frames- Legislation 0 *T*-1 to lift the debt ceiling is ensnarled *-11 in the fight over [ARG0 *] [rel cutting] [ARG1 capital-gains taxes] .
- [ARG0 Magna] [ARGM-TMP recently] [rel cut] [ARG1 its quarterly dividend] in [ARG2-in half] and the company 's Class A shares are wallowing far below their 52-week high of 16.125 Canadian dollars -LRB- US$ 13.73 *U* -RRB- .
- They expect [ARG0 him] to [rel cut] [ARG1 costs] [ARGM-LOC throughout the organization] .
- [ARG0 GOODY PRODUCTS Inc.] [rel cut] [ARG1 its quarterly dividend] to [ARG4-to five cents a share] from [ARG3-from 11.5 cents a share] .
- The Kearny , N.J.-based maker of hair accessories and other cosmetic products said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel cut] [ARG1 the dividend] [ARGM-CAU due to its third-quarter loss of $ 992,000 *U* , or 15 cents a share] .
- Signs of a slowing economy are increasing pressure *ICH*-2 on [ARG0 the Federal Reserve] * to [rel cut] [ARG1 short-term interest rates] , but it *EXP*-1 is n't clear whether the central bank will do so .
- [ARG0 The Fed] [rel cut] [ARG1 the key federal funds interest rate] by [ARG2-by about 0.25 percentage point] to [ARG4-to 8.75 %] [ARGM-TMP after the Oct. 13 stock market plunge] , but has shown no sign of movement since .
- But despite partisan bickering over the debt ceiling , which *T*-177 has become entangled in the fight over [ARG0 *] [rel cutting] [ARG1 capital-gains taxes] , Congress is almost certain *-1 to act in time 0 * to avoid default *T*-3 .
- But with the end of the year in sight , [ARG0 money managers] are eager *-1 to take profits and [rel cut] [ARG1 their risks of *-2 losing what for many *T*-178 have been exceptionally good returns in]
- J. Landis Martin , NL president and chief executive officer , said 0 [ARG0 NL and Mr. Simmons] [rel cut] [ARG1 the price *ICH*-2 0 they were proposing *T*-1 for Georgia Gulf] [ARGM-CAU because they initially planned a transaction that *T*-180 included about $ 250 million *U* in equity and a substantial amount of high-yield subordinated debt] .
- As [ARG0 banks '] earnings were squeezed *-122 in the mid-1970s , the emphasis switched to * finding ways 0 * to [rel cut] [ARG1 costs] *T*-1 .
- *-64 Founded as the Examiner in 1903 by Mr. Hearst , the Herald was crippled *-64 by [ARG0 a bitter , decade-long strike] that *T*-1 began in 1967 and [rel cut] [ARG1 circulation] in [ARG2-in half] .
- [ARG1 The antitrust staffs of both the FTC and Justice Department] were [rel cut] *-87 [ARG2-EXT more than 40 %] [ARGM-TMP in the Reagan administration] , and enforcement of major merger cases fell off drastically during that period .
- [ARGM-ADV As a part of overall efforts * to reduce spending] , [ARG0 Congress] [rel cut] by [ARG2-by $ 30 million *U*] [ARG1 the Bush administration 's request for antitrust enforcement for fiscal 1990 , which *T*-81 began Oct. 1] .
- [ARGM-LOC Under measures approved * by both houses of Congress] , [ARG1 the administration 's request for $ 47 million *U* for the Antitrust Division] [ARGM-MOD would] be [rel cut] *-84 [ARG2-EXT $ 15 million *U*] .
- [ARG1 The FTC budget request of $ 70 million *U* , about $ 34 million *U* of which *T*-1 would go for antitrust enforcement ,] [ARGM-MOD would] [ARGM-DIS also] be [rel cut] *-85 by [ARG2-by $ 15 million *U*] .
- The earnings growth also was fueled *-1 by [ARG0 the company 's] ability * to [rel cut] [ARG1 net financing spending] by [ARG2-by half] to [ARG4-to around 15 million guilders] .
- The Michigan Democrat 's proposal , which *T*-4 is expected *-2 today , is described *-1 by government sources and lobbyists as significantly weaker than [ARG0 the Bush administration 's] plan * to [rel cut] [ARG1 utility emissions that *T*-3 lead to acid rain] .
- Dell Computer Corp. said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel cut] [ARG1 prices on several of its personal computer lines] by [ARG2-by 5 % to 17 % *U*] .
- The company 's proposal * to sell a 20 % stake in its real-estate unit for around $ 400 million *U* has caused [ARG0 analysts] to consider whether *-1 to [rel cut] [ARG1 their estimates of Santa Fe 's asset value] .
- The Democrat 's proposal is described *-1 by government sources and lobbyists as significantly weaker than [ARG0 the president 's] plan * to [rel cut] [ARG1 utility emissions] .
- [ARG0 The Fed] is coming under pressure * to [rel cut] [ARG1 short-term interest rates] [ARGM-CAU due to the apparent slowing of the economy] .
- Other big common holders are Carl Lindner 's American Financial , investor Irwin Jacobs and Pacific Financial Research , though [ARG0 the latter] [rel cut] [ARG1 its stake] [ARGM-TMP this summer] .
- [ARG0 The Army Corps] is [rel cutting] [ARG1 the flow of the Missouri River] [ARGM-TMP about two weeks earlier than normal] [ARGM-CAU because of low water levels in the reservoirs that *T*-1 feed it] .
- [ARGM-ADV According to some estimates] , [ARG0 the rule changes] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel cut] [ARG1 insider filings] by [ARG2-by more than a third] .
