frames- [ARG0 The U.S.] , *-1 [rel claiming] [ARG1 some success in its trade diplomacy] , removed South Korea , Taiwan and Saudi Arabia from a list of countries 0 it is closely watching *T*-2 for * allegedly failing *-3 to honor U.S. patents , copyrights and other intellectual-property rights .
- [ARG0 One] [rel claims] [ARG1 0 he 's pro-choice] .
- The warnings , issued * to at least 100 criminal defense attorneys in several major cities in the last week , have led to an outcry by [ARG0 members] of the organized bar , who *T*-125 [rel claim] [ARG1 0 the information is protected *-1 by attorney-client privilege] .
- [ARG0 It] acquired Thomas Edison 's microphone patent and then immediately sued the Bell Co. *-1 [rel claiming] [ARG1 that the microphone invented * by my grandfather , Emile Berliner , which *T*-2 had been sold *-144 to Bell for a princely $ 50,000 *U* , infringed upon Western Union 's Edison patent] .
- * PORTING POTABLES just got easier , or [ARG1 so] [rel claims] [ARG0 Scypher Corp. , the maker of the Cup-Tote] .
- [ARG0 He] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel claims] [ARG1 0 the carrier costs less and takes up less space than most paper carriers] .
- That represents a very thin `` excess '' return , certainly far less than what [ARG0 most fundamental stock pickers] [rel claim] [ARG1 *-1 to seek *T*-2 as their performance objective] .
- He says 0 he had Candlestick built because [ARG0 the Giants] [rel claimed] [ARG1 0 they needed 10,000 parking spaces] .
- [ARG0 Stadium boosters] [rel claim] [ARG1 that without public money they would never be built *-1] .
- [ARG0 Most boosters] [rel claim] [ARG1 0 the new sports complexes will be moneymakers for their city] .
- DD Acquisition has launched a suit in a Delaware court *-2 seeking the withdrawal of Dunkin 's poison pill rights and employee stock ownership plans , which [ARG0 it] [rel claims] [ARG1 0 *T*-3 were put *-1 in place * to deter bidders] .
- [ARG0 The prime minister 's opponents] [rel claimed] [ARG1 0 the balloting , 12 votes short of a majority in Islamabad 's 237-seat assembly , was rigged *-1] .
- [ARGM-TMP Now] [ARG0 Mr. Broberg , a lawyer ,] [rel claims] [ARG1 0 he 'd play for free] .
- [ARG0 Bailiffs] [rel claimed] [ARG1 0 they were required *-1 to chauffeur him to and from work , mow his lawn , chop his wood , fix his car and even drop by his house *-2 to feed his two grown mutts , Dixie and Husky] .
- [ARG0 Industrial Bank] of Japan , which *T*-179 [rel claims] [ARG1 *-2 to be the biggest Japanese buyer of U.S. mortgage securities] , says 0 it will more than double its purchases this year , to an amount 0 one official puts *T*-1 at several billion dollars .
- [ARG0 Mrs. Marcos] had [rel claimed] [ARG1 that she did n't have *-1 to turn over the documents because she was brought *-204 here involuntarily and because * providing the materials would violate her marital privilege] .
- [ARG0 He] [rel claimed] [ARG1 losses totaling $ 42,455 *U*] -- and the IRS denied them all .
- [ARG1 Five years of rapid expansion under American Brands , with an emphasis on * marketing the agency 's services instead of improving them , had hurt Pinkerton 's profits] , [ARG0 Mr. Wathen] [rel claims] 0 *T*-1 .
- And [ARG1 regional offices were `` egregiously overstaffed , ''] [ARG0 he] [rel claims] 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARG1 But there were supposed *-1 to be three] , [ARG0 Mr. Wathen 's company] [rel claims] 0 *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 Some] [ARGM-DIS even] [rel claim] [ARG1 0 the group has become a lagging , not leading , indicator] .
- While [ARG0 residents] [rel claimed] [ARG1 a victory] , military authorities said 0 they had confiscated the equivalent of more than $ 1.5 million *U* 0 *T*-1 to make up for the unpaid taxes .
- In a speech given * Friday but released * late Monday , Bundesbank Vice President Helmut Schlesinger suggested that it *EXP*-1 was risky [ARG0 *] to [rel claim] [ARG1 that the booming German economy has reached the peak of its cycle] .
