frames- Stephen G. Jerritts , president and chief executive officer , said 0 [ARG0 customers] were n't willing *-1 to [rel commit] to [ARG2-to an expensive NBI hardware systems] because of the company 's financial troubles .
- The conference approved at least $ 55 million *U* in direct cash and development assistance as well , and [ARGM-ADV though no decision was made *-4] , [ARG1 both sides] are [rel committed] to [ARG2-to * adding more than $ 200 million *U* in economic support funds and environmental initiatives sought * by the Bush administration] .
- [ARGM-LOC Merchant banking] , where [ARG0 firms] [rel commit] [ARG1 their own money] *T*-1 , `` is getting riskier , and there 's less of it 0 *T*-2 to go around . ''
- [ARGM-DIS On the one hand] , [ARG1 Brazil] started an ethanol program about 15 years ago *-1 to fuel a huge portion of its national fleet of cars and is [ARGM-TMP now] [rel committed] to [ARG2-to this program] .
- Indeed , some individuals identified * with the group said 0 [ARG0 they] have [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel committed] [ARG1 any money] to [ARG2-to the bid] and were n't aware of it until they heard about it in local news accounts over the weekend .
- `` [ARG0 Barry] felt [ARGM-EXT very] [rel committed] .
- Last Tuesday , Kemper Corp. 's Kemper Financial Services Inc. unit said 0 it would no longer trade with [ARG1 firms] [rel committed] * to [ARG2-to stock-index arbitrage] , including the three that *T*-1 later suspended stock-index arbitrage trading on Friday .
- `` [ARG1 We] 're [rel committed] [ARG2 *-2 to deliver the customer 's package by a stated time , usually 10:30] , '' notes *T*-3 Glenn Mortimer , a Federal Express courier who *T*-1 led the Natick team .
- Mrs. Thatcher has *-2 to come to terms with European economic integration , beginning with the European Monetary System , which [ARG1 Britain] is [rel committed] *-1 to [ARG2-to *-4 joining *T*-3 fully someday] .
- Our five-year plan contains three accounting devices -- negative money , an above guidance management reserve and optimistic inflation estimates -- which *T*-1 understate [ARG2-to the spending] 0 [ARG0 the Pentagon] has [rel committed] [ARG1-REC itself] to *T*-2 [ARGM-EXT by almost $ 100 billion *U*] .
- [ARG1 France 's Socialist government , which *T*-2 currently holds the council 's rotating presidency ,] is [rel committed] *-1 to [ARG2-to * having the charter adopted *-3 by all 12 EC states before the end of 1989 -- the bicentennial of the French revolution and its `` Universal Declaration of Human Rights] .
- No payments would be made *-1 this year , but [ARGM-TMP * beginning in fiscal 1991] , [ARG0 the bill] [rel commits] [ARG1 the government] to [ARG2-to annual payments of as much as $ 500 million *U*] [ARGM-TMP until the total liability of $ 1.25 billion *U* is met *-2] .
- [ARG0 The banks] [ARGM-MNR jointly] [rel committed] [ARG1 $ 1.2 billion *U* of financing , subject to certain conditions] , McCaw said 0 *T*-1 .
- A budget that *T*-1 reflected the real costs of lending would eliminate incentives * to convert spending or lending programs to guarantees and would let taxpayers know [ARG2-to what] [ARG0 Congress] is [rel committing] [ARG1 them] to *T*-2 .
- Gorky was [ARG1 a loyal if occasionally ambivalent proletarian writer] [rel committed] * to [ARG2-to * enlightening the masses with plain speaking rooted * in a slightly sour version of Chekhovian humanism] .
- I know many schoolteachers and , [ARGM-DIS on the whole] , [ARG1 they] are [ARGM-MNR seriously] [rel committed] to [ARG2-to conscientious teaching] .
- [ARG0 Morgan Guaranty Trust , Toronto-Dominion Bank and Provident National Bank , an affiliate of PNC Financial Corp. ,] [ARGM-MNR jointly] [rel committed] [ARG1 $ 1.2 billion *U* of financing , subject to certain conditions ,] McCaw said 0 *T*-1 .
- Further , McCaw said 0 the banks expressed confidence that [ARG1 the balance of the $ 4.5 billion *U* bank facility] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel committed] *-1 [ARGM-TMP within the next several weeks] by [ARG0-by a syndicate of foreign and domestic banks] .
- [ARG0 The pilots] have a strong financing tool in their willingness * to cut their annual compensation by $ 200 million *U* , and to [rel commit] [ARG1 $ 200 million *U* from their retirement funds] .
