frames- *-1 Keeping the mood light , [ARG0 the two] [ARGM-TMP then] [rel chanted] and chortled [ARG1 their way] [ARGM-DIR through some murderous polyrhythms , devised * by Mr. Douglas as an alternative to Hindemith 's dry theory-teaching techniques] , and then , with Mr. Gomez , soared and improvised on the composer 's tight `` Bebop Etudes . ''
- The delight of television in dramatic confrontation encourages overuse of [ARG1 slogans] [rel chanted] * [ARGM-MNR through bullhorns] , militant gestures , accusatory signs and other emotionally inspired tactics .
- [ARGM-LOC In the stands] , [ARG0 people] waved ANC flags , wore ANC T-shirts , sang ANC songs and [rel chanted] [ARG1 ANC slogans] .
- [ARGM-TMP At 5:40 p.m.] , [ARGM-ADV scheduled game time having passed] , [ARG0 some fans] [rel chanted] `` [ARG1 * Let 's Play Ball] . ''
- The protesters who *T*-1 greeted Mikhail Gorbachev at East Berlin 's airport earlier this month were n't shouting `` Go U.S.A '' -- [ARG0 they] were [rel chanting] `` [ARG1 Gorby , * Help Us] . ''