frames- Commonwealth Edison Co. was ordered *-1 *-2 to refund about $ 250 million *U* to its current and former ratepayers for [ARG1 illegal rates] [rel collected] * for [ARG4-for cost overruns on a nuclear power plant] .
- [ARG0 The utility] has been [rel collecting] for [ARG4-for the plant 's construction cost] from [ARG2-from its 3.1 million customers subject to a refund] [ARGM-TMP since 1986] .
- [ARG1 Any money] in excess of $ 40 million *U* [rel collected] * from [ARG2-from the fees] [ARGM-TMP in fiscal 1990] would go to the Treasury at large .
- He probably did n't penetrate any top-secret files , but the KGB in East Berlin was willing *-2 to pay two of his associates , Peter Carl and Dirk Brezinski , $ 15,000 *U* for some of [ARG1 the material] 0 [ARG0 Hess] [rel collected] *T*-1 .
- That may leave a lot of leeway 0 for U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Burton R. Lifland to decide [ARG1 what] , [ARGM-ADV if anything] , [ARG0 the pilots] [ARGM-ADV actually] [rel collect] *T*-287 *T*-1 .
- The collapse of a $ 6.79 billion *U* labor-management buy-out of United Airlines parent UAL Corp. may not stop [ARG0 some of Wall Street 's top talent] from *-1 [rel collecting] [ARG1 up to $ 53.7 million *U* in fees] .
- The timing of his visit was fortuitous ; [ARG0 the man who *T*-1 had brought it in for an estimate] had returned *-2 to [rel collect] [ARG1 it] and was waiting in the hall .
- What we 're seeing *T*-1 now makes a mockery of the idea of insurance : [ARG0 *] [rel collect] [ARG1 premiums] from [ARG2-from the healthy] , dump the sick and let them pay their own bills . ''
- But even that is disputed *-1 by Manufacturers Hanover which , in alliance with the IRS , *T*-2 contends that [ARG0 Minpeco] has [ARGM-TMP already] [rel collected] [ARG1 more than its actual damages] from [ARG2-from other defendants in the silver-conspiracy case] .
- Insurers buy this insurance protection for themselves by *-3 giving up a portion of [ARG1 the premiums] 0 [ARG0 they] [rel collect] *T*-2 on a policy to another firm -- a reinsurance company , which , in turn , *T*-1 accepts a portion of any losses resulting from this policy .
- While she works inside , [ARG0 a tenant] returns with several friends *-1 to [rel collect] [ARG1 furniture and clothing] .
- It made the estimates based on [ARG1 data] [rel collected] * from [ARG2-from more than a dozen big junk funds] .
- In a letter , prosecutors told Mr. Antar 's lawyers that because of the recent Supreme Court rulings , they could expect that [ARG1 any fees] [rel collected] * from [ARG2-from Mr. Antar] may be seized *-1 .
- [ARG0 They] [ARGM-ADV merely] [rel collect] [ARG1 campaign contributions] from [ARG2-from developers that *T*-1 help *-2 keep them in office] .
- In 30 years of [ARG0 *] [rel collecting] [ARG1 impressionist and Japanese paintings] , he has acquired 600 items , he says 0 *T*-3 , enough 0 *T*-1 to persuade him *-2 to start a museum next year .
- The charities regularly sell [ARG1 used stamps] , which [ARG0 they] [rel collect] *T*-1 from [ARG2-from children and other donors] , *-2 to raise funds .
- The amount covers taxes , interest and penalties owed * from 1966 , when [ARG0 the state] began *-2 [rel collecting] [ARG1 corporate taxes] *T*-1 , to 1985 .
- The most likely reason for this disparity is that the Bank of England was a private bank with substantial earning assets , and the common-law rights *ICH*-1 of [ARG0 creditors] * to [rel collect] [ARG1 claims against the bank] were well established in Britain .
- [ARG0 The institute] has governmental service contracts for the provision of direct patient services ; [rel collects] [ARG1 patient fees] ; receives money through contributions from individuals , foundations and bequests .
