frames- [ARG0 A form of asbestos once used * * to make Kent cigarette filters] has [rel caused] [ARG1 a high percentage of cancer deaths among a group of workers exposed * to it more than 30 years ago] , researchers reported 0 *T*-1 .
- The asbestos fiber , crocidolite , is unusually resilient once it enters the lungs , with [ARG0 even brief exposures to it] [rel causing] [ARG1 symptoms that *T*-1 show up decades later] , researchers said 0 *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 The filing on the details of the spinoff] [rel caused] [ARG1 Cray Research stock to jump $ 2.875 *U* yesterday *-1 to close at $ 38 *U* in New York Stock Exchange composite trading] .
- `` Florio 's lying , '' the voice goes on , because `` [ARG0 the barrel on Courter 's land] ... contained heating oil , was cleaned *-1 up and [rel caused] [ARG1 no pollution] . ''
- `` Such research may ultimately result in the ability * to regenerate damaged tissues or * to turn off [ARG0 genes] that *T*-114 [rel cause] [ARG1 cancer] '' or * to regulate genes that *T*-115 cause Down 's syndrome , the leading cause of mental retardation , according to an NIH summary .
- `` Such research may ultimately result in the ability * to regenerate damaged tissues or * to turn off genes that *T*-114 cause cancer '' or * to regulate [ARG0 genes] that *T*-115 [rel cause] [ARG1 Down 's syndrome , the leading cause of mental retardation , according to an NIH summary] .
- `` [ARG0 We] would like *-2 to apologize for *-3 having [rel caused] [ARG1 huge trouble] , '' Fujitsu President Takuma Yamamoto , read *T*-1 from a prepared statement as he stood before a packed news conference at his company 's downtown headquarters .
- NEC released a statement saying , `` [ARG0 We] feel sorry for *-1 having [rel caused] [ARG1 trouble to society] , '' a form of apology common in Japan for companies caught * in embarrassing situations .
- `` [ARG0 Each day that Congress fails *-1 to act *T*-2 ...] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel cause] [ARG1 additional disruption in our borrowing schedule] , [ARGM-ADV * possibly resulting in higher interest costs to the taxpayer] , '' Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady said *T*-3 in a speech prepared * for delivery last night to a group of bankers .
- Takuma Yamamoto , president of Fujitsu Ltd. , believes `` 0 [ARG0 the ` money worship ' among young people] ... [rel caused] [ARG1 the problem] . ''
- At the same time , an increase of land under cultivation after the drought has boosted [ARG0 production of corn , soybeans and other commodities] , * [rel causing] [ARG1 a fall in prices that *T*-2 has been only partly cushioned *-3 by heavy grain buying by the Soviets] .
- [ARG0 Arbitrage] does [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel cause] [ARG1 volatility] ; it responds to it .
- * Think about [ARG0 what] *T*-1 [rel causes] [ARG1 the difference in prices between the two markets for S&P 500 stocks] -- usually it is large investors initiating a buy or sell in Chicago .
- [ARG0 A large investor] [ARGM-MOD will] [ARGM-ADV likely] [rel cause] [ARG1 the futures market to decline] [ARGM-TMP when he sells his futures *T*-1] .
- [ARG0 The battle] has turned into a civil war at some firms and organizations , *-1 [rel causing] [ARG1 internal contradictions] and pitting employee against employee .
- `` [ARG0 Just a blind fear of the unknown] is [rel causing] [ARGM-PRD them to beg the regulators for protection] . ''
- The speed with which such program trades take place *T*-1 and [ARG1 the volatile price movements] 0 [ARG0 they] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel cause] *T*-2 are what program trading critics profess *-3 to despise *T*-4 .
- The evidence indicates that [ARG0 program trading] did [ARGM-NEG n't] [ARGM-DIS , in fact ,] [rel cause] [ARG1 the market 's sharp fall on Oct. 13] , [ARGM-ADV though it may have exacerbated it] .
- In October , before the market dropped , Mrs. Arighi of Arnold , Calif. , moved *-1 to sell the `` speculative stocks '' in her family trust `` so we will be able *-2 to withstand [ARG1 all this flim-flammery] '' [rel caused] * by [ARG0-by program trading] .
- The limits to legal absurdity stretched another notch this week when the Supreme Court refused *-2 to hear an appeal from a case that *T*-1 says 0 corporate defendants must pay damages even after *-3 proving that [ARG0 they] [ARGM-MOD could] [ARGM-NEG not] [ARGM-ADV possibly] have [rel caused] [ARG1 the harm] .
- [ARG0 The employment report] , which [ARGM-TMP at times] *T*-1 has [rel caused] [ARG1 wide swings in bond prices] , is due out tomorrow .
- [ARG0 Speculation about Coniston] has [rel caused] [ARG1 the stock to rebound from a low of $ 145 *U*] .
- [ARG0 The company 's proposal * to sell a 20 % stake in its real-estate unit for around $ 400 million *U*] has [rel caused] [ARG1 analysts to consider whether *-1 to cut their estimates of Santa Fe 's asset value] .
- Atsushi Muramatsu , executive vice president and chief financial officer of Nissan , said , `` The company has experienced a remarkable turnaround in terms of profitability since the fiscal year ending [ARGM-TMP March 1987] , when [ARG0 the sharp and rapid appreciation of the yen] [rel caused] [ARG1 many difficulties] *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 The record corn-buying binge by the Soviet Union] is [rel causing] [ARG1 serious bottlenecks] [ARGM-LOC in the U.S. grain pipeline] .
- The company said 0 its People 's Savings Bank unit does n't have a `` large exposure to [ARG0 construction and commercial loans] that *T*-63 have [rel caused] [ARG1 the loan-loss problems in many of the banks] .
