frames- [ARGM-TMP In the past decade] , [ARG0 Japanese manufacturers] [rel concentrated] on [ARG1-on domestic production for export] .
- By *-3 using them , teachers -- with administrative blessing -- telegraph to students beforehand [ARG1 the precise areas] on which [ARG0 a test] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel concentrate] *T*-1 , and sometimes give away a few exact questions and answers .
- In CAT sections where students ' knowledge of two-letter consonant sounds is tested *-1 *T*-2 , the authors noted that [ARG0 Scoring High] [rel concentrated] on [ARG1-on the same sounds that the test does *?* *T*-4] -- to the exclusion of other sounds that fifth graders should know *T*-3 .
- Mr. Hahn attributes the gains to the philosophy of [ARG0 *] [rel concentrating] on [ARG1-on what a company knows *T*-1 best] .
- In September , the company said 0 [ARG0 it] was seeking offers for its five radio stations in order *-1 to [rel concentrate] on [ARG1-on its programming business] .
- The move also would allow [ARG0 the company] to [rel concentrate] on [ARG1-on core businesses , which *T*-128 include ceramic tile , floor coverings and furniture] .
- According to veteran watchers of Unificationist affairs , such as Dr. J. Gordon Melton , director of the Institute for the Study of American Religion , almost all operations are being drastically reduced *-1 as [ARG0 Mr. Moon] [ARGM-TMP now] [rel concentrates] more on [ARG1-on *-2 developing his empire in the Far East] .
- The Sidley-Ashurst venture will also be staffed *-211 by another Sidley partner specializing in corporate law , [ARG0 a partner] from Ashurst [rel concentrating] on [ARG1-on acquisitions] and a Japanese attorney .
- [ARG0 He] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel concentrate] on , among others , [ARG1-on J.P. Morgan and Hyundai] .
- It *EXP*-1 has long been rumored *-2 that [ARG0 Ocean Drilling] would sell the unit * to [rel concentrate] on [ARG1-on its core oil and gas business] .
- By [ARG0 *-1] [rel concentrating] [ARG2 all their resources] on [ARG1-on the pay raise , Wright and Tower] , the networks actually overlooked some major stories that *T*-181 showed the flaws and shortcomings of the institution ... .
- That arrangement apparently has worked well , and Thomas A. Bologna , president and chief executive officer of Gen-Probe , founded * in 1983 , said 0 the sale of the company means 0 `` [ARG0 we] will be able *-1 to [rel concentrate] on [ARG1-on * running the business rather than always looking for sources of financing] . ''
- By contrast , Value Line said 0 Georgia-Pacific `` is in a comparatively good position * to deal with weakening paper markets , '' because [ARG1 its production] is [rel concentrated] *-1 [ARGM-LOC not in the Northwest but in the South , where it should be able *-2 to avoid some of the cost pressures from rising wood-chip prices *T*-3] .
- Wells , Rich , Greene named Cheryl Heller as an executive vice president *RNR*-2 and creative partner *RNR*-2 in [ARG0 its image group] , which *T*-1 [rel concentrates] on [ARG1-on fashion and visually oriented advertising] .
- [ARGM-LOC At Wells Rich] , [ARG0 Ms. Heller] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel concentrate] on [ARG1-on accounts that *T*-1 include Philip Morris 's Benson & Hedges cigarette brand , which *T*-2 relies on print ads , Ms. Heller 's specialty] .
- [ARGM-ADV While our competitors are concerned *-1 with their financial viability and possible ownership changes] , [ARG0 we] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel concentrating] on [ARG1-on *-3 buying and selling merchandise 0 our customers need and want *T*-2] . ''
- `` [ARG0 RJR Nabisco and Planters LifeSavers] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel concentrate] [ARGM-EXT more] on [ARG1-on our own core businesses] , '' Mr. Gerstner said *T*-1 Friday .
- The ritzy world of [ARGM-LOC department-store cosmetics retailing] , where [ARG0 Unilever] is [rel concentrating] [ARG2 its efforts] *T*-1 , may prove even more treacherous .
- Both women say 0 they also find it *EXP*-1 distasteful that [ARG0 CBS News] is [ARGM-MOD apparently] [rel concentrating] on [ARG1-on Mr. Hoffman 's problems as a manic-depressive] .
