frames- The thrift holding company said 0 [ARG0 it] expects *-1 to obtain regulatory approval and [rel complete] [ARG1 the transaction] [ARGM-TMP by year-end] .
- McDermott International Inc. said 0 [ARG0 its Babcock & Wilcox unit] [rel completed] [ARG1 the sale of its Bailey Controls Operations to Finmeccanica S.p . A. for $ 295 million *U*] .
- Northeast said 0 it would refile its request and still hopes for an expedited review by the FERC so that [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel complete] [ARG1 the purchase] [ARGM-TMP by next summer] [ARGM-ADV if its bid is the one approved * by the bankruptcy court] .
- [ARG1 The $ 2.5 billion *U* Byron 1 plant near Rockford , Ill. ,] was [rel completed] *-17 [ARGM-TMP in 1985] .
- `` The theory is that Seymour is the chief designer of the Cray-3 , and [ARGM-ADV without him] [ARG1 it] [ARGM-MOD could] [ARGM-NEG not] be [rel completed] *-20 .
- R.P. Scherer Corp. said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel completed] [ARG1 the $ 10.2 million *U* sale of its Southern Optical subsidiary to a group led * by the unit 's president , Thomas R. Sloan , and other managers] .
- Bramalea said 0 [ARG0 it] expects *-1 to [rel complete] [ARG1 the issue] [ARGM-TMP by the end of the month] .
- In the classroom , students say 0 *T*-3 , Mrs. Yeargin distinguished herself by * varying teaching approaches -- *-1 forcing [ARG0 kids] to pair up *-2 to [rel complete] [ARG1 classroom work] or using college-bowl type competitions .
- Alleghany Corp. said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel completed] [ARG1 the acquisition of Sacramento Savings & Loan Association from the H.N. & Frances C. Berger Foundation for $ 150 million *U*] .
- Failure [ARG0 *] to [rel complete] [ARG1 the form] had been punishable as a misdemeanor until last November , when Congress determined that the crime was a felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 Price Communications Corp.] [rel completed] [ARG1 the sale of four of its TV stations to NTG Inc. for $ 120 million *U* in cash and notes] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 retaining a 10 % equity stake in the new concern] .
- Young & Rubicam said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel completed] [ARG1 its acquisition of Landor Associates , a San Francisco identity-management firm] .
- Analysts saw the latest offer as proof that Mr. Simmons , an aggressive and persistent investor , wo n't leave Georgia Gulf alone until [ARG1 some kind of transaction] is [rel completed] *-113 .
- When [ARG1 their changes] are [rel completed] *-137 *T*-1 , and after they have worked up a sweat , ringers often skip off to the local pub , *-2 leaving worship for others below .
- Under that law , [ARG0 parties proposing mergers or acquisitions valued * at $ 15 million *U* or more] must notify FTC and Justice Department antitrust regulators before *-1 [rel completing] [ARG1 the transactions] .
- Mr. McGuigan cites three [rel completed] [ARG1 efforts] in Oklahoma .
- [ARG0 Odyssey Partners Limited Partnership , an investment firm ,] [rel completed] [ARG1 the purchase of May Department Stores Co. 's Caldor discount chain] for $ 500 million *U* plus the assumption of $ 52 million *U* in debt .
- DD Acquisition said 0 the extension is * to allow [ARG1 this process] to be [rel completed] *-2 .
- First of America Bank Corp. said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel completed] [ARG1 its acquisition of Midwest Financial Group Inc. for about $ 250 million *U*] .
- [ARG0 Sony Corp.] [rel completed] [ARG1 its tender offer for Columbia Pictures Entertainment Inc.] , [ARGM-ADV with Columbia shareholders tendering 99.3 % of all common shares outstanding by the Tuesday deadline] .
- [ARG0 The Finnish government and major creditors of bankrupt shipyard Waertsilae Marine Industries Oy] agreed in principle *-1 to form a new company *-2 to [rel complete] [ARG1 most of the troubled shipyard 's backlog of 15 ships] .
- First Chicago Corp. said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel completed] [ARG1 its $ 55.1 million *U* cash-and-stock acquisition of closely held Ravenswood Financial Corp. , another Chicago bank holding company] .
- Liberty National Bancorp said 0 [ARG1 its acquisition of Florence Deposit Bank , Florence , Ky. , first announced * in April ,] has been [rel completed] *-31 [ARGM-MNR in a transaction valued * at $ 13.1 million *U*] .
- Dow Chemical Co. , Midland , Mich. , and Eli Lilly & Co. , Indianapolis , said 0 [ARG0 they] [rel completed] [ARG1 the formation of Dow Elanco , a joint venture combining their plant-sciences businesses as well as Dow 's industrial pest-control business] .
- Rep. John LaFalce -LRB- D. , N.Y . -RRB- said 0 Mr. Johnson refused *-1 to testify jointly with Mr. Mulford and instead asked *-1 to appear after [ARG0 the Treasury official] had [rel completed] [ARG1 his testimony] .
- Coke said 0 [ARG1 the joint-venture arrangement , which *T*-112 needs approval from both companies ' boards ,] [ARGM-MOD should] be [rel completed] *-82 [ARGM-TMP early next year] .
- Fibreboard Corp. said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel completed] [ARG1 the previously reported sale of approximately 27,500 acres of timberland near Truckee , Calif. , to closely held Sierra Pacific Industries Corp. , Arcata , Calif. , for $ 32.5 million *U*] .