- [ARG0 Even his routine business transactions] [rel caused] [ARG1 trouble] , [ARGM-ADV according to the grand jury report] .
- The jury will resolve the claims against McDonnell Douglas , Northwest 's claim that [ARG0 a defect in the aircraft] [rel caused] [ARG1 the crash] , and McDonnell Douglas ' claim that the plane was improperly flown *-1 .
- It said 0 [ARG1 the situation] is [rel caused] *-197 by [ARG0-by efforts * to streamline bloated factory payrolls] .
- The law is meant *-1 to overcome [ARG1 delays] [rel caused] * by [ARG0-by defendants ' use of foreign procedures * to block U.S. requests for records] , Judge Keenan said 0 *T*-3 in his opinion .
- Lawful demonstrations , such as peaceful picketing and [ARG0 other assemblages] that *T*-265 do [ARGM-NEG not] disturb the peace or [rel cause] [ARG1 a public nuisance] or interfere with the rights of others , are rights guaranteed * by any truly free system of government .
- The tax increase , which *T*-1 will be considered *-238 at a special session of the state legislature that *T*-275 begins tomorrow , would cover only part of the estimated $ 4 billion to $ 6 billion *U* in [ARG1 total damage] [rel caused] * by [ARG0-by the Oct. 17 quake] .
- The Dow Jones Industrial Average climbed 41.60 to 2645.08 even though [ARG0 some late selling] [rel caused] [ARG1 the market to retreat from session highs] .
- Mr. Phelan has been viewed *-1 by many exchange members as * being indifferent to [ARG1 stock-price swings] [rel caused] * by [ARG0-by program trades] .
- For example , Mr. Phelan said that big institutions have so much control over public investments that [ARG0 they] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel cause] [ARG1 big swings in the market] , [ARGM-ADV regardless of index arbitrage] .
- He showed up with a carpenter 's level , carefully measured every surface and showed [ARGM-MNR how] [ARG1 the apparent shrinkage] was [rel caused] *-1 by [ARG0-by the perspective] *T*-2 .
- Most of the crimes incorporated * in the Thurmond bill *ICH*-2 are exceedingly rare -- [ARG0 *] killing a Supreme Court justice , for instance , or [ARGM-MNR deliberately] [rel causing] [ARG1 a train wreck that *T*-3 results in a death] .
- And it would shift the burden *ICH*-1 to prosecutors * to disprove that [ARG0 discrimination] [rel caused] [ARG1 any statistical racial disparities] .
- By contrast , [ARG0 a parliamentary system based * on abstract political rights and groups] was held *-2 to [rel cause] [ARG1 *RNR*-1] , rather than resolve *RNR*-1 , conflict .
- Rather ominously , rabbit studies reveal that [ARG0 RU-486] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel cause] [ARG1 birth defects] , Lancet , the British medical journal , reported 0 *T*-1 in 1987 .
- `` If they think 0 [ARG0 they] are going *-2 to stop index arbitrage by *-3 [rel causing] [ARG1 a few Wall Street firms to quit] , they are crazy , '' Mr. Greenberg said *T*-1 .
- A Ford spokesman said 0 the Dearborn , Mich. , auto maker is n't aware of [ARG1 any injuries] [rel caused] * by [ARG0-by the windshield problem] .
- Mazda and Ford said 0 [ARG0 a combination of limited crankcase ventilation and improper maintenance] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel cause] [ARG1 engine oil in some of the Mercury Tracers and Mazda 323s to deteriorate more rapidly than normal , [ARGM-ADV * causing increased engine noise or reduced engine life] ] .
- Mazda and Ford said 0 a combination of limited crankcase ventilation and improper maintenance could cause [ARG0 engine oil in some of the Mercury Tracers and Mazda 323s] to deteriorate more rapidly than normal , * [rel causing] [ARG1 increased engine noise or reduced engine life] .
- `` The World Series is brought *-4 to you by Lexus , who *T*-1 urges you *-2 to help *-5 relieve [ARG1 the suffering] [rel caused] * by [ARG0-by the recent earthquake] ... , '' the game announcer said *T*-3 .
- Lawsuits over [ARG1 the harm] [rel caused] * by [ARG0-by DES] have flooded federal and state courts in the past decade .
- Under traditional legal theories , inability * to prove which company *T*-1 manufactured [ARG0 a drug] that *T*-2 [rel caused] [ARG1 an injury or death] would lead to the lawsuit being dismissed *-3 .
- [ARG1 The accident] was [rel caused] *-1 by [ARG0-by faulty operation of a valve] .
- Oncogenes must be present for a cell to become malignant , but researchers have found them in normal *RNR*-1 as well as in cancerous *RNR*-1 cells , * suggesting that [ARG0 oncogenes] do [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel cause] [ARG1 cancer] [ARGM-MNR by themselves] .
- But Mr. Levine had said 0 [ARG0 the p53 gene] [rel caused] [ARG1 cancer] [ARGM-MNR by *-2 promoting growth] , [ARGM-ADV whereas the Johns Hopkins scientists were looking for a gene that *T*-1 suppressed growth] .
- [ARG0 It *EXP*-2] is unclear what *T*-1 [rel caused] [ARG1 the creditors to do an about-face on * exploring alternatives to Eastern 's new reorganization plan] .
- The company yesterday also said 0 it was scrapping one of its major new products , a 760-megabyte drive , which *T*-1 , while *-2 technically proficient , did n't hold much promise of * generating substantial orders because [ARG0 financing problems] [rel caused] [ARG1 a nine-month delay in * getting the product to market] .
- The spokesman said that [ARG0 the proposed guidelines] [rel caused] [ARG1 Crossland to revise its business objectives and , consequently , to write down the asset value of some previous acquisitions] .
