frames- [ARG0 A new in-house magazine , Kidder World -- which *T*-1 will focus on the firm 's synergy strategy , says 0 *T*-2 Mr. Carpenter --] [rel confides] [ARG1 that on weekends Mr. Newquist `` often gets value-added ideas while *-3 flying his single-engine Cessna Centurion on the way to Nantucket] . ''
- `` [ARG1 I 'd love *-1 to see sports cut back , and so would a lot of my counterparts at other schools , but everybody 's afraid *-2 to make the first move] , '' [ARG0 he] [rel confided] *T*-3 .
- Or maybe a Surgeon General 's warning : [ARG0 *] [rel Confiding] in [ARG2-in the United States] may be fatal .
- [ARG0 The owner of the company , Stephen Smith , who *T*-1 has since pleaded guilty to state and federal fraud charges] , [rel confided] to [ARG2-to investors] [ARG1 that he had a secret agreement with Amoco Oil Co.] and said 0 the location of his wells was confidential , according to a civil suit filed * in a Florida state court by the Florida comptroller 's office .
- And the vice president of a large Midwestern company realized that an abrasive temperament threatened his career [ARGM-TMP when] [ARG0 his wife] [rel confided] [ARG1 that similar behavior at home harmed their marriage] *T*-1 .