- In addition , Healthcare agreed *-4 to make monthly rent and mortgage payments of $ 2.7 million to $ 3 million *U* to HealthVest *ICH*-2 during the standstill period , 0 *T*-3 to be paid *-125 when [ARG0 Healthcare] [ARGM-MNR successfully] [rel completes] [ARG1 asset sales] *T*-1 .
- Healthcare , which *T*-153 has been in a severe liquidity bind , said 0 it is able *-3 to make the payments because [ARG0 it] [rel completed] [ARG1 a transaction with Greenery Rehabilitation Group Inc. in which Greenery purchased stock and warrants for $ 500,000 *U* and loaned Healthcare $ 9 million *U* *T*-2] .
- The centerpiece of that complex , the Landmark Tower , will be Japan 's tallest building when [ARG1 it] is [rel completed] *-181 [ARGM-TMP in 1993] *T*-1 .
- The unusual seaborne meeting wo n't disrupt plans for a formal summit meeting next spring or summer , at which [ARG1 an arms-control treaty] is likely *-2 to be [rel completed] *-224 *T*-1 .
- But there were hitches , not the least of which *T*-17 was that , Mr. Wathen says , he proceeded almost blindly in * doing [ARG1 the $ 95 million *U* acquisition] , which *T*-18 was [rel completed] *-1 [ARGM-TMP in January 1988] .
- [ARG0 Paramount Communications Inc. , New York ,] [rel completed] [ARG1 the sale of its Associates Corp. consumer and commercial finance subsidiary to a unit of Ford Motor Co. for $ 3.35 billion *U*] .
- Paramount said 0 [ARG0 the sale] `` [rel completes] [ARG1 the strategic restructuring '' 0 it began *T*-1 in 1983] , and would enable it to focus on its entertainment and publishing businesses .
- Together with the 3.6 million shares currently controlled * by management , subsidiaries and directors , the [rel completed] [ARG1 tender] offer would give Sea Containers a controlling stake .
- Salt Lake City-based First Security , with $ 5.4 billion *U* in assets , said 0 the agreement is subject to shareholder and regulatory approval , and that [ARG0 it] hopes *-1 to [rel complete] [ARG1 the transaction] [ARGM-TMP early next year] .
- Since [ARG1 the most-recent wave of friendly takeovers] was [rel completed] *-2 [ARGM-LOC in the U.S.] [ARGM-TMP in 1986] , there have been more than 100 mergers and acquisitions within the European paper industry , he said 0 *T*-1 .
- QVC Network Inc. said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel completed] [ARG1 its acquisition of CVN Cos.] [ARGM-ADV for about $ 423 million *U*] .
- The additional spending pushes the measure more than $ 2 billion *U* above its prescribed budget ceiling , and [ARG0 the House Appropriations Committee leadership] must now seek a waiver in hopes of *-1 [rel completing] [ARG1 action] [ARGM-TMP today] .
- [ARG0 Paramount Communications] , which *T*-117 [rel completed] [ARG1 the $ 3.35 billion *U* sale of its Associates Corp . financial-services unit to Ford Motor] , gained 1 1\/8 to 55 7\/8 after *-1 losing one point Monday amid rumors of a delay .
- The seaborne meetings wo n't disrupt plans for a formal summit next spring or summer , at which [ARG1 an arms-control treaty] is likely *-2 to be [rel completed] *-3 *T*-1 .
- Avery Inc. said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel completed] [ARG1 the sale of Uniroyal Chemical Holding Co. to a group led * by management of Uniroyal Chemical Co. , the unit 's main business] .
- In a related development , Avery said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel completed] [ARG1 a recapitalization in which its controlling shareholders and top officers , Nelson Peltz and Peter W. May , surrendered warrants and preferred stock in exchange for a larger stake in Avery 's common shares *T*-1] .
- Under a merger agreement reached * Sept. 14 , the UAL board agreed *-1 to reimburse certain of the buy-out group 's expenses out of company funds even if [ARG1 the transaction] was [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel completed] *-2 , provided 0 the group did n't breach the agreement .
- The ruling also may determine how quickly [ARG0 LTV] is able *-2 to [rel complete] [ARG1 its Chapter 11 reorganization] *T*-1 .
- Ratners and Weisfield 's said 0 [ARG0 they] expect *-1 to sign definitive agreements shortly and to [rel complete] [ARG1 the transaction] [ARGM-TMP by Dec. 15] .
- [ARG1 The purchase] , expected * to be [rel completed] *-1 [ARGM-TMP by year end] , will make Quebecor the second-largest commercial printer in North America , behind only R.R. Donnelley & Sons Co. , Chicago .
- [ARG0 The company] has already missed its initial Oct. 1 target date for * [rel completing] [ARG1 the merger] .
- They said 0 they expect [ARG1 the transaction] to be [rel completed] *-1 [ARGM-TMP by Dec. 15] .
- Kellwood Co. said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel completed] [ARG1 a previously announced acquisition of Crowntuft Manufacturing Corp. , a New York-based maker of chenille robes and lounge wear] .
- They noted that [ARG1 studies] [rel completed] * [ARGM-TMP after the 1987 crash] exonerated program trading as a source of volatility .
