frames- [ARGM-DIS In addition] , [ARG0 the Cray-3] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel contain] [ARG1 16 processors -- twice as many as the largest current supercomputer] .
- Of course , if [ARG0 the film] [rel contained] [ARG1 dialogue] , Mr. Lane 's Artist would be called *-71 a homeless person .
- I say `` [ARG0 *] [rel contained] [ARG1 dialogue] '' because `` Sidewalk Stories '' is n't really silent at all .
- `` Florio 's lying , '' the voice goes on , because `` [ARG0 the barrel on Courter 's land] ... [rel contained] [ARG1 heating oil] , was cleaned *-1 up and caused no pollution . ''
- [ARG0 Learning Materials for the fifth-grade] [rel contains] [ARG1 at least a dozen examples of exact matches or close parallels to test items] .
- [ARG0 Worksheets in a test-practice kit called * Learning Materials , sold * to schools across the country by Macmillan\/McGraw-Hill School Publishing Co. ,] [rel contain] [ARG1 the same questions] .
- Grain elevators built * in the 1920s and '30s have six-inch concrete walls and [ARG0 a tubular shape] that *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD would] [ARGM-MNR easily] [rel contain] [ARG1 semicircular cells with a control point in the middle] , the New York firm says 0 *T*-2 .
- `` The primary purpose of [ARG0 a railing] is * to [rel contain] [ARG1 a vehicle] and not to provide a scenic view , '' says *T*-1 Jack White , a planner with the Indiana Highway Department .
- [ARGM-TMP As it went to the conference panel now deliberating] , [ARG0 the appropriations bill for the executive office of the president for fiscal 1990] [rel contained] [ARG1 some breathtaking attempts *ICH*-1 by Congress * to rewrite the Constitution under the pretext of * protecting the public 's money] .
- During the coming weeks , President Bush must decide whether * to veto [ARG0 the bills] [rel containing] [ARG1 them] -- or , alternatively , * to sign these bills into law with a statement declaring their intrusions on executive power to be in violation of Article II , and thus void and severable .
- [ARG0 The 1990 appropriations bills] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel contain] [ARG1 a number of `` muzzling '' provisions that *T*-1 violate the recommendation clause in Article II of the Constitution] .
- President Bush should veto [ARG0 appropriations acts] that *T*-1 [rel contain] [ARG1 these kinds of unconstitutional conditions on the president 's ability * to discharge his duties and exercise his prerogatives] .
- Biosource Genetics Corp. , Vacaville , Calif. , is developing [ARG0 a spray] [rel containing] [ARG1 a gene that *T*-39 spreads from cell to cell and interferes with the genes that *T*-40 are responsible for * producing pollen] .
- Business complained earlier this year when Sen. Kennedy introduced [ARG0 a bill] that *T*-38 would require employers to provide a minimum level of health insurance to workers but does [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel contain] [ARG1 cost-control measures] *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 That index] , which *T*-73 [rel contains] [ARG1 technology companies with annual revenues of $ 200 million *U* or less] , gained 17.97 % by Sept. 30 this year -- * still lagging the S&P 500 , but leading larger technology firms .
- They shredded it simply because [ARG0 it] [rel contained] [ARG1 financial information about their creditors and depositors] . ''
- [ARGM-ADV At the behest of pro-choice members of Congress] , [ARG0 a four-year reauthorization bill for Title X federal family-planning assistance] [ARGM-TMP now] [rel contains] [ARG1 a $ 10 million *U* grant for `` development , evaluation and bringing to the marketplace of new improved contraceptive devices , drugs and methods] . ''
- The award was made *-1 by a federal court to the widow of a U.S. Forest Service employee who *T*-2 contracted Hodgkin 's disease after *-3 using [ARG0 herbicides] [rel containing] [ARG1 Agent Orange] in a weed-killing program .
- Back then , scientists had no way of * ferreting out specific genes , but under a microscope they could see the 23 pairs of chromosomes in [ARG0 the cells] that *T*-1 [rel contain] [ARG1 the genes] .
