frames- The reason : [ARG1 Share prices of many of these funds] [ARGM-TMP this year] have [rel climbed] [ARGM-MNR much more sharply than the foreign stocks 0 they hold *T*-1] .
- The department said 0 [ARG1 orders for nondurable goods -- those intended * to last fewer than three years --] fell 0.3 % in September to $ 109.73 billion *U* after *-1 [rel climbing] [ARG2-EXT 0.9 %] [ARGM-TMP the month before] .
- Jay Goldinger , with Capital Insight Inc. , reasons that while the mark has posted significant gains against the yen as well -- [ARG1 the mark] [rel climbed] to [ARG4-to 77.70 yen] from [ARG3-from 77.56 yen] [ARGM-TMP late Tuesday] [ARGM-LOC in New York] -- the strength of the U.S. bond market compared * to its foreign counterparts has helped *-1 lure investors to dollar-denominated bonds , rather than mark bonds .
- [ARG1 Georgia-Pacific 's sales] [rel climbed] to [ARG4-to $ 9.5 billion *U*] [ARGM-TMP last year] , [ARGM-ADV compared with $ 6 billion *U* in 1983 , when Mr. Hahn took the reins *T*-1] .
- Stocks boosted * by market-makers shopping * to cover book requirements in FT-SE 100 shares included [ARG1 Carlton Communications] , which *T*-1 [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 32] to [ARG4-to 778] .
- [ARG1 AMR] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 1 3\/4] to [ARG4-to 73 1\/8] [ARGM-ADV amid rumors that New York developer Donald Trump was seeking financing 0 * to mount a new , lower offer for the parent company of American Airlines *T*-1] .
- [ARG1 Sales] totaled 1.916 trillion yen , *-1 [rel climbing] [ARG2-EXT 17 %] from [ARG3-from 1.637 trillion yen in the year-earlier period] .
- Komatsu predicted that [ARGM-TMP for the fiscal year ending March 31] [ARG1 sales] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel climb] to [ARG4-to 600 billion yen] from [ARG3-from 566.54 billion yen] ; pretax profit was forecast *-1 at 35 billion yen , up from 28.53 billion yen in fiscal 1989 .
- The small increase in the index of [ARG1 leading indicators] , which *T*-1 had [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 0.5 %] [ARGM-TMP in August] but *T*-1 was unchanged in July , does lend support to the view that the economy has slowed noticeably .
- [ARG1 Labor costs] are [rel climbing] [ARGM-MNR at a far more rapid pace] [ARGM-LOC in the health care industry] than in other industries .
- [ARG1 The consumer price index] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 4.3 %] [ARGM-TMP in the same period] .
- Jaguar topped the most-active list , as [ARG1 its American depository receipts] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 1 3\/4] to [ARG4-to 13 5\/8] [ARGM-ADV with more than 6.6 million ADRs traded *-1] .
- Sales increased 11 % to # 2.5 billion *U* from # 2.25 billion *U* , while [ARG1 operating profit] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 13 %] to [ARG4-to # 225.7 million *U*] from [ARG3-from # 199.8 million *U*] .
- [ARG1 Sales] amounted to 1.011 trillion yen , *-1 [rel climbing] [ARG2-EXT 29 %] from [ARG3-from 787.02 billion yen] .
- [ARGM-LOC Within the paper sector] , [ARG1 Mead] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 2 3\/8] to [ARG4-to 38 3\/4] [ARGM-ADV on 1.3 million shares] , Union Camp rose 2 3\/4 to 37 3\/4 , Federal Paper Board added 1 3\/4 to 23 7\/8 , Bowater gained 1 1\/2 to 27 1\/2 , Stone Container rose 1 to 26 1\/8 and Temple-Inland jumped 3 3\/4 to 62 1\/4 .
- [ARG1 The Dow Jones Industrial Average] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 41.60] to [ARG4-to 2645.08] [ARGM-ADV even though some late selling caused the market to retreat from session highs] .
- [ARG1 BankAmerica] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 1 3\/4] to [ARG4-to 30] [ARGM-TMP after PaineWebber boosted its investment opinion on the stock to its highest rating] .
