frames- [ARG0 The competition] has [rel cultivated] [ARG1 a much savvier consumer] .
- And [ARG0 *] [rel cultivating] [ARG1 a luxury image strong enough * to persuade consumers *-1 to pay more than $ 15 *U* for lipstick or eye makeup] requires a subtle touch that packaged-goods companies have yet *-2 to demonstrate *T*-3 on their own .
- At the very least , [ARG0 Mr. Jones] , who *T*-1 [rel cultivates] [ARG1 the society circuit] [ARGM-MNR as eagerly as his bench] , can take comfort in one fact : These days , he is n't alone .
- Hardest hit by Hugo in South Carolina were *T*-1 small retailers tied * to the tourist industry and businesses in agriculture and [rel cultivated] [ARG1 seafood] .