- [ARG0 General Electric Co. 's rail-car leasing unit] [rel completed] [ARG1 the $ 178.5 million *U* purchase of similar businesses from Leucadia National Corp. and Brae Corp. , 74%-owned by Leucadia] , the sellers said 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 Air & Water Technologies Corp.] [rel completed] [ARG1 the acquisition of Falcon Associates Inc. , a Bristol , Pa. , asbestos-abatement concern , for $ 25 million *U* of stock] .
- [ARGM-TMP In August] , [ARGM-DIS for example] , [ARG0 it] [rel completed] [ARG1 the $ 110 million *U* acquisition of Reliance Universal Inc. , a U.S. maker of industrial coatings for wood , metals and plastics , from Tyler Corp] .
- But we did n't know just where it was *T*-1 until [ARG0 we] [rel completed] [ARG1 our data gathering] , '' Mr. Mortimer says *T*-2 .
- Trish Heimers , a spokesperson for RIAA says 0 her organization has n't received a copy of the [rel completed] [ARG1 report] yet and has no immediate comment .
- `` I 'm not saying 0 everything is hunky-dory , but [ARG0 we] have [rel completed] [ARG1 the transition] , '' Robert M. Price , chairman and chief executive , said *T*-1 in an interview .
- Afghan guerrillas bombarded Kabul in a weekend assault that Western diplomats called *T*-1 one of the biggest offensives since [ARG0 the Soviet Union] [rel completed] [ARG1 a troop withdrawal] [ARGM-TMP in February] .
- [ARG1 That acquisition] , 0 *T*-2 to be [rel completed] *-1 [ARGM-TMP by year end] , will include the Cover Girl and Clarion makeup lines , *-3 making P&G the top marketer of cosmetics in mass-market outlets .
- [ARGM-PNC *-1 To answer the brokerage question] , [ARG0 Kidder] , [ARGM-MNR in typical fashion] , [rel completed] [ARG1 a task-force study] .
- [ARG1 The merger] must be formally approved *-2 by the partners of both firms but is expected *-2 to be [rel completed] *-1 [ARGM-TMP by year end] .
- [ARG1 The process] will take as many as six months [ARG0 *] to [rel complete] , the company said 0 *T*-1 .
- The announcement said 0 the acquisition should be completed *-1 by December after [ARG1 a definitive agreement] is [rel completed] *-2 and regulatory approval is received *-3 .
- The announcement said 0 [ARG1 the acquisition] [ARGM-MOD should] be [rel completed] *-1 [ARGM-TMP by December] [ARGM-TMP after a definitive agreement is completed *-2 and regulatory approval is received *-3] .
- CNW Corp. said 0 [ARG1 the final step in the acquisition of the company] has been [rel completed] *-1 [ARGM-ADV with the merger of CNW with a subsidiary of Chicago & North Western Holdings Corp] .
- Much of the excess spending will be pushed *-3 into fiscal 1991 , and in some cases is temporarily parked *-3 in slow-spending accounts in anticipation of * being transferred *-1 to faster-spending areas after [ARG1 the budget scorekeeping] is [rel completed] *-2 .
- Unocal said 0 [ARG0 it] expects *-1 to [rel complete] [ARG1 the sale of its Unocal Norge A\/S unit] [ARGM-TMP by next March or April] .
- [ARGM-TMP Earlier this month] , [ARG0 Security Pacific , which *T*-1 is among the 10 largest bank holding companies in the U.S. ,] [rel completed] [ARG1 the acquisition of San Diego-based Southwest Bancorp] .
- [ARG1 The sale , which Pechiney had been eager *-2 to make *T*-3 for several months ,] is still subject to certain unspecified conditions and is expected *-4 to be [rel completed] *-1 [ARGM-TMP during the first quarter of 1990] , the group .
- [ARG0 GM] is close to * [rel completing] [ARG1 a friendly deal with Jaguar that *T*-1 is likely *-2 to involve an eventual 30 % stake and joint manufacturing ventures] .
- [ARG0 The adjuster] had [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel completed] [ARG1 all the calculations] , but says : `` We 're talking policy limits . ''
- [ARG0 The government] , in turn , guaranteed financing *-1 to [rel complete] [ARG1 the order backlog] and took control of the board .
- Until [ARG1 the building] is [rel completed] *-1 , Exxon will rent part of an existing office tower .
- [ARG0 IMA Holdings Corp.] [rel completed] [ARG1 its $ 3 billion *U* acquisition of American Medical International Inc.] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 purchasing 63 million shares , or 86 % , of the Los Angeles-based health-care services concern for $ 26.50 *U* a share] .
- But they never materialized and [ARG0 IMA] [rel completed] [ARG1 the purchase] [ARGM-TMP yesterday] .
- In the corporate realm , the 1986 law abolished the investment-tax credit , scaled back use of an accounting method that *T*-1 allowed large contractors to defer taxes until [ARG1 a project] was [rel completed] *-1 and strengthened the so-called alternative minimum tax , a levy 0 *T*-2 to ensure 0 all money-making businesses pay some federal tax .
- Terms were n't disclosed *-2 , but Duriron said 0 [ARG1 the deal] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel completed] *-1 [ARGM-MNR through an exchange of stock] .
- The bids and rate proposals generally assume 0 [ARG1 the Seabrook nuclear power plant] , which *T*-2 is [rel completed] *-1 , will go into operation .
- Mr. Terrizzi wo n't say specifically , *-1 explaining that if there was such a move , it would take about three days [ARG0 *] to [rel complete] [ARG1 the loose ends of the transaction] .