- Some components of the American church had [ARG1 their budgets] [rel cut] in [ARG2-in half] last year and again this year .
- Transport giant TNT , which *T*-230 owns half of one of the country 's two major domestic carriers , said 0 [ARG0 the cost of the dispute] had been heavy , * [rel cutting] [ARG1 TNT 's profits] [ARG2-EXT 70 %] to [ARG4-to $ 12 million *U*] [ARGM-TMP in the three months to Sept. 30] .
- [ARG0 Nissan] [ARGM-DIS instead] has kept its new Stanza a bit smaller than that and [rel cut] [ARG1 the base price] [ARG2-EXT 6 %] ; at $ 11,450 *U* , Stanza prices start $ 749 *U* below the predecessor model yet have a more-powerful engine .
- [ARG0 Nissan] has increased earnings more than market share by *-1 [rel cutting] [ARG1 costs] and by *-1 taking advantage of a general surge in Japanese car sales .
- Aside from the Soviet economic plight and talks on [ARG0 *] [rel cutting] [ARG1 strategic and chemical arms] , one other issue 0 the Soviets are likely *-2 to want *-3 to raise *T*-1 is naval force reductions .
- They argue that as [ARG0 the Kremlin] follows through on announced plans * to [rel cut] [ARG1 land forces -- the Soviets ' area of greatest strength --] the U.S. should show more willingness * to cut sea forces -- Washington 's area of greatest superiority .
- They argue that as the Kremlin follows through on announced plans * to cut land forces -- the Soviets ' area of greatest strength -- [ARG0 the U.S.] should show more willingness * to [rel cut] [ARG1 sea forces -- Washington 's area of greatest superiority] .
- [ARG0 He] ultimately became so well-known for * [rel cutting] [ARG1 compensation] , however , that clients did n't seek him out for anything else .
- Plant operators are heartened *-1 by [ARG0 Mr. Ruffo 's] pledge * to [rel cut] [ARG1 corruption associated * with the ruling party officials] .
- Moreover , [ARG0 production runs] would be longer , * [rel cutting] [ARG1 inefficiencies] from [ARG2-from * adjusting machinery between production cycles] .
- [ARG0 A report *ICH*-1 late yesterday that the Chicago-area purchasing managers survey showed increased economic activity in that part of the country] [rel cut] into [ARG2-into bond-price gains] .
- Senate leaders traded proposals aimed * at * speeding action on legislation 0 *T*-1 to narrow the deficit and raise the federal government 's debt limit -- but the major stumbling block remains [ARG0 President Bush 's] proposal * to [rel cut] [ARG1 the capital-gains tax rate] .
- A spokesman for underwriters Salomon Brothers Inc. said 0 [ARG0 Beatrice] [rel cut] [ARG1 its high-yield offering] to [ARG4-to $ 251 million *U*] from [ARG3-from a planned $ 350 million *U*] [ARGM-TMP after it *EXP*-2 became clear 0 the company would have *-1 to give investors higher yields] .
- In late May , [ARG0 Newmark & Lewis] announced a plan * to [rel cut] [ARG1 prices] [ARG2-EXT 5 % to 20 %] and eliminate what it called *T*-166 a `` standard discount-retailing practice '' of * negotiating individual deals with customers .
- Petroleum companies were also popular because of expectations of [ARG0 a weaker dollar] , which *T*-208 [rel cuts] [ARG1 dollar-denominated crude-oil prices] .
- [ARG0 Another major firm] has [rel cut] [ARG1 6,000 workers , 13 % of its staff ,] [ARGM-TMP since Black Monday] .
- [ARG0 Large cash positions] help buffer funds from market declines but [ARGM-MOD can] [rel cut] down on [ARG1-on gains] [ARGM-LOC in rising markets] .
- Chrysler has also launched [ARG0 a $ 1 billion *U* cost-cutting program] that *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD will] [rel cut] [ARG1 about 2,300 white-collar workers] from [ARG2-from the payroll] [ARGM-TMP in the next few months] .
- [ARG0 Quotron Systems Inc.] plans *-1 to [rel cut] [ARG1 about 400 , or 16 % , of its 2,500 employees] [ARGM-TMP over the next several months] .
- [ARG0 He] could do more *-1 to [rel cut] [ARG1 public subsidies and transfers] , thus *-1 making funds available for public services starved * of money for six years .
- [ARG1 The number of workers in production sectors] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel cut] *-1 by [ARG2-by 488] , to [ARG4-to 5,200] [ARGM-TMP by September] .
- [ARGM-LOC At Continental] [ARG0 he] [rel cut] [ARG1 money-losing operations] , which *T*-1 helped *-2 produce a modest profit in this year 's second quarter .
- TransCanada PipeLines Ltd. said 0 [ARG0 it] plans *-1 to shift its headquarters to Calgary , Alberta , from Toronto next year *-2 to [rel cut] [ARG1 costs] and be closer to the upstream natural-gas industry .
- The tax payments will leave Unisys with $ 225 million *U* in [ARG0 loss carry-forwards] that *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD will] [rel cut] [ARG1 tax payments] [ARGM-TMP in future quarters] .
- So Steve Milunovich at First Boston said 0 [ARG0 he] is [rel cutting] [ARG1 his earnings estimate for next year] to [ARG4-to $ 2 *U* a share] from [ARG3-from $ 3 *U*] .
- If the pound had been tied to the mark , [ARG0 the British] would have been unable *-1 to [rel cut] [ARG1 their exorbitant tax rates] .
- When [ARG0 a country] [rel cuts] [ARG1 tax rates] *T*-1 , it makes itself more attractive to investors and drives up the value of its currency .
