frames- This picture is about [ARG0 a middle-aged son] who *T*-1 makes sure that his delayed bond with his father will last by *-3 waiting *-2 to [rel cement] [ARG1 it] until just before the old man dies .
- Moreover , analysts point out that Japanese banks have a reputation for *-2 doing deals that *T*-1 are n't extremely profitable if [ARG0 they] offer the chance * to build market share , [rel cement] [ARG1 an important business relationship] or curry favor with powerful bureaucrats .
- [ARG0 *] [rel Cementing] [ARG1 such relationships with major clients -- car and appliance makers --] is a means of survival , especially when those key clients are relying on a smaller pool of producers *T*-1 and flirting with plastic and aluminum makers *T*-1 .