- After [ARG1 the SEC study of the drop] is [rel completed] *-1 , he said 0 *T*-2 , `` I 'm perfectly happy *-3 to work with this committee ... in * identifying whether we need other devices , '' such as a program-trading curb .
- K mart previously had announced 0 it would report its third consecutive decline in quarterly earnings for the period ended yesterday , the same day 0 [ARG1 the real estate deal] was [rel completed] *-1 *T*-2 .
- This is the Mirage , [ARG1 a $ 630 million *U* island-fantasy hotel-casino] [ARGM-TMP now] being [rel completed] * [ARGM-PNC for opening in November by Golden Nugget Inc] .
- KKR also signaled to the company 's creditors that Henry Kravis and other KKR directors of SCI TV would resign from the board once [ARG1 the restructuring] is [rel completed] *-1 and forgo their voting rights .
- At a news conference , Mr. Nadeau said 0 [ARG1 the sale of the three non-food businesses , which *T*-2 account for nearly half the company 's C$ 900 million *U* in assets ,] [ARGM-MOD should] be [rel completed] *-1 [ARGM-TMP in a `` matter of months] . ''
- `` There 's less likelihood of [ARG0 *] creating and [rel completing] [ARG1 a transaction] without the unions ' cooperation and wage concessions , '' said *T*-1 Richard Nye , of Baker , Nye Investments , a New York takeover stock-trader .
- Columbia officials said 0 they do n't know how quickly they will dispose of the thrift 's junk bonds *T*-3 , because [ARG1 federal regulations , such as those that *T*-2 would allow thrifts to continue *-4 holding the bonds in separately capitalized subsidiaries ,] have [ARGM-NEG n't] [ARGM-TMP yet] been [rel completed] *-1 .
- Although [ARG1 many of the transactions related to those securities] have [ARGM-NEG n't] been [rel completed] *-1 , Columbia said 0 the ultimate gain on the sale of those assets will range from $ 200 million *U* to $ 300 million *U* .
- Comprehensive Care said 0 First Hospital had advised it that both bank debt and senior notes would be repaid *-1 after the acquisition , although it is n't assured 0 [ARG1 the acquisition] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel completed] *-2 .
- If [ARG1 it] is [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel completed] , Comprehensive Care said 0 it would be `` required *-1 to promptly restructure its debt . ''
- TW Services dropped 1 1\/4 to 31 1\/4 following the postponement of a $ 1.4 billion *U* junk-bond offering that *T*-1 would have permitted [ARG0 Coniston Partners] to [rel complete] [ARG1 its takeover of the company] .
- McCaw Cellular Communications Inc. must extend its offer for LIN Broadcasting Corp. because it has `` not yet announced [ARG0 committed financing] sufficient * to [rel complete] '' [ARG1 the bid] , LIN said 0 *T*-1 in New York .
- The TW prospectus says that if [ARG1 the acquisition] had been [rel completed] *-1 [ARGM-TMP earlier] , pretax earnings `` would have been insufficient * to cover its fixed charges , including interest on debt securities , '' by approximately $ 62.7 million *U* in the first six months of 1989 .
- What *T*-1 was n't mentioned *-2 is that [ARG0 Coniston and its investment banker , Donaldson , Lufkin & Jenrette ,] [ARGM-TMP just] [rel completed] [ARG1 a two-week `` road show ''] [ARGM-PNC for the purpose of * marketing the bonds] .
- That 's easy 0 for him to say *T*-2 : CBS 's four-year NBA pact , now at $ 176 million *U* for four years , could double in price by [ARGM-TMP the time] 0 [ARG1 his talks with Mr. Pilson] are [rel completed] *-1 *T*-3 later this month .
- [ARG0 Concord Camera Corp.] [rel completed] [ARG1 the acquisition of Peter Bauser G.m.b . H. , a West German photographic products distributor] .
- If [ARG1 deals] take longer [ARG0 *] to [rel complete] *?* and there are fewer of them 0 * to do *T*-1 , `` you ca n't bill the same kind of premium as when deals took a few weeks from start to finish *T*-2 , '' says 0 *T*-3 one lawyer at a large New York firm .
- The spokesman said 0 [ARG0 Maxicare] hopes *-1 to [rel complete] [ARG1 the reorganization] [ARGM-TMP by early 1990] .
- Coda Energy Inc. said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel completed] [ARG1 the sale of Phenix-Transmission Co. to Bishop Pipeline Co. , for $ 17 million *U* in cash and notes] .
- Mr. Kane said 0 he expects several other companies to join some time after [ARG0 the venture] [rel completes] [ARG1 a business plan] , probably later this week .
- The buy-back , coupled * with a [ARGM-ADV nearly] [rel completed] [ARGM-TMP earlier] [ARG1 purchase] of 20 million shares , would reduce shares outstanding by more than 26 % .
- Mr. Ravine succeeds [ARG0 William R. Mansfield Jr.] , who *T*-1 will remain with the company until the end of the year *-2 to support the transition and to [rel complete] [ARG1 important projects] .
- [ARGM-TMP This year] , [ARG0 a commission appointed * by the mayor *-2 to revise New York 's system of government] [rel completed] [ARG1 a new charter] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 expanding the City Council to 51 from 35 members] .
- Under -LCB- RICO -RCB- , the government may seek a temporary restraining order -LRB- TRO -RRB- upon the filing of a RICO indictment , in order *-2 to preserve all forfeitable assets until [ARG1 the trial] is [rel completed] *-1 and judgment entered *-3 .
