frames- John Rowe , president *RNR*-1 and chief executive officer *RNR*-1 of New England Electric , said 0 the company 's return on equity could suffer if it made a higher bid and [ARG1 its forecasts related * to PS of New Hampshire -- such as growth in electricity demand and improved operating efficiencies --] did [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel come] [ARG2 true] .
- The irony is that [ARG1 the attack commercial] , [ARGM-TMP after *-1 getting a boost in last year 's presidential campaign] , has [rel come] of [ARG2-of age] [ARGM-TMP in an off-off election year with only a few contests scattered * across the country] .
- But [ARG1 the growing controversy] [rel comes] [ARGM-TMP as many practices historically accepted * as normal here -- such as politicians accepting substantial gifts from businessmen or having extramarital affairs -- are coming under close ethical scrutiny] .
- [ARG1 The `` one-yen '' controversy] [ARGM-TMP first] [rel came] to [ARG2-to a head] [ARGM-TMP last week] [ARGM-TMP when the city of Hiroshima announced that Fujitsu won a contract * to design a computer system 0 *T*-2 to map its waterworks *T*-1] .
- Despite the economic slowdown , there are few clear signs that [ARG1 growth] is [rel coming] to [ARG2-to a halt] .
- `` [ARG1 We] 're [rel coming] [ARG2 closer to * achieving the stated objective of * slowing the economy to a point where hopefully some downward trend in prices will occur *T*-1] , '' said Mr. Guffey .
- [ARG1 The action on Poland] [rel came] [ARGM-TMP as the conference separately approved $ 220 million *U* for international population planning activities , an 11 % increase over fiscal 1989] .
- [ARG1 The proposal] [rel comes] as [ARG2-as a surprise] [ARGM-ADV even to administration officials] and temporarily throws into chaos the House 's work on clean-air legislation .
- Most contracts are simply nullified *-1 by an opposite trade before [ARG1 they] [rel come] [ARG2 due] .
- [ARG1 The sale] [rel comes] [ARGM-MNR in place of a planned initial public offering of Lentjes stock] .
- [ARG1 The crowning moment in the career of Joseph F. O'Kicki] [rel came] [ARGM-TMP as 300 local and state dignitaries packed into his elegant , marble-columned courtroom here last year for his swearing in as President Judge of Cambria County] .
- [ARG1 The judge] [rel came] under [ARG2-under scrutiny] [ARGM-TMP in late 1987] , [ARGM-TMP after the state attorney general 's office launched an unrelated investigation into corruption in Cambria County] .
- [ARG1 That] [ARGM-MOD may] [ARGM-NEG not] [rel come] as [ARG2-as a surprise to Americans who *T*-176 have watched the Japanese snap up properties in the U.S. from golf courses to a stake in Rockefeller Center] .
- [ARG1 The House action] [ARGM-TMP yesterday] [rel came] [ARGM-TMP as the Senate remained mired in difficulties over a $ 17.25 billion *U* measure covering the budgets for the State , Commerce , and Justice departments in fiscal 1990] .
- `` I think 0 [ARGM-TMP as the pricing time arrives] , [ARG1 the bonds] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel come] [ARG2 * a little richer and in a larger amount] . ''
- `` If [ARG1 the Fed] does [ARGM-NEG not] [rel come] to [ARG2-to the rescue] and produce lower short-term interest rates [ARGM-TMP over the next 30 days] , the market 's going *-1 to flounder , '' says Larry Wachtel , a market analyst with Prudential-Bache Securities .
- [ARGM-ADV Of the three candidates with a serious chance of * winning] , [ARG1 Mr. Collor] [rel comes] [ARGM-DIR closest to * advocating the sort of measures that economists say 0 *T*-1 are necessary] .
- [ARGM-CAU Since most prosecutors would n't be able *-2 to demonstrate conclusively that racial considerations did n't affect sentencing] , [ARG1 executions everywhere] [ARGM-MOD might] [rel come] to [ARG2-to a halt] , Mr. Boyd explains 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARG1 Mr. Phelan 's meeting with the floor brokers] [rel comes] [ARGM-TMP as he prepares *-1 to explain the exchange 's position on program trading to key congressional regulators in a closed session tomorrow] , according to exchange officials .
- [ARG1 The dealers] immediately showed their new acquisition to an expert and [rel came] [ARG2 *-1 to see it as a fake] .