- Mr. Reynolds also notes that since British banks have no reserve requirements , [ARG0 high interest rates] are less likely *-1 to curb inflation than *-1 to [rel cause] [ARG1 recession] .
- He shut out the Giants on five hits in Game One , and allowed three runs on five hits in seven innings Friday after [ARG1 the 12-day break] [rel caused] * by [ARG0-by the earthquake] .
- [ARG0 It] was fear of * disturbing EMS exchange-rate relationships that *T*-1 [rel caused] [ARG1 the Chirac government in France to be timid about *-2 cutting tax rates] .
- Perhaps Mr. Reagan , who *T*-2 claimed that [ARG1 air pollution] is [rel caused] *-1 by [ARG0-by trees] , is the man 0 you should be quoting *T*-3 *-4 to back up your position that economics is more important than the Earth .
- Other market-maker gripes : [ARG0 Program trading] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel causes] [ARG1 the Nasdaq Composite Index to lose ground against other segments of the stock market] .
- [ARG0 Concern about declines in other markets , especially New York ,] [rel caused] [ARG1 selling pressure] .
- [ARG0 An earthquake Oct. 17 in Northern California] had [rel caused] [ARG1 a 10-day delay midway through the championship contest , which *T*-1 ended Saturday at San Francisco 's Candlestick Park] .
- Pressure *ICH*-2 has been building on the Big Board in the past two weeks * to do something about [ARG1 market volatility] , which many investors say 0 *-3 is [rel caused] *-1 by [ARG0-by program trading] .
- [ARG0 Signs of growing weakness in the economy , paired * with indications that inflation is staying well under control ,] have [rel caused] [ARG1 them to wonder why the Fed chairman is so grudging in *-2 reducing rates *T*-1] .
- However , workers ca n't break ground until legal maneuvers * to block the complex *ICH*-1 are resolved *-2 , [ARG0 moves] which *T*-3 [rel caused] [ARG1 the signing to remain questionable up to the last moment] .
- But there may be another problem with the device : Despite [ARG1 all the political angst] 0 [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel cause] *T*-1 , it might n't be effective in * cutting the deficit .
- The lawyers also monitor suits *-2 to identify [ARG0 specific automobile parts] that *T*-1 [rel cause] [ARG1 the biggest legal problems] .
- However , insurance brokers and executives say that [ARG0 the combination of the Bay area earthquake , Hugo and last week 's explosion at the Phillips Petroleum Co. 's refinery in Pasadena , Texas ,] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel cause] [ARG1 property insurance and reinsurance rates to jump] .
- For several months , officials at the Federal Aviation Administration and the National Transportation Safety Board have suspected that a metallurgical flaw in the disk led to [ARG0 a crack] that *T*-1 [ARGM-TMP ultimately] [rel caused] [ARG1 the tail engine to break apart in flight] .
- According to greenhouse theories , [ARG1 increased carbon dioxide emissions] , [ARGM-DIS largely] [rel caused] * by [ARG0-by burning of fossil fuels] , will cause the Earth to warm up because carbon dioxide prevents heat from *-1 escaping into space .
- According to greenhouse theories , [ARG0 increased carbon dioxide emissions , largely caused * by burning of fossil fuels ,] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel cause] [ARG1 the Earth to warm up] [ARGM-CAU because carbon dioxide prevents heat from *-1 escaping into space] .
- [ARG0 A substantial warming] would melt some of the Earth 's polar ice caps , *-1 raising the level of the oceans and [rel causing] [ARG1 widespread flooding of heavily populated coastal areas] .
- Lilly officials said 0 they had seen reports of hypoglycemic unawareness among some patients making the shift from animal to human insulin , but did n't know if [ARG0 the problem] had [rel caused] [ARG1 any deaths] .
- While Asian markets struggled *-1 to cope with [ARG1 the uncertainty] [rel caused] * by [ARG0-by the Oct. 13 plunge in New York stock prices] , futures trading in Hong Kong was relatively heavy and went smoothly .
- That was also the case in the days following [ARG0 the June 4 massacre] in Beijing , which *T*-1 [rel caused] [ARG1 a sharp drop in Hong Kong stock prices] .
- [ARG0 That in itself] has got *-1 to [rel cause] [ARG1 people to feel a little more optimistic] , '' says *T*-2 Glenn Cox , the president of Phillips Petroleum Co .
- But airlines say 0 [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD would] be too expensive and [rel cause] [ARG1 too many delays] [ARGM-ADV if they started *-1 using computerized scanners *-2 to check tickets at the gate] .
- Ordinarily in genetic engineering each of these genes , minus [ARG0 the one] that *T*-1 [rel caused] [ARG1 the virulence] , would have been transferred *-3 to another bacterium , called * E. coli , which *T*-2 would then produce a nonvirulent version of the toxin .
- The team reported 0 they managed *-2 to induce bacteria to produce a non-toxic version of the poisons produced * by [ARG0 the bacterium] that *T*-1 [rel causes] [ARG1 whooping cough] .
- The scientists then took the five toxin genes and triggered a mutation in [ARG0 the one gene] that *T*-1 [rel caused] [ARG1 virulence] .
- The vaccine is effective in * preventing [ARG0 a disease] that *T*-1 still afflicts about 60 million children a year world-wide , *-2 [rel causing] [ARG1 an estimated one million deaths] .
- [ARG0 The vaccine] , [ARGM-DIS however] , [rel causes] [ARG1 allergic reactions that *T*-1 can be fatal] .
- The reactions stem from the fact that the vaccine contains multiple copies of [ARG0 the whole Bordetella pertussis bacterium] , which *T*-1 [rel causes] [ARG1 whooping cough] .
