frames- [ARG0 Temple] , [ARGM-DIS however] , [ARGM-MNR harshly] [rel criticized] [ARG1 Sea Containers ' plan] [ARGM-TMP yesterday] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 characterizing it as a `` highly conditional device designed * *-2 to entrench management , confuse shareholders and prevent them from *-3 accepting our superior cash offer] . ''
- [ARG0 One official newspaper , Legal Daily ,] [ARGM-ADV even] [ARGM-MNR directly] [rel criticized] [ARG1 Mr. Nixon , who *T*-240 is normally referred to *T*-1 here as an `` old friend] . ''
- [ARGM-DIS In particular] , [ARG0 they] [rel criticize] [ARG1 the timing] , [ARGM-ADV * coming as it does *?* on the heels of Sony Corp. 's controversial purchase of Columbia Pictures Entertainment Inc] .
- [ARGM-ADV For his part] , [ARG1 Mr. Bush] has been [rel criticized] *-225 [ARGM-TMP regularly] [ARGM-LOC at home] for [ARG2-for *-1 moving too slowly and cautiously in *-2 reacting to Mr. Gorbachev 's reforms and the historic moves away from communism in Eastern Europe] .
- There may be a few cases where the law breaking is well pinpointed and so completely non-invasive of the rights of others that it *EXP*-2 is difficult [ARG0 *] to [rel criticize] [ARG1 it] *T*-1 .
- [ARG1 The securities-turnover tax] has been [ARGM-TMP long] [rel criticized] *-1 by [ARG0-by the West German financial community] [ARG2-CAU because it tends *-2 to drive securities trading and other banking activities out of Frankfurt into rival financial centers , especially London , where trading transactions is n't taxed *-4 *T*-3] .
- But even before it begins , the campaign is drawing fire from [ARG0 anti-smoking advocates] , who *T*-59 [rel criticize] [ARG1 Philip Morris 's attempt * to bolster its beleaguered image by * wrapping itself in the document that *T*-60 is a cornerstone of American democracy] .
- [ARG0 The internal investigation] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel criticized] [ARG1 MiniScribe 's auditors , Coopers & Lybrand ,] for [ARG2-for *-1 allegedly ignoring numerous red flags] .
- [ARG0 Sen. John Kerry -LRB- D. , Mass. -RRB- , chairman of a Senate Foreign Relations subcommittee that *T*-1 oversees the issue of money laundering ,] [rel criticized] [ARG1 the proposal] for [ARG2-for *-3 ignoring wire transfers between foreign banks that *T*-2 are executed and cleared *-4 on U.S. wire systems] .
- [ARGM-LOC In Delaware Chancery Court litigation] , [ARG0 Telerate] has [rel criticized] [ARG1 Dow Jones] for [ARG2-for *-1 not disclosing that Telerate 's management expects the company 's revenue to increase by 20 % annually , while Dow Jones based its projections of Telerate 's performance on a 12 % revenue growth forecast] .
- The prime minister 's insistence on * keeping a private coterie of advisers -- including [ARG0 an economic guru] who *T*-1 [ARGM-MNR openly] [rel criticized] [ARG1 former Chancellor of the Exchequer Nigel Lawson] -- confused the financial community .
- [ARG0 Ford Motor Co. and Chrysler Corp. representatives] [rel criticized] [ARG1 Mr. Tonkin 's plan] as [ARG2-as unworkable] .
- [ARG1 That announcement] was [ARGM-MNR roundly] [rel criticized] *-4 by [ARG0-by Mayor Koch -- who *T*-2 has endorsed Mr. Dinkins --] [ARGM-CAU because the city faces a garbage crisis and has already spent $ 5 million *U* *-5 planning for an incinerator that *T*-3 would be scrapped *-1 under Mr. Dinkins 's proposal] .
- [ARG0 Wall Street analysts] have [rel criticized] [ARG1 Bethlehem] for [ARG2-for * not following its major competitors in * linking with a foreign company *-1 to share costs and provide technology 0 *T*-2 to modernize old facilities or build new ones] .
- [ARG1 The U.S. proposal] [ARGM-DIS also] was [rel criticized] *-1 by [ARG0-by food-importing developing countries , who *T*-2 said that the U.S. made no special allowances for poor nations] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Jordan of GM] , [ARGM-TMP meanwhile] , [ARGM-TMP still] [rel criticizes] [ARG1 Japanese styling] .
- [ARGM-LOC In an interview] , [ARG0 Mr. Vila] [rel criticized] [ARG1 his old show , which *T*-1 is continuing with a new host] .
- Moves * to accelerate the removal of dangerous pesticides gained new impetus during this year 's Alar scare , when [ARG1 the EPA] was [ARGM-MNR harshly] [rel criticized] *-3 for [ARG2-for *-4 failing *-1 to yank the possible carcinogen , a growth regulator used * * to make apples redder and crunchier] *T*-2 .
- Though I agree with many of Mr. Kageyama 's comments , I believe 0 he points the gun in the wrong direction : It is n't [ARG1 the Americans] who *T*-2 [ARGM-MOD must] be [rel criticized] *-1 for [ARG2-for *-4 not understanding the Japanese culture] , but the Japanese who *T*-3 insist on *-7 forcing their culture on Americans .
- [ARG0 Mr. Lauder] [ARGM-DIS also] attacked what he sees *T*-1 as the wide imitation of Elle , a fashion magazine published * by Diamandis Communications Inc. , and [rel criticized] [ARG1 the practice of * stacking ads at the front of magazines] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 the Japanese Fisheries Association] [rel criticized] [ARG1 moves * to ban the practice in international waters] .