- He assumed 0 [ARG0 the missing piece] [rel contained] [ARG1 a gene or genes whose loss *T*-1 had a critical role in * setting off the cancer] .
- General Mills Inc. , the food giant , launched [ARG0 a breakfast cereal called * Benefit] , [rel containing] [ARG1 psyllium , oat , wheat and beet bran] ; the words , `` * reduce cholesterol '' were prominently displayed *-1 on its package .
- [ARG0 The supplement] [rel contains] [ARG1 various information that *T*-2 has been filed *-1 with the Securities and Exchange Commission since Dow Jones launched the offer on Sept. 26] , but it does n't change the terms and conditions of the offer except *-3 to extend its expiration date .
- [ARG1 A survey] [rel contained] * in [ARG0-in the 291-page report] , `` Copyright and Home Copying : Technology Challenges the Law , '' found that most people consider home copying for such personal use a `` right '' -- a right , moreover , that *T*-2 was exercised *-1 by 40 % of Americans over the age of 10 in the past year .
- In May , the company consolidated its Aerospace and Electronics groups ; [ARG0 the new Defense and Space Group] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel contain] [ARG1 the Aerospace and Electronics division and Advanced Systems , both based * in the Seattle area ; Boeing Helicopters in Philadelphia ; Boeing Military Airplanes in Wichita , Kan. , and ArgoSystems in Sunnyvale , Calif] .
- [ARG0 Our five-year plan] [rel contains] [ARG1 three accounting devices -- negative money , an above guidance management reserve and optimistic inflation estimates -- which *T*-1 understate the spending 0 the Pentagon has committed itself to *T*-2 by almost $ 100 billion *U*] .
- That plan exceeded [ARG1 the numbers] [rel contained] * in [ARG0-in his budget message] by $ 45 billion *U* .
- Bausch & Lomb Inc. said 0 it plans *-2 to introduce next year a new line of [ARG0 sunglasses] [rel containing] [ARG1 melanin , the pigment that *T*-1 protects against damage from ultraviolet rays] .
- The reactions stem from the fact that [ARG0 the vaccine] [rel contains] [ARG1 multiple copies of the whole Bordetella pertussis bacterium , which *T*-1 causes whooping cough] .
- [ARG1 The policy] was [rel contained] *-1 in [ARG0-in an exchange of letters last October between the Senate intelligence committee and the CIA and National Security Council] .
- [ARGM-DIS However] , [ARGM-ADV as * is common with sweeping legislation] , [ARG0 the proposal] [rel contains] [ARG1 many provisions that *T*-1 could destroy important parts of the system 0 it sets out *-3 to preserve *T*-2] .
- [ARG0 The Senate bill] [rel contains] [ARG1 many provisions that *T*-1 will increase the costs of trading] .
- The efforts [ARG0 *] to get to the people who *T*-3 are addicted , try *-1 to rehabilitate them ; [ARGM-ADV if they can not be rehabilitated *-2] , [ARGM-DIS at least] * to [rel contain] [ARG1 them] ; * to educate people , * to strongly discourage use of drugs by people who *T*-4 are casual users and first users , * to stop this process among the young -- all of these things I think 0 *T*-5 are extremely important .
- As a fan of older movies from the 1920s on , I do not find 0 [ARG0 modern comedies] [rel contain] [ARG1 violence , sex and foul language] [ARGM-EXT to any greater degree than other recent movies] .
- He adds that with communism collapsing and Mr. Gorbachev scrambling *-2 to rejuvenate the Soviet economy , `` Our interest lies in a controlled transformation , a [rel contained] [ARG1 nuclear] reaction , so we need *-1 to help him , and not just with words . ''
- [ARGM-ADV *-1 Located *-2 six miles northeast of Venice] , [ARG0 the field] [rel contains] [ARG1 875 billion cubic feet of methane gas - one-tenth of Italy 's reserves] .