- However , the short interest figures reported * by brokerage and securities clearing firms to the National Association of Securities Dealers include only [ARG1 those trades] [rel completed] , or settled , * [ARGM-TMP by Oct. 13] , rather than trades that *T*-2 occurred on that day , according to Gene Finn , chief economist for the NASD .
- *-3 Assuming full operation of [ARG1 the Seabrook nuclear power plant] , which *T*-1 is [rel completed] *-2 but is n't yet operating , equity holders would receive up to $ 500 million *U* in cash , preferred stock and new 10-year Seabrook bonds .
- MORGAN STANLEY , THE ONCE STODGY investment house , in 1974 helped [ARG0 a corporate client] [rel complete] [ARG1 a hostile takeover] .
- Last year 's results reflected a gain of $ 28.2 million *U* on disposition of assets and a $ 165 million *U* pretax provision mainly from costs of [ARG0 *] [rel completing] [ARG1 certain waste-to-energy and other power plants] .
- Honeywell Inc. , Minneapolis , said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel completed] [ARG1 its previously announced sale of 16 % of the shares outstanding in its Japanese joint venture , Yamatake-Honeywell , for $ 280 million *U*] .
- [ARG1 Details of the escrow agreement] have [ARGM-NEG n't] been [rel completed] *-1 , the companies said 0 *T*-2 .
- The results surprised many analysts , because [ARG0 USAir] has almost no competition in its Pittsburgh hub and has expanded operations by *-1 [rel completing] [ARG1 its acquisition of Piedmont Airlines] .
- [ARGM-TMP Then] [ARG0 they] [rel completed] [ARG1 the other side of the trade] [ARGM-MNR by *-2 buying futures , which *T*-1 abruptly halted the stock market 's decline as traders began *-3 to buy stocks] .
- [ARG1 The acquisition] was [rel completed] *-1 [ARGM-TMP in September] .
- In August , the company warned investors that the acquisition was being delayed *-1 , and many customers were holding off on purchase decisions until [ARG1 the takeover] was [rel completed] *-2 .
- [ARG0 Ramada Inc.] revised the terms of its restructuring and extended to Feb. 28 , 1990 , [ARGM-TMP the deadline] 0 * to [rel complete] [ARG1 the sale of its hotel business to New World Development Co. of Hong Kong and Prime Motor Inns Inc. of Fairfield , N.J] *T*-1 .
- [ARGM-TMP The previous deadline] 0 [ARG0 *] to [rel complete] [ARG1 the sale] *T*-1 was Nov. 30 .
- MCA said 0 it expects [ARG1 the proposed transaction] to be [rel completed] *-2 `` [ARGM-TMP no later than Nov. 10] .
- [ARG0 Time Warner] is in the process of * [rel completing] [ARG1 its acquisition of the remaining Warner shares] .
- Neither suit lists specific dollar claims , largely because [ARG1 damage assessment] has [ARGM-NEG n't] [ARGM-TMP yet] been [rel completed] *-1 .
- Mr. Whitten 's package appears *-1 to accomplish this purpose , but the state faces more resistance in its bid for an extended waiver on * having *-2 to put up any matching funds on [ARG1 repairs] [rel completed] * [ARGM-TMP in the next six months] .
- The measure is expected *-1 to come before the House today , and [ARG0 Congress] is under pressure * to [rel complete] [ARG1 action] [ARGM-TMP before midnight EDT tomorrow , when the current continuing resolution expires *T*-2] .
- Nuovo Banco will become Italy 's biggest private-sector bank when [ARG0 it] [rel completes] [ARG1 its scheduled merger with Banca Cattolica del Venetoen] [ARGM-TMP by year end] *T*-1 .
- They were what he called *T*-2 an `` unlawful termination '' by MGM\/UA of the acquisition agreement with Qintex , high Australian interest rates , a pilots ' strike at Australian domestic airlines that *T*-1 cut revenue at the company 's Australian resorts and delays in [ARG0 *] [rel completing] [ARG1 a sale of two regional TV stations in Queensland state] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Cornell] has [ARGM-TMP just] [rel completed] [ARG1 a study that *T*-1 finds that the risks and returns of junk bonds are less than on common stocks but more than on investment-grade bonds] .
- Rhone-Poulenc S.A. , Paris , said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel completed] [ARG1 the purchase of the specialty chemicals operation of RTZ Corp. , a British mining and industrial group] .
- According to [ARG1 the report] , [rel completed] * [ARGM-TMP last month] , if China 's trade gap continues *-1 to widen at the pace seen * in the first seven months of this year , the reserves would be wiped out *-2 either in 1990 or 1991 .
- Texaco acquired Tana before [ARG0 it] [rel completed] [ARG1 those sales] because Tana 's properties are high quality and near other fields 0 Texaco already owns *T*-1 , a company spokeswoman said 0 *T*-2 .
- Rochester Telephone Corp. said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel completed] [ARG1 its purchase of Urban Telephone Corp. , of Clintonville , Wis. , the second-largest unaffiliated independent telephone company in that state] .
- N W Ayer 's president and chief executive officer , Jerry J. Siano , said 0 the agency is holding `` conversations '' about * acquiring Zwiren Collins Karo & Trusk , a midsized Chicago agency , but [ARG1 a deal] is n't yet close to *-2 being [rel completed] *-1 .
- SIERRA TUCSON Cos. said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel completed] [ARG1 its initial public offering of 2.5 million common shares , which *T*-1 raised $ 30 million *U*] .