- As [ARG0 program trading] comes under renewed attack for * [rel causing] [ARG1 stock market gyrations] , a few people on Wall Street say 0 it is time 0 * to consider extreme measures *T*-1 .
- Like others , Mr. Gabelli says that if [ARG0 futures] [rel cause] [ARG1 investors to lose confidence in stocks] , they will move away from stocks -- as many have already done .
- Critics have said 0 the payment looked like an attempt *ICH*-3 by the Dinkins camp * to get Mr. Carson to stop *-1 leading confrontational demonstrations protesting the Bensonhurst murder -- [ARG0 protests] 0 the campaign may have feared 0 *T*-2 [ARGM-MOD could] [rel cause] [ARG1 some white voters to turn from a black candidate] .
- Most companies still are trying *-1 to sort through [ARG1 the wreckage] [rel caused] * by [ARG0-by Hurricane Hugo in the Carolinas] [ARGM-TMP last month] .
- Because of the difficulty of * assessing [ARG1 the damages] [rel caused] * by [ARG0-by the earthquake] , Aetna pulled together a team of its most experienced claims adjusters from around the country .
- But investment bankers say that [ARG0 stock market uncertainties in the U.S.] [ARGM-MOD may] [rel cause] [ARG1 many European companies to mark time before *-1 bidding for American companies , in the hope that share prices will come down] .
- [ARG0 The bugs] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel cause] [ARG1 problems] [ARGM-LOC in `` specific and rare circumstances that *T*-1 will not occur in typical applications '' such as word-processing and spreadsheets] , said 0 *T*-2 Michael Slater , editor of the Microprocessor Report , an industry newsletter .
- On Friday , Intel began *-2 notifying customers about [ARG0 the bugs] which *T*-1 [rel cause] [ARG1 the chip] * to give wrong answers for some mathematical calculations .
- `` I do n't think 0 it 's [ARG0 anything] that *T*-1 's going *-2 to [rel cause] [ARG1 a downturn in economic activity] .
- Still , Mr. McCammon said 0 Ford expects the U.S. economy to weaken through the end of 1990 , [ARG0 *] [rel causing] [ARG1 weaker sales and production] .
- Mr. Miller said 0 [ARG0 costs of incentives] [rel caused] [ARG1 a `` moderate '' loss in the Highland Park , Mich. , company 's North American car and truck business] .
- [ARG0 This] [rel caused] [ARG1 an explosion of IRA promotions by brokers , banks , mutual funds and others] .
- [ARGM-ADV Unless other rules are changed *-1] , [ARG0 the devaluation] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel cause] [ARG1 difficulties] [ARGM-PNC for the people 0 it is primarily meant *-4 to help *T*-3 : Soviets who *T*-2 travel abroad] .
- Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan told Congress that [ARG0 the Fed] can wipe out inflation without *-1 [rel causing] [ARG1 a recession] , but he said * doing so will inflict some short-term pain and will require * reducing the federal deficit sharply .
- He warned that Fed efforts * to conquer inflation would fail -- and could produce `` a major financial crunch '' -- unless they are accompanied *-1 by a significant reduction in [ARG0 the federal deficit] , which *T*-2 [rel causes] [ARG1 the government to borrow heavily] .
- Under the Delaney clause , which *T*-2 applies to processed food , a chemical is banned *-1 if [ARG0 it] [rel causes] [ARG1 cancer] [ARGM-LOC in laboratory animals] .
- But [ARGM-TMP July 5] , [ARG0 a thunderstorm in Wilmington , Del. ,] [rel caused] [ARG1 Shellpot Creek to rise 15 feet] , [ARGM-ADV * pouring 1.3 million gallons of water into basement vaults] .
- [ARG0 A giant heater] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 working like a blowtorch] , [rel causes] [ARG1 the mud to crust] and burns off any wrappers .
- Has [ARG0 the San Francisco earthquake] [rel caused] [ARG1 you to forget Hugo] ?
- `` It 's unlikely 0 [ARG0 * extracting the gas] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel cause] [ARG1 subsidence] , '' says *T*-1 a spokeswoman .
- The Kemper Corp. unit and other critics complain that [ARG0 program trading] [rel causes] [ARG1 wild swings in stock prices , such as on Tuesday and on Oct. 13 and 16] , and has increased chances for market crashes .
- Fed Chairman Greenspan said 0 [ARG0 the central bank] can wipe out inflation without *-1 [rel causing] [ARG1 a recession] , but * doing so will inflict short-term pain .
- `` There 's a lot of uncertainty out there , and [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel cause] [ARG1 a lot of swings] , '' he said *T*-1 .
- Spiegel also opposes the beeper bill , *-2 saying 0 [ARG0 the noise 0 it requires *T*-1] would interfere with customer orders , * [rel causing] [ARG1 irritation and even errors] .
- [ARG0 Money , such as in Recruit 's political donations , and women , as in the cases of Prime Minister Sosuke Uno and Secretary General Tokuo Yamashita ,] [ARGM-TMP seldom] have [rel caused] [ARG1 political scandals] [ARGM-LOC in Japan] .
- We must not forget , however , that [ARG0 such a humble political experiment] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel cause] [ARG1 a global tidal wave of shocks in real-estate and financial markets] .
- [ARGM-DIS In addition] , [ARG1 changes in short interest in some stocks] [ARGM-MOD may] be [rel caused] *-1 by [ARG0-by arbitrage] .
- But [ARG1 the recent volatility in stock prices] [rel caused] * by [ARG0-by the program trading] has made some market makers less willing *-2 to soak up the stocks that *T*-1 are for sale .
- It also was detailed *-1 in Congressional testimony this past February : An explosion at the Microbiology and Virology Institute in Sverdlovsk released [ARG0 anthrax germs] that *T*-2 [rel caused] [ARG1 a significant number of deaths] .