- Standard & Poor 's 500-Stock Index climbed 5.29 to 340.36 , the Dow Jones Equity Market Index added 4.70 to 318.79 and [ARG1 the New York Stock Exchange Composite Index] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 2.65] to
- [ARG1 Standard & Poor 's 500-Stock Index] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 5.29] to [ARG4-to 340.36] , the Dow Jones Equity Market Index added 4.70 to 318.79 and the New York Stock Exchange Composite Index climbed 2.65 to
- [ARG1 Labor costs] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 1.2 %] [ARGM-LOC in private industry] [ARGM-TMP during the third quarter] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 matching the second-quarter rise] .
- [ARG1 New construction contracting] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 8 %] [ARGM-TMP in September] to [ARG4-to an annualized $ 274.2 billion *U*] , [ARGM-MNR with commercial , industrial and public-works contracts providing most of the increase] , according to F.W. Dodge Group .
- [ARG1 Sales] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 71 %] to [ARG4-to $ 6.36 billion *U*] from [ARG3-from $ 3.72 billion *U*] [ARGM-ADV as the company capitalized on the ravenous global demand for commercial airliners] .
- [ARG1 The Dow Jones Industrial Average] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 6.76 points] [ARGM-LOC in a spate of bargain-hunting following last week 's declines] .
- The department said 0 [ARG1 personal income] rose 0.3 % in September to a $ 4.469 trillion *U* rate but [ARGM-MOD would] have [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 0.6 %] [ARGM-ADV had it not been for the storm] .
- While [ARG1 domestic orders] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT an adjusted 8 % and a nominal 11 %] [ARGM-TMP in September] , foreign orders declined 4 % after inflation and 1 % on a nominal basis .
- [ARG1 Property reinsurance rates] are likely *-1 to [rel climb] [ARGM-TMP first] , analysts and brokers believe 0 *T*-2 .
- But he said 0 [ARG1 it] [ARGM-MOD wo] [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel climb] [ARGM-EXT further] and he expects it to remain in a trading range between $ 1.10 and $ 1.25 *U* .
- Hecla Mining rose 5\/8 to 14 ; [ARG1 Battle Mountain Gold] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 3\/4] to [ARG4-to 16 3\/4] ; Homestake Mining rose 1 1\/8 to 16 7\/8 ; Lac Minerals added 5\/8 to 11 ; Placer Dome went up 7\/8 to 16 3\/4 , and ASA Ltd. jumped 3 5\/8 to 49 5\/8 .
- [ARGM-DIS In addition] , [ARG1 global petroleum demand] has been [rel climbing] .
- The price war peaked in the third quarter as [ARG1 Big Three factory discounts] [rel climbed] to [ARG4-to more than $ 1,000 *U* a vehicle] , according to industry officials .
- [ARG1 Profit] [rel climbed] to [ARG4-to $ 98 million *U*] from [ARG3-from $ 71 million *U*] [ARGM-LOC in the petroleum segment] , [ARGM-ADV as Du Pont 's Conoco Inc. oil company was helped *-1 by crude oil prices higher than a year ago and by higher natural gas prices and volume] .
- And IBM said 0 it expects [ARG1 the costs] to continue *-1 [rel climbing] .
- [ARG1 The dollar] [rel climbed] [ARGM-DIR immediately higher] [ARGM-TMP on news of Mr. Greenspan 's testimony] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 settling lower in later trade as dealers squared positions ahead of today 's preliminary report on third-quarter U.S. gross national product] .
- This trader characterized the recent price action as a contest between the fundamentalists , who *T*-1 see higher prices ahead , and the technicians , who *T*-2 are basically buying cotton toward the bottom of the current trading range , around 71 cents , and selling it [ARGM-TMP when] [ARG1 the price] [rel climbs] [ARG2-EXT more than 74 cents] *T*-3 .
- [ARGM-TMP For the latest nine months] , [ARG1 Spiegel 's net] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT a solid 47 %] to [ARG4-to $ 23.8 million *U* , or 46 cents a share ,] from [ARG3-from $ 16.2 million *U* , or 34 cents] .