- Not only does your product have *-1 to be excellent , but [ARG0 you] also have *-2 to be able *-3 to [rel collect] . ''
- It was as easy as [ARG0 *] [rel collecting] [ARG1 sea shells] [ARGM-LOC at Malibu] .
- If the program is meant *-1 to provide a subsidy , [ARG0 *] [rel collecting] [ARG1 the debt] defeats the original goal .
- *-1 To avoid this problem , government should issue credit only if [ARG0 it] intends *-2 to use every legal method * to [rel collect] .
- Since [ARG0 the government] has a dismal record of * [rel collecting] [ARG1 bad debts] , the costs to the borrower of defaulting are usually low .
- Until recently , [ARG0 a farmer with no heir] had *-1 to will the state his land *-1 to [rel collect] [ARG1 his pension] .
- [ARG0 One devoted fan] who *T*-1 fell under Baker 's spell in 1963 and began *-2 [rel collecting] [ARG1 Baker memorabilia] was Bryan Hammond .
- [ARG0 The department] has [rel collected] [ARG1 over $ 6.5 million *U*] from [ARG2-from brokers] [ARGM-TMP so far] and recommended more than 30 of them for criminal prosecution .
- Some provisions would let [ARG0 me] [rel collect] [ARG1 a percentage of the policy 's face value] [ARGM-PNC *-1 to pay for long-term care such as nursing-home stays] ; others would allow payments for catastrophic illnesses and conditions such as cancer , heart attarcks , renal failure and kidney transplants .
- But the catastrophic events for which [ARG0 the policyholder] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel collect] *T*-1 are narrowly defined , vary from policy to policy , and generally permit use of only a small fraction of the face amount of insurance .
- The housing starts numbers , however , are one of the least precise of the government 's economic indicators and are often revised *-2 significantly as [ARG1 more information] is [rel collected] *-1 .
- [ARG0 Galileo] will skim past Earth in 1990 and 1992 , *-1 [rel collecting] [ARG1 energy] from [ARG2-from the planet 's gravitational field] [ARGM-PNC *-2 to gain momentum for its trip to Jupiter] .
- Though [ARG0 it] [rel collects] [ARG1 such data] [ARGM-TMP daily] , its monthly reports on program trading usually come out about three weeks after each month ends .
- [ARG0 Mr. Gutfreund] [rel collected] [ARG1 $ 32 million *U*] , [ARGM-ADV while Billy Salomon got $ 10 million *U* , much less than if he had conducted the sale] .
- IRS Commissioner Fred T. Goldberg said 0 the changes are intended *-2 to bring `` accountability '' to [ARG0 the agency] , which *T*-1 has an annual budget of more than $ 5 billion *U* and [rel collects] [ARG1 about $ 1 trillion *U* a year] .
- The new commissioner says that closer scrutiny of how [ARG0 the agency] uses its resources will go a long way toward * enhancing its ability * to [rel collect] [ARG1 more tax revenue] .
- And [ARG0 he] is [rel collecting] [ARG1 the names of those who *T*-1 telephoned the coup-makers * to congratulate them during their brief time in control of his headquarters] .
- `` We would have *-1 to wait until [ARG0 we] have [rel collected] on [ARG1-on those assets] before we can move forward , '' he said *T*-2 .
- Mr. Van de Kamp is [ARG0 the one] who *T*-2 [rel collected] [ARG1 the plans] from [ARG2-from the various radical environmental groups] and cobbled them into a single unwieldy initiative 0 *T*-3 to be placed *-1 on the ballot for election on Nov. 6 , 1990 .
- Elcotel will provide a credit-card reader 0 for [ARG0 the machines] to [rel collect] , store and forward [ARG1 billing data] *T*-1 .
- Sunbelt and the FSLIC argued to the Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals `` that there will never be any assets with which * to satisfy a judgment against Sunbelt Savings *T*-1 nor [ARGM-MNR any means] 0 [ARG1 *] to [rel collect] from [ARG2-from any other party , including FSLIC] *T*-2 . ''
- -- Direction *ICH*-2 to [ARG0 the U.S. Coast Guard] *-1 to [rel collect] [ARG1 $ 50 million *U*] from [ARG2-from users of Coast Guard services] .