frames- `` [ARG0 We] have *-3 to [rel clear] up [ARG1 these issues] and find out what *ICH*-5 *T*-2 is present that *T*-1 is creating artificial volatility , '' Mr. Fisher said 0 *T*-4 .
- `` [ARG0 We] [rel cleared] up [ARG1 questions and inconsistencies] [ARGM-MNR very quickly] , [ARGM-CAU because the people who *T*-1 had the skills and perspective required * * to resolve them were part of the task team] , '' Mr. Anton explains *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 Exchange officials] extended trading hours , 75 minutes on Monday and 65 minutes on Tuesday , *-1 to [rel clear] up [ARG1 order backlogs] .
- Computer experts familiar with the flaws , found * in Intel 's 80486 chip , say 0 [ARG1 the defects] do n't affect the average user and are likely *-2 to be [rel cleared] *-1 up [ARGM-TMP before most computers using the chip as their `` brains '' appear on the market sometime next year] .
- [ARG0 The three men] agreed *-2 to rewrite the guidelines , without *-3 changing the basic assassination ban , *-3 to [rel clear] up [ARG1 any ambiguities that *T*-1 may have hampered U.S. encouragement of coups against anti-American leaders] .
- But it *EXP*-1 is puzzling to some Hollywood executives that [ARG0 Sony] rushed *-2 to hire them without *-2 [rel clearing] up [ARG1 the Warner situation] [ARGM-TMP first] .