frames- The start of the whole process is the key - [ARG0 someone] [ARGM-MOD must] [ARGM-ADV fundamentally] increase or [rel decrease] [ARG1 his ownership in widgets] [ARGM-PNC *-1 to make widget prices move] .
- Japan-U.S. trade relations are bumpy these days , and [ARG0 some Japanese] favor *-3 [rel decreasing] [ARG1 their reliance on U.S. technology] in light of the FSX fighter-plane flap , when U.S. officials reversed an earlier decision and refused *-2 to share certain crucial fighter-plane technology *T*-1 .
- But [ARG1 interest] [ARGM-DIS instead] [rel decreased] .
- [ARG1 Her share] [rel decreases] [ARGM-MNR *NOT*] , but only slightly . ''
- He said 0 there was n't any way 0 * to detect the flaw at that time *T*-1 , and that the process has since been changed *-2 [ARG0 *] to [rel decrease] [ARG1 the chance that such flaws would occur] .
- Instead , the Dunde ice-core record shows increasing temperatures from 1900 through the early 1950s , [rel decreasing] [ARG1 temperatures] from the late 1950s through the mid-1970s , then higher temperatures again through last year .
- Should we focus on the region 's infant-mortality rate when the vocal right-wingers and the school boards , mayors and legislators prohibit [ARG0 schools] from *-1 teaching the two ways -LRB- abstinence or contraceptives -RRB- of * [rel decreasing] [ARG1 teen pregnancy] ?
- [ARGM-ADV If * approved *-1 at a shareholder meeting in December] , [ARG1 the number of shares outstanding] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel decrease] to [ARG4-to five million] from [ARG3-from 50 million] , and par value would rise to 10 cents from a penny .
- [ARGM-ADV While his company 's hotel is building a retail complex in Beverly Hills style and redoing existing rooms] , [ARG0 it] has [rel decreased] [ARG1 the number of its rooms] .
- [ARG1 Raw-steel production by the nation 's mills] [rel decreased] [ARG2-EXT 0.7 %] [ARGM-TMP last week] to [ARG4-to 1,816,000 tons] from [ARG3-from 1,828,000 tons] the previous week , the American Iron and Steel Institute said 0 *T*-1 .
- `` [ARG1 Corporate profits] are going *-1 to [rel decrease] [ARGM-MNR faster than interest rates will fall] , and the probability is that we 'll see negative economic growth in the fourth quarter . ''
- Mr. Terra said in the filing that [ARG0 he] sold the stock *-1 to [rel decrease] [ARG1 his position in the Evanston , Ill. , banking concern] .
- The study , which *T*-1 received funding from Upjohn Co. , which *T*-2 makes several drugs 0 *T*-3 to treat stress-related illnesses , also found 0 47 % of the managers said 0 stress , anxiety and depression contribute to [rel decreased] [ARG1 production] .
- [ARG1 The size of the issue] was [rel decreased] *-1 from [ARG3-from an originally planned $ 95.2 million *U*] .
- [ARG1 Advertising volume at the company 's 35 regional newspapers] [rel decreased] [ARG2-EXT 1.1 %] .
- [ARGM-DIS Instead] , Valhi said 0 *T*-1 , [ARG0 they] [ARGM-MOD may] increase , [rel decrease] or retain [ARG1 their Lockheed holdings] , [ARGM-ADV depending on a number of conditions] .
- These high-yielding loans in effect replaced some low-yielding assets such as [ARG1 inter-bank loans] , which *T*-1 were allowed *-2 to [rel decrease] .
- [ARG0 U.S. auto makers] plan *-1 to [rel decrease] [ARG1 car production] [ARG2-EXT 10.4 %] [ARGM-TMP in the fourth quarter] , [ARGM-MNR with virtually all the decline coming from the Big Three] .
- * Perhaps most prominent , Dow Chemical Co. , which as of midyear *T*-1 had racked up eight consecutive record quarters , is expected *-2 to report that [ARG1 profit] [rel decreased] [ARGM-TMP in the latest quarter] from [ARG3-from a year earlier] , [ARGM-ADV if only by a shade] .