- It was fear of * disturbing EMS exchange-rate relationships that *T*-1 caused [ARG0 the Chirac government in France] to be timid about *-2 [rel cutting] [ARG1 tax rates] .
- The British balance-of-payments statistics show that after [ARG1 the top tax rate] was [rel cut] *-1 to [ARG4-to 40 %] , the flow abroad of British capital slowed , to 50 billion pounds -LRB- $ 79 billion *U* at the current rate -RRB- in 1988 from 93 billion pounds in 1986 .
- When [ARG0 Mrs. Thatcher] [rel cut] [ARG1 the top tax rate] to [ARG4-to 40 %] *T*-1 , Mr. Lawson flooded the country with money *-2 to prevent the pound from *-3 rising against the mark .
- [ARG0 A major goal] is * to [rel cut] [ARG1 the working week] to [ARG4-to 35 hours] from [ARG3-from the present 37] .
- A partisan fight over [ARG0 *] [rel cutting] [ARG1 capital-gains taxes] has slowed the progress of 1990 deficit-reduction legislation almost to a halt , *-1 triggering across-the-board spending cuts under the Gramm-Rudman law .
- [ARG0 Market makers] , *-2 to [rel cut] [ARG1 costs] , slashed inventories of stocks 0 they keep *T*-1 on hand 0 * to sell investors *T*-6 when other holders are n't selling *T*-3 .
- Congress sent to Bush [ARG0 an $ 8.5 billion *U* military construction bill] that *T*-1 [rel cuts] [ARG1 spending for new installations] by [ARG2-by 16 %] .
- But there may be another problem with the device : Despite all the political angst 0 it would cause *T*-1 , [ARG0 it] might n't be effective in * [rel cutting] [ARG1 the deficit] .
- But [ARG0 Mr. Luzon] has moved swiftly *-1 to streamline bureaucracy , [rel cut] [ARG1 costs] , increase capital and build up new areas of business .
- [ARG0 General Motors Corp. 's general counsel] hopes *-1 to [rel cut] [ARG1 the number of outside law firms 0 the auto maker uses *T*-2] from [ARG3-from about 700] to [ARG4-to 200] [ARGM-TMP within two years] .
- In an open letter that *T*-1 will run today in the trade journal Automotive News , Ron Tonkin , president of the National Car Dealers Association , says 0 [ARG0 dealers] [ARGM-MOD should] [rel cut] [ARG1 their inventories] to [ARG4-to no more than half the level traditionally considered * desirable] .
- Even before Mr. Tonkin 's broadside , some large dealers said 0 [ARG0 they] were [rel cutting] [ARG1 inventories] .
- Costa Rica reached [ARG0 an agreement *ICH*-1] with its creditor banks that *T*-2 is expected *-3 to [rel cut] [ARG1 that government 's $ 1.8 billion *U* in bank debt] by [ARG2-by as much as 60 %] .
- In recent weeks , warm and dry weather has sped the Midwest harvest and that is permitting farmers to rebuild [ARG1 the stockpiles] that *T*-2 were [rel cut] *-1 by [ARG0-by the 1988 drought] .
- The reductions should be complete by the end of the year , a spokesman said 0 *T*-3 , *-4 adding that [ARG1 the exact number] 0 *T*-5 to be [rel cut] *-2 has n't been determined *-1 .
- [ARG0 Mobil] is [rel cutting] back [ARG1 its U.S. oil and gas exploration and production group] by [ARG2-by up to 15 %] [ARGM-ADV as part of a restructuring of the business] .
- Mobil , which *T*-1 said 0 [ARG0 it] plans *-2 to [rel cut] [ARG1 its exploration and production work force] by [ARG2-by about 8 %] [ARGM-LOC in a restructuring] , dropped 5\/8 to 56 1\/8 .
- Congress sent to President Bush [ARG0 an $ 8.5 billion *U* military construction bill] that *T*-1 [rel cuts] [ARG1 spending for new installations] by [ARG2-by 16 %] [ARGM-ADV while *-2 revamping the Pentagon budget *-3 to move more than $ 450 million *U* from foreign bases to home-state projects] .
- [ARG1 Total Pentagon requests for installations in West Germany , Japan , South Korea , the United Kingdom and the Philippines] , [ARGM-DIS for example] , are [rel cut] *-1 by [ARG2-by almost two-thirds] , [ARGM-ADV while lawmakers added to the military budget for construction in all but a dozen states at home] .
- The appetite for oil-service stocks has been especially strong , although some got hit yesterday when [ARG0 Shearson Lehman Hutton] [rel cut] [ARG1 its short-term investment ratings on them] *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 Futures] , he says 0 *T*-1 , [ARGM-ADV merely] [rel cut] down on [ARG2-on trading costs] .
- The Knight Foundation , of Akron , Ohio , has established a national commission 0 *T*-1 to look into college-sports reform , and [ARG0 the NCAA Presidents Commission] earlier this month recommended * [rel cutting] [ARG1 spring football practice] in [ARG2-in half] , moving the start of basketball practice back by a month and reducing maximum schedules in that sport to 25 games from 28 .
- Mr. Cole said 0 the sale of the 77-year Financial Times , which Southam has owned *T*-1 since 1961 , is consistent with [ARG0 Southam 's] strategy of * [rel cutting] [ARG1 costs] *-2 [ARGM-PNC to obtain maximum profits from its operations while *-3 disposing of `` chronically under-performing '' assets] .