- [ARGM-LOC In national over-the-counter trading] , [ARG1 the company 's shares] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 37.5 cents] to [ARG4-to $ 20.375 *U*] .
- [ARG1 Revenues] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 18 %] to [ARG4-to $ 289 million *U*] from [ARG3-from $ 245.3 million *U*] .
- Cie . Generale des Eaux reported that [ARG1 net profit] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 30 %] [ARGM-TMP in the first half of 1989] and said that it expects a gain of about 25 % for the full year .
- [ARG1 Revenue] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 13 %] to [ARG4-to 45.4 billion francs] from [ARG3-from 40.1 billion] .
- For fiscal 1990 , analysts expect P&G 's sales to continue *-1 to grow , with [ARG1 earnings] [rel climbing] [ARG2-EXT between 15 % and 20 % *U*] .
- [ARG1 Net for the quarter ended Sept. 30] [rel climbed] to [ARG4-to $ 551 million *U* , or $ 1.66 *U* a share ,] from [ARG3-from $ 400 million *U* , or $ 1.18 *U* a share , a year earlier] .
- [ARG1 Net for the New Brunswick , N.J. , maker of health-care products] [rel climbed] to [ARG4-to $ 265 million *U* , or 80 cents a share] , from [ARG3-from $ 240 million *U* , or 71 cents a share , in the year-earlier period] .
- [ARGM-TMP When] [ARG1 the market] fell below that level on Monday and [ARGM-TMP then] [ARGM-TMP yesterday] [ARGM-MOD could] [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel climb] above [ARG4-above that level] *T*-1 , traders started *-2 selling out their positions .
- [ARGM-TMP In five minutes] , [ARG1 the Dow industrials] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT almost 30 points] .
- [ARG1 Dow Jones] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 5 3\/4] to [ARG4-to 41] [ARGM-ADV on very heavy volume of 786,100 shares] .
- [ARG1 Airborne Freight] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 1 1\/8] to [ARG4-to 38 1\/2] .
- [ARG1 Sun Sun Co. 's net income] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 18 %] to [ARG4-to $ 85 million *U* , or 80 cents a share ,] from [ARG3-from $ 72 million *U* , or 67 cents a share] .
- The broadcast and publishing company reported 0 [ARG1 net] [rel climbed] to [ARG4-to $ 80.8 million *U* , or $ 4.56 *U* a share] , from [ARG3-from $ 62.6 million *U* , or $ 3.55 *U* a share] , in the year-earlier period .
- [ARGM-LOC In the industrial-gases segment] , [ARG1 operating profit] [rel climbed] to [ARG4-to $ 87 million *U*] from [ARG3-from $ 58 million *U*] .
- [ARG1 Revenue] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 28 %] , to [ARG4-to $ 1.18 billion *U*] from [ARG3-from $ 925 million *U*] .
- [ARG1 Refining and marketing earnings] [rel climbed] to [ARG4-to $ 33.3 million *U*] from [ARG3-from $ 12.9 million *U*] , and exploration and production earnings rose to $ 37.1 million *U* from $ 17.9 million *U* .
- [ARG1 Coca-Cola] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 1 3\/8] to [ARG4-to 72 1\/8] ; McDonald 's added 1 to 31 3\/8 , and Procter & Gamble gained 3\/4 to 130 5\/8 .
- Paramount Communications rose 5\/8 to 58 3\/4 , [ARG1 Time Warner] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 1 7\/8] to [ARG4-to 138 5\/8] , Walt Disney advanced 3 1\/8 to 127 1\/2 , MCA rose 1 1\/8 to 65 5\/8 and McGraw-Hill added 1\/2 to 67 1\/8 .
- [ARG1 The Canadian dollar] [rel climbed] to [ARG4-to its highest level against the U.S. dollar since late August] , [ARGM-ADV * prompting the Bank of Canada to sell the Canadian currency on the market] .
- Analysts predict a 3.5 % rise in [ARG1 the deflator] , after * [rel climbing] [ARG2-EXT 4.6 %] [ARGM-TMP in the second quarter] .
