frames- But as the French embody a Zen-like state of blase [ARGM-TMP when] it [rel comes] to [ARG1-to athletics] *T*-1 -LRB- * try *-2 finding a Nautilus machine in Paris -RRB- , my fellow conventioners were having none of it .
- [ARGM-TMP When] it [rel comes] to [ARG1-to * busting ghosts] *T*-1 , the Monroe , Conn. , couple are perfect demons .
- After years of mistrust born * of Watergate , past misdeeds of the Central Intelligence Agency , and the Iran-Contra scandal , President Bush and the Senate Intelligence Committee appear ready -- for now , at least -- *-1 to trust each other when it [rel comes] to [ARG1-to * setting policy on covert activities] *T*-2 .
- These firms , which *T*-1 often have acquired a local brokerage firm , are calling the shots when it [rel comes] to [ARG1-to * deciding in which market *-2 to transact a trade *T*-3] *T*-4 .
- Steven Spinola , president of the Real Estate Board of New York , an industry organization , says 0 Mr. Dinkins 's `` economic development program is shortsighted , but [ARGM-TMP when] [ARG1 it] [rel comes] [ARGM-DIR down] to [ARG4-to it] *T*-1 , he can be reasonable . ''
- Some of our best and most idiosyncratic film makers -- from Truffaut to Fellini to Woody Allen -- have taken a cue from Chekhov : [ARGM-TMP When] it [rel comes] to [ARG1-to compelling drama] *T*-1 , there 's no place like home .
- But experts say that [ARGM-TMP when] it [rel comes] to [ARG1-to distressed properties] *T*-1 , * finding diamonds in the rough is n't easy .
- [ARGM-TMP When] it [rel comes] to [ARG1-to investing] *T*-3 , * trying *-4 to weigh risk and reward can seem like * throwing darts blindfolded : Investors do n't know the actual returns that securities will deliver *T*-2 , or the ups and downs that *T*-1 will occur along the way .
- U.S. Treasury bonds , for example , are supersafe [ARGM-TMP when] it [rel comes] to [ARG1-to * returning money at maturity] *T*-1 .
- [ARGM-TMP When] it [rel comes] to [ARG1-to * buying and selling shares] *T*-1 , Westridge Capital Management Inc. takes a back seat to no one .
- Each legislator , after all , is only one out of 535 [ARGM-TMP when] it [rel comes] to [ARG1-to national policy making] *T*-1 .
- Each scientist independently concluded 0 society and government are underreacting [ARGM-TMP when] it [rel comes] to [ARG1-to substantive policy change] *T*-1 .
- He 's right about his subcommittee 's responsibilities [ARGM-TMP when] it [rel comes] to [ARG1-to * obtaining information from prior HUD officials] *T*-1 .