- Since Mr. Shevardnadze did not address this topic before the Supreme Soviet , the Soviet Union 's official position remains that [ARG1 the anthrax deaths] were [rel caused] *-1 by [ARG0-by tainted meat] .
- [ARG0 The dam] [rel caused] [ARG1 the water level to drop in Zalubice] .
- [ARG0 The UAL news] had [ARGM-TMP already] [rel caused] [ARG1 a selling furor] [ARGM-LOC in the so-called third market , in which firms buy and sell stock away from the exchange floor *T*-1] .
- [ARG0 The Bear Stearns order that *T*-1 marked the late-day turnaround] [rel caused] [ARG1 a `` massive buying effort ''] [ARGM-ADV as UAL jumped $ 20 *U* a share to $ 170 *U* in the last half hour] , said 0 *T*-2 Mr. Bates .
- [ARG0 The case] strikes at the corporate image of GE , which *T*-1 provides the military with everything from jet engines and electronic warfare equipment to highly classified design work on the Strategic Defense Initiative , and [ARGM-MOD could] [rel cause] [ARG1 a loss of future defense contracts] [ARGM-ADV if Pentagon and Justice Department officials take a tough stance] .
- And some carriers are facing other unexpected headaches : USAir , for example , blamed some of its loss on merger expenses and on [ARG1 disruptions] [rel caused] * by [ARG0-by Hurricane Hugo] [ARGM-TMP last month] .
- [ARG0 That] [rel caused] [ARG1 a brief period of panic selling of stocks] [ARGM-LOC on the Big Board] .
- At about 10:40 a.m. EDT , several big buy orders hit the S&P pit simultaneously , *-2 lifting the futures up out of the trading limit and eventually into [ARG0 ranges] that *T*-1 [rel caused] [ARG1 computer-driven program buying of stocks] .
- BankAmerica dropped 1 1\/4 to 29 1\/2 on 2.3 million shares amid rumors that [ARG0 the earthquake last week in the San Francisco area] had [rel caused] [ARG1 structural damage to its headquarters building] .
- After the legislature confirmed him as the Communist Party leader , Krenz said 0 [ARG0 demonstrations * to demand democratic freedoms] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel cause] [ARG1 a `` worsening of the situation , or confrontation] . ''
- [ARG0 The procedure] [rel causes] `` [ARG1 great uncertainty] '' [ARGM-CAU because an investor ca n't be sure of his or her individual liability] , Lloyd 's said 0 *T*-1 .
- The association issued an advisory to its 1,685 member agencies following a report *ICH*-1 from the Foreign Ministry that [ARG0 picture-taking by Japanese tourists in earthquake-stricken areas] was [rel causing] [ARG1 ill feeling] [ARGM-LOC among local residents] ... .
- But the effort *ICH*-1 is also being made *-2 [ARG0 *] to try and [rel cause] [ARG1 jurors not to decide things rationally] .
- [ARG0 Storm flooding] [rel caused] [ARG1 back-ups on the freeway] , and many commuters had *-1 to find rides to BART 's stations , because parking lots were full before dawn .
- Many at Lloyd 's expect 0 [ARG0 the San Francisco earthquake] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel cause] [ARG1 the industry to boost rates even further] .
- The Bartlesville , Okla. , oil company late yesterday still had n't said officially [ARG0 what] *T*-1 [rel caused] [ARG1 the explosions and fires , which *T*-2 sent columns of heavy black smoke billowing high into the air] .
- Industry analysts have said that [ARG0 the purchase price for the paper] was too high , * [rel causing] [ARG1 a strain on Goodson 's finances] .
- Such news is good for bonds because [ARG0 economic weakness] [ARGM-TMP sometimes] [rel causes] [ARG1 the Federal Reserve to lower interest rates in an effort * to stimulate the economy and stave off a recession] .
- What *T*-1 makes the most sense is * to find [ARG0 someone] who *T*-2 wants *-3 to buy the whole company or [rel cause] [ARG1 a recapitalization of all shares] . ''
- The company made and marketed the Dalkon Shield in the early 1970s amid mounting evidence that [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel cause] [ARG1 serious injuries] .
- Brokers said 0 [ARG1 the declines] [ARGM-TMP early in the day] were [ARGM-ADV partly] [rel caused] *-1 by [ARG0-by losses of the ruling Christian-Democratic Union in communal elections in the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg] .
- [ARG0 The state 's opposition to the use of dispersants] , Exxon says 0 *T*-1 , [rel caused] [ARG1 the Coast Guard `` to delay *-2 granting permission] . ''
- [ARG0 Explosions] shook a Phillips Petroleum Co. plastics plant near Pasadena , Texas , * hurling debris and [rel causing] [ARG1 a fire visible from 10 miles away] .
- [ARGM-TMP Seldom] have [ARG0 House hearings] [rel caused] [ARG1 so much apprehension] [ARGM-LOC in the Senate , where California Sen. Cranston and four other senators were already writhing in the glare of unfavorable publicity over the alleged looting of Lincoln by their friend and political benefactor , Charles Keating Jr. , principal stockholder of Lincoln 's parent company , American Continental Corp. of Phoenix , Ariz *T*-1] .
- Campeau developed [ARG0 a cash squeeze] that *T*-1 [rel caused] [ARG1 it to be tardy on some interest payments and to put its prestigious Bloomingdale 's department store chain up for sale] .
- Mr. Asquith , [ARG0 whose study on junk bond defaults] *T*-2 [rel caused] [ARG1 a furor] [ARGM-LOC on Wall Street] [ARGM-TMP when it was disclosed *-1 last April *T*-3] , says 0 this year 's junk bond defaults already show a high correlation with his own findings .