- [ARG1 The New York bank holding company 's assets] [ARGM-TMP at Sept. 30] [rel climbed] to [ARG4-to $ 59.4 billion *U*] from [ARG3-from $ 57.9 billion *U*] .
- [ARG1 Pretax profit in the latest year] [rel climbed] to [ARG4-to # 187.1 million *U* -LRB- $ 297.1 million *U* -RRB-] from [ARG3-from # 146.3 million *U* -LRB- $ 232.3 million *U* -RRB-] .
- [ARG1 Profit after taxes and minority interests but before extraordinary items] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 27 %] to [ARG4-to # 143.4 million *U*] from [ARG3-from # 112.5 million *U*] , [ARGM-ADV with earnings per share rising to 85.1 pence -LRB- $ 1.35 *U* -RRB- from 79.4 pence -LRB- $ 1.26 *U* -RRB-] .
- As [ARG1 the death toll from last week 's temblor] [rel climbed] to [ARG4-to 61] , the condition of freeway survivor Buck Helm , who *T*-1 spent four days *-2 trapped under rubble , improved , hospital officials said 0 *T*-3 .
- [ARG1 The ratio of consumer installment credit to disposable income] , [ARGM-ADV though up a bit] , has [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel climbed] [ARGM-MNR steeply] , and such debt as a percent of household assets is little changed *-1 .
- Ralph Shattuck , publisher of Foreclosure Update newsletter , said 0 [ARG1 foreclosures] have [rel climbed] to [ARG4-to about 1,482 a month] [ARGM-LOC just in Maricopa County , where Phoenix is located *-1 *T*-2] .
- Analysts insist that even without help from a shaky stock market , which *T*-1 provided a temporary boost for bonds during the Oct. 13 stock market plunge , [ARG1 bond prices] will start *-2 to [rel climb] on the prospects that the Federal Reserve will allow interest rates to move lower in the coming weeks .
- [ARGM-ADV To the amazement of some traders] , [ARG1 takeover stocks] were [rel climbing] [ARGM-TMP again] .
- [ARG1 Paramount Communications] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 1 1\/4] to [ARG4-to 58 1\/2] and MCA rose 1 1\/2 to 64 ; both media companies have long been mentioned *-1 as potential acquisition candidates .
- [ARG1 Insurance stocks] continued *-1 to [rel climb] [ARGM-ADV on expectations that premium rates will rise in the aftermath of the earthquake in the San Francisco area] .
- [ARG1 American International Group] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 4] to [ARG4-to 106 5\/8] , General Re rose 3 1\/8 to 89 5\/8 , Kemper added 2 1\/2 to 48 , AON went up 1 3\/8 to 36 and Chubb rose 1 1\/4 to 82 1\/4 .
- [ARG1 The Amex Market Value Index] recorded its sharpest gain of the year by *-1 [rel climbing] [ARG2-EXT 4.74] to [ARG4-to 382.81] .
- Baxter International Inc. yesterday reported 0 [ARG1 net] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 20 %] [ARGM-TMP in the third period] to [ARG4-to $ 102 million *U* , or 34 cents a share] , from [ARG3-from $ 85 million *U* , or 28 cents a share ,] a year earlier .
- [ARG1 Amex short interest] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 3 %] to [ARG4-to 53,496,665 shares] from [ARG3-from 51,911,566 shares] .
- [ARG1 Junk bond price] [rel climbed] [ARGM-TMP yesterday] [ARGM-ADV despite skittishness in the new-issue market for high-yield securities] .
- [ARG1 The Nasdaq industrial index] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 8.17] to [ARG4-to 458.52] , and the `` other finance '' index , made up * of commercial banks and real estate and brokerage firms , rose 3.97 to 545.96 .
- [ARG1 The operator of fast-food restaurants , whose shares *T*-1 began *-2 trading last Friday ,] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 3 1\/8] to [ARG4-to 23] [ARGM-ADV on 944,000 shares] .
- Lufthansa AG said 0 [ARG1 passenger volume] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 5.2 %] [ARGM-TMP for the first nine months of 1989] to [ARG4-to 15.3 million passengers] from [ARG3-from 14.5 million passengers] in the year-earlier period .