- This year , [ARG0 it] has moved *-1 to [rel cut] [ARG1 costs in its newspaper division] through [ARG2-through layoffs and asset sales] , [ARGM-TMP while *-2 reaching joint venture and acquisition agreements in other areas] .
- If *-1 elected *-2 , [ARG0 Mr. Dinkins] will probably have no choice but *-1 to raise taxes on overburdened businesses or [rel cut] [ARG1 spending in already under-serviced neighborhoods] .
- *-1 Noting that Sweden wound up *-2 wasting state subsidies of about 35 billion Swedish kronor -LRB- $ 5.47 billion *U* -RRB- during the 1970s in a vain attempt * to salvage its shipbuilding industry , one analyst suggested that [ARG0 Mr. Suominen] may have decided *-3 to [rel cut] [ARG1 Finland 's losses] [ARGM-TMP once and for all] .
- For many companies , [ARG0 the instinctive first response] is * to [rel cut] [ARG1 costs] .
- [ARG0 Some companies] are [rel cutting] [ARG1 costs] and hoping for the best .
- [ARG0 GM , Ford and Chrysler] have [ARGM-TMP already] [rel cut] [ARG1 fourth-quarter U.S. output plans] [ARG2-EXT an estimated 15 %] from [ARG3-from 1988 levels] .
- [ARG0 An 8.5 % drop in North American factory sales of cars and trucks] [rel cut] into [ARG2-into revenue] , and rebates to dealers and customers more than offset gains from price increases on 1990 model vehicles delivered * during the period , a GM spokesman said 0 *T*-1 .
- `` [ARG0 I] [rel cut] [ARG1 my losses] and ran , '' she says *T*-1 , from her new home in Colorado , where she is busy *-3 remodeling *T*-2 .
- * Regarding your Sept. 28 Politics & Policy column on the party differences over [ARG0 *] [rel cutting] [ARG1 capital gains] or expanding IRAs : Why not compromise now and save the public from the coming infantile congressional political rhetoric that *T*-1 seems *-2 to go hand in hand with the process ?
- [ARG0 It] 's focused on * streamlining '' PWA 's fleet in a bid * to [rel cut] [ARG1 training and aircraft servicing costs] , the analyst said 0 *T*-1 .
- Mr. Greenspan also said that although [ARG0 he] favors * [rel cutting] [ARG1 capital-gains taxes] [ARGM-ADV as sound economic policy] , he would oppose such a move if it would undo the political compromise embodied * in the Tax Reform Act of 1986 and result in higher marginal income tax rates .
- But the Fed is n't enthusiastic about Treasury efforts * to bring down the value of the dollar through intervention in foreign-exchange markets , and the Treasury is frustrated *-1 at [ARG0 the Fed 's] reluctance * to [rel cut] [ARG1 interest rates] [ARGM-PNC *-2 to pull down the dollar 's value] .
- [ARG0 Several leveraged funds] do n't want *-3 to [rel cut] [ARG1 the amount 0 they borrow *T*-1] because it would slash the income 0 they pay shareholders *T*-2 , fund officials said 0 *T*-4 .
- Among other things , the industry is trying *-2 to come up with [ARG0 standardized business lists] that *T*-1 [rel cut] down on [ARG1-on duplications] .
- [ARG0 Senate Democrats] who *T*-1 favor *-3 [rel cutting] [ARG1 the capital-gains tax] are n't ready *-2 to line up behind the leading Senate proposal .
- And at a luncheon meeting Tuesday of Democratic senators , there was outspoken opposition to [ARG0 *] [rel cutting] [ARG1 the capital-gains tax] [ARGM-TMP this year] , according to participants .
- `` There is a one-out-of-three shot of * getting it this year , '' said *T*-1 Sen. David Boren of Oklahoma , a leading Democratic proponent of [ARG0 *] [rel cutting] [ARG1 the capital-gains tax] .
- At the same time , investors estimate 0 [ARG0 the restructuring] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel cut] [ARG1 the company 's annual cash interest bill] from [ARG3-from about $ 90 million *U*] to [ARG4-to $ 85 million *U*] .
- [ARG0 FEDERAL COURTS] URGED *-1 *-3 to [rel cut] [ARG1 costs *RNR*-2] and reduce delays *RNR*-2 of civil suits .
- As the head of the House conferees , Rep. Aspin has been under intense pressure *ICH*-1 from his colleagues * to reject [ARG0 Senate provisions] that *T*-15 [ARGM-MOD would] have [ARGM-MNR abruptly] [rel cut] [ARG1 further F-14 production] .
- President Bush and other supporters of SDI will be able *-2 to take credit for *-3 blocking [ARG0 House] efforts * to [ARGM-MNR significantly] [rel cut] [ARG1 the program * to develop a space-based antimissile system , which *T*-1 already has cost some $ 17 billion *U*] .
- The manufacturers said 0 14.2 % of their spending is designed *-1 to improve products or add new ones , [ARG0 17.5 %] is * to [rel cut] [ARG1 costs] , 12.5 % is for research and development , and the rest is for maintenance and other purposes .
- Among them are *T*-2 [ARG0 the shipbuilders] , which *T*-1 had halved their shipyard work forces *-3 to [rel cut] [ARG1 costs] during a prolonged slump in demand but now are capturing an increased share of the strengthening global market .
- The ministers , concluding a two-day meeting in southern Portugal , welcomed [ARG0 Moscow 's] pledges * to [rel cut] [ARG1 its military forces] , but urged the Soviets *-1 to do more * to slash short-range nuclear weapons .