- In a civil suit commenced in state Supreme Court in New York , the agency alleged that [ARG0 the consumer-electronics and appliance discount-retailing chain] engaged in deceptive advertising by *-2 [rel claiming] [ARG1 *-1 to have `` lowered every price on every item '' as part of an advertising campaign that *T*-165 began June 1] .
- [ARG1 *-2 Made *-1 of space-age materials , the wheel spokes are designed like airplane wings *-2 to shave 10 minutes off the time of a rider in a 100-mile race] , [ARG0 the company] [rel claims] 0 *T*-3 .
- [ARG0 They] [rel claim] [ARG1 *-1 to have busted spirits , poltergeists and other spooks in hundreds of houses around the country] .
- [ARG0 An increasing number of references by the Soviet press to opposition groups now active in the U.S.S.R. , particularly the Democratic Union ,] allege that they show `` terroristic tendencies '' and [rel claim] [ARG1 that they would be prepared *-1 to kill in order *-2 to achieve their aims] .
- A spokeswoman for GE in Fairfield , Conn. , said , `` Absolutely no one spoke to Jack Welch on this subject '' and added , `` [ARG0 Anyone] who *T*-1 [rel claims] [ARG1 0 they talked to Jack Welch] is n't telling the truth . ''
- Yesterday , in documents filed * in connection with that case , Warner accused [ARG0 Sony officials] of *-2 [ARGM-MNR falsely] [rel claiming] [ARG1 that they never read the five-year contract requiring the two producers to make movies exclusively for Columbia] , *-3 citing Securities and Exchange Commission filings made * by Sony that *T*-1 described the contracts .
- [ARG0 Each] had [rel claimed] [ARG1 Allianz , Europe 's largest insurance company ,] as a tacit ally .
- While [ARG0 *-1] [rel claiming] [ARG1 that penalties , legal fees and interest have driven the value of its claim to more than $ 250 million *U*] , Minpeco has agreed *-1 to settle for an allowed claim of as much as $ 65.7 million *U* .
- Perhaps [ARG0 Mr. Reagan] , who *T*-2 [rel claimed] [ARG1 that air pollution is caused *-1 by trees] , is the man 0 you should be quoting *T*-3 *-4 to back up your position that economics is more important than the Earth .
- [ARG1 Moreover] , [ARG0 Mr. Guber] [rel claims] 0 *T*-1 , Mr. Semel told him that Mr. Ross probably would n't object `` if it were anybody other than Sony .
- [ARG0 Mr. Peters] [rel claims] [ARG1 0 he reminded Mr. Ross that Robert Daly and Terry Semel , the top executives of the Warner Brothers studio , had `` repeatedly agreed that we had every right * to accept '' an offer such as Sony 's] .
- [ARG0 Spain 's Socialist Party] [rel claimed] [ARG1 victory in nationwide elections] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 saying 0 it had retained its parliamentary majority by one seat] .
- [ARG0 *-1] [rel Claiming] [ARG1 0 program trading has turned the Big Board into a `` gambling casino] , '' Contel Chairman Charles Wohlstetter said that he and at least 20 other corporate executives are forming an unprecedented alliance .
- [ARG0 They] [rel claimed] [ARG1 that the Fed would first give a green light to the economy by *-1 making credit readily available and then turn on the red and bring growth to a screeching halt] .
- But [ARG0 he] refused , *-2 [rel claiming] [ARG1 that he wanted *-3 to see what *T*-1 happened Monday morning before *-3 making any public statement] .
- [ARG0 The former first lady of the Philippines] , asked a federal court in Manhattan *-2 to dismiss an indictment against her , *-3 [rel claiming] [ARGM-ADV among other things] , [ARG1 that she was abducted *-1 from her homeland] .
- [ARG0 CONSUMER advocates] have [ARGM-TMP long] [rel claimed] [ARG1 that car rental companies charge too much for car rental insurance] .
- [ARG1 Often , Mr. Dinkins 's procrastination prevented him from * having a say in the way 0 things turned out *T*-1] , [ARG0 critics] [rel claim] 0 *T*-2 .
- Earlier this month , [ARG0 MCI] sued AT&T in federal district court , *-1 [rel claiming] [ARG1 that AT&T 's ads are false] .