- [ARG1 Load factor , or percentage of seats filled * ,] [rel climbed] to [ARG4-to 67.1 %] from [ARG3-from 66.6 %] , [ARGM-ADV even though the number of flights rose 6.9 % to 215,845 in the first-three quarters] .
- [ARG1 Tokyo 's Nikkei index of 225 issues , which *T*-1 gained 111.48 points Wednesday ,] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 266.66 , or 0.76 % ,] to [ARG4-to 35374.22] .
- [ARG1 American Express 's profit] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 21 %] [ARGM-TMP in the quarter] , [ARGM-ADV *-2 aided *-1 by a surge in its travel business and despite a big rise in Third World loan reserves] .
- [ARG1 Consumer prices] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT a moderate 0.2 %] [ARGM-TMP in September] , [ARGM-CAU mostly due to higher clothing costs] .
- Kevin Logan , chief economist with the Swiss Bank Corp. , said that [ARG1 both PPI and CPI] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT around 4 1\/2 % year-to-year] [ARGM-TMP in September] .
- [ARGM-LOC Among composite insurers] , General Accident rose 10 pence to # 10.03 *U* -LRB- $ 15.80 *U* -RRB- a share , [ARG1 Guardian Royal] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 5] to [ARG4-to 217 pence] , Sun Alliance rose 3 to 290 , and Royal Insurance jumped 12 to 450 .
- [ARG1 Merchant banker Morgan Grenfell] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 14] to [ARG4-to 406] [ARGM-ADV on renewed takeover speculation] .
- Sales of new homes rose and [ARG1 inventories] of houses , which *T*-1 had been [rel climbing] , dropped .
- [ARG1 Revenue] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 25 %] to [ARG4-to $ 3.3 billion *U*] from [ARG3-from $ 2.6 billion *U*] .
- [ARG1 Pilferage] [rel climbed] [ARGM-MNR dramatically] [ARGM-ADV as many angry employees `` felt abandoned by the former owners] , '' says 0 *T*-1 the University of Florida sociologist .
- Marsh & McLennan advanced 3 1\/8 to 75 7\/8 , [ARG1 Alexander & Alexander Services] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 2] to [ARG4-to 32] and Corroon & Black firmed 1 7\/8 to 37 1\/2 .
- The heavy-construction sector was the session 's best performer among Dow Jones industry groups ; Fluor rose 3\/4 to 33 3\/8 , Morrison Knudsen gained 2 1\/4 to 44 1\/8 , Foster Wheeler added 3\/8 to 18 1\/4 and [ARG1 Ameron] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 2 3\/8] to [ARG4-to 39 3\/4] .
- [ARGM-LOC Within the building-materials group] , [ARG1 Georgia-Pacific] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 1 1\/4] to [ARG4-to 58] and Louisiana-Pacific added 1 to 40 3\/4 after Merrill Lynch recommended the forest-products issues .
- Consolidated Rail Corp. , New York , reported that [ARG1 third-quarter net income] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 4.8 %] to [ARG4-to $ 87 million *U* , or $ 1.27 *U* a share ,] [ARGM-ADV *-1 exceeding analysts ' expectations] .
- The Nasdaq Insurance Index jumped 4.15 to 529.32 on the day , while [ARG1 the barometer of big insurance and banking issues] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 1.72] to [ARG4-to 455.29] .
- [ARG1 Nine-month net] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 19 %] to [ARG4-to $ 174.8 million *U* , or $ 2.21 *U* a primary share ,] from [ARG3-from $ 147.5 million *U* , or $ 1.94 *U* a share] .
- [ARG1 The yield on 30-year Treasury bonds] [rel climbed] [ARGM-DIR back] above [ARG4-above 8 %] , [ARGM-ADV * ending the day at 8.03 %] .
- PNC Financial Corp. , the parent of Pittsburgh National Bank , reported 0 [ARG1 net income] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 9.8 %] , while net for Banc One Corp. of Columbus , Ohio , grew 3.8 % .
- [ARG1 Operating profit] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 51 %] , to [ARG4-DIR 572 million francs] from [ARG3-from 378 million in the first half of 1988] .
