frames- [ARG0 The magazine] [rel combines] [ARG1 how-to pieces on topics like backyard composting , explanatory essays on such things as what *T*-1 happens after you flush your toilet , and hard-hitting pieces on alleged environmental offenders] .
- Change-ringing , a mind-boggling exercise 0 the English invented *T*-1 380 years ago , requires [ARG1 physical dexterity] -- some bells weigh more than a ton -- [rel combined] * with [ARG2-with intense mental concentration] .
- The resulting company would be the largest forest-products concern in the world with [rel combined] [ARG3 sales] of more than $ 13 billion *U* .
- [ARG0 The AT&T team] also is trying *-1 to [rel combine] [ARG1 their latest superconductor process] with [ARG2-with `` melt-textured growth , '' a process discovered * earlier at Bell Laboratories] .
- The [rel combined] [ARG3 processes] may significantly raise the current-carrying capacity of multi-crystal samples .
- In a recent report , Moody 's said 0 it `` expects intense competition to occur through the rest of the century in [ARG1 the securities industry] , which *T*-1 , [rel combined] with [ARG2-with overcapacity] , will create poor prospects for profitability . ''
- [ARG1 Sterling 's firm tone] , [rel combined] with [ARG2-with a steady opening on Wall Street] , also tempted some investors to come back to the market , dealers said 0 *T*-1 .
- Dow Chemical Co. , Midland , Mich. , and Eli Lilly & Co. , Indianapolis , said 0 they completed the formation of Dow Elanco , [ARG0 a joint venture] [rel combining] [ARG1 their plant-sciences businesses as well as Dow 's industrial pest-control business] .
- And [ARG0 *] [rel combining] [ARG1 Fraser & Neave 's own soft drinks] with [ARG2-with Coca-Cola 's] gives the Singapore company more than half the share of the soda market there , Coke said 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 He] also is an entertaining writer , *-2 [rel combining] [ARG1 wisecracks and wordplay] with [ARG2-with programmatic detail and lucid explanations of how computers work *T*-1] .
- [ARG0 The acquisition] [rel combined] [ARG1 the country 's second-largest security company , Pinkerton 's , with 1987 sales of $ 410 million *U* , and the fourth largest , California Plant Protection , with $ 250 million *U* in sales] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 creating the industry 's biggest firm , which *T*-19 took on the Pinkerton 's name] .
- The [rel combined] [ARG3 company] would have had 1988 sales of $ 13.1 billion *U* .
- Earlier , Mesa had rejected [ARG0 a general proposal *ICH*-1] from StatesWest * to [rel combine] [ARG1 the two carriers] [ARGM-MNR in some way] .
- [ARG0 Republicans] , meanwhile , want *-1 to try *-2 to protect the measure by * [rel combining] [ARG1 it] with [ARG2-with two politically popular issues that Democrats could find *T*-107 hard 0 *-3 to block *T*-4] .
- By some estimates , Brazil 's internal debt , or [rel combined] [ARG1 public] deficit , could reach 6.5 % of its $ 351 billion *U* gross domestic product .
- *-4 Having rejected central economic planning for economic reasons , and the market for fear of the social -LRB- political -RRB- consequences , Mr. Gorbachev seeks [ARG0 a `` third way ''] that *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD would] [rel combine] [ARG1 the discipline and controls of the former] with [ARG2-with the economic benefits of the latter] .
- [ARG0 They] , too , promised *-1 to [rel combine] [ARG1 economic efficiency] with [ARG2-with order and discipline] .
- [rel Combined] with [ARG2-with recalculations and revisions in other trade areas] , [ARG1 the value of U.S. net exports that *T*-2 had not previously been recorded *-1] was about $ 20 billion *U* a year .
- He did not go as far as he could have *?* in tax reductions ; [ARGM-DIS indeed] [ARG0 he] [rel combined] [ARG1 them] with [ARG2-with increases in indirect taxes] .
- [ARG0 The new , as yet unnamed , subsidiary] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel combine] [ARG1 Quebecor 's existing printing unit and Maxwell Graphics] .
- The [rel combined] [ARG3 operations] had 1988 revenue of about $ 100 million *U* .
- But the general practice makes it *EXP*-1 more difficult [ARG0 *] to [rel combine] [ARG1 small groups of people] into [ARG3-into larger groups] , [ARGM-ADV thus *-2 spreading the risk over a larger base of premiums] .
- The other came in 1974-75 from the [rel combined] [ARG3 shock] of [ARG1-of world recession and a severe local stock market crash] .
