frames- [ARG1 The school-board hearing at which she was dismissed *-2 *T*-1] was [rel crowded] *-4 with [ARG2-with students , teachers and parents who *T*-98 came *-3 to testify on her behalf] .
- `` [ARG1 They] 're [ARGM-EXT too] [rel crowded] , and everybody 's showing off , '' says *T*-1 Joel Bryant , a 22-year-old student from Pasadena , Calif .
- `` Personal Computer '' yearbooks are lined up on nearly every desk , and [ARG2 dog-eared copies of Nikkei Computer] [rel crowd] [ARG1 magazine racks] .
- In April , [ARG1 the psyllium bandwagon] got [ARGM-EXT more] [rel crowded] .
- The move , which *T*-2 was expected *-1 , marks the first time since Prohibition that Coors has sold a non-alcoholic beverage *T*-4 , and marks the company 's entry into a [rel crowded] , but fast-growing [ARG1 market] that *T*-3 generated about $ 2.2 billion *U* in sales last year .
- [ARGM-LOC In another compartment called * the Linden Bosque] , [ARG2 62 linden trees] were *-2 to be [rel crowded] *-1 [ARG1 together] [ARGM-MNR at killing intervals of 10 or 16 feet] .
- [ARG0 Travelers] [rel crowded] into [ARG1-into subways] , sat in traffic jams on major freeways or waited for buses in the rain , but the massive gridlock anticipated * by officials in the San Francisco Bay area never materialized .
- This was in contrast with the society 's meeting last May , [ARGM-TMP at the height of the controversy] , when [ARG0 more than 1,500 scientists] , [ARGM-MNR along with scores of reporters and TV crews] , [rel crowded] into [ARG1-into a Los Angeles hotel ballroom] [ARGM-PNC for a tumultuous special night session on the subject] *T*-1 .
- With [ARG1 the market] [ARGM-EXT so] [rel crowded] , says 0 *T*-1 a spokesman for Wendy 's in Columbus , Ohio , `` If you 're doing well , you 're doing well at someone else 's expense . ''
- And it did n't have the [rel crowded] wild [ARG1 intimacy] of Yankee Stadium .
- [ARGM-DIS And] [ARG1 black-and-white photography classes] are [rel crowded] with [ARG2-with students] .
- The i860 , introduced * earlier this year , is Intel 's entry in the [rel crowded] [ARG1 market] for reduced instruction set computing , or RISC , computers .