- [ARG0 Business leaders] have [ARGM-TMP long] [rel criticized] [ARG1 the agency] as [ARG2-as a leading example of bureacratic waste] .
- [ARG0 The machinists] [rel criticized] [ARG1 the terms 0 Mr. Wolf and management received *T*-1 in the buy-out] .
- [ARGM-LOC In a brief filed * with the Supreme Court last week] , [ARG0 Mr. Pretl] [rel criticizes] [ARG1 the appeal] for [ARG2-for *-1 raising `` abstract '' and `` theoretical '' legal issues , while *-2 jeopardizing the proposed reorganization and the settlement payments to claimants] .
- At a meeting in Malaysia , Australia and Canada also assailed [ARG0 the British prime minister] for *-1 [rel criticizing] [ARG1 the 49-nation group 's call for Pretoria to ease apartheid] .
- [ARG1 The leading contender for the mayoral office , Democrat David Dinkins ,] has been [rel criticized] *-1 [ARGM-TMP recently] for [ARG2-for the way 0 he handled his personal financial affairs *T*-2] .
- The ministry inquired about that deal -- which Mr. Utsumi declined *-3 to identify *T*-2 -- because [ARG1 the large presence of Japanese banks in the deal] was `` being [ARGM-MNR strongly] [rel criticized] *-1 [ARGM-LOC in the U.S. Congress] '' and it *EXP*-4 was `` necessary for us to grasp the situation . ''
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARGM-MNR unofficially] , [ARG0 senior navy officials] [ARGM-MNR sharply] [rel criticize] [ARG1 the Rafale] as [ARG2-as an air force plane ill-suited to carrier use] .
- [ARG0 Spokesmen for Wendy 's and McDonald 's] [rel criticized] [ARG1 Mr. Rohs 's calculations] .
- * Formally upgrading the Sandinistas to a democratic status was [ARG1 an initiative] [ARGM-MNR harshly] [rel criticized] * [ARGM-LOC in the Costa Rican press] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 other Bush administration officials] have [rel criticized] [ARG1 Maryland Gov. William Schaefer] for [ARG2-for *-1 blocking the use of possible sites in that state] .
- [ARG0 A Chinese official] [ARGM-MNR harshly] [rel criticized] [ARG1 plans * to close a British naval base in downtown Hong Kong] .
- [ARG0 Environmentalists] [rel criticized] [ARG1 the program] as [ARG2-as merely a public-relations attempt * to head off a White House proposal * to require a million cars a year that *T*-1 run on cleaner-burning fuels by 1997] .
- [ARG0 His speech] [rel criticized] [ARG1 the `` idiocy of notions of protected groups in society '' as * opposed to individual equality or , as he put it , in `` a common destiny as Americans] . ''
- [ARG1 The original bill] was strongly opposed by the Fed and [ARGM-MNR publicly] [rel criticized] by [ARG0-by friends of the Fed] as [ARG2-as an attempt * to undermine the central bank 's independence] .
- [ARGM-LOC In a letter to subcommittee Chairman James Oberstar -LRB- D. , Minn. -RRB-] , [ARG0 Mr. Trump] [rel criticized] [ARG1 the bill] as [ARG2-as an explicit effort * to thwart his bid for AMR] , and said 0 it contributed to the collapse of the deal .
- [ARG1 Specialists] were [rel criticized] *-1 for [ARG2-for their inability * to maintain orderly markets during the Friday plunge] .
- `` [ARG1 The institutions] [ARGM-MOD ca] [ARGM-NEG n't] be [rel criticized] *-1 for [ARG2-for their behavior] , '' Mr. DaPuzzo said *T*-2 in an interview .
- The 49 stock specialist firms on the Big Board floor -- [ARG1 the buyers and sellers] of last resort who *T*-2 were [rel criticized] *-1 [ARGM-TMP after the 1987 crash] -- once again could n't handle the selling pressure .
- [ARG0 Robert White , Canadian Auto Workers union president ,] used the impending Scarborough shutdown *-1 to [rel criticize] [ARG1 the U.S.-Canada free trade agreement and its champion , Prime Minister Brian Mulroney] .
- [ARG0 The four justices] are no newcomers to dissent , *-1 often joining forces in the past decade *-2 to [rel criticize] [ARG1 the court 's conservative drift] .
- [ARG0 David L. Paul , chairman and chief executive officer ,] [rel criticized] [ARG1 the federal Office of Thrift Supervision , which *T*-1 issued the directive] , [ARGM-ADV *-2 saying 0 it was `` inappropriate '' and based on `` insufficient '' reasons] .
- The subject is a sore one for Nasdaq and [ARG1 its market-making companies] , which *T*-3 were [ARGM-MNR widely] [rel criticized] *-1 [ARGM-TMP two years ago] [ARGM-TMP following complaints from investors who *T*-2 could n't reach their brokers or trade in the chaos of the crash] .
- [ARG0 A Poquet spokesman] , [ARGM-DIS for example] , [rel criticizes] [ARG1 the Atari Portfolio] [ARGM-CAU because it requires three batteries while the Poquet needs only two] .
- [ARG1 The slickly produced series] has been [rel criticized] *-1 by [ARG0-by London 's financial cognoscenti] as [ARG2-as inaccurate in detail] , but its major weakness is its unrealistic depiction of the characters ' professional and private lives .