- [ARGM-TMP Now] , [ARG0 scholars] [ARGM-LOC in *-2 fulfilling their responsibility] do [ARGM-NEG not] [rel claim] [ARG1 the right * to invade every collection of papers that *T*-1 bears upon their topics of investigation] .
- Discrepancies go unexplained in `` Confidential '' -LRB- [ARG0 one ex-player] [rel claims] [ARG1 0 he received $ 4,000 to $ 5,000 *U* for his season football tickets] [ARGM-ADV while others said 0 theirs brought only a few hundred dollars] -RRB- , and when Mr. Keteyian ca n't nail down something , like who *T*-2 really owned a car driven * by Husker tailback Doug Dubose *T*-1 , he simply reprints his notes .
- *-3 Undeterred , the BPCA hired Ms. Bartlett and another confessed garden ignoramus , [ARG0 the architect Alexander Cooper] , who *T*-1 [rel claimed] [ARG1 0 he had never visited *RNR*-2 , much less built *RNR*-2 , a garden] , and said of the project , `` I do n't view this as a landscape .
- Drexel agreed *-4 to plead guilty to six felony counts and pay $ 650 million *U* , of which $ 350 million *U* *T*-5 was set *-1 aside for shareholders and other plaintiffs , including [ARG0 the limited partners] , who *T*-3 [rel claim] [ARG1 0 they were injured *-2 by Drexel] .
- [ARG0 His attorneys] [rel claim] [ARG1 0 he was framed *-1 by the FBI and New York police as part of a campaign * to destroy the black liberation movement of the 1960s] .
- A shareholders ' accord would provide the first restitution to thousands of [ARG0 individuals and institutions] [rel claiming] [ARG1 losses as a result of insider trading by Boesky & Co. , once the largest arbitrage fund in the U.S.] .
- [ARGM-DIS Moreover] , [ARG0 sports] has `` [rel claimed] [ARG1 its place] '' [ARGM-MNR as a guaranteed ratings-getter] , says 0 *T*-1 David J. Stern , the commissioner of the National Basketball Association .
- [ARG0 The CWA] [rel claims] [ARG1 that monitoring not only infringes on employee privacy , but increases stress] .
- [ARGM-LOC On the corporate side] , [ARG0 companies] [rel claim] [ARG1 that * monitoring employee phone conversations is both legal and necessary * to gauge productivity and ensure good service] .
- [ARG0 Quickview Systems Inc.] said 0 it filed a lawsuit against Apple Computer Inc. , *-1 [rel claiming] [ARG1 patent infringement in an element of Apple 's popular HyperCard software program] .
- [ARG0 The suit , filed * in Minneapolis federal court ,] [rel claims] [ARG1 that Apple violated a Quickview patent that *T*-1 allows computer users to display `` only portions of multiple fields on a computer screen with the ability * to see the entire contents of any given field] . ''
- [ARG0 Israel] has [ARGM-TMP long] [rel claimed] [ARG1 0 Mr. Arafat never meant *-1 to renounce terrorism] , [ARGM-CAU particularly because he and his lieutenants reserved the right * to press `` armed struggle '' against the Jewish state] .
- [ARG1 The $ 2.25 billion *U* value] [rel claimed] * by [ARG0-by Northeast , based in Hartford , Conn. ,] is the highest yet given * to a bid .
- The government 's 136-page filing covers events leading up to the current case and an earlier indictment in March 1985 , when [ARG0 GE] was accused *-1 of *-2 defrauding the Pentagon by *-3 [ARGM-MNR illegally] [rel claiming] [ARG1 cost overruns] on Minuteman missile contracts .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 the government] [ARGM-TMP now] [rel claims] [ARG1 that a group of company managers and lawyers engaged in an elaborate strategy *ICH*-1 over five years * to obscure from federal authorities the extent and details of `` widespread '' fraudulent billing practices] .
- [ARG0 The oil company] [rel claims] [ARG1 0 its yeast system also is better than bacteria at high-volume production of genetically engineered drugs] .
- [ARG0 The drug AZT , the only treatment currently on the market ,] [rel claims] [ARG1 *-1 only to help *-3 stop the spread of AIDS , not to cure it] .