- At current market prices , [ARG1 the twin public offerings] 0 *T*-2 to be [rel completed] *-1 [ARGM-TMP next year] would add an estimated 2.5 billion Swedish kronor -LRB- $ 386 million *U* -RRB- to Trelleborg 's coffers , analysts say 0 *T*-3 .
- GE , along with a division of Ebasco , a subsidiary of Enserch Corp. , have been building [ARG1 the first 250-megawatt phase] of the project , which [ARG0 they] expect *-1 to [rel complete] *T*-2 [ARGM-TMP in late 1990] .
- [ARG1 The second portion] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel completed] *-1 [ARGM-TMP the following year] .
- WEIRTON STEEL Corp. said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel completed] [ARG1 a $ 300 million *U* sale of 10-year notes , the final step in the 1984 buy-out of the company from National Steel Corp] .
- Lynch Corp. said 0 [ARG0 its Lynch Telephone Corp. subsidiary] [rel completed] [ARG1 the acquisition of Western New Mexico Telephone Co.] for $ 20 million *U* plus assumption of $ 24 million *U* of debt .
- CalMat Co. said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel completed] [ARG1 a $ 32.8 million *U* sale of assets from its Los Angeles area real estate portfolio] for net income of $ 12 million *U* .
- Gregory Bessemer , who *T*-1 came in second in the stock division of the [ARGM-TMP recently] [rel completed] [ARG1 U.S.] Trading Championship , says 0 he uses fill-or-kill orders almost exclusively when * trading options *T*-2 .
- In affidavits , each plaintiff claims 0 Mr. Peterson promised 0 [ARG1 the bank purchase] [ARGM-MOD would] be [rel completed] *-1 [ARGM-TMP by the end of 1988] or the money returned .
- Takeover enthusiasm may have been renewed *-1 when an investor group disclosed yesterday that [ARG0 it] had obtained all the financing required * * to [rel complete] [ARG1 its $ 1.6 billion *U* leveraged buy-out of American Medical International] *T*-2 .
- [ARGM-DIS Moreover] , [ARG0 companies] have sold off many of their smaller , less-profitable hospitals and have [rel completed] [ARG1 painful restructurings] .
- USACafes Limited Partnership said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel completed] [ARG1 the sale of its Bonanza restaurant franchise system to a subsidiary of Metromedia Co. for $ 71 million *U* in cash] .
- `` [ARG1 Much of what we set out *-2 to do *T*-1] is [rel completed] *-3 . ''
- The building houses about 4,500 Chase workers , most of whom *T*-3 will be moved *-1 to downtown Brooklyn after [ARG1 the bank 's new back office center] is [rel completed] *-2 [ARGM-TMP in 1993] .
- Now [ARG0 Robert Parker , author of several best sellers featuring Spenser , a contemporary private eye in the Marlowe mold ,] has with the blessings of the Chandler estate been hired *-1 to [rel complete] `` [ARG1 The Poodle Springs Story] . ''
- A spokesman said 0 [ARG0 Amoco] [rel completed] [ARG1 an environmental analysis] [ARGM-TMP last quarter] but that no single clean-up project was responsible .
- Mr. Carrion said 0 [ARG1 the merger] should be [rel completed] *-1 [ARGM-TMP in six to nine months] .
- [ARGM-DIS Separately] , [ARG0 Reebok] [rel completed] [ARG1 the acquisition of CML Group Inc. 's Boston Whaler unit , a builder of power boats] .
- After [ARG0 *-1] [rel completing] [ARG1 installation of the jackets on `` one frame '' of the freeway] [ARGM-TMP last year] , the state DOT had sent the project over to its Sacramento engineers 0 *T*-2 to draw up a final design .
- [ARGM-TMP The day before the quake] , [ARG0 Seagate] [rel completed] [ARG1 three days of emergency training and drills] .
- It did n't disclose specifics but said 0 [ARG0 it] expects *-1 to [rel complete] [ARG1 the purchases] [ARGM-TMP by Nov. 1] .
- [ARG1 The agreement] is contingent on certain government approvals and [ARGM-MOD should] be [rel completed] *-1 [ARGM-TMP later this year] .
- [ARG0 Sterling] had [rel completed] [ARG1 a five-year contract for NASA] but lost its bid for renewal .
- [ARGM-ADV As *-2 directed *-1 by the board] , [ARG0 NASA] [rel completed] [ARG1 the evaluation] and again chose CSC .
- After [ARG0 *-1] [rel completing] [ARG1 the sale] and paying debts , the trust and corporation will consider a number of options including a stock repurchase , payment of special dividend or investment in more gaming properties .
- [ARG1 Construction of the 34-floor building] will begin next May and [ARGM-MOD should] be [rel completed] *-1 [ARGM-TMP in April 1992] .
- [ARGM-TMP In the period] , [ARG0 the company] [rel completed] [ARG1 the sale of its European cosmetics businesses] , sold a majority interest in its Brazilian affiliate , and announced the reorganization of its over-the-counter drug businesses into a new unit , Schering-Plough Health Care Products .
- The company also said 0 [ARG1 the transaction] would bolster after-tax earnings by $ 3.25 *U* a share [ARGM-TMP when] * [rel completed] *-2 *T*-1 and boost its primary capital ratio to 7 % from 6.63 % .