- DLJ argues that [ARG0 TW] [ARGM-MOD could] [ARGM-DIS , if necessary ,] [rel cut] [ARG1 capital spending] , [ARGM-ADV since half of what it plans *-2 to spend *T*-1 is for `` growth , '' rather than maintenance] .
- Jay Stevens of Dean Witter Reynolds Inc. said 0 [ARG0 he] [ARGM-MOD may] [rel cut] [ARG1 his earnings estimate for the current fiscal year] [ARGM-ADV because he had expected at least some mainframe profit this year] .
- IBM has already indicated 0 it will have problems in the quarter , partly because of a delay in * shipping a high-end disk drive and partly because [ARG0 the strong dollar] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel cut] [ARG2-EXT significantly] [ARG1 the value of IBM 's overseas earnings when * translated *-1 into dollars *T*-2] .
- [ARG0 This] [rel cuts] down [ARGM-MNR greatly] on [ARG1-on labor] , Mr. Buchner said 0 *T*-1 .
- But all funding *ICH*-3 is cut *-1 for the Philippines , and [ARG1 projects in South Korea] are [rel cut] *-2 to [ARG4-to $ 13.6 million *U* , or less than a sixth of the administration 's request] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG1 all funding *ICH*-3] is [rel cut] *-1 for the Philippines , and projects in South Korea are cut *-2 to $ 13.6 million *U* , or less than a sixth of the administration 's request .
- Meanwhile , [ARG0 House-Senate negotiators] have tentatively agreed on a $ 3.18 billion *U* anti-drug and anti-crime intitiative , *-2 [rel cutting] [ARG1 other federal spending] [ARG2-EXT 0.43 %] [ARGM-PNC *-1 to pay for it] .
- [ARG0 He] [rel cut] [ARG1 his rating] to [ARG4-to a short-term hold] from [ARG3-from above-average performer] and reduced his 1990 earnings estimate .
- Of 1,224 companies surveyed * , [ARG0 31 % *T*-1] expect *-2 to [rel cut] [ARG1 spending on plant equipment and machinery] , while only 28 % *T*-1 plan *-3 to spend more .
- [ARGM-TMP In recent weeks] , [ARG0 airlines] have [rel cut] [ARG1 numerous fares] [ARGM-LOC in leisure markets] [ARGM-PNC *-1 to try *-2 to win back customers] .
- The naming of FCB\/Leber Katz Partners as agency of record for Nabisco Brands Inc. and Planters LifeSavers Co. follows RJR Nabisco 's announcement *ICH*-1 last week that [ARG0 it] will disband its RJR Nabisco Broadcast division and dismiss its 14 employees Dec. 1. *-2 to [rel cut] [ARG1 costs] .
- Economists said 0 the bond market 's strength also is a sign that investors expect [ARG0 the Federal Reserve] to [rel cut] [ARG1 interest rates] [ARGM-LOC amid growing evidence that the economy is slowing] .
- Earlier this year , Japan said 0 [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel cut] [ARG1 the number of its drift-net vessels in the South Pacific] by two-thirds , or down to [ARG4-to 20] .
- Earlier this year , Japan said 0 [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel cut] [ARG1 the number of its drift-net vessels in the South Pacific] by [ARG2-by two-thirds] , or down to 20 .
- [ARG0 Lang] is [rel cutting] [ARG1 costs] and will attempt *-1 to operate the magazine with only subscription revenue .
- [ARG0 The flextime] [ARGM-MOD may] [rel cut] by [ARG2-by almost a third] [ARG1 the number of PG&E employees working conventional 9-5 hours] , a spokesman says 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 Some of the utility 's employees] may opt for a four-day workweek , 10 hours a day , * to [rel cut] [ARG1 the commute] by [ARG2-by 20 %] .
- `` We have been a great market for * inventing risks which [ARG0 other people] [ARGM-TMP then] take *T*-1 , copy *T*-1 and [rel cut] [ARG1 rates] . ''
- -LRB- [ARG0 It] [ARGM-TMP recently] [rel cut] [ARG1 its work force] by [ARG2-by 9 % , or 213] . -RRB-
- Mr. Wetherell , the underwriter , reckons 0 half of his business could be transacted *-1 by computer , [ARG0 *] [rel cutting] [ARG1 costs] [ARG2-EXT at least 10 %] .
- [ARG0 He] [rel cut] [ARG1 the dropout rate] by [ARG2-by 5.5 %] .
- Some executives also cite tension because of efforts *ICH*-1 by [ARG0 Mr. Sorrell , a financial man ,] * to [rel cut] [ARG1 costs] [ARGM-LOC at the agency] .
- [ARG0 Prime Computer] plans *-1 to dismiss 20 % of its work force *-1 to [rel cut] [ARG1 costs] [ARGM-TMP following its recent leveraged buy-out] .
- Mr. Skase 's statement cited [ARG0 four recent problems] that he said 0 *T*-1 had [rel cut] [ARG1 group cash flow] by [ARG2-by more than A$ 200 million *U*] .
- They were what he called *T*-2 an `` unlawful termination '' by MGM\/UA of the acquisition agreement with Qintex , high Australian interest rates , [ARG0 a pilots ' strike] at Australian domestic airlines that *T*-1 [rel cut] [ARG1 revenue at the company 's Australian resorts] and delays in * completing a sale of two regional TV stations in Queensland state .
- As a result , Mr. Telzrow said 0 [ARG0 he] [rel cut] [ARG1 his fiscal 1990 per-share earnings estimate for Tandy] to [ARG4-to $ 4.05 *U*] from [ARG3-from $ 4.20 *U*] .
