frames- [ARGM-LOC In * investing on the basis of future transactions , a role often performed * by merchant banks ,] [ARG0 trading companies] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel cut] through [ARG2-through the logjam that small-company owners often face *T*-1 with their local commercial banks] .
- Everything looked good as [ARG0 neurosurgeon Walter Levy and colleagues] [ARGM-MNR carefully] [rel cut] away [ARG1 a woman 's spinal tumor] [ARGM-LOC at the Cleveland Clinic] [ARGM-TMP in 1978] .
- This involves trade-offs and -LCB- [ARG1 it] -RCB- [rel cuts] against [ARG2-against the grain of existing consumer and even provider conceptions of what *T*-1 is ` necessary] . ' ''
- If a deal *ICH*-2 can be made *-1 0 [ARG0 *] to [rel cut] [ARG1 the world 's Ortegas] *-4 loose from [ARG2-from Moscow] *T*-3 , why not ?
- [ARG1 A recent attempt * to resume operations] was [rel cut] *-1 short [ARGM-MNR quickly] by [ARG0-by these attacks] .
- [ARG1 The precious canvas] , [rel cut] * from [ARG2-from its frame] [ARGM-TMP at the time of the theft] , was found *-1 in nearby Jena , *-1 hidden *-2 in the upholstery of an easy chair in the home of the girlfriend of one of the thieves .
- It also plans *-1 to add [ARG1 suits] [rel cut] * for [ARG4-for athletic men with broader upper bodies] .
- British politicians divide into two groups of chickens , those with [ARG1 their necks] [rel cut] *-1 and those screaming 0 the sky is falling .
- On Friday , Datuk Daim added spice to an otherwise unremarkable address on Malaysia 's proposed budget for 1990 by *-3 ordering [ARG0 the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange] `` *-1 to take appropriate action immediately '' *-2 to [rel cut] [ARG1 its links with the Stock Exchange of Singapore] .
- The National Institutes of Health policy would require [ARG0 researchers] to [rel cut] [ARG1 financial ties with health-care businesses] -- or lose their government money .
- And she further stunned her listeners by *-2 revealing her secret garden design method : * Commissioning a friend to spend `` five or six thousand dollars ... on [ARG1 books] that [ARG0 I] [ARGM-TMP ultimately] [rel cut] up *T*-1 . ''
- Listeners turned to radios run * on batteries for news [ARGM-TMP when] [ARG0 the San Francisco earthquake and Hurricane Hugo] [rel cut] [ARG1 power lines] *T*-1 .
- He sees flashy sports as the only way 0 [ARG0 the last-place network] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel cut] through [ARG2-through the clutter of cable and VCRs] , grab millions of new viewers and tell them about other shows premiering a few weeks later *T*-1 .
- The first meeting yesterday was with [ARG0 10 Senate Democrats] who *T*-1 have expressed an interest in * [rel cutting] [ARG1 the tax] .
- *-3 An undistinguished college student who *T*-1 dabbled in zoology until he concluded that [ARG0 he] could n't stand [rel cutting] up [ARG1 frogs] , Mr. Corry wanted *-3 to work for a big company `` that *T*-2 could do big things . ''
- [ARG0 Part of Drexel 's plea] was * to [rel cut] [ARG1 Mr. Milken] loose .
- [rel Cutting] against [ARG2-against the downward trend] was *T*-2 [ARG0 Continental , which *T*-1 jumped 4 marks to 346 marks -LRB- $ 187 *U* -RRB- in heavy trading on rumors that the tire maker is about *-3 to be taken *-4 over] .
- [ARG0 The decline in prices] [rel cut] [ARGM-MNR broadly] through [ARG2-through the blue-chip issues] , [ARGM-ADV as Siemens tumbled 7.5 to 544 , Deutsche Bank plunged 7 to 657 , and the auto makers fell sharply as well] .
- `` If [ARG0 you] want *-1 to [rel cut] through [ARG2-through the clutter] , you have *-2 to make your message as distinct , sharp and individual as possible .
- `` [ARG0 October 13th] left us with a [rel cut] and exposed [ARG1 nerve] , '' said *T*-1 Jack Solomon , technical analyst for Bear Stearns .
- But most economists doubt 0 [ARG0 the streamlining] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel cut] [ARGM-MNR deeply] into [ARG2-into Conasupo government subsidy , which *T*-1 largely goes *-2 to reduce consumer prices for corn and milk] .
- [ARG1 World-wide production] [ARGM-MOD would] be [rel cut] *-1 in [ARG2-in half] [ARGM-TMP by 1998] .
- In Poland 's rapid shift from socialism to an undefined alternative , environmental issues have become a [rel cutting] [ARG0 edge] of broader movements * to restructure the economy , cut cumbersome bureaucracies , and democratize local politics .
- In Poland 's rapid shift from socialism to an undefined alternative , environmental issues have become a cutting edge of broader movements [ARG0 *] to restructure the economy , [rel cut] [ARG1 cumbersome bureaucracies] , and democratize local politics .