- [ARG0 I] have [ARGM-DIS thus] [rel committed] [ARG1 sufficient personal outlay] [ARGM-PNC *-1 to ensure that my grounds and lodgings will never be short of greens and flowers] .
- `` This tells you 0 [ARG1 AT&T] is serious about *-2 continuing *-3 to manage their cost structure and is [rel committed] *-2 to [ARG2-to 20%-a-year earnings growth] , '' said *T*-1 Jack Grubman , an analyst with PaineWebber Inc .
- In an interview Wednesday with Dow Jones Professional Investor Report , Mr. Stevens said , `` [ARG1 We] 're [ARGM-MNR in no way] [rel committed] to [ARG2-to a deal going through at all] .
- But [ARG0 only 6 % to 7 % *U* of the investors] were [rel committing] [ARG1 more than half their funds] to [ARG2-to either of those alternatives] .
- The measure provides no money for the promised payments until then , but [ARGM-TMP beginning in fiscal 1991] , [ARG1 the government] [ARGM-MOD would] be [rel committed] to [ARG2-to *-1 meeting annual payments of as much as $ 500 million *U* until the total liability of approximately $ 1.25 billion *U* is paid *-2] .
- He added 0 [ARG1 the airline] is [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel committed] *-2 to [ARG2-to *-2 going forward with any new bid] , and has n't participated in bankers ' efforts * to revive the transaction that *T*-1 collapsed .
- `` [ARG1 We] 're [ARGM-MNR in no way] [rel committed] *-1 to [ARG2-to a deal going through] [ARGM-DIS at all] .
- `` [ARGM-TMP Now] , [ARG0 Philip Morris -LCB- Kraft General Foods ' parent company -RCB-] is [rel committed] to [ARG2-to the coffee business] and to increased advertising for Maxwell House , '' says *T*-1 Dick Mayer , president of the General Foods USA division .
- British Airways , a member of the group that *T*-1 had offered $ 300 *U* a share for UAL in a leveraged buy-out , said 0 it had yet *-2 to receive a revised proposal and [ARG1 it] was `` [ARGM-MNR in no way] [rel committed] *-3 '' to [ARG2-to the completion of a bid] .
- The British carrier also confirmed 0 [ARG1 it] is [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel committed] to [ARG2-to * going forward with any new bid] .
- `` [ARG1 We] 're [ARGM-MNR extremely] [rel committed] *-2 to [ARG2-to optical storage technology] '' he said *T*-1 .
- These costs will complicate the budget picture in fiscal 1991 , and [ARG0 the measure] [ARGM-ADV further] [rel commits] [ARG1 Congress] to [ARG2-to a set of costly projects , including the first construction funds for the space station] .
- [ARGM-ADV Even] if [ARG0 not all these forces] are [rel committed] to [ARG2-to the regime] , they are now dependent on it .
- `` The institutions have driven -LRB- commission -RRB- rates down to the point where it *EXP*-1 makes no sense [ARG0 *] to [rel commit] [ARG1 capital] *T*-2 , '' says *T*-3 Tom Gallagher , senior executive vice president in charge of institutional trading at Oppenheimer & Co .
- Yesterday , Goldman Sachs , Merrill Lynch and Dean Witter all increased the proportion of [ARG1 assets] 0 they recommend 0 [ARG0 investors] [rel commit] *T*-1 to [ARG2-to stocks] .
- [ARG0 Citibank and Chase] had agreed *-1 to [rel commit] [ARG1 $ 3 billion *U*] , and said 0 they were `` highly confident '' of * raising another $ 4.2 billion *U* .
- Diplomatic sources said 0 Mr. Kohl may now agree *-3 to set a date for the conference *-3 to make it *EXP*-1 clear that [ARG1 West Germany] is [ARGM-TMP still] [rel committed] *-2 to [ARG2-to EC unity] .
- Britain , France and Italy announced technical reasons for withdrawing , but some officials pointed to growing reluctance *ICH*-1 among [ARG0 the allies] * to [rel commit] [ARG1-REC themselves] to [ARG2-to big defense spending] [ARGM-TMP while East-West disarmament talks show signs of success] .
- Over the weeked , however , two developments in other deals indicated that [ARG0 commerical banks and Wall Street firms] still are willing *-1 to [rel commit] [ARG1 billions of dollars] [ARGM-PNC *-2 to finance takeover bids launched * by major companies] .