- China could exhaust its foreign-exchange reserves as early as next year , a Western government report says 0 *T*-2 , unless [ARG1 imports] are [rel cut] *-1 [ARGM-MNR drastically] [ARGM-PNC * to help narrow the balance-of-payments deficit] .
- [ARG0 He] [ARGM-MNR quickly] [rel cut] [ARG1 the team 's bloated administrative staff] by [ARG2-by half] , shut down a Cowboys-owned dance academy and , in July , announced plans * to sell Valley Ranch , the team 's 30-acre practice camp and the most lavish training facility in the NFL .
- Since its unsuccessful bid for BankAmerica Corp. in 1986 , [ARG0 the bank] has undertaken a major restructuring in an effort * to [rel cut] [ARG1 costs] and boost performance , but many industry officials believe 0 it may be ripe for a takeover bid , especially with interstate banking set *-1 to begin in California in 1991 .
- Mr. McDonough believes that the well-being of the planet depends on such stratagems as * opening [ARG0 windows] * to [rel cut] [ARG1 indoor air pollution] , tacking down carpets instead of * using toxic glues , and avoiding mahogany , which *T*-1 comes from endangered rain forests .
- Based on his control of about 45 % of Winnebago 's 24.7 million shares , [ARG1 his annual dividend income] [ARGM-MOD would] be [rel cut] *-1 to [ARG4-to about $ 2.2 million *U*] from [ARG3-from $ 4.4 million *U*] .
- The plan , proposed * by U.S. Secretary of State Nicholas Brady , calls for [ARG0 banks] either to make new loans or to reduce the principle on existing loans or to [rel cut] [ARG1 the interest rate on those existing loans] .
- [ARG0 Merrill Lynch] [rel cut] [ARG1 its rating and 1990 earnings estimate] [ARGM-TMP Thursday] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 citing weakness in its credit-rating business] .
- [ARG0 The company , which *T*-1 reported that its loss for the fiscal quarter ended * Aug. 26 widened from a year earlier ,] [rel cut] [ARG1 its semiannual dividend] in [ARG2-in half] [ARGM-ADV in response to the earnings weakness] .
- [ARG0 This Toronto closed-end fund] [rel cut] [ARG1 the annual dividend on its Class A common shares] to [ARG4-to one Canadian cent] from [ARG3-from 10 Canadian cents] .
- [ARG0 The pilots] have a strong financing tool in their willingness * to [rel cut] [ARG1 their annual compensation] by [ARG2-by $ 200 million *U*] , and to commit $ 200 million *U* from their retirement funds .
- [ARG0 They] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel cut] [ARG1 this] to [ARG4-to $ 691.09 *U* a month] [ARGM-ADV if the investing keeps up through college] .
- [ARG0 They] are [rel cutting] [ARG1 ticket prices] by [ARG2-by as much as 70 %] from [ARG3-from normal levels] [ARGM-PNC for travel to most U.S. locations on Dec. 24 , 25 , 29 , 30 and 31 , and Jan. 4 , 5 and 6] .
- But low-priced and middle-priced furriers like Mr. Purnick , who *T*-1 once saturated the five-block Seventh Avenue fur district , say 0 [ARG0 imports] have [rel cut] [ARG1 their sales] .
- *-1 To offset sluggish sales growth , [ARG0 companies] have been [rel cutting] [ARG1 staff] , [ARGM-MNR mostly through attrition] , and slowing the growth in research and development spending .
- [ARG0 Some] [rel cut] [ARG1 their earnings estimates for the stock this year] and predicted more efforts * to control costs ahead .
- Analysts say 0 the earnings improvement came from [ARG0 *] [rel cutting] [ARG1 costs] rather than increasing sales .
- He said 0 [ARG0 the company] has [rel cut] [ARG1 operating expenses] by [ARG2-by about 10 %] [ARGM-TMP over the last few quarters] , [ARGM-TMP while *-1 maintaining research and development at about 8 % to 9 % *U* of sales] .
- He speaks for the death penalty as if * reading from Exodus 21 ; *-1 to increase state revenue he focuses not on `` taxes '' but on `` [ARG0 audits] '' 0 *T*-2 to [rel cut] [ARG1 waste] .
- *-2 To help *-3 lay the groundwork for that fight , President Bush plans *-2 early next week to meet at the White House with [ARG0 some 20 Democratic senators] who *T*-1 favor * [rel cutting] [ARG1 the capital-gains tax] or are undecided on the issue .
- [ARGM-ADV For corporations] , [ARG1 the top tax rate on the sale of assets held * for more than three years] [ARGM-MOD would] be [rel cut] *-1 to [ARG4-to 33 %] from [ARG3-from the current top rate of 34 %] .
- [ARG0 Westmoreland Coal Co.] , *-1 realizing benefits of a sustained effort * to [rel cut] [ARG1 costs] and boost productivity , reported sharply improved third-quarter results .
- *-2 Suffering from [ARG0 a downturn] in heavy truck production that *T*-1 [rel cut] [ARG1 orders for its engines] , Caterpillar also said 0 it will indefinitely lay off about 325 workers in the Peoria area and temporarily shut its plant in York , Pa. , for two weeks in both November and December .
- [ARG0 The increasing likelihood that Cananea and Highland Valley will soon return to production] [ARGM-MOD may] have [rel cut] [ARG1 some of that purchasing] , but even if any of these mines begin *-1 operating soon , their output wo n't be significant until at least the end of the year , analysts note 0 *T*-2 .
- That , in turn , is expected *-1 to persuade [ARG0 banks] *-2 to [rel cut] [ARG1 their prime lending rate , a benchmark rate on many corporate and consumer loans ,] by [ARG2-by half a percentage point] , to [ARG4-to 10 %] .
