frames- One group is [ARG1 the Committee] on State Taxation , which *T*-283 [rel comprises] [ARG2 330 multistate corporations] and advises the Council of State Chambers of Commerce .
- It is time-consuming -LRB- the abortion part alone lasts three days , and [ARG1 the clinical part] [rel comprises] [ARG2 a week 's worth of visits] -RRB- , bloody -LRB- one woman in a Swedish trial required a transfusion , although for most it resembles a menstrual period , with bleeding lasting an average of 10 days -RRB- , and painful -LRB- many women require analgesic shots *-1 to ease them through -RRB- .
- [ARG1 The centers] [rel comprise] [ARG2 a total of about 1.6 million square feet of retail space] .
- *-3 Seeking *-2 to overcome the currency problems , [ARG1 Mr. Giffen 's American Trade Consortium] , which *T*-1 [rel comprises] [ARG2 Chevron Corp. , RJR , Johnson & Johnson , Eastman Kodak Co. , and Archer-Daniels-Midland Co. ,] has concocted an elaborate scheme 0 * to share out dollar earnings , largely from the revenues of a planned Chevron oil project *T*-4 .
- Moreover , Mr. Shattuck and others said 0 [ARG1 residential real estate , which *T*-1 had remained fairly strong through most of the downturn ,] is beginning *-2 to [rel comprise] [ARG2 more and more of the foreclosures] .
- [ARG1 The FADA real-estate package , with an asking price of $ 428 million *U* ,] is [rel comprised] *-1 of [ARG2-of 150 properties in Texas , California , Colorado , Arizona and Florida] .
- It said 0 it does n't anticipate any loss of principal on [ARG1 two] of the loans , [rel comprising] [ARG2 $ 85 million *U* of these credits] .
- [ARG1 The G-7] [rel comprises] [ARG2 West Germany , the U.S. , France , the U.K. , Italy , Canada and Japan] .
- Media General Inc. intends *-2 to sell [ARG1 two of its West Coast weekly newspaper chains , Golden West Publishing Inc. and Highlander Publications , which *T*-1 [ARGM-ADV together] [rel comprise] [ARG2 31 papers] ] .
- The House 's bill would prohibit dual trading in [ARG1 markets with daily average volume of 7,000 contracts or more] , [rel comprising] [ARG2 those considered * too difficult 0 * to track *T*-1 without a sophisticated computer system] .
- [ARG1 The new group] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel comprise] [ARG2 all of United Biscuit 's manufacturing and marketing operations in the food sector apart from those based * in the U.S.] .
- It 's now [ARG1 the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland] , [rel comprising] [ARG2 Wales , Northern Ireland , Scotland , and ... oh yes , England , too] .
- * Consider the growth of [ARG1 portables] , which *T*-1 [ARGM-TMP now] [rel comprise] [ARG2 12 % of all personal computer sales] .