- He says 0 [ARG0 the number of automobile choices] is [rel causing] [ARG1 stress] [ARGM-LOC among consumers] [ARGM-TMP today] , and that people will simply ignore new models that *T*-1 lack a well-defined image .
- [ARG0 All this] is [rel causing] [ARG1 convulsions] [ARGM-LOC in professional football] .
- But industry and OPEC officials agree that [ARG0 a handful of members] still have enough unused capacity * to glut the market and [rel cause] [ARG1 an oil-price collapse] [ARGM-TMP a few months from now] [ARGM-ADV if OPEC does n't soon adopt a new quota system *-1 to corral its chronic cheaters] .
- Growth stocks will return *-1 to favor , some analysts and money managers think 0 *T*-2 , because of [ARG1 the jitters] [rel caused] * by [ARG0-by the market 's steep slide on Oct. 13] , and because of the current swell of disappointing earnings announcements .
- These findings illustrate the vicious cycle that National Institute of Justice Director James K. Stewart calls *T*-1 `` [ARG0 crime] [rel causing] [ARG1 poverty] . ''
- In [ARG1 turmoil] [rel caused] * by [ARG0-by the previous Friday 's plunge in New York stocks] , the Nikkei marked a sharp 647.33-point fall Monday .
- The Tokyo market 's resiliency helped participants to regain confidence gradually as they spent more time on *-2 analyzing [ARG0 factors] that *T*-1 [rel caused] [ARG1 the Friday plunge] and realized 0 these problems were unique to New York stocks and not directly related to Tokyo .
- By 1987 , [ARG0 these properties] were in a tailspin , * [rel causing] [ARG1 my broker at Pru-Bache to remark that she 'd `` never seen anything like it] . ''
- What *T*-1 's more , [ARG1 the losses] 0 [ARG0 they and the others] [rel caused] *T*-3 `` are just what we are stumbling over *T*-2 , '' says 0 *T*-5 Mr. Stapf , *-4 adding that the majority of misdeeds probably go *-6 undetected .
- [ARG0 The Tax Reform Act of 1986 , which *T*-1 eliminated many tax shelters peddled * by planners , and the stock market crash the next year] did [rel cause] [ARG1 a sharp slump in such demand] , and many planners had *-2 to make an unplanned exit from the business .
- In one ingenious recent example of a Newport Beach boiler room , prospective investors in Capital Trust Inc. were allegedly told *-2 that their investment in precious metals was insured *-1 against [ARG1 losses] `` [rel caused] * by [ARG0-by employees] [ARGM-MNR due to dishonesty , destruction or disappearance] , '' according to an indictment handed * up by a federal grand jury in Los Angeles last month .
- Digital Equipment Corp. reported a 32 % decline in net income on a modest revenue gain in its fiscal first quarter , [ARG0 *-1] [rel causing] [ARG1 some analysts to predict weaker results ahead than they had expected *?*] .
- [ARG1 Fluctuation in short interest of certain stocks] [ARGM-DIS also] [ARGM-MOD may] be [rel caused] *-1 [ARGM-ADV partly] by [ARG0-by arbitraging] .
- [ARG0 Lack of important , needed information] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel cause] [ARG1 fear] .
- It is a market attribute -- the ability [ARG0 *] to absorb selling orders without *-1 [rel causing] [ARG1 significant price changes] in the absence of news .
- -LRB- [ARG0 The sale] [rel caused] [ARG1 a rift between the widow and some of her husband 's followers] .
- It said 0 the reduction reflects impaired business prospects and [ARG1 reduced financial flexibility] [rel caused] * by [ARG0-by continuing losses at the maker of Winchester disk drives] .
- And by then , expensive automobile sound systems were keeping the gridlocked parking lot by the bay informed about [ARG0 the fire] [rel causing] [ARG1 the big black plume of smoke 0 we saw *T*-1 on the northern horizon] .
- `` This will prevent [ARG0 a slide] in industrial production , which *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD will] [ARGM-DIS otherwise] [rel cause] [ARG1 new panic buyings] , '' the spokesman said *T*-2 .
- `` [ARG1 This deviation from our past growth patterns] is [rel caused] [ARGM-ADV largely] by [ARG0-by lower earnings at New York Telephone] . ''
- [ARG0 That pace] is [rel causing] [ARG1 some analysts to speculate that the Soviet Union might soon purchase as much as another two million metric tons] .
- `` It may depend on whether there was an express or implied promise ... that [ARG0 the federal officials] [ARGM-MOD would] [ARGM-NEG not] [ARGM-MNR negligently] [rel cause] [ARG1 the deterioration '' of Independent American] , the court wrote 0 *T*-1 .
- Oakland officials were still uncertain about the magnitude of structural damage late yesterday ; [ARG0 a section of I-880 , a twotiered highway ,] collapsed in Oakland , * [rel causing] [ARG1 a majority of the deaths resulting from the quake] .
- [ARG0 These utopians] [rel caused] [ARG1 the deaths -- by starvation , disease or execution -- of well over one million Cambodians] .
- Some delays have been caused *-1 by a shortage of micoprocessors -- notably Intel Corp. 's newest chip , the 486 -- but [ARG1 others] [ARGM-DIS apparently] have been [rel caused] *-2 by [ARG0-by Dell 's explosive growth and thinly stretched resources] .
- [ARG1 Some delays] have been [rel caused] *-1 by [ARG0-by a shortage of micoprocessors -- notably Intel Corp. 's newest chip , the 486 --] but others apparently have been caused *-2 by Dell 's explosive growth and thinly stretched resources .
- But [ARG1 that drop] was [rel caused] [ARGM-ADV entirely] *-1 by [ARG0-by a decline in Brazilian interest paid * , to $ 5 million *U* from $ 54 million *U* the second quarter] .
