 3.5 million *U* of damage to labs at the U.Cal-Davis , [ARG0 Meryl Streep] [rel decries] [ARG1 the horrors of chemistry] [ARGM-LOC on talk shows] , Jeremy Rifkin files lawsuits in federal court *-1 to thwart biotech experiments , and Dutch-elm-disease researcher Gary Strobel 's own colleagues at Montana State denounce him for `` * violating '' EPA rules .
- [ARG0 Economist David N. Laband 's Sept. 27 editorial-page article , `` In Hugo 's Path , a Man-Made Disaster , ''] [rel decries] [ARG1 the control of price gouging , swiftly ordered * by South Carolina 's governor after Hurricane Hugo] .
- [ARG0 NBC 's Mr. Wright] led the way in * [rel decrying] [ARG1 the networks ' inability * to match a Time-Warner combination] .