frames- This argument is perhaps the most interesting one for * abolishing program trading -- not because of its merits , but because of [ARG0 the firms] [rel championing] [ARG1 the cause] .
- Because the Bush administration is n't taking the initiative on health issues , business executives are dealing with [ARG0 congressional Democrats] who *T*-37 [rel champion] [ARG1 health-care revision] .
- [ARG0 Alfred Sikes , the new FCC chairman ,] [rel championed] [ARG1 deregulation of AT&T] [ARGM-LOC at his last job as head of a Commerce Department telecommunications agency] .
- Above all , though , [ARG0 conservative Republicans] who *T*-1 have [rel championed] [ARG1 both the Contras and SDI] are reluctant * to attack a Republican president for * failing *-2 to do more -- though that reluctance may be receding .