frames- The prime minister , whose hair *T*-298 is thinning and gray and whose face *T*-299 has a perpetual pallor , nonetheless continues *-1 to display an energy , a precision of thought and a willingness * to say publicly what [ARG1 most other Asian leaders] [rel dare] [ARG2 *-2 say *T*-300 only privately] .
- [ARG1 The Conservatives] do [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel dare] *-1 [ARG2 jeopardize marginal Tory seats in Coventry , where Jaguar has headquarters *T*-2] , nor can the government easily back down on promised protection for a privatized company while it proceeds with controversial plans * to privatize most of Britain 's water and electricity industries .
- He last made waves when [ARG1 he] [rel dared] [ARG2 *-3 to defend an Indian girl who *T*-2 had been adopted *-1 by non-Indian parents off her reservation] .
- At least when the stakes are high *T*-1 , uncertainty in turn results in overinclusion , as [ARG1 individuals] do [ARGM-NEG not] [rel dare] *-2 to [ARG2 approach an uncertain line closely] .