- Steve Lowe , general manager of Jasper , Ga. , dealership , said 0 [ARG0 new rebates of $ 500 to $ 1,000 *U* on the models] have stimulated sales *NOT* , but not enough * to [ARGM-MNR significantly] [rel cut] [ARG1 dealer stocks] .
- [ARG0 The shutdown] affects 3,000 workers and [ARGM-MOD will] [rel cut] [ARG1 output] by [ARG2-by about 4,320 cars] .
- Even when it *EXP*-2 became clear this spring that demand was n't coming up to expectations *T*-1 , [ARG0 Chrysler officials] `` resisted '' *-4 [rel cutting] [ARG1 output] because Cherokee and Wagoneer are `` very profitable vehicles , '' the spokesman said 0 *T*-3 .
- Another reason : [ARG0 strikes , both at Georgia-Pacific and other lumber companies] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel cut] [ARG1 supplies] and raised prices , analysts said 0 *T*-1 .
- `` Whatever you tried *-3 to change *T*-1 , whether it was [ARG0 *] [rel cutting] [ARG1 costs] or attracting new partners , the big obstacle was the old union leadership , '' says *T*-2 oil consultant George Baker .
- The program 's nonprofit sponsors received $ 900,000 *U* in fiscal 1989 through an Extension Service grant , but Mr. Whitten has been adamant in * insisting that [ARG1 the program] be [rel cut] *-1 [ARGM-TMP in 1990] .
- [ARG0 Food companies] [ARGM-ADV probably] [ARGM-MOD wo] [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel cut] [ARG1 their prices] [ARGM-ADV much] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 blaming other costs] .
- WCRS says 0 [ARG1 its debt] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel cut] *-1 to [ARG4-to # 24 million *U*] from [ARG3-from # 66 million *U*] [ARGM-CAU as a result of the transaction] .
- Senate Republicans have settled on [ARG0 a proposal] that *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD would] [rel cut] [ARG1 the capital-gains tax for individuals and corporations] .
- He added that he expects *-2 to talk to [ARG0 the Democrats] who *T*-1 also wanted *-3 to *-4 [rel cut] [ARG1 the gains tax] about * drafting a joint proposal .
- [ARGM-ADV For corporations] , [ARG1 the top tax rate on the sale of assets held * for more than three years] [ARGM-MOD would] be [rel cut] *-1 to [ARG4-to 33 %] from [ARG3-from the current top rate of 34 %] .
- The first effects are , of course , negative as work is disrupted *-1 and [ARG0 people] lose income and [rel cut] [ARG1 spending] .
- Commodore , West Chester , Pa. , had said in August that [ARG0 it] was consolidating manufacturing *-1 to [rel cut] [ARG1 costs] and expected *-1 to be profitable in the fiscal first quarter .
- Trinova said 0 [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD will] close , move or overhaul 40 of its 170 manufacturing facilities and [ARGM-TMP over the next three years] [rel cut] [ARG1 1,500 jobs] from [ARG2-from its current world-wide payroll of 22,300 employees] .
- Researchers could n't estimate the cost of the drug when it reaches the market *T*-1 , but they said 0 FK-506 will enable [ARG0 patients] to [rel cut] [ARG1 hospital stays] by [ARG2-by 50 %] and reduce the number of blood tests used * to monitor the dosage of cyclosporine and other drugs among transplant recipients .
- That is , with [ARG1 capital gains] [rel cut] *-1 , the glue of the 1986 accord will be gone , and political realities will push up income-tax rates .
- If [ARG0 human beings] [ARGM-MOD ca] [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel cut] [ARG1 federal spending] [ARGM-MNR honestly] -- and they ca n't *?* -- * let the computers do it .
- But the effort became snagged *-2 on the question of what *T*-1 would become of other issues , ranging from [ARG0 *] [rel cutting] [ARG1 the capital-gains tax] to child care to repeal of catastrophic-illness insurance .
- `` That must start with [ARG0 *] [rel cutting] [ARG1 the federal budget deficit] . ''
- The company also cited [ARG0 the stronger dollar] , which *T*-2 [rel cuts] [ARG1 the value of overseas profit] [ARGM-TMP when it is translated *-1 into dollars *T*-3] .
- PNC Financial cited higher income from sources unrelated to interest and said 0 [ARG0 it] continues *-1 to [rel cut] [ARG1 costs] .
- The Senate had refused late Friday *-1 to invoke cloture and limit debate , but behind the bipartisan leadership , a solid majority took shape yesterday and brushed aside [ARG0 amendments] seeking * to [rel cut] [ARG1 the total package] or steer it away from direct aid to political parties .
- [ARGM-TMP In February 1989 , when the Soviets said 0 they had completed their pullout *T*-1] , [ARG0 the U.S.] [rel cut] [ARG1 it] [ARGM-MNR further] .
- The Soviets have agreed *-1 to complete [ARG0 a treaty] [rel cutting] [ARG1 strategic weapons] [ARGM-ADV without * including restrictions on space-based defenses] .
- `` With the futures-trading halt , [ARG0 you] could only sell stocks '' * to [rel cut] [ARG1 exposure to the market] , says 0 *T*-1 a money manager .
- *-1 Blocked *-2 by patent protection from * following suit , [ARG0 Dictaphone] decided *-1 to go a step further and [rel cut] [ARG1 the cassette] [ARG2-EXT in half *ICH*-3] [ARGM-TMP again] -- [ARGM-ADV down to the length of a paperclip] .
- They know that [ARG0 they] can hold off the ghosts only a little while longer by * [rel cutting] [ARG1 carriers and ships] .