- [ARG1 *-1] [rel Combined] *-2 with [ARG2-with their two pre-quake victories , way back on Oct. 14 and 15 -LRB- the scores were 5-0 and 5-1 , remember ? -RRB-] , that gave them a sweep of the best-of-seven series .
- The plan still calls for [ARG0 LIN] to [rel combine] [ARG1 its cellular telephone properties] with [ARG2-with BellSouth 's] and to spin off its broadcasting operations .
- [ARG0 *] Try [rel combining] [ARG1 a money fund and an intermediate-term bond fund] [ARGM-PNC as a low-risk bet on falling rates] , suggests 0 *T*-1 Back Bay Advisors Inc. , a mutual fund unit of New England Insurance Co .
- W.R. Grace & Co. said 0 [ARG0 it] formed a new horticultural-products company by * [rel combining] [ARG1 its soil-nutrients and fertilizers business] with [ARG2-with Sierra Chemical Co. , Milpitas , Calif] .
- The football and basketball players spent more time on their sports in season than they did on [ARG1 class attendance and homework] [rel combined] * -LRB- 30 hours a week versus 25.3 -RRB- .
- [ARG1 Their junk funds] [rel combined] * have had net outflows totaling nearly $ 500 million *U* , or about 13 % of their junk fund assets , in the past two months .
- [ARG0 Government officials] were expected *-1 to [rel combine] [ARG1 Waertsilae Marine] with [ARG2-with two other struggling firms] , and thus ensure Finland 's survival as a shipbuilding nation .
- [ARG0 Telos] responded by *-1 [rel combining] [ARG1 three of its five divisions] [ARGM-PNC *-2 to reduce expenses and `` bring more focus to potentially fewer bidding opportunities] , '' says *T*-3 Lin Conger , Telos chairman and controlling shareholder .
- [ARG1 GMAC profits] are [rel combined] *-1 with [ARG2-with earnings from the rest of GM 's operations] and attributed *-1 to the company 's traditional common stock .
- Common shareholders would end up *-1 owning about 6.4 % of the [rel combined] [ARG3 company] .
- [ARG0 The transaction] [ARGM-DIS also] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel combine] [ARG1 Fresenius USA and Delmed] .
- In a statement , Mr. Merksamer described the filing as a `` legal technicality , '' but also said that `` [ARG1 our inability * to obtain trade credit] , *-1 [rel combined] *-2 with [ARG2-with a need * to ensure that our stores were properly stocked for the Christmas season] , necessitated our filing Chapter 11 . ''
- [ARG1 Some] have been [rel combined] *-1 into [ARG3-into suites for the high rollers] .
- [ARG0 The transaction] [ARGM-DIS also] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel combine] [ARG1 Fresenius USA and Delmed] .
- [ARGM-TMP On most days] , [ARG1 the desert 's heat and the cool of the ocean] [rel combine] [ARGM-PNC *-1 to create a mist like a damp rag] .
- [ARG1 The glut and consequent lower prices] , [rel combined] with [ARG2-with cancer fears] , was a very serious blow to growers .
- [ARG1 This program] , [rel combined] * with [ARG2-with cash grants to needy students] , would reduce program costs and much more effectively target the intended beneficiaries .
- They would both give part of their [rel combined] [ARG3 $ 50 million] *U* in common equity in SCI TV to holders of SCI TV 's $ 488 million *U* of junk bonds , as a carrot 0 *T*-2 to persuade them *-3 to accept new bonds that *T*-1 might reduce the value of their claims on the company .
- The [rel combined] [ARG3 buying] rallied the Dow into a small gain , before * closing at a slight loss .
- Fireman 's Fund property-liability subsidiaries reported a 120.7 % [rel combined] [ARG3 underwriting] ratio for the nine months , up from 108.4 % for the year-ago period .
- The mining , metal and specialty-chemical concern said 0 [rel combined] [ARG3 revenue] for asbestos and coal was about $ 40 million *U* of the company 's total revenue in 1988 of $ 1.98 billion *U* .
- [ARG0 The state agency] , which *T*-2 usually publishes the data on monthly basis , but [ARGM-MNR traditionally] [rel combines] [ARG1 the index for the two summer-holiday months] , said 0 the advance was led *-1 by output of consumer goods , which *T*-3 rose 3.5 % from June and was up 7.2 % from a year earlier .
- Meredith Corp. is launching a new service 0 *T*-1 to offer advertisers [ARG0 package deals] [rel combining] [ARG1 its book , magazine and videocassette products] .
- Time Warner Inc. recently formed a `` synergy department '' 0 *T*-2 to seek out ways 0 * to offer advertisers [ARG0 packages] that *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD could] [rel combine] [ARG1 Time 's magazines] with [ARG2-with Warner products such as videocassettes] *T*-3 .
