frames- [ARG0 The year-ago results] have been restated *-1 to [rel comply] with [ARG1-with government regulations] .
- Mr. Lewis said 0 [ARG0 the company] gave the Consumer Affairs department `` volumes of documents '' *-1 to substantiate its statements , and made `` every effort * to [rel comply] '' with [ARG1-with all the agency 's policies] .
- [ARG0 MiniScribe] filed a status report *ICH*-1 with the NASD on Monday , detailing its efforts * to [rel comply] with [ARG1-with listing requirements] and requesting an extension of the exception , but has n't received a response .
- Earlier this year , the Fed denied an application *ICH*-1 by Continental Bank Corp. * to purchase Grand Canyon State Bank in Scottsdale , Ariz. , on grounds that [ARG0 Continental] had [ARGM-NEG n't] [ARGM-ADV fully] [rel complied] with [ARG1-with the Community Reinvestment Act] .
- The officials said 0 the meeting agreed *-3 to continue *-2 working toward *-4 `` streamlining '' Cocom 's restricted products list , and to improve procedures for * punishing [ARG0 companies] that *T*-1 do [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel comply] with [ARG1-with the export restrictions] .
- A spokesman for GE said that [ARG0 the company] has been working with the FAA all along on this issue and `` [ARGM-MOD will] [rel comply] [ARGM-MNR fully] with [ARG1-with the required inspections] . ''
- A key provision in the current version of the charter would give the commission a mandate 0 *T*-1 to produce an `` action program '' detailing on what points [ARG0 EC member states] would be required *-2 to [rel comply] with [ARG1-with the goals set * out in the charter] *T*-3 .
- [ARG0 The executives] face five to 15 years in prison and fines of $ 5,000 *U* or double the profit made * by * failing *-1 to [rel comply] with [ARG1-with the rules] .
- [ARG0 Taxi , leasing and other companies] that *T*-1 maintain fleets of vehicles devote substantial resources to * [rel complying] with [ARG1-with state insurance laws and a host of agencies] .
- [ARG0 *] [rel Complying] with [ARG1-with environmental and workplace regulations] runs a close second .
- Peter Gebhard , the company 's owner , says 0 spending on regulatory paper work and the people 0 *T*-1 to do it -- mostly 0 [ARG0 *] to [rel comply] with [ARG1-with federal , state and local environmental laws] *T*-2 -- will rise almost 30 % this year to $ 100,000 *U* .
- [ARG0 *] [rel Complying] with [ARG1-with these] is enough * to make business owners look forward to their own pension days .
- They asked regulators *-1 to suggest new ways 0 * to force [ARG0 banks and thrifts] to [rel comply] with [ARG1-with anti-discrimination laws] *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 Thrifts] continued *-1 to shed assets in August , [ARGM-ADV mainly] *-1 to [rel comply] with [ARG1-with stiffer capital rules under the S&L bailout law] .
- The Tempe , Ariz. , maker of underground fuel-storage systems said 0 the most recent period was affected *-1 by [ARG0 customers '] problems * [rel complying] with [ARG1-with recent Environmental Protection Agency regulations] .
- But when Harley last week publicly questioned the legality of the group 's filing procedures *T*-1 , the Rochester , N.Y. , investor said `` [ARG0 we] [rel complied] with [ARG1-with every law] , '' and he denied any wrongdoing .
- In Honduras , where the Contras are a hot political issue , he promised *-1 to help unblock some $ 70 million *U* in assistance withheld * due to the failure *ICH*-2 of [ARG0 local agencies] * to [rel comply] with [ARG1-with conditions agreed upon * with Washington] .
- John Christie , a lawyer here for the two Chicago Title & Trust units accused the FTC of *-1 `` second-guessing '' [ARG1-with state-level regulations] , with which , he said 0 *T*-3 , [ARG0 his clients] had [rel complied] *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 The new real estate unit] would have a separate capital structure *-1 to [rel comply] with [ARG1-with the law] .
- According to a spokeswoman , they also relate to changes 0 [ARG0 Franklin] will have *-2 to make *T*-1 *ICH*-3 in its accounting procedures * to [rel comply] with [ARG1-with new federal capitalization requirements for thrifts] .
- `` We fully expect that [ARG0 Canada] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel comply] with [ARG1-with the panel 's ruling '' that the `` landing requirement '' also must be ended *-1] , she said 0 *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 A three-judge appeals panel] yesterday refused *-1 to [rel comply] , though liberal Judge Pat Wald went out of her way *-2 to deny that this was a `` frivolous '' case .
- But the Bush administration says 0 it wants *-1 to see evidence that [ARG0 all Cocom members] are [rel complying] [ARGM-MNR fully] with [ARG1-with existing export-control procedures] before it will support further liberalization .
- But [ARGM-TMP so far] [ARG0 the company] has [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel complied] with [ARG1-with that request] , the spokesman said 0 *T*-1 .
- -- By 11:59 p.m. tonight , [ARG0 President Bush] must order $ 16 billion *U* of automatic , across-the-board cuts in government spending *-1 to [rel comply] with [ARG1-with the Gramm-Rudman budget law] .