frames- [ARG0 INQUIRY] [rel CLEARS] [ARG1 TEXAS JUDGE] of [ARG2-of bias] [ARGM-LOC in comments on homosexual murder victims] .
- [ARG0 He] blames the indictment on local political feuding , unhappiness with his aggressive efforts * to [rel clear] [ARG1 the courthouse 's docket] and a vendetta by state investigators and prosecutors angered * by some of his rulings against them .
- Mr. Green thought little of it , he told the grand jury 0 *T*-1 , until the judge walked up to him after [ARG1 the courtroom] had [rel cleared] and suggested a kickback .
- [ARG0 A separate inquiry by Chemical] [rel cleared] [ARG1 Mr. Edelson] of [ARG2-of allegations that he had been lavishly entertained *-1 by a New York money broker] .
- `` [ARG0 We] [rel cleared] out [ARG1 a lot of rats ' nests] , '' says *T*-1 the 60-year-old security veteran .
- When [ARG1 the smoke] [rel cleared] *T*-1 , six people were dead -LRB- three from heart attacks -RRB- , and everyone wondered what in the world they were shooting at *T*-2 .
- As [ARG1 the air] [rel clears] from [ARG2-from last week 's storm of resignations and reshufflings] , the government faces a daunting job of * rebuilding confidence in its policies .
- The next day , as she prepares [ARG0 a $ 10,000 *U* check] for the Hammacks , which *T*-1 will cover the cost of * demolishing the house and [rel clearing] [ARGM-DIR away] [ARG1 the debris] , she jumps at the slightest noise .
- [ARG0 Some of the funds] will used *-1 *-2 to demolish unstable buildings and [rel clear] [ARG1 sites] [ARGM-PNC for future construction] .
- It did n't help when , in 1986 , [ARG1 she] was charged *-2 -LRB- and [ARGM-TMP then] [rel cleared] *-2 -RRB- on allegations of public drunkenness *T*-1 .
- Mrs. Burford remains bitter over the overwhelming legal expenses involved * in [ARG0 *] [rel clearing] [ARG1 her name] .
- `` In essence [ARG0 we] have made a decision * to [rel clear] [ARG1 the decks] , '' Mr. Bond told the meeting *T*-1 .
- [ARG1 The Garcias] were [rel cleared] *-1 of [ARG2-of four other felony counts , involving the receipt of bribes and gratuities] .
- [ARG0 Jurors in U.S. District Court in Miami] [rel cleared] [ARG1 Harold Hershhenson , a former executive vice president ; John Pagones , a former vice president ; and Stephen Vadas and Dean Ciporkin , who *T*-1 had been engineers with Cordis] .
- `` We wo n't know until [ARG1 the smoke] [rel clears] -- but yes , we 're looking into it , '' he says *T*-1 .
- The ARCO memo urges [ARG0 employees] *-2 to keep certain supplies *ICH*-1 at work , such as solid shoes and `` heavy gloves 0 * to [rel clear] [ARG1 debris] *T*-3 . ''
- [ARG0 Personnel] spent the morning *-1 inspecting buildings for structural weaknesses , mopping up water from broken pipes and [rel clearing] [ARG1 ceiling tiles and other debris] from [ARG2-from factory floors] .
- The closing , *-2 affecting 266 employees , will continue at least until [ARG1 roads] are [rel cleared] *-1 .
- [ARG0 The dismissal of the pending suits] could go a long way toward * [rel clearing] [ARG1 court dockets in Texas] and reducing the FSLIC 's massive legal bills , which *T*-1 topped $ 73 million *U* last year .
- The heavy use of incentives [ARG0 *] to [rel clear] out [ARG1 1989 models] appears *-2 to have taken the steam , at least initially , out of 1990 model sales , which *T*-1 began officially Oct. 1 .