- Western Union had said two weeks ago that it might withdraw the pending offer , which *T*-1 would have replaced $ 500 million *U* in [ARG1 so-called reset notes] , now paying 19.25 % annual interest and set * to [rel come] [ARG2 due] [ARGM-TMP in 1992] , with two new issues paying lower interest .
- [ARGM-TMP In recent months] , [ARG1 researchers] have [rel come] [ARG2 *-2 to believe 0 the two types of cancer genes work in concert : An oncogene may turn proliferating cells malignant only after the tumor-suppressor gene has been damaged *-1] .
- It *EXP*-1 may even be possible * to replace defective genes with healthy versions , though [ARG1 no one] has [rel come] [ARGM-ADV close *-2 to doing that] [ARGM-TMP so far] .
- Small businesses say 0 a recent trend is like [ARG1 a dream] [rel come] [ARG2 true] : more-affordable rates for employee-health insurance , initially at least .
- [ARG1 Investment and emigration plans] take time *-1 to [rel come] to [ARG2-to fruition] .
- Baseball fans throughout New York had sweated out a long summer with their teams , and [ARGM-TMP now] [ARG1 it] had [rel come] to [ARG4-to this : a battle between the two for the National League pennant -- down to the last inning of the last game , no less] .
- `` [ARG1 The resignation] [rel came] as [ARG2-as a great surprise] . ''
- [ARG1 Hassan] [rel comes] to [ARG4-to a bad end] , but so does *T*-1 almost everyone else in the book .
- But the familiarity of his style also makes his work accessible , as [ARG1 the streets of Cairo] [rel come] [ARG2 alive] [ARGM-PNC for the Western reader] [ARGM-MNR as vividly as Dickens 's London or Dostoevski 's St. Petersburg] .
- `` [ARGM-LOC Under the new tax-reform law] , [ARG1 the days of widespread , wholesale corporate tax avoidance] have [rel come] to [ARG4-to an end] . ''
- [ARGM-LOC In the lobby behind its nine-story , orchid-strewn atrium] , [ARG1 a 20,000-gallon aquarium] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel come] [ARG2 alive with sharks , stingrays , angelfish , puffers and other creatures of the deep] .
- The basket products are `` an evolutionary step '' in * solving [ARG1 problems] in * trading big blocks of stock that *T*-1 [rel came] to [ARG2-to light] [ARGM-TMP in the 1987 market crash] , said 0 *T*-2 SEC Commissioner Joseph Grundfest .
- Now [ARG1 this remarkable economic growth] seems *-1 to be [rel coming] to [ARG4-to an end] [ARGM-CAU because the government has not converted itself into a modern , democratic , `` developed nation '' mode of operation] .
- `` Shortageflation , '' as [ARG1 economists] have [rel come] [ARG2 *-1 to call it] , had gone hyper .
- [ARG1 Use of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations law against white-collar defendants , as * opposed *-1 to alleged organized-crime figures ,] has [rel come] under [ARG2-under attack from some defense lawyers and legal scholars] .
- As of June 30 , 1989 -- [ARGM-TMP the day] 0 [ARG1 our past fiscal year] [rel came] to [ARG2-to a close] *T*-2 -- only 4.1 % of the Bank 's portfolio was affected *-1 by arrears of over six months .
- Especially at times like these , when declining rates make it *EXP*-1 hard for investors to get yields 0 [ARG1 they] have [rel come] [ARG2 *-3 to expect *T*-2] , too many people chase the promise of above-market returns without *-4 fully appreciating the risk .
- Indeed , skepticism was amply captured *-1 by a joke told * by Poles at the conference : `` [ARG1 The world] [ARGM-MOD must] be [rel coming] to [ARG2-to an end] .
- While Ms. Bryant 's state went ahead and accepted Drexel 's settlement offer of $ 25,000 *U* , she said : `` I do n't have any argument with [ARG0 those] who *T*-1 [rel came] to [ARG1-to different conclusions] .
- [ARGM-LOC At his old job in Compton , Calif.] , [ARG1 he] took a bitter teachers ' strike and [ARGM-ADV nearly] [rel came] to [ARG2-to blows] [ARGM-ADV with a school-board member] .