- Just last month , a Bank of New York subsidiary agreed *-3 to buy the credit-card operation of Dreyfus Corp. 's Dreyfus Consumer Bank for $ 168 million *U* , [ARG1 a transaction] that *T*-2 is expected *-4 to be [rel completed] *-1 [ARGM-TMP by the end of the year] .
- Mr. Gras said 0 he expects [ARG1 a definitive agreement between the two companies] to be [rel completed] *-2 [ARGM-TMP in the next few months] .
- This maker and marketer of cartridge tape systems said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel completed] [ARG1 the sale of 2.85 million shares of common priced * at $ 10 *U* a share] [ARGM-LOC in an initial public offering] .
- Lawyers for shareholders , Bally and Mr. Trump all declined *-2 to talk publicly about the proposed settlement , *-2 citing a request *ICH*-3 by a federal court magistrate * not to reveal details of the agreement until [ARG1 it] is [rel completed] *-1 .
- [ARG1 The first phase of the program] has been [rel completed] *-1 , but two other phases are continuing .
- The two major structures that *T*-881 failed Tuesday night *ICH*-1 , he said 0 *T*-3 , were both built *-2 well before the 1971 earthquake -- [ARG1 the San Francisco Bay Bridge] , [rel completed] * [ARGM-TMP in the 1930s] , and the section of I-880 , built * in the 1950s .
- [ARG0 The I-880 section] had [rel completed] [ARG1 the first phase of the retrofitting] .
- Federal Paper Board Co. said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel completed] [ARG1 the previously announced purchase of Imperial Cup Corp. , a closely held maker of paper cups based * in Kenton , Ohio] .
- [ARG0 Dale Lang] , who [ARGM-TMP this week] *T*-2 [rel completed] [ARG1 the acquisition of the publisher of Ms. and Sassy] , is candid about the challenge 0 he is taking *T*-1 on .
- [ARG1 The two-story roadway] , designed * in the mid-1940s and [rel completed] * [ARGM-TMP in 1957] , was supported *-1 by columns that *T*-2 apparently lacked the kind of steel reinforcement used * in highways today .
- AVX Corp. and Unitrode Corp. said 0 [ARG0 they] [rel completed] [ARG1 the previously reported sale of Unitrode 's San Diego-based Passive Components division to AVX] .
- However , their search notably wo n't include natural gas or pure methanol -- the two front-running alternative fuels -- in [ARG1 tests] 0 *T*-2 to be [rel completed] *-3 [ARGM-TMP by next summer] .
- The company said 0 Mr. McKinney plans *-2 to retire because [ARG1 the process of * affiliating American Fletcher into Banc One] `` is considered *-1 [rel completed] . ''
- In February 1989 , when the Soviets said 0 [ARG0 they] had [rel completed] [ARG1 their pullout] *T*-1 , the U.S. cut it further .
- [ARG0 The Soviets] have agreed *-1 to [rel complete] [ARG1 a treaty cutting strategic weapons without * including restrictions on space-based defenses] .
- But the Soviets also are insisting that they will reserve the right * to withdraw from the [rel completed] [ARG1 strategic-arms] treaty later on if the U.S. does SDI testing or deployment that the Soviets think 0 *T*-1 violates the existing anti-ballistic-missile treaty .
- It will be hard *ICH*-1 down the road * to persuade Congress *-2 to approve money for SDI plans if lawmakers fear 0 those plans could scuttle a [rel completed] [ARG1 treaty] .
- The company said 0 [ARG1 the acquisition] has been [rel completed] and reviewed by [ARG0-by the Federal Trade Commission] .
- Media General said 0 [ARG0 it] has had inquiries from potential buyers and expects *-1 to [rel complete] [ARG1 a sale] [ARGM-TMP in 1989] .
- [ARG0 The managers] do n't expect *-1 to [rel complete] [ARG1 the evaluation] [ARGM-TMP until Nov. 30] .
- Ford 's latest move increases the pressure *ICH*-1 on [ARG0 GM] * to [rel complete] [ARG1 its current talks with Jaguar] [ARGM-MNR quickly] .
- It has since asked holders *-1 not to immediately tender their shares under a recent $ 72-a-share *U* , or $ 104 million *U* , bid from AB SKF of Sweden , until [ARG0 McGill directors] have [rel completed] [ARG1 their evaluation] .
- After [ARG1 the offering] is [rel completed] *-1 , Macmillan will own about 56 % of the Berlitz common stock outstanding .
- Honeywell Inc. said 0 [ARG0 it] hopes *-1 to [rel complete] [ARGM-TMP shortly] [ARG1 the first of two sales of shares in its Japanese joint venture , Yamatake-Honeywell , for about $ 280 million *U*] .
- Proceeds of [ARG1 the sale] , expected * to be [rel completed] *-1 [ARGM-TMP next week] , would be used *-2 *-3 to repurchase as many as 10 million shares of Honeywell stock , the company said 0 *T*-4 .
- Wendy Gramm , the agency 's chairman , told the Senate Agriculture Committee that she expects the study to be released *-1 within two weeks and [ARG1 the rule changes] to be [rel completed] *-2 [ARGM-TMP by Thanksgiving] .
- '' None believe 0 [ARG1 the proposed management LBOs] will be easy [ARG0 *] to [rel complete] *?* , especially at B. Altman & Co. , which *T*-1 is under Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection .
- William P. Panny , MLX chairman and chief executive , said 0 the pact `` will provide [ARG0 MLX] with the additional time and flexibility necessary * to [rel complete] [ARG1 the restructuring of the company 's capital structure] . ''
- UGI Corp. said 0 [ARG0 its AmeriGas subsidiary] [rel completed] [ARG1 the previously announced sale of its air separation plant and related assets in Waukesha , Wis. , to AGA Gas Inc. , Cleveland] .
- The loan was *-2 to have matured in just two to three years , as soon as [ARG1 construction] was [rel completed] *-1 .
- [ARG0 NCNB] raised some $ 1.9 billion *U* in new capital during the quarter *-1 to [rel complete] [ARG1 the NCNB Texas purchase] , and to acquire several small failed thrifts *-2 to fill out its regional franchise .
- BancOklahoma Corp. said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel completed] [ARG1 a restructuring agreement previously agreed to * by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. , creditor banks and subordinated debenture holders] .
- U.S. Banknote said 0 it believes 0 [ARG1 the sale] , if *-2 [rel completed] *-1 , apparently would satisfy antitrust issues raised * by the U.S. Justice Department about U.S. Banknote 's offer * to buy International Banknote .
- It also said 0 [ARG0 the tender offer] would probably have *-2 to be extended *-1 further * to [rel complete] [ARG1 financing arrangements] .
- The French group has an agreement giving it the right * to buy all the shares outstanding , and [ARG1 this] [ARGM-MOD could] be [rel completed] *-1 [ARGM-TMP within a few months] , a BSN spokeswoman said 0 *T*-2 .
- Moody 's also said 0 it believed 0 [ARG1 the proposed sale of 63 CenTrust branches to Great Western Bank] could , if * [rel completed] *-1 , endanger the thrift 's funding and market position .
- J.P. Industries , which *T*-2 is based *-1 in Ann Arbor , Mich. , said 0 [ARG0 the sale] [rel completes] [ARG1 a previously announced program * to divest itself of its hardware and plumbing supplies operations] .
- Shortly after [ARG0 *-1] [rel completing] [ARG1 the $ 1.56 billion *U* acquisition of West Point-Pepperell Inc.] [ARGM-TMP in April] , Mr. Farley 's holding company , Farley Inc. , said 0 it was considering the sale of Cluett , a leading shirt maker and one of West Point-Pepperell 's biggest units .
- Other Hooker properties included * are [ARG1 a 20-story office tower in midtown Atlanta] , expected * to be [rel completed] *-1 [ARGM-TMP next February] ; vacant land sites in Florida and Ohio ; L.J. Hooker International , the commercial real-estate brokerage company that *T*-2 once did business as Merrill Lynch Commercial Real Estate , plus other shopping centers .
- After an explosion idled the plant in June , [ARG0 the company] progressed in September to within 12 hours of * [rel completing] [ARG1 the drawn-out process of * restarting it] .
- [ARGM-ADV Through a venture with its investment banker , First Boston Corp. ,] [ARG0 Quantum] [rel completed] [ARGM-TMP in August] [ARG1 an acquisition of Petrolane Inc.] [ARGM-ADV in a transaction valued * at $ 1.18 billion *U*] .
- `` [ARG1 The studies -LCB- on * closing the unit -RCB-] [ARGM-MOD could] [ARGM-NEG n't] be [rel completed] *-1 [ARGM-TMP until now] , '' he said *T*-2 .
- Brazil and Venezuela are [ARG0 the only two countries] that *T*-1 have [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel completed] [ARG1 steel talks with the U.S. for the year ending Oct. 1 , 1990] .
- [ARG0 Syms Corp.] [rel completed] [ARG1 the sale of its A. Sulka & Co. subsidiary , a men 's luxury haberdashery , to Luxco Investments] .
- Ideal said 0 [ARG0 it] expects *-1 to [rel complete] [ARG1 the transaction] [ARGM-TMP early next year] .
- Southmark said 0 it plans *-2 to amend its 10K *-3 to provide financial results as soon as [ARG1 its audit] is [rel completed] *-1 .
- The number of active drilling rigs in Canada is down 30 % from a year ago , and the number of [rel completed] [ARG1 oil] wells is `` down more than that , due to the increasing focus on gas exploration , '' said *T*-1 Robert Feick , manager of crude oil with Calgary 's Independent Petroleum Association of Canada , an industry group .
- Because [ARG1 the legislation] has [ARGM-NEG n't] been [rel completed] *-1 , President Bush has until midnight tonight *-2 to enact across-the-board spending cuts mandated * by the Gramm-Rudman deficit-reduction law .
- The amended filings were required *-1 because of the new agreement between Axa and Hoylake , and * to reflect the extension that [ARG0 Sir James] received *T*-2 last month under British takeover rules * to [rel complete] [ARG1 his proposed acquisition] .
- [ARG1 A 34-foot-tall , $ 7.7 million *U* statue of Buddha] was [rel completed] *-1 [ARGM-LOC on a hill outside Hong Kong , facing China] .
- Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. of Japan and Siemens AG of West Germany announced 0 [ARG0 they] have [rel completed] [ARG1 a 100 million-mark -LRB- $ 52.2 million *U* -RRB- joint venture * to produce electronics parts] .
- Moreover , [ARG0 *-2] to [rel complete] [ARG1 the entire Anchor Glass purchase] and refinance existing debt , Donaldson said 0 it is `` highly confident '' that it will be able *-1 to sell $ 400 million *U* of junk bonds for Vitro , despite the current disarray in the junk bond market .