- Calgene , an agricultural biotechnology concern , said 0 [ARG0 initial work] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel concentrate] on [ARG1-on a proprietary strain of Bacillus subtilis which *T*-1 has shown promise for * controlling aflatoxin] .
- [ARGM-TMP In the immediate postwar years] , [ARG0 the Rothschilds] [rel concentrated] on [ARG1-on * rebuilding their other European operations] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 delaying their return to Frankfurt] .
- Once the consolidation is complete , [ARG0 Bethlehem] plans *-1 to [rel concentrate] [ARG2 its forgings business] on [ARG1-on nuclear fabrication , hardened steel and large-diameter steel rolls for rolling mills and selected custom-die applications] .
- [ARG0 National Intergroup] is negotiating for the sale of its 50 % interest in National Steel *-1 to [rel concentrate] [ARGM-EXT more fully] on [ARG1-on drug distribution operations] .
- In a stunning shift in direction , Provigo Inc. said 0 [ARG0 it] will sell all its non-food operations *-1 to [rel concentrate] solely on [ARG1-on its retail and wholesale grocery business] .
- `` I think 0 it 's a pretty positive development , '' said *T*-1 Ross Cowan , a financial analyst with Levesque Beaubien Geoffrion Inc. , of the decision [ARG0 *] to [rel concentrate] on [ARG1-on groceries] .
- *-1 Laboring in blue and gray overalls , [ARG0 they] are supposed *-1 to [rel concentrate] on [ARG1-on * cleaning out crevices] , and not strain their eyes *-2 looking for diamonds .
- In 1972 , the Justice Department required that the electoral map in the borough of Brooklyn be redrawn *-1 [ARG0 *] to [rel concentrate] [ARG2 black and Hispanic votes] , despite protests that the new electoral boundaries would split a neighborhood of Hasidic Jews into two different districts .
- But then steady , [rel concentrated] [ARG1 buying] by Bear , Stearns & Co. , which *T*-1 frequently buys stock for corporate raiders , took hold and steadied the fall in UAL , which *T*-2 eventually buoyed the entire market .
- [ARGM-LOC In a classic defense of a personal-injury case] , [ARG0 the consultants] [rel concentrate] on [ARG1-on * encouraging the jury to shift the blame] .
- [ARG2 The asset shrinkage] was [ARGM-ADV particularly] [rel concentrated] *-1 in [ARG1-in several large California institutions] .
- Ingersoll President Robert M. Jelenic said in a statement that [ARG0 the company] is `` delighted by the conclusion of the Goodson relationship '' and will be able *-1 to `` [rel concentrate] [ARG2 all our energies] '' on [ARG1-on Ingersoll 's own papers] .
- [ARGM-ADV While Mr. Rosenthal introduced new undergarment designs] , [ARG0 his wife , Ida ,] [rel concentrated] on [ARG1-on sales and other financial matters] .
- [ARG1 Most] is [rel concentrated] [ARGM-LOC in five Persian Gulf countries , including his own ,] Issam Al-Chalabi , Iraq 's oil minister , told *T*-1 the conference Friday .
- `` All these consultants kept coming around *-1 telling us 0 [ARG0 we] [ARGM-MOD should] [rel concentrate] on [ARG1-on high technology , electronics or biotechnology] , and get out of mature basic industries , '' Mr. Andersson recalls *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 Newport Beach telemarketers] [rel concentrate] on [ARG1-on precious metals and oil-leasing deals that *T*-1 typically cost thousands of dollars a shot] .
- `` We had underfunded Maalox for a year , '' he said 0 *T*-1 , because [ARG0 the company] was [rel concentrating] on [ARG1-on research and development and * promoting other drugs] .
- [ARG0 Other funds] have been designed *-1 to [rel concentrate] on [ARG1-on stocks in a geographic area] [ARGM-PNC in order * to encourage local investment] .
- [ARGM-TMP Now] [ARG0 Republican leaders] are [rel concentrating] on [ARG1-on *-2 attaching a capital-gains amendment to some other bill , perhaps a measure raising the federal borrowing limit or a second tax bill that *T*-1 would follow on the heels of the deficit-reduction legislation] .