- But this time , China faces a more difficult battle because of [ARG1 economic forces] that *T*-1 have [rel come] into [ARG2-into play] [ARGM-TMP since the Tiananmen Square killings June 4] .
- It *EXP*-2 [rel came] [ARG2 * to light] [ARG1 that a substantial number of Rockefeller 's faculty were upset over *RNR*-1 or even opposed to *RNR*-1 Dr. Baltimore 's impending appointment] .
- Not only does [ARG1 this] [rel come] [ARG2 close to a violation of law] , it violates the trust 0 we have all worked *-1 to develop *T*-2 . ''
- [ARG1 The issue] [rel came] to [ARG2-to a head] [ARGM-TMP last year] , officials recalled 0 *T*-1 , [ARGM-CAU partly because the Reagan administration had sought unsuccessfully *-2 to win committee approval of funding for new Panama coup efforts] .
- [ARG1 Noranda and Trelleborg] each [rel came] [ARG2 close to * winning Falconbridge alone] [ARGM-TMP before the successful joint bid] .
- [ARG1 The board] [ARGM-MOD could] [ARGM-TMP eventually] [rel come] under [ARG2-under some pressure * to sell the company] [ARGM-CAU because its members can be ousted *-1 by a majority shareholder vote] , [ARGM-CAU particularly since one-third of UAL stock is held *-2 by takeover stock speculators who *T*-3 favor a sale] .
- Speculation *ICH*-1 has also arisen that [ARG1 the UAL executive most closely identified * with the failure * to gain bank financing , chief financial officer John Pope ,] [ARGM-MOD may] [rel come] under [ARG2-under pressure * to resign] .
- [ARGM-DIS So] it *EXP*-2 [ARGM-MOD should] [rel come] as [ARG2-as no shock] [ARG1 that the profession , if that 's what it is *T*-3 , has attracted a lot of people whose principal talents *T*-1 seem *-4 to be * frittering away *RNR*-5 or flat-out stealing *RNR*-5 their clients ' money] .
- UAL 's advisers have indicated previously that it *EXP*-1 may take a while [ARG1 *] to [rel come] [ARG2 forward] [ARGM-MNR with a revised plan] since they want *-2 to have firm bank commitments before *-3 launching a new bid .
- *-1 Referring to Mr. Bennett 's claim that the federal government would provide $ 97 million *U* in emergency federal support , Ms. Thompson wrote , `` [ARG1 Our analysis] was unable *-2 to [ARGM-ADV even] [rel come] [ARG2 close to *-3 documenting that figure] . ''
- [ARG1 Amdura 's bridge loan , part of the financing for Amdura 's acquisition of CoastAmerica in December 1988 ,] was *-1 to [rel come] [ARG2 due] [ARGM-TMP next Friday] .
- [ARG1 WORLD ODDITIES] [rel come] [ARG2 alive] [ARGM-LOC in a multimedia version of the Guinness Book of Records] .
- [ARGM-TMP In 1988] , [ARGM-TMP for the first time] , [ARG1 economic growth] [rel came] to [ARG2-to a dead stop] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG1 the Beebes] did [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel come] to [ARG2-to that conclusion] [ARGM-TMP until time limits *ICH*-2 had elapsed for * adding the adhesives maker as a defendant in the case] , Ms. Adams said 0 *T*-1 .
- Donald Trump , who *T*-1 faced rising doubt about his bid for American Airlines parent AMR Corp. even before [ARG1 a United Airlines buy-out] [rel came] apart [ARGM-TMP Friday] , withdrew his $ 7.54 billion *U* offer .
- -LRB- * See related story : `` And Bills 0 *T*-1 to Make [ARG1 Wishes] [rel Come] [ARG2 True] '' -- WSJ Oct. 17 , 1989 .
- Mr. Paul counters that he intends *-1 to further pare the size of CenTrust by *-2 not renewing more than $ 1 billion *U* of brokered certificates of deposit [ARGM-TMP when] [ARG1 they] [rel come] [ARG2 due] *T*-3 .
- But [ARG1 the Peugeot breakthrough] [rel came] [ARGM-TMP as a nationwide dispute by Finance Ministry employees disrupted border checkpoints and threatened the government 's ability * to pay its bills] .
- [ARG1 The junk bond market] [rel came] to [ARG2-to a standstill] , [ARGM-ADV while Treasury bonds soared and the dollar fell] .