frames- The U.S. is one of the few industrialized nations that *T*-7 does n't have a higher standard of regulation for [ARG1 the smooth , needle-like fibers] such as crocidolite that *T*-1 are [rel classified] *-5 as [ARG2-as amphobiles] , according to Brooke T. Mossman , a professor of pathlogy at the University of Vermont College of Medicine .
- [ARG0 Her recent report] [rel classifies] [ARG1 the stock] as [ARG2-as a `` hold] . ''
- [ARG1 They] [ARGM-MOD could] [ARGM-TMP no longer] be [rel classified] *-1 as [ARG2-as what Columbia regarded them *T*-2 , namely long-term investments] .
- But U.S. officials say 0 they are n't satisfied 0 these incidents constitute terrorism because they may be offshoots of the intifadah , [ARG1 the Palestinian rebellion in the occupied territories] , which [ARG0 the U.S.] does [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel classify] *T*-1 as [ARG2-as terrorism] .
- Two weeks later -- perhaps in retaliation -- Mr. Ortiz was shot *-1 three times in the back , during [ARG1 what] [ARG0 police] [rel classified] *T*-2 as [ARG2-as a third robbery attempt] .
- He signed up for intelligence and counter-intelligence training under American officers at Fort Gulick in Panama in July 1967 , according to a copy of a 1983 resume with [ARG1 details] 0 [ARG0 Mr. Noriega] has [ARGM-TMP since] [rel classified] *T*-1 as [ARG2-as secret] .