- Dealers said 0 the market still has n't shaken off its nervousness after [ARG1 its bumpy ride] of the past several sessions , [rel caused] * by [ARG0-by interest-rate increases last week and Wall Street 's 6.9 % plunge Friday] .
- [ARG0 A bloated payroll and pervasive graft] [rel caused] [ARG1 Pemex 's operating costs to balloon to 95 cents of each $ 1 *U* in sales , far above the industry norm] .
- `` If [ARG0 it] [rel causes] [ARG1 management to take their eye off the ball] , inventory shrinkage is going *-2 to be affected *-1 , '' says *T*-3 Lewis Shealy , vice president for loss prevention at Marshall Field 's , the department store chain .
- The dissident pilots oppose the plan because [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel cause] [ARG1 them to lose their seniority] .
- [ARGM-TMP In each case] [ARG0 the ending of this unsustainable inflation] [rel caused] [ARG1 a severe recession -- the two worst of the postwar period] .
- In addition , [ARG0 power failures] prevented its package-sorting facilities from *-1 operating , * [rel causing] [ARG1 delays] .
- That railroad is operating trains but with [ARG1 delays] [rel caused] * by [ARG0-by employees unable * to get to work] .
- United Airlines , the largest carrier at San Francisco , was operating only 50 % of its scheduled service in and out of the area because of [ARG0 damage to its terminal] , which [ARGM-DIS in turn] *T*-1 was [rel causing] [ARG1 delays] [ARGM-PNC for travelers headed to the Bay area] .
- A United spokesman said 0 14 of its 21 gates were unusable , mainly because of [ARG1 water damage] [rel caused] * [ARGM-TMP when a sprinkler system was triggered *-1 by the tremors *T*-2] .
- One protest did get past NASA 's guard , though ; [ARG0 a computer virus] [rel caused] [ARG1 anti-Galileo messages to flash onto some computer screens at NASA centers] .
- Chickens carry [ARG0 this bacteria] , which *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD can] [rel cause] [ARG1 upset stomachs and , in rare cases , death] [ARGM-LOC among people] .
- Insurers face the prospect of *-1 paying out billions of dollars for [ARG1 damages] [rel caused] * by [ARG0-by this week 's California earthquake] .
- [ARG0 Earthquake-related claims] are n't expected *-1 to [rel cause] [ARG1 significant financial problems] [ARGM-PNC for the insurance industry as a whole] .
- Jack Byrne , chairman of Fireman 's Fund , said 0 [ARG0 this disaster] will test the catastrophe reinsurance market , *-1 [rel causing] [ARG1 these rates to soar] .
- Under the exchange 's definitions , program trading also describes a number of [ARG0 other strategies] that , [ARGM-ADV in the opinion of some traders] , *T*-1 do [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel cause] [ARG1 big swings in the market] .
- Stock-index arbitrage is the most controversial form of program trading because [ARG0 it] accelerates market moves , if *-1 [ARGM-NEG not] [ARGM-ADV actually] [rel causing] [ARG1 them] .
- [ARG0 The damage to the Bay area 's roadways] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel cause] [ARG1 significant economic hardship] .
- [ARG0 The earthquake] [rel caused] [ARG1 many streets to *-1 buckle and crack] , [ARGM-ADV *-2 making them impassible] .
- [ARG0 A direct hit on a major city] , Mr. Goldberg figures 0 *T*-1 , [ARGM-MOD would] [rel cause] [ARG1 $ 20 billion *U* to $ 40 billion *U* of damage] .
- A report issued * late yesterday by Standard & Poor 's Corp. concluded 0 [ARG0 the quake] [ARGM-MOD wo] [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel cause] `` [ARG1 wide-scale credit deterioration] '' for issuers and debt issues [ARGM-LOC in the 12-county area of Northern California affected * by the quake] .
- Revenue fell 12.7 % to $ 596.8 million *U* from $ 684 million *U* , although [ARG1 some of the decline] was [rel caused] *-1 by [ARG0-by discontinued operations] .
- *-1 Speaking to a joint meeting of Congress earlier , he said 0 [ARG0 South Korea] ca n't move quickly on such agricultural trade issues `` without *-2 [rel causing] [ARG1 political and social trauma] .
- Wall Street Journal reporters called companies with headquarters or facilities in the Bay area in a bid * to assess [ARG1 the damage] to their operations [rel caused] * by [ARG0-by Tuesday 's earthquake] .
- INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES Corp , Armonk , N.Y. , maker of business machines , NYSE , said 0 [ARG1 flooding] [rel caused] * by [ARG0-by broken water pipes] closed its San Jose plant , which *T*-1 makes high-end data-storage devices .
- PACIFIC TELESIS GROUP , San Francisco , telecommunications holding company , annual sales of $ 9.5 billion *U* , no damage to headquarters , but no power , [ARG0 the power failure] has [rel caused] [ARG1 a delay in the release of the company 's earnings report] , major concern is subsidiaries , Pacific Bell and Pacific Telesis Cellular , both of which *T*-2 sustained damage to buildings , structural damage to several cellular sites in Santa Cruz , volume of calls on cellular phones 10 times the usual , * causing a big slowdown .
- But [ARGM-LOC in the case of the Nimitz Freeway] , [ARG0 the lack of such support] [rel caused] [ARG1 the core of the columns to crumble and buckle [ARGM-LOC under the weight of the second deck] , [ARGM-ADV * crushing motorists who *T*-1 were lined *-2 up in bumper-to-bumper rush-hour traffic on the lower deck nearly 15 feet below] ] .
