frames- [ARGM-ADV While *-1 neither admitting nor denying wrongdoing] , [ARG0 Triton and Mr. Chase] [rel consented] to [ARG1-to findings of violations in connection with limited-partnership sales] .
- [ARG0 Crane & Co. Securities Inc. , of Mount Clemens , Mich. , and its president , Glenn R. Crane , of Sterling Heights , Mich. ,] [rel consented] to [ARG1-to a joint fine of $ 10,000 *U*] .
- [ARGM-ADV Without *-1 admitting or denying wrongdoing] , [ARG0 they] [rel consented] to [ARG1-to findings of violations of escrow and record-keeping rules] .
- [ARG0 First Commonwealth Securities Corp. , of New Orleans , and its president , Kenneth J. Canepa , also of New Orleans ,] [rel consented] to [ARG1-to a $ 10,000 *U* fine] .
- [ARGM-ADV Without *-1 admitting or denying wrongdoing] , [ARG0 they] [rel consented] to [ARG1-to findings that they had inaccurately represented the firm 's net capital , maintained inaccurate books and records , and made other violations] .
- Mr. Canepa confirmed 0 [ARG0 he] had [rel consented] to [ARG1-to the sanctions] but declined *-1 to comment further .
- [ARG0 Weatherly Securities Corp. , New York , and three of its principals -- Dell Eugene Keehn and William Northy Prater Jr. , both of Mercer Island , Wash. , and Thomas Albert McFall , of Red Bank , N.J . --] [rel consented] to [ARG1-to a fine of $ 20,000 *U*] .
- [ARGM-ADV Without *-1 admitting or denying wrongdoing] , [ARG0 they] [rel consented] to [ARG1-to findings that they failed *-2 to return funds owed * to customers in connection with a limited-partnership offering] .
- [ARG0 Shearson Lehman Hutton Inc. , New York , which *T*-251 is 62%-owned *-1 by American Express Co. ,] [rel consented] to [ARG1-to a $ 10,000 *U* fine] .
- [ARGM-ADV Without *-1 admitting or denying wrongdoing] , [ARG0 the firm] [rel consented] to [ARG1-to findings that it failed *-2 to respond `` in a timely manner '' to the NASD 's requests for information in connection with a customer complaint] .
- [ARG0 The following *ICH*-4] were barred *-3 or , where * noted *-1 *T*-2 , suspended *-3 and [rel consented] to [ARG1-to findings] [ARGM-ADV without *-3 admitting or denying wrongdoing] : Edward L. Cole , Jackson , Miss. , $ 10,000 *U* fine ; Rita Rae Cross , Denver , $ 2,500 *U* fine and 30-day suspension ; Thomas Richard Meinders , Colorado Springs , Colo. , $ 2,000 *U* fine , five-day suspension and eight-month suspension as a principal ; Ronald A. Cutrer , Baton Rouge , La. , $ 15,000 *U* fine and one-month suspension ; Karl Grant Hale , Midvale , Utah , $ 15,000 *U* fine ; Clinton P. Hayne , New Orleans , $ 7,500 *U* fine and one-week suspension ; Richard M. Kane , Coconut Creek , Fla. , $ 250,000 *U* fine ; John B. Merrick , Aurora , Colo. , $ 1,000 *U* fine and 10-day suspension ; John P. Miller , Baton Rouge , $ 2,000 *U* fine and two-week suspension ; Randolph K. Pace , New York , $ 10,000 *U* fine and 90-day suspension ; Brian D. Pitcher , New Providence , N.J. , $ 30,000 *U* fine ; Wayne A. Russo , Bridgeville , Pa. , $ 4,000 *U* fine and 15-day suspension ; Orville Leroy Sandberg , Aurora , Colo. , $ 3,500 *U* fine and 10-day suspension ; Richard T. Marchese , Las Vegas , Nev. , $ 5,000 *U* and one-year suspension ; Eric G. Monchecourt , Las Vegas , $ 5,000 *U* and one-year suspension ; and Robert Gerhard Smith , Carson City , Nev. , two-year suspension .
- And four states -- California , Florida , Michigan and Pennsylvania -- have adopted rules that [ARG0 all parties involved] [ARGM-MOD must] [rel consent] [ARGM-TMP when phone calls are recorded *-1 *T*-2] .
- In [ARG0 *-1] [rel consenting] to [ARG1-to the injunctions] , none of the individuals or companies admitted or denied the allegations .
- [ARG0 Two of Mr. Holmes 's business associates who *T*-2 worked for Venture Capitalists , Kimberly Ann Smith and Frederick Byrum ,] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel consented] [ARG1 * to being enjoined *-1 from violations of registration provisions of the securities laws] .