- [ARGM-LOC In one personal-injury case] , [ARG0 a woman] [rel claimed] [ARG1 0 she had been injured *-1 when she slipped in a pool *T*-3] , but the fall did n't explain why one of her arms was discolored *-2 *-5 bluish *T*-4 .
- The evidence does not clearly support the view that the downward bias in output growth has become greater during the 1948-89 period , but [ARG1 all] 0 [ARG0 I] am [rel claiming] *T*-91 is that the growth trend is understated *-90 .
- [ARGM-ADV Among other things] , [ARG0 the government] [rel claimed] [ARG1 that organized crime figures had routinely handpicked the union 's top officials] .
- [ARG0 Ms. Rose , who *T*-1 teaches literature at Wesleyan University ,] quickly proceeds *-2 to overemphasize , *-2 [rel claiming] [ARG1 that Baker 's dancing `` had uncovered a new region for desire ''] and thereby ignoring centuries of tributes to the callipygous .
- Attorneys for [ARG0 more than 18,000 women] who *T*-1 [rel claim] [ARG1 injuries from the Dalkon Shield contraceptive device] have asked the U.S. Supreme Court *-3 to refuse *-4 to hear an appeal of the bankruptcy-law reorganization plan for A.H. Robins Co. , which *T*-2 manufactured the device .
- [ARG0 Exxon] [rel claims] [ARG1 that use of dispersants , which *T*-1 break an oil slick into microscopic droplets , was a crucial part of its immediate-response plan and that state officials banned their use during the two days of fair weather following the spill] .
- [ARG0 The oil company] [rel claims] [ARG1 that it had permission *ICH*-1 from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency prior to the spill * to use dispersant during such an incident at the discretion of the U.S. Coast Guard] .
- [ARG0 The oil company] [rel claims] [ARG1 that Alaskan officials prevented Exxon from *-1 spraying dispersant onto the almost 11 million gallons of oil dumped * when one of its tankers ran into an underwater reef *T*-2] .
- Shearson was sued *-1 by [ARG0 money manager George Soros] , who *T*-3 [rel claimed] [ARG1 0 one of his funds was defrauded *-2 out of $ 60 million *U* during stock-index futures trading just after the 1987 crash] .
- Mr. Skase also disclosed a disagreement among directors of Qintex Australia over [ARG1 certain fees] [rel claimed] * by [ARG0-by Qintex Group Management Services Pty. , a management-services concern in which Qintex Australia executives have an interest *T*-1] .
- Mr. Cornell says : `` The junk market is no bonanza as [ARG0 Drexel] [rel claimed] [ARG1 0 *?*] , but it also is n't a disaster as the doomsayers say 0 *?* . ''
- But the truth is that almost everyone , from real-estate agents to city fathers , name-drops ; and a surprising number of people have [ARG0 an ancient uncle] who *T*-1 [rel claims] [ARG1 0 he lived next door to the cartoonist who *T*-2 did the Katzenjammer Kids] .
- [ARGM-TMP Last week] , [ARG0 a young black girl] [rel claimed] [ARG1 0 she had been raped *-1 by a white police officer -LRB- a la Tawana Brawley -RRB-] .
- [ARG0 It] [rel claims] [ARG1 0 the Coast Guard failed *-1 to chart the rock and refuses *-1 to pay damages] .
- [ARG0 Each] [rel claims] [ARG1 *-1 to possess the right technology] and wants just a bit more money * to make it commercial .
- [ARG0 The administration] [rel claims] [ARG1 that its Clean Air bill will cost businesses between $ 14 billion and $ 19 billion *U* annually] , but economist Michael Evans estimates that the costs for firms will actually be in the $ 60 billion *U* a year range .
- It *EXP*-1 is not quite true , for example , that the Mexican government has `` privatized '' Mexicana de Aviacion , as [ARG0 Mr. Ortiz] [rel claims] [ARG1 0 *?*] .
- The list of [ARG0 laboratories] [rel claiming] [ARG1 * to be producing inexplicable amounts of heat from `` cold fusion '' experiments] is slowly growing .
- [ARGM-LOC In affidavits] , [ARG0 each plaintiff] [rel claims] [ARG1 0 Mr. Peterson promised 0 the bank purchase would be completed *-1 by the end of 1988 or the money returned] .