- Elena Scambio , the woman assigned * to run the Jersey City school system that *T*-1 was taken over *-2 by the state , says 0 [ARG0 her top priority] will be * to `` [rel cut] through [ARG2-through the dead hand of bureaucracy] . ''
- `` There 's more noise out there , and [ARG0 the consumer] may have *-2 to work harder *-3 to [rel cut] through [ARG2-through it] , '' says *T*-1 Vincent P. Barabba , executive director of market research and planning at General Motors Corp .
- `` [ARGM-DIS And] [ARG0 you] [ARGM-MOD ca] [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel cut] [ARG1 this chain] [ARGM-MNR with bolt cutters] .
- The only U.S. liability in the region is what *T*-2 remains of the link to Mr. Barre , and [ARG1 that] [ARGM-MOD should] be [rel cut] *-1 [ARGM-MNR fast] .
- [ARGM-DIS And] [ARG0 tough competition in the air-freight market] is [rel cutting] into [ARG2-into an important sideline] .
- On the one hand , [ARG0 Mr. Giuliani] wants *-1 to [rel cut] into [ARG2-into Mr. Dinkins 's credibility] .
- [ARG0 Shippers] [rel cut] [ARG2-EXT about $ 35 billion *U*] from [ARG1-from their annual , inter-city truck and rail costs] , to [ARG4-to about $ 150 billion *U* , or about 6.4 % of gross national product , down from 8 % of GNP in 1981] .
- [ARG0 He] [rel cut] [ARG1 her hair] .
- Despite *-1 seeing his plan for Israeli-Palestinian elections wither , [ARG0 the cautious secretary of state] is so far unwilling *-1 to [rel cut] [ARG1 U.S. economic or military aid] [ARGM-PNC *-2 to force Israeli cooperation] .
- Alan Weston , president of Weston Capital Management , a Los Angeles money-management firm , adds that in periods of uncertainty like today , `` it 's a good time 0 [ARG0 *] to [rel cut] out [ARG1 the dead branches of your portfolio] *T*-1 . ''
- Automated machines coextrude [ARG1 long plastic sheaths] with graphite-plastic cores that *T*-1 are printed , [rel cut] , painted and eraser-fitted *-2 .
- *-2 To get that money , states must go through an elaborate approval process , but officials expect [ARG1 red tape] to be [rel cut] *-1 [ARGM-TMP this time] .
- Los Angeles-based Northrop recorded an 8.2 % decline in sales as B-2 Stealth bomber research-and-development revenue continued *-1 to ebb and [ARG0 high costs on some other programs] [rel cut] into [ARG2-into profit] .
- For the Politburo replaced Mr. Honecker , who *T*-1 had led East Germany for 18 years and before that headed its security apparatus , with [ARG1 a man] [rel cut] * of [ARG2-of the same cloth] : Egon Krenz , the most recent internal-security chief and a longtime Honecker protege .
- `` [ARGM-ADV Instead of * buying masks for your kids] , [ARG0 *] [ARGM-ADV just] [rel cut] out [ARG1 the columnists ' pictures] ... .
- But [ARG0 U.S. intelligence] , rather than * rein in *RNR*-3 or [rel cut] loose [ARG1 *RNR*-3] its new spy , merely filed the report away .
- [ARG0 That] [rel cut] short [ARG1 the rally in Treasury bonds] and depressed prices moderately below late Monday 's levels .
- The station is promised *-1 $ 1.8 billion *U* within the $ 5.36 billion *U* provided * for research and development in the National Aeronautics and Space Administration , and [ARG1 the nation 's high-speed aerospace plane] -- [rel cut] * by [ARG0-by the Senate] -- could receive as much as $ 60 million *U* in new funds or transfers .
- The administration continues *-1 to support SDI , or Star Wars , and it recently lobbied *-2 to persuade the Senate *-3 to restore some of [ARG1 the funds] 0 [ARG0 it] planned *-5 to [rel cut] *T*-4 from [ARG2-from the program] .
- [ARGM-TMP Meanwhile] , [ARG0 Congress] is [rel cutting] [ARG1 huge chunks] out of [ARG2-of the rest of the defense budget] .
- [ARG0 The mask] [rel cuts] to [ARG2-to the quick] .
- [ARG0 Congress] [ARGM-TMP previously] [rel cut] [ARG1 six airports] [ARGM-TMP this year] .
- [ARGM-LOC In the hands of a zealot like Lenny Bruce] , [ARG0 this double-edged blade] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel cut] [ARG1 both the self and the audience] to [ARG2-to ribbons] .
- [ARG1 One high-profile provision] that *T*-1 was originally in the Senate bill but was [rel cut] *-3 out [ARGM-CAU because it lost money] was the proposal *ICH*-2 by Chairman Lloyd Bentsen -LRB- D. , Texas -RRB- of the Senate Finance Committee * to expand the deduction for individual retirement accounts .