- [ARG0 Jay Stevens of Dean Witter] [ARGM-DIS actually] [rel cut] [ARG1 his per-share earnings estimate] to $ 9 *U* from $ 9.50 *U* for 1989 and to [ARG4-to $ 9.50 *U*] from [ARG3-from $ 10.35 *U*] in 1990 [ARGM-CAU because he decided 0 sales would be even weaker than he had expected *?*] .
- IBM , which *T*-1 telegraphed the poor results three weeks ago , also cited an increase in [ARG0 its leasing business] , which *T*-2 tends *-3 to lock in business long-term but [rel cut] [ARG1 revenue] [ARGM-TMP in the near term] .
- In addition , IBM noted that [ARG0 the stronger dollar] has [rel cut] [ARG1 the value of overseas revenue and earnings] [ARGM-ADV when they are translated *-1 into dollars] .
- [ARG0 That] [rel cuts] [ARG1 the risk] , Mr. Gregory , the San Francisco money manager , points out *T*-1 .
- The sum is more than double what the House had approved *T*-2 for the program , but [ARG1 the list of qualified airports] [ARGM-MOD would] be [rel cut] *-1 by [ARG2-by 22] [ARGM-LOC under new distance requirements and limits on the level of subsidy] .
- Livestock and meat prices , however , dropped on concern that [ARG0 a financial crisis] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel cut] [ARG1 consumption of beef and pork] .
- Whether a cash crunch might eventually force [ARG0 the company] to [rel cut] [ARG1 its quarterly dividend , raised 36 % to 75 cents a share only a year ago] , has become a topic of intense speculation on Wall Street since Mr. Stookey deflected dividend questions in a Sept. 29 meeting with analysts .
- [ARG0 Japan] , however , has agreed *-1 to [rel cut] [ARG1 its quota] to [ARG4-to about 5 %] from [ARG3-from 5.9 %] previously .
- That was essentially made *-1 up of a 1 % increase in the overall quota program and 1 % from [ARG0 *] [rel cutting] [ARG1 Japan 's allowance] .
- [ARGM-DIS However] , [ARGM-ADV as * expected *-1] , [ARG0 Brazil] waited for the crop estimate to come out and [ARGM-TMP then] [rel cut] [ARG1 the export price of its juice concentrate] to [ARG4-to about $ 1.34 *U* a pound] from [ARG3-from around $ 1.55 *U*] .
- General Motors Corp. , in a series of moves that *T*-2 angered union officials in the U.S. and Canada , has signaled that as many as five North American assembly plants may not survive the mid-1990s as [ARG0 the corporation] struggles *-1 to [rel cut] [ARG1 its excess vehicle-making capacity] .
- In an announcement to its staff last week , executives at Time Warner Inc. 's weekly magazine said 0 [ARG0 Time] [ARGM-MOD will] `` dramatically de-emphasize '' its use of electronic giveaways such as telephones in television subscription drives ; [rel cut] [ARG1 the circulation 0 it guarantees advertisers *T*-1] by [ARG2-by 300,000] , to [ARG4-to four million] ; and increase the cost of its annual subscription rate by about $ 4 *U* to $ 55 *U* .
- However , Time executives used the same explanation when [ARGM-TMP in October 1988] [ARG0 the magazine] [rel cut] [ARG1 its guaranteed circulation] from [ARG3-from 4.6 million] to [ARG4-to 4.3 million] *T*-1 .
- [ARGM-TMP In recent years] , [ARG0 Reader 's Digest , New York Times Co. 's McCall 's , and most recently News Corp. 's TV Guide ,] have [rel cut] [ARG1 their massive circulation rate bases] [ARGM-PNC *-1 to eliminate marginal circulation and hold down rates for advertisers] .
- If [ARG0 it] [ARGM-TMP promptly] [rel cuts] [ARG1 the discount rate 0 it charges *T*-1 on loans to banks] , he says 0 *T*-2 , `` That could quiet things down . ''
- `` There is an underlying concern *ICH*-5 on the part of the American people -- and there should be *?* - that [ARG0 the administration] has not gone far enough in *-1 [rel cutting] [ARG1 this deficit] and that Congress has been unwilling *-2 to cut what the administration asked us *-4 to cut *T*-3 , '' said *T*-6 Senate Finance Committee Chairman Lloyd Bentsen -LRB- D. , Texas -RRB- .
- `` There is an underlying concern *ICH*-5 on the part of the American people -- and there should be *?* - that the administration has not gone far enough in *-1 cutting this deficit and that [ARG0 Congress] has been unwilling *-2 to [rel cut] [ARG1 what the administration asked us *-4 to cut *T*-3] , '' said *T*-6 Senate Finance Committee Chairman Lloyd Bentsen -LRB- D. , Texas -RRB- .
- `` There is an underlying concern *ICH*-5 on the part of the American people -- and there should be *?* - that the administration has not gone far enough in *-1 cutting this deficit and that Congress has been unwilling *-2 to cut [ARG1 what] the administration asked [ARG0 us] *-4 to [rel cut] *T*-3 , '' said *T*-6 Senate Finance Committee Chairman Lloyd Bentsen -LRB- D. , Texas -RRB- .
- The White House Office of Management and Budget , whose calculations *T*-2 determine whether the Gramm-Rudman targets are met *-1 , estimated that [ARG0 the House-passed deficit-reduction measure] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel cut] [ARG1 the fiscal 1990 shortfall] by [ARG2-by $ 6.2 billion *U* , almost half of the Congressional Budget Office 's estimate of $ 11.0 billion *U*] .