frames- He said 0 [ARG0 Mexico] could be one of the next countries 0 *T*-1 to be removed *-2 from the priority list because of its efforts * to [rel craft] [ARG1 a new patent law] .
- [ARG0 Westinghouse] [ARGM-MNR carefully] [rel crafted] [ARG1 the agreement] [ARGM-CAU because the Justice Department earlier this year successfully challenged a proposed steam turbine joint venture with Asea Brown Boveri] .
- [ARGM-ADV *-1 A master of pork-barrel politics] , [ARG0 he] had [rel crafted] [ARG1 the $ 2.85 billion *U* package] [ARGM-MNR in vintage style] and used the full force of his chairmanship *-1 to keep the proposal intact and dismiss any alternative .
- [ARG1 That culture] , [ARGM-MNR carefully] [rel crafted] * by [ARG0-by Mr. Smith] , leaves little , if any , room for unions .
- Also late last week , [ARG0 UAL flight attendants] agreed *-1 to participate with the pilots in * [rel crafting] [ARG1 a revised offer] .
- [ARG0 Many delegates] were willing * to [rel craft] [ARG1 a compromise] , but U.S. delegate Constance Harriman and others thundered that down .
- [ARG1 The initiative] seems *-3 to have been [rel crafted] *-4 [ARGM-PNC *-5 to include all the hot issues that *T*-1 set off the wealthy Hollywood weepers who *T*-2 donate money] .