- But , * assuming 0 those problems can be overcome *-1 , they should allow for memory chips that *T*-3 could approach one billion bits of information -- [ARG1 250 times as much] as *?* is [rel contained] *-2 in [ARG0-in the four-megabit chips that *T*-4 are just reaching the market] and a million times what *T*-5 was possible in the mid-1970s .
- Earlier this month , the White House endorsed * stripping the controversial tax measure from the bill so that Congress could pass quickly [ARG0 a `` clean '' bill] [rel containing] [ARGM-ADV only] [ARG1 provisions specifically designed * * to meet federal budget targets under the Gramm-Rudman act] .
- [ARG0 A chart in last Friday 's special report on personal finance] [rel contained] [ARG1 an incorrect figure supplied * by NonProfit Times , a monthly newspaper covering charities] .
- While [ARG0 the third period] [rel contained] [ARG1 no major surprises] , Mr. Lothson said 0 *T*-2 , the results show how sensitive the multinationals can be *T*-1 to developments in a single country such as Brazil .
- [ARG0 Britain 's latest trade figures] [rel contained] [ARG1 some positive news for the economy , such as a surge in the volume of exports , which *T*-1 were 8.5 % higher than a year earlier] .
- [ARG0 Gases] [rel containing] [ARG1 CFCs] are pumped *-1 into polyurethane * to make the foam used * in pillows , upholstery and insulation .
- [ARG0 NOVEMBER BALLOTS] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel contain] [ARG1 few referendum or initiative issues that *T*-1 especially affect small business] .
- According to a detailed report by Zbigniew Bochniarz of the University of Minnesota 's Hubert Humphrey Institute , [ARG0 27 areas] [rel containing] [ARG1 a third of Poland 's population] are regarded *-1 as `` ecological hazards '' due to multiple violations of standards .
- `` [ARG0 Jazz Cleopatra] '' [rel contains] [ARG1 other , more important , false notes that *T*-1 undermine what *T*-2 is , for the most part , a lively account of a life already familiar from earlier works] .
- But [ARG0 Superfund] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel contains] [ARG1 a criminal provision concerning the release of toxic substances into the environment] .
- It will be financed *-1 by advertisements from U.S. companies and by simultaneous publication of [ARG0 an English-language journal] [rel containing] [ARG1 details of Soviet medical advancements] .
- [ARG0 The fields] [rel contain] [ARG1 recoverable reserves of 435 billion cubic feet of natural gas and four million barrels of oil] .
- But his complaint that `` [ARG0 Days of Rage] '' does [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel contain] [ARG1 balanced comments from Israelis about how badly the Palestinians are behaving *T*-1] is irrelevant .
- Rome magistrates accuse Mr. Carboni and several other people of *-2 trying *-1 to extort 1.2 billion lire -LRB- $ 880,000 *U* -RRB- from the Vatican in return for [ARG1 documents] [rel contained] * in [ARG0-in the briefcase of Roberto Calvi , the Ambrosiano chairman found * hanged under London 's Blackfriar 's Bridge shortly before the bank 's collapse] .
- Italian papers speculated 0 [ARG0 the briefcase] [rel contained] [ARG1 papers either exonerating the Vatican bank from blame in the scandal , or showing that the bank , known * as the Istituto per le Opere di Religione , channeled funds to East bloc groups such as Solidarity in Poland] .
- [ARG0 The baccalaureate bonds] -- tax-free , offered * in small denominations and [ARGM-TMP usually] [rel containing] [ARG1 a provision that they wo n't be called *-1 before maturity] -- seem *-2 to be tailor-made for college savers .
- [ARG0 The products -- sealants and bonding materials used * by dentists --] all [rel contain] [ARG1 fluoride that *T*-2 is released *-1 over time] .
- [ARG0 Your Oct. 5 editorial `` A Democratic Tax Cut ''] [rel contained] [ARG1 an error] .
