frames- [ARG0 Twenty-five trucks] capable of * [rel cooking] [ARG1 food] were dispatched *-1 from other states .
- The Egg King carries written instructions * to break only high-grade eggs that *T*-3 have been properly sanitized *-1 and , as an added precaution , to use the eggs only in [ARG1 products] that *T*-4 [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel cooked] *-2 [ARGM-MNR enough * to kill bacteria] .
- He says 0 the handful of salmonella cases involving products that *T*-1 may have used eggs broken * by an Egg King stemmed from a failure [ARG0 *] to [ARGM-MNR adequately] [rel cook] [ARG1 the products] .
- `` He recently bid $ 30,000 *U* at a Paris charity auction for [ARG1 a dinner] [rel cooked] * by [ARG0-by six of the world 's great chefs] , but the final party cost closer to $ 100,000 *U* . ''