frames- [ARG0 It] is [rel combing] [ARG1 the town of 10,000] for [ARG2-for about 200 extras] .
- [ARG0 Men] are [ARGM-TMP still] [rel combing] [ARG1 the beach] with [ARGM-with shovels and hand brushes] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 searching for that unusual glint] .
- [ARG0 Examiners from the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency] had been [rel combing] through [ARG1-through First Interstate 's real-estate portfolio] [ARGM-TMP since last month] ; they first recommended that First Interstate take a provision that *T*-1 was less than the eventual $ 350 million *U* third-quarter hit .
- [ARG0 The state] has [rel combed] through [ARG1-through records relating to architects , stockbrokers , lawyers in the New York City area , construction workers from out of the state , and homeowners who *T*-1 claim *-3 to be residents of other states -- especially Florida , which *T*-2 has no personal income tax] .