- In most cases , the IRS says 0 *T*-1 , these projects are local or regional , rather than national , and arise because auditors in an area detect some pattern of abuse among , say , [ARG0 factory workers] [rel claiming] [ARG1 that * having a multitude of dependents frees them from tax withholding] or yacht owners deducting losses from sideline charter businesses .
- The state has combed through records relating to architects , stockbrokers , lawyers in the New York City area , construction workers from out of the state , and [ARG0 homeowners] who *T*-1 [rel claim] [ARG1 *-3 to be residents of other states -- especially Florida , which *T*-2 has no personal income tax] .
- Continental 's logic : It does n't want [ARG0 business companions] abusing the promotion by *-2 [ARGM-MNR falsely] [rel claiming] [ARG1 *-3 to be related] .
- [ARG0 C. Olivetti & Co.] , *-1 [rel claiming] [ARG1 0 it has won the race *ICH*-2 in Europe * to introduce computers based on a powerful new microprocessor chip] , unveiled its CP486 computer yesterday .
- Nelson Bunker Hunt is considering it , although his attorney says 0 he wo n't do it if the proposal jeopardizes a tentative settlement 0 he has reached *T*-2 with [ARG0 the Internal Revenue Service] , which *T*-1 [rel claims] [ARG1 0 the brothers owe $ 1 billion *U* in back taxes] and is by far the biggest creditor in both cases .
- [ARG0 Harley-Davidson 's complaint] [rel claims] [ARG1 that the group , led * by investor Malcolm I. Glazer , violated securities laws by *-2 failing *-3 to disclose plans * to purchase 15 % of the company 's shares outstanding and that when the required Hart-Scott-Rodino filing eventually was made *-1 *T*-4 , it did n't disclose the group 's alleged earlier violation of the so-called prior-notice requirements of the law] .
- While the vast bulk of it was indeed spent *-3 by reputable organizations on the good works 0 it was raised *-1 for *T*-4 , it *EXP*-5 's equally true that a sizable hunk was consumed *-2 in `` [ARG1 expenses] '' [rel claimed] * by [ARG0-by other operators] , including fraudulent expenses .
- In many cases [ARG1 the costs] [rel claimed] * were so high that only a dribble of cash was left *-1 for the purported beneficiaries .
- `` [ARGM-MNR By * putting these pithy statements on the solicitations] , [ARG1 hundreds of thousands of dollars] are [rel claimed] *-2 to have been spent *-1 on education to consumers [ARGM-TMP when in fact this represents the costs of * sending the newsletters *T*-3] . ''
- [ARG0 Mr. Guber and Mr. Peters] [rel claim] [ARG1 0 they have an oral agreement with Warner executives that *T*-1 allows them to terminate their contract should the opportunity * to run a major studio arise] .
- [ARG0 The Pentagon] [rel claims] [ARG1 that in spite of Moscow 's words , East bloc weapons continue *-1 to flow into Nicaragua through Cuba at near-record levels] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Hoelzer] , however , sued Stamford , *-1 [rel claiming] [ARG1 that the city had abandoned the artwork and that it had waited too long *-2 to reclaim it] .
- [ARG0 The drug czar] [rel claimed] [ARG1 that enforcement efforts are working here , `` albeit at a slower and more halting pace than we would like *?*] . ''
- [ARG0 Some businesses -- like Disneyland --] [rel claim] [ARG1 that even if they became isolated in a crisis , they would be able *-1 to feed *RNR*-2 and care for *RNR*-2 their people for as long as five days] .
- [ARG0 MAITRE'D] [rel CLAIMS] [ARGM-LOC in suit] [ARG1 that restaurant fired her because she was pregnant] .
- [ARG0 Judge Hastings , who *T*-3 was acquitted *-1 of similar charges by a federal jury in 1983 ,] [rel claims] [ARG1 0 he is being victimized *-2 and that the impeachment proceedings against him constitute double jeopardy] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Maynard] [rel claims] [ARG1 0 this is a manageable problem] .