- [rel Combined] [ARG3 revenue] [ARGM-TMP for the latest quarter] of Time Warner was $ 2.2 billion *U* , compared with the year-ago Time revenue of $ 1.1 billion *U* .
- Mr. Bryant and other analysts hope 0 [ARG1 all those moves] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel combine] [ARGM-PNC *-1 to help Tandy 's results improve in the important Christmas quarter] .
- The Tiger merger agreement stipulated that [ARG1 the lists] be [rel combined] *-1 [ARGM-MNR on the basis of tenure] .
- Many states already have Enterprise Zones and [ARG0 legislation] that *T*-1 [rel combines] [ARG1 tax incentives , loans , and grants] [ARGM-PNC * to encourage investment in depressed areas with requirements for the hiring of the unemployed and minorities] .
- [rel Combined] with [ARG2-with at least some rebound in exports after August 's unexpected decline] , [ARG1 the deficit] could narrow to as little as # 1.3 billion *U* .
- Nonperforming loans will make up only about 0.5 % of the [rel combined] [ARG3 banks] ' total loans outstanding , he said 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 `` La Familia de Hoy , '' or `` Today 's Family] , '' will debut this spring and [ARGM-MOD will] [rel combine] [ARG1 a national bimonthly magazine and TV programming] .
- Further , he said 0 *T*-1 , [ARG0 an internal reorganization] 0 *T*-2 to [rel combine] [ARG1 several divisions] into [ARG3-into the Information Technology Group] is expected *-3 to affect fourth-quarter results by an undisclosed amount .
- The state says 0 there 's no worry -- [ARG1 investment returns] , [rel combined] * with [ARG2-with fees and the gains from unused plans] , will provide all the cash 0 it needs *T*-1 .
- But against that [rel combined] [ARG3 increase] of 12 % in students chosen * by academic criteria , the plan eliminates a large category in which admissions now are based *-1 on grades , test scores and `` supplemental points '' for factors such as high-school curriculum , English-language proficiency and an essay *T*-2 .
- He said 0 Rorer sold the drugs for `` nice prices '' and will record a [rel combined] , [ARG3 pretax] gain on the sales of $ 20 million *U* .
- By [ARG0 *-1] [rel combining] [ARG1 his strengths in innovation and quality control] with [ARG2-with the lower costs of production abroad] , he says 0 he has been able *-2 to produce high-quality goods at low cost .
- [ARG1 Graphics , communications and peripheral control chips] were [rel combined] *-1 [ARGM-CAU because , increasingly , multiple functions are being governed *-2 by a single chip] .
- Current quotations would reflect the [rel combined] [ARG3 financial] judgment of all market participants -- not just those of intermediaries who *T*-1 become extremely risk-averse during times of crisis .
- The merger should also allow [ARG0 the companies] to reduce costs by *-1 [rel combining] [ARG1 operations in many locations in Puerto Rico] .
- The primary subsidiary will be the [rel combined] [ARG1 banking] operations of the two companies and will be known *-1 as Banco Popular de Puerto Rico .
- By some estimates , [ARG1 several grain companies] [rel combined] * bought contracts for the possession of roughly one million metric tons of corn .
- According to several ad-agency sources , newcomers to the Texas banking market are spending a [rel combined] [ARG3 $ 50 million] *U* this year *-1 to woo Texans .
- In a joint statement , the two companies , whose [rel combined] [ARG1 holdings] *T*-2 equal 52.7 % of Sun Life 's ordinary shares , said 0 their agreement is aimed *-1 at * reducing `` the uncertainty and instability for Sun Life that *T*-3 has resulted from two major shareholders owning '' a controlling interest in the company .
- Anglo American Corp. of South Africa Ltd. said 0 the third-quarter [rel combined] [ARG3 profit] of its six gold mines dropped 8.5 % from the previous quarter .
- It would bring 13 gas fields into production at a [rel combined] [ARG3 rate] of about 1.2 billion cubic feet a day .
- During 1988 , the Datatronic subsidiaries had [rel combined] [ARG3 sales] in excess of $ 200 million *U* .
- [ARG0 The $ 99 *U* CD-ROM disk -LRB- it can only be played *-1 on an Apple Macintosh computer at the moment -RRB-] [rel combines] [ARG1 animation , music and sound] .
- As part of the restructuring , WCRS and Eurocom said 0 [ARG0 they] will look for ways 0 * to [rel combine] [ARG1 their media buying] [ARGM-LOC across Europe] *T*-1 .
- According to figures from the International Air Transport Association , they carried a [rel combined] [ARG3 1.8 million] tons of freight last year .
