frames- [ARG0 Temple] , however , harshly criticized Sea Containers ' plan yesterday , *-1 [rel characterizing] [ARG1 it] as [ARG2-as a `` highly conditional device designed * *-2 to entrench management , confuse shareholders and prevent them from *-3 accepting our superior cash offer] . ''
- [ARGM-ADV As * discussed in the context of * controlling federal spending] , [ARG1 the line-item veto] is [rel characterized] *-59 as [ARG2-as a way 0 for the president to excise perfectly constitutional provisions in a spending bill that *T*-2 are objectionable merely because they conflict with his policy objectives *T*-1] .
- Their cowardly acts of civil disobedience , which they tried *-1 to hide *T*-2 under the cloak of outrage at [ARG1 a war] 0 [ARG0 they] [rel characterized] *T*-3 as `` [ARG2-as immoral] , '' weakened the national fabric and threw additional burdens on those who *T*-270 served honorably in that conflict .
- [ARG0 William R. Laidig , Nekoosa 's chairman , chief executive officer and president ,] [rel characterized] [ARG1 the $ 58-a-share *U* bid] as [ARG2-as `` uninvited ''] and said 0 Nekoosa 's board would consider the offer `` in due course . ''
- Medical scientists are starting *-2 to uncover a handful of genes which *T*-3 , if *-4 damaged *-5 , unleash [ARG0 the chaotic growth] of cells that *T*-1 [rel characterizes] [ARG1 cancer] .
- [ARG0 The new suitor , Stevric Equity Ventures Inc. , of Mineola , N.Y. ,] [rel characterized] [ARG1 its proposal] as [ARG2-as the `` first truly independent offer which *T*-1 does not pit one interest group against another within the Arby 's franchisee community] . ''
- Anheuser noted that `` beer industry sales volume is 1989 is following [ARG0 the trend] that *T*-1 has [rel characterized] [ARG1 the last half of the '80s] , with sales volume being essentially flat '' while consolidation creates fewer , bigger players .
- [ARG0 This trader] [rel characterized] [ARG1 the recent price action] as [ARG2-as a contest between the fundamentalists , who *T*-1 see higher prices ahead , and the technicians , who *T*-2 are basically buying cotton toward the bottom of the current trading range , around 71 cents , and selling it when the price climbs more than 74 cents *T*-3] .
- But he said that any effort *ICH*-1 by [ARG0 Time] * to [rel characterize] [ARG1 the Tele-Communications investment in Showtime] as [ARG2-as anti-competitive] would be `` the pot calling the kettle black . ''
- [ARG0 He] has [rel characterized] [ARG1 the five senators ' roles] as `` [ARG2-as tantamount to an attempt * to subvert the ... regulatory process] , '' and he is n't expected *-1 to back down even though the five senators have disputed his account of a 1987 meeting .
- Mr. Peters , on the other hand , has fewer fans in Hollywood , and [ARG0 his detractors] like *-1 to [rel characterize] [ARG1 him] as [ARG2-as something of a hot-tempered bully] .
- Experts predict 0 [ARG1 the coming year] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel characterized] *-1 by [ARG0-by flat or negative industrial growth , rising unemployment and a widening budget deficit] .
- Except [ARG0 *-1] to [rel characterize] [ARG1 its offer] as `` [ARG2-as fair and generous and in the best interests of Mesa shareholders] , '' StatesWest declined *-1 to discuss details of its proposal .
- The dollar 's near-term path remains foggy , according to [ARG0 currencny analysts] , who *T*-1 [rel characterize] [ARG1 the market] as `` [ARG2-as bewildering] . ''
- [ARG1 Mr. Paul] has been [rel characterized] *-1 as [ARG2-as `` the Great Gatsby or something] , '' complains 0 *T*-2 Karen E. Brinkman , an executive vice president of CenTrust .