frames- `` The USIA publicly and officially stated in the litigation that all persons are allowed *-35 access to the materials , notwithstanding the statutory designations , because the USIA has determined that [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD will] [ARGM-NEG not] [rel check] [ARG1 the credentials of any person appearing and requesting * to see the materials] , '' Mr. McCormick noted *T*-2 .
- `` The agency publicly and officially declared in the lawsuit that persons who *T*-24 examine the materials may make notes and , [ARGM-ADV while the agency position is that persons may not take verbatim notes] , [ARG0 no one] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel check] [ARG2 *-3 to determine what notes a person has taken *T*-25] , '' Mr. McCormick reported *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 One group of middle-aged manufacturing men from the company 's Zama plant outside Tokyo] was supposed *-1 to [rel check] out [ARG1 a trendy restaurant in the city] .
- In principle , they will enable [ARG0 doctors] to [rel check] [ARG1 the body 's motor system] [ARGM-MNR the way 0 an electrician tests a home 's electrical circuits by *-2 running current through them *T*-1] .
- Failure [ARG0 *] to [rel check] [ARG1 rising medical costs] ultimately could `` lead some of us who today *T*-1 are free-market advocates to re-examine our thinking and positions with respect to government-sponsored national health insurance , '' Arthur Puccini , a General Electric Co. vice president , warned 0 *T*-3 earlier this year .
- [ARGM-LOC On a video screen] , [ARG0 riders] [ARGM-MOD can] see 30 different `` rides , '' including urban , mountain and desert scenes , and [rel check] [ARG1 how many calories *T*-2 are burned *-1 a minute] .
- But airlines say 0 it would be too expensive and cause too many delays if [ARG0 they] started *-1 using computerized scanners *-2 to [rel check] [ARG1 tickets] [ARGM-LOC at the gate] .
- [ARGM-ADV While it was once expected that futures would mimic stock prices] , [ARG0 traders] [ARGM-TMP now] [ARGM-MNR routinely] [rel check] [ARG1 the futures markets in Chicago] [ARGM-TMP before they buy or sell stocks] .
- Friday , Oct. 27 , 9 p.m.-midnight EDT , on PBS -LRB- PBS air dates and times vary , so [ARG0 *] [rel check] [ARG1 local listings] -RRB- : `` Show Boat . ''
- [ARGM-TMP Every day] , [ARG0 Mr. Levy] [rel checks] [ARG1 orders from Campeau department store chains] , [ARGM-ADV *-2 trying *-3 to guess if he will be paid *-1] .
- Toto Co. , a Japanese ceramics maker , has developed [ARG0 a toilet] that *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD can] [rel check] [ARG1 the user 's health] .
- She says 0 [ARG0 her group] used *-2 to give tips on * selecting planners -- * [rel check] [ARG1 educational and experience credentials] , consult regulators and Better Business Bureaus -- but found that even some people who *T*-1 took these steps `` were still getting ripped *-3 off . ''
- [ARGM-DIS In addition] , [ARG0 an investor who *T*-1 wants *-2 to know the daily value of Treasury bonds , or corporate bonds traded * on the New York Stock Exchange ,] [ARGM-MOD can] [ARGM-ADV simply] [rel check] [ARG1 newspaper listings] .
- Mr. Belli , who *T*-1 was at Candlestick Park for the World Series Tuesday night , says 0 he has hired [ARG0 civil engineers] to [rel check] out [ARG1 his own mildly damaged building] and to investigate the bridge collapse .
- [ARG0 Some , particularly in West Coast earthquake zones ,] are dusting off their evacuation plans , *-1 [rel checking] [ARG1 food stocks] and reminding employees of what * to do *T*-2 if emergency strikes .
- [ARG0 They] [ARGM-MOD could] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel check] through [ARG1-through the orders on file] [ARGM-PNC *-3 to find a customer that *T*-1 was willing *-2 to accept a lower grade of polyethylene] .
- None sustained `` significant '' damage , a spokesman said 0 *T*-1 , *-3 adding that `` [ARG1 the delicate manufacturing process machines] were [rel checked] *-2 and were all found *-2 to be operating normally . ''
- [ARGM-DIS Better yet] , [ARG0 *] [rel check] out [ARG1 the emergence of her comic persona in `` * Married *-1 to the Mob , '' Jonathan Demme 's delightful Mafia comedy] .
- A quarter of a million people *ICH*-1 cross the Bay Bridge every day , far more than the 100,000 that *T*-5 use the Bay Area Rapid Transit system -LRB- BART -RRB- -- which *T*-6 was working but was n't stopping in the city 's Financial District yesterday afternoon because electricity was shut *-3 off and [ARG1 the area] was being [rel checked] *-4 for [ARG2-for gas leaks] .
- The company , based * in San Francisco , said 0 [ARG0 it] had *-1 to shut down a crude-oil pipeline in the Bay area *-1 to [rel check] for [ARG2-for leaks] but added that its refinery in nearby Richmond , Calif. , was undamaged .
- After San Francisco Mayor Art Agnos spoke on television of the need for [ARG0 building inspectors] to [rel check] [ARG1 the soundness of buildings] , Los Angeles dispatched 32 inspectors 0 *T*-1 to help .
- In the past , not only would [ARG0 reputable professionals] have rushed *-2 to [rel check] out [ARG1 such rumors] [ARGM-MNR with the company] , but companies listed * on the major stock exchanges were encouraged by the exchanges *-1 to respond openly to such inquiries from securities analysts .