- The Decatur , Ga. , trade group has issued [ARG0 a `` briefing book ''] that *T*-1 [rel claims] [ARG1 0 the machine is `` a health hazard '' and that Mr. Maynard is trying `` *-2 to make a fast buck at the expense of the nation 's egg producers] . ''
- [ARG0 Mainstream economists and commentators] , [ARGM-ADV *-3 craning their necks up at the great pyramids of junk financing , swiveling their heads *-2 to watch the avalanche of leveraged buy-outs] , [rel claimed] [ARG1 0 the end result would be a leaner , meaner corporate America , with soaring productivity and profits and the weaker gone to the wall] .
- Capitalism may now be engineered *-3 *-4 to withstand sudden shocks , but there are fault lines -- the crisis in profits , the assault on wages , the structural inequity of the system -- that *T*-1 make fools of [ARG0 those] who *T*-2 [rel claim] [ARG1 that the future is here and that history is over] .
- [ARG0 Nearly one-fourth of participants age 60 and older] [rel claim] [ARG1 brand loyalty] for [ARG2-for more than 10 of the 25 products in the survey] ; only 9 % of those age 18 to 29 have such strong allegiance .
- Although [ARG0 the East German news agency ADN] [rel claimed] [ARG1 0 Mr. Honecker had asked *-2 to be relieved *-1 of his duties for `` health reasons] , '' West German government sources said 0 the 26-man Politburo had asked for his resignation at a separate meeting late Tuesday .
- In 1988 , [ARG0 Dallas-based Sterling] protested a similar decision by NASA involving the same contract , *-1 [rel claiming] [ARG1 0 it had submitted the lowest bid] .
- But it was Ted Kennedy who *T*-1 scored most effectively with his searing portrayal of `` Robert Bork 's America '' -- [ARG1 the parade] of imaginary horribles that *T*-2 would follow logically , [ARG0 he] [rel claimed] 0 *T*-4 , from the positions 0 Mr. Bork had taken *T*-3 over the space of two decades .
- [ARG0 Opponents of the project] had [rel claimed] [ARG1 that the city and the state of New York , which *T*-1 are co-sponsoring the project , had failed *-2 to adhere to environmental guidelines] .
- [ARG0 Moscow] [rel claims] [ARG1 0 this is all needed * to protect the Kabul regime against the guerrilla resistance] .
- Moreover , serious questions have been raised *-1 about the [rel claimed] [ARG1 withdrawal] of Soviet forces .
- [ARG0 Mr. Paul] [rel claims] [ARG1 *-1 to have sold three paintings , at more than a 10 % profit] .
- In October doctors were debating the product 's safety , [ARG0 some] [rel claiming] [ARG1 0 it caused infections] .
- [ARG0 Polaroid] [rel claims] [ARG1 0 it could have manufactured and sold all the instant cameras and film sold * by Kodak if Kodak had n't entered the market] .
- It is the vast shadow government of 15,000 congressional staffers that *T*-2 helps *-3 create such legislative atrocities as [ARG0 the 1,376 page , 13-pound reconciliation bill] that *T*-1 [rel claimed] [ARG1 *-4 to be the budget of the United States] .
- People close to Blue Arrow suggested 0 the write-down would represent a sizable chunk , with [ARG0 executives] [rel claiming] [ARG1 0 prior management overstated the extent of Manpower 's good will] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Shidler 's company] specializes in commercial real-estate investment and [rel claims] [ARG1 *-1 to have $ 1 billion *U* in assets] ; Mr. Simpson is a developer and a former senior executive of L.J. Hooker .
- [ARG0 The thrifts ' lawyers] [rel claim] [ARG1 that the suits , numbering 700 to 1,000 in Texas alone , should be dismissed *-1 as moot because neither the S&Ls nor the extinct Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp. has the money 0 * to pay judgments *T*-2] .
- [ARG0 Many people] [ARGM-TMP now] [rel claim] [ARG1 *-1 to have predicted the 1987 crash] .
- -LRB- [ARG0 Justin] [rel claims] [ARG1 0 it began *-1 using the same colors on electronic goods for children long before Sony entered the children 's market] . -RRB-
- The ruling stems from [ARG0 a 1984 suit] filed * by shareholders of Apple Computer Inc. , [rel claiming] [ARG1 that company officials misled investors about the expected success of the Lisa computer , introduced * in 1983] .
- [ARG0 The suit] [rel claimed] [ARG1 0 Apple 's stock climbed to a high of $ 63.50 *U* a share on the basis of the company 's optimistic forecasts] .