- [ARG1 Merck 's profit] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 25 %] , Warner-Lambert 's 22 % and Eli Lilly 's 24 % .
- The company said 0 aerospace and defense sales were up 2 % for the quarter to $ 802 million *U* , and [ARG1 operating profit] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 6 %] to [ARG4-to $ 61 million *U*] , [ARGM-ADV mainly because of improved program performance in spacecraft and advanced-technology contracts] .
- [ARG1 Revenue] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 4.3 %] to [ARG4-to $ 14.31 billion *U*] from [ARG3-from $ 13.71 billion *U*] .
- [ARG1 Income from sources other than interest] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 12 %] to [ARG4-to $ 414 million *U*] , [ARGM-ADV * reflecting higher corporate-finance and other fees and gains on sales of investment securities] .
- [ARGM-TMP In the first nine months] , [ARG1 NCNB 's net income] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 65 %] to [ARG4-to $ 310.9 million *U* , or $ 3.30 *U* a share ,] from [ARG3-from $ 188.2 million *U* , or $ 2.22 *U* a share] , a year earlier .
- [ARGM-LOC In New York Stock Exchange composite trading] [ARGM-TMP yesterday] , [ARG1 Morgan] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT $ 1.50 *U* a share] to [ARG4-to $ 44.125 *U*] .
- [ARG1 Investment banking revenue] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 25 %] , [ARGM-ADV while commission revenue advanced 31 % on a stronger retail market] .
- A study by Safeway 's Scanner Marketing Research shows 0 [ARG1 soap sales] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 5 %] [ARGM-TMP when bars were neatly stacked *-1 on shelves instead of dumped *-1 in a wire basket *T*-2] ... .
- [ARG1 Federal National Mortgage Association , a recently hot stock ,] [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT 4] to [ARG4-to 124] [ARGM-ADV on nearly 1.6 million shares] .
- But when [ARG1 stocks] began *-2 to [rel climb] [ARGM-ADV instead] *T*-1 , prices of Treasury bonds declined .
- [ARG1 Sales] [rel climbed] to [ARG4-to an estimated $ 245 million *U*] in fiscal 1989 , ended Aug. 31 , from [ARG3-from $ 99.9 million *U*] in fiscal 1985 .
- [ARG1 That figure] [rel climbs] to [ARG4-to about 47 % in wheat-growing portions of Kansas] , he said 0 *T*-1 .
- Analysts said 0 [ARG1 profit for the dozen or so big drug makers , as a group ,] is estimated *-1 to have [rel climbed] [ARG2-EXT between 11 % and 14 % *U*] .
- [ARG1 Profit] [rel climbed] [ARGM-ADV even though Merck 's sales were reduced *-1 by `` one to three percentage points '' as a result of the strong dollar] , Mr. Sweig said 0 *T*-2 .
- [ARGM-DIS Overall] , [ARG1 the index] has [rel climbed] [ARGM-MNR at a 5.1 % compound annual rate] [ARGM-TMP since the start of the year] , the Labor Department said 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARG1 Passenger car prices] jumped 3.8 % in September , after *-1 [rel climbing] [ARG2-EXT 0.5 %] [ARGM-TMP in August] and declining in the late spring and summer .
- [ARG1 Food prices] declined 0.6 % , after *-1 [rel climbing] [ARG2-EXT 0.3 %] [ARGM-TMP in August] .
- She says 0 [ARG1 that ratio] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel climb] to [ARG4-to 14.5] , [ARGM-ADV given current interest rates] , and still be within the range of `` fair value . ''
- [ARGM-DIS In a stark contrast] , [ARG1 the benchmark 30-year Treasury bond] [rel climbed] [ARG2 more than 2 1\/2 points , or about $ 25 *U* for each $ 1,000 *U* face amount ,] to [ARG4-to 103 12\/32] , its biggest gain of the year .
- The suit claimed 0 [ARG1 Apple 's stock] [rel climbed] to [ARG4-to a high of $ 63.50 *U* a share] [ARGM-ADV on the basis of the company 's optimistic forecasts] .