- Mr. Mitchell 's first victory came last week , when the Senate passed [ARG0 a deficit-reduction bill] that *T*-1 did [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel contain] [ARG1 a capital-gains provision] *T*-2 .
- * To be sure , the full Senate , *-3 facing a fast-approaching budget deadline , last Friday stripped away all of [ARG1 the tax breaks] that *T*-2 were [rel contained] *-1 in [ARG0-in the Finance Committee bill] .
- Though Democrats can gloat at all this for now , [ARG0 they] may want *-1 to [rel contain] [ARG1 their glee] .
- The product , developed * by Desktop Data Corp. , a new company based * in Waltham , Mass. , scans the wires *-2 looking for [ARG0 articles] that *T*-1 [rel contain] [ARG1 key words specified * by the user] .
- He says 0 he told NewsEdge *-1 to look for [ARG0 stories] [rel containing] [ARG1 such words as takeover , acquisition , acquire , LBO , tender , merger , junk and halted] .
- Some of the bill 's supporters had taken heart from the fact that the letter was n't signed *-1 by Mr. Skinner and that [ARG0 it] did [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel contain] [ARG1 a veto threat] .
- Howard Bailit , a panel member and a vice president of Aetna Life & Casualty , said that [ARG0 utilization management] will also do a better job of * [rel containing] [ARG1 costs] as it spreads *-1 to cover medical services delivered * outside of hospitals .
- The idea behind the Egg King is pretty simple : * put the eggs into [ARG0 a cylinder] that *T*-1 [rel contains] [ARG1 perforated baskets] , spin them at a high speed *-2 to break the shells and strain the edible part through the baskets .
- [ARG0 The glitzy office that Ivan Boesky vacated *T*-1 for a prison cell] had [ARGM-TMP previously] [rel contained] [ARG1 commodity operators Marc Rich and `` Pinky '' Green , today fugitives from a potential century apiece of jail sentences] .
- William Seidman , chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. , said 0 Lincoln Savings & Loan Association should have been seized *-1 by the government in 1986 [ARG0 *] to [rel contain] [ARG1 losses that he estimated 0 *T*-2 will cost taxpayers as much as $ 2 billion *U*] .
- [ARG0 A portion of the report] [rel containing] [ARG1 names of the middlemen] is withheld *-1 by officials 0 *T*-2 citing bank secrecy requirements .
- FDIC Chairman Seidman said that Lincoln Savings & Loan of California should have been seized *-1 in 1986 [ARG0 *] to [rel contain] [ARG1 losses 0 he estimated 0 *T*-2 will cost taxpayers as much as $ 2 billion *U*] .
- His pledge , in a letter to Democratic Sen. Byrd , came ahead of an expected Senate vote on [ARG0 spending legislation] [rel containing] [ARG1 the provision] .
- [ARG0 The Clean Water Act] [rel contains] [ARG1 no `` legal standard '' of zero discharge] .
- In fact , Lever Bros. confirms that [ARG0 its Sunlight brand] does [rel contain] [ARG1 chlorine bleach] , [ARGM-ADV even though it is n't listed *-1 on the label for the powder version] .
- While neither side will disclose its contents , Mr. Mehta expects [ARG0 it] to [rel contain] [ARG1 more specific guarantees on research and development spending levels in Canada than Merieux offered *?* to Investment Canada] .
- [ARG0 The deficit reduction bill] [rel contains] [ARG1 $ 5.3 billion *U* in tax increases in fiscal 1990 , and $ 26 billion *U* over five years] .
- Those of us who *T*-1 resisted the idea then suspect today that an obligation of government service for all young people is still the true long-term aim of many national-service backers , despite their protests that [ARG0 present plans] [rel contain] [ARG1 no coercion] .
- [ARG0 A four-page ad from Texas Instruments Inc. , running in approximately 140,000 issues of the Oct. 20 `` Corporate Elite '' issue of the McGraw-Hill Inc. publication ,] [rel contains] [ARG1 a speech synthesizer laminated * between two of the pages] .