- [ARG0 Five of the partners -- James W. Morris , Philip B. Morris , Robert M. White , Ann Adams Webster and Jacqueline G. Epps --] are opening a boutique in Richmond *-1 to [rel concentrate] on [ARG1-on corporate defense litigation] , [ARGM-LOC particularly in product liability cases] .
- * Focusing on beer , restaurants and hotels means 0 `` [ARG0 we] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel concentrate] [ARG2 our skills and resources] [ARGM-MNR more effectively] , '' Peter Jarvis , Whitbread 's managing director , said 0 *T*-1 in a statement .
- Now , [ARG0 it] wants *-1 to [rel concentrate] on [ARG1-on beer and its newer hotel and restaurant operations] .
- But that rule is being virtually overlooked *-1 by [ARG0 Wall Street] , which *T*-2 is [rel concentrating] on [ARG1-on *-3 coping with the deduction issue] .
- Her Susie Diamond handles a song the way 0 the greats do *T*-3 , like she 's hearing the way 0 it should sound *T*-1 inside her head and [ARG0 she] 's [rel concentrating] on [ARG1-on *-2 matching that internal tone] .
- [ARG0 Hunter] wants *-1 to [rel concentrate] [ARG2 its resources] on the insurance business and on [ARG1-on a project 0 *T*-2 to store hazardous wastes in salt domes] .
- [ARG0 Hunter] wants *-1 to [rel concentrate] [ARG2 its resources] on [ARG1-on the insurance business] and on a project 0 *T*-2 to store hazardous wastes in salt domes .
- Since [ARG0 he] [rel concentrated] on [ARG1-on the economic folly of such ordinances] , he did n't mention certain other of their effects .
- *-1 Assuming 0 modern audiences readily understand that Moliere 's social indictment covers their world as well as 17th-century Paris , [ARG0 Mr. Wilbur] [rel concentrated] [ARG2 his formidable artistry] on [ARG1-on *-1 rendering the Alexandrine French verse into sprightly and theatrical English iambic pentameter] .
- Battelle 's Mr. McCall thinks 0 [ARG0 steelmakers] [ARGM-MOD should] [rel concentrate] [ARGM-EXT more] on [ARG1-on construction] .
- [ARG0 Producers] also are trying *-2 to differentiate by * [rel concentrating] on [ARG1-on higher-profit output , such as coated and electrogalvanized products , which *T*-1 remain beyond the reach of minimills] .
- The multibillion-dollar prospects , where the bidder must line up a consortium of banks and\/or issue billions in high-yield debt *T*-2 , were [ARGM-LOC where] [ARG2 the damage] was [rel concentrated] *-1 *T*-3 .
- Far better for [ARG0 policy makers] to [rel concentrate] on [ARG1-on the war against drugs , Panama and the deficit , all of them parades that *T*-1 seem *-2 never to end] .
- Some 24 million of the more than 100 million shares traded * in the final 90 minutes of [ARGM-TMP Friday 's] session , when [ARG2 the plunge in stock prices] was [rel concentrated] *-1 *T*-2 , were program-related , he said 0 *T*-3 .
- `` There is no pressing need * to sell the unit , but we are doing it so [ARG0 we] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel concentrate] on [ARG1-on our core business , * renting automobiles in the U.S. and abroad] , '' said *T*-1 William Slider , Hertz 's executive vice president .
- `` [ARGM-ADV If you examine the data carefully] , [ARG2 the increase] is [rel concentrated] *-1 in [ARG1-in energy and motor vehicle prices , rather than * being a broad-based advance in the prices of consumer and industrial goods] , '' he explained *T*-2 .
- Mr. Front of Stein Roe suggests that [ARG2 any buying] [ARGM-MOD should] `` [rel concentrate] in [ARG1-in stocks that *T*-2 have lagged the market on the up side , or stocks that *T*-3 have been beaten *-1 down a lot more than the market in this correction] . ''
- Mortgage securities rose in hectic trading , with [ARG2 most of the activity] [rel concentrated] in [ARG1-in Government National Mortgage Association 9 % coupon securities , the most liquid mortgage issue] .