- Federal Express and Flying Tiger , as separate companies , carried a [rel combined] [ARG3 2.6 million] tons .
- Last week , Mesa rejected a general proposal *ICH*-1 from StatesWest that [ARG1 the two carriers] [rel combine] .
- He left his last two jobs at Republic Airlines and Flying Tiger with [rel combined] [ARG3 stock-option] gains of about $ 22 million *U* , and UAL gave him a $ 15 million *U* bonus when it hired him *T*-1 .
- That came to a [rel combined] [ARG3 $ 37.7 million] *U* under the $ 300-a-share *U* buy-out , but just $ 21.3 million *U* at yesterday 's close .
- Of the [rel combined] [ARG3 $ 114.4 million] *U* 0 the two men were scheduled *-1 to reap *T*-2 under the buy-out , they agreed *-3 to invest in the buy-out just $ 15 million *U* *T*-5 , * angering many of the thousands of workers asked * *-4 to make pay concessions so the buy-out would be a success .
- Their [rel combined] [ARG3 stake] consists of 880,500 CACI common shares , including 86,500 shares bought * in the past 60 days at $ 2.3125 to $ 2.4375 *U* a share .
- MIPS is a leader in what *T*-2 is known *-1 as reduced-instruction set computing , or RISC , [ARG0 a technology] [rel combining] [ARG1 microprocessors and sophisticated software] .
- [ARG1 They] [rel combined] [ARGM-PNC for 25 hits , six home runs and 24 runs batted in *] [ARGM-TMP in the five games against the Cubs] .
- [ARG1 These factors] , [rel combined] with [ARG2-with a strong dollar] , should negatively affect the current quarter 's results , NCR said 0 *T*-1 .
- United Biscuits said 0 the [rel combined] [ARG3 group] , which *T*-1 will include businesses such as McVities biscuits and Terry 's confectionery , will have annual sales of more than # 1.5 billion *U* -LRB- $ 2.35 billion *U* -RRB- and trading profit of more than # 160 million *U* -LRB- $ 251 million *U* -RRB- .
- Ideal Basic Industries Inc. said 0 its directors reached an agreement in principle calling for [ARG0 HOFI North America Inc.] to [rel combine] [ARG1 its North American cement holdings] with [ARG2-with Ideal] in [ARG3-in a transaction that *T*-1 will leave Ideal 's minority shareholders with 12.8 % of the combined company] .
- [ARG0 HOFI , the North American holding company of Swiss concern Holderbank Financiere Glaris Ltd. ,] previously proposed * [rel combining] [ARG1 its 100 % stake in St. Lawrence Cement Inc. and its 60 % stake in Dundee Cement Co.] with [ARG2-with its 67 % stake in Ideal] .
- [ARG1 Hurricane Jerry] threatened *-1 to [rel combine] with [ARG2-with the highest tides of the year] [ARGM-PNC *-2 to swamp the Texas-Louisiana coast] .
- `` I think 0 [ARG1 the Friday report] , [rel combined] with [ARG2-with the actions of the Fed] , weakened the belief that there was going *-2 to be an imminent easing of monetary policy , '' said *T*-1 Robert Dederick , chief economist at Northern Trust Co. in Chicago .
- Mr. Lichtblau said 0 [ARG1 Canada 's declining crude output] , [rel combined] with [ARG2-with the fast-shrinking output of U.S. crude] , will help *-1 intensify U.S. reliance on oil from overseas , particularly the Middle East .
- Hill Democrats are particularly angry over [ARG0 Mr. Bush 's] claim that the capital-gains cut was part of April 's budget accord and his insistence on * [rel combining] [ARG1 it] with [ARG2-with the deficit-reduction legislation] .
- A widening of the deficit , if [ARG1 it] were [rel combined] *-1 with [ARG2-with a stubbornly strong dollar] , would exacerbate trade problems -- but the dollar weakened Friday as stocks plummeted .
- Mr. Rocha Garza said that he , Clarendon Group Ltd. , Biscayne , Lahus II , and Lahus III are all affiliated and hold a [rel combined] [ARG3 stake] of 1,234,100 shares , or 9.33 % .
- [rel Combined] [ARG1 foreign] exchange and [ARG2 bond] trading profits dipped 24 % against last year 's third quarter , to $ 38.2 million *U* from $ 50.5 million *U* .
- McCaw is offering $ 125 *U* a share for 22 million LIN shares , *-1 thereby challenging [ARG0 LIN 's] proposal * to spin off its television properties , pay shareholders a $ 20-a-share *U* special dividend and [rel combine] [ARG1 its cellular-telephone operations] with [ARG2-with BellSouth 's cellular business] .