- At least 270 people were reported *-3 killed *-1 *RNR*-5 and 1,400 injured *RNR*-5 in [ARG0 the rush-hour tremor] that *T*-4 [rel caused] [ARG1 billions of dollars of damage] [ARGM-LOC along 100 miles of the San Andreas fault] .
- They are also encouraged *-1 by the relatively mild side effects of FK-506 , compared with [ARG0 cyclosporine] , which *T*-507 [ARGM-MOD can] [rel cause] [ARG1 renal failure , morbidity , nausea and other problems] .
- [ARG0 The shock of * seeing homes destroyed *-1 and city services disrupted *-2] [ARGM-MOD may] [rel cause] [ARG1 some to confuse priorities such as the true economic value of a freezer full of meat] .
- When Richard Rahn advised the financial press that [ARG1 the market crash] was [rel caused] *-1 by [ARG0-by the setback to capital gains] *T*-2 , he was generally ignored *-3 and mildly ridiculed *-3 .
- Instead , the press corps readily accepted the notion that [ARG0 a snag in the takeover financing of United Airlines] [ARGM-ADV instantly] knocked 7 % off the value of the nation 's capital stock and [rel caused] [ARG1 convulsions] [ARGM-LOC around the world] .
- Scientists are only beginning *-2 to understand [ARG0 what] *T*-1 [rel causes] [ARG1 sick-building syndrome] and much of that research was unavailable when the Beebes filed the case *T*-3 , she said 0 *T*-4 .
- Meanwhile , Bear Stearns 's 650 stock and bond salesmen saw thinner paychecks over the past year , which the company says 0 *T*-1 reflected [ARG1 lower commission revenue] [rel caused] * by [ARG0-by a decline in investor activity in the markets] .
- [ARG0 A surprising surge in the U.S. trade deficit] raised fears that the nation 's export drive has stalled , and [rel caused] [ARG1 new turmoil] [ARGM-LOC in financial markets] .
- At the same time , William T. Archey , international vice president at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce , notes : `` Clearly [ARG0 the stronger dollar] has made imports more attractive '' by *-1 [rel causing] [ARG1 their prices to decline] .
- *-2 To get around [ARG1 the delays] [rel caused] * by [ARG0-by the optical device] , Businessland , which *T*-1 is Next 's exclusive dealer to corporations , has for months been advising customers *-3 to purchase hard drives with the machines .
- [ARGM-TMP Even at this early stage] , [ARG0 drugs] [rel caused] [ARG1 additional concerns] .
- This year , a number of retail leveraged buyouts have failed , [ARG0 *] [rel causing] [ARG1 jitters] [ARGM-LOC among suppliers] , and Mr. Merksamer apparently wanted assurances that he wo n't have delivery problems .
- [ARG0 A last-minute snag in negotiations with AMR , over an unrelated lawsuit between American and another Texas Air unit ,] [rel caused] [ARG1 the deal to collapse] .
- Even staunch anti-bike Sierra members concede that [ARG0 10 % of all riders] [rel cause] [ARG1 most of the problems] .
- `` [ARGM-ADV To the professionals in the trade] [ARG0 it] did [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel cause] [ARG1 much surprise] .
- [ARG0 All this] [rel causes] [ARG1 Rep. Hyde to muse about an alternate way 0 * to drum up more enthusiasm *T*-1] .
- [ARG0 His recent speech , provocatively titled `` Blacks ? Animals ? Homosexuals ? What *T*-1 is a Minority ? ''] [rel caused] [ARG1 an uproar] [ARGM-TMP when its title leaked out *T*-2] .
- [ARG0 The circuit breakers] [rel caused] [ARG1 a 30-minute shutdown in trading in Standard & Poor 's 500-stock index futures contract] [ARGM-TMP as the markets were falling] .
- `` I just ca n't believe that [ARG0 the innovations in the financial market] are [rel causing] [ARG1 any of this volatility] , '' he says *T*-1 .
- Still , case-by-case retrospective decision making of this sort is vulnerable to [ARG1 the tunnel vision] [rel caused] * by [ARG0-by a fixation on ad hoc -LRB- and usually sleazy -RRB- examples] .
- Microsoft previously indicated 0 it would have a strong quarter by * forecasting its revenue gain on Oct. 4 , [ARG0 *] [rel causing] [ARG1 a $ 6.50 *U* a share jump in its stock] .
- [ARG0 The violent temblor , which *T*-1 lasted about 15 seconds and registered 6.9 on the Richter scale ,] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel caused] [ARG1 the collapse of a 30-foot section of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge] and shook Candlestick Park .
- [ARG0 The quake] , which [ARGM-DIS also] *T*-1 [rel caused] [ARG1 damage in San Jose and Berkeley] , knocked out electricity and telephones , cracked roadways and disrupted subway service in the Bay Area .
- In October doctors were debating the product 's safety , some claiming 0 [ARG0 it] [rel caused] [ARG1 infections] .
- But * let Stevens continue in his unwitting comic manner -LRB- his conscious efforts at `` banter '' always fail -- most comically -RRB- : `` This whole question is very akin to [ARG0 the question] that *T*-1 has [rel caused] [ARG1 much debate] [ARGM-LOC in our profession] [ARGM-TMP over the years] : what *T*-2 is a ` great ' butler ? ''
- We do not see [ARG0 anything *ICH*-1] in the fundamentals of our business that *T*-2 [ARGM-MOD would] [rel cause] [ARG1 us to change our strategy of * investing for profitable growth] . ''
- Lenders had doubts about the project even before June 4 , but [ARG0 the harsh crackdown] , which *T*-1 [rel caused] [ARG1 many businesses to reassess their China transactions] , `` gave the banks the out 0 they wanted *T*-2 , '' says 0 *T*-3 an official close to the Shanghai venture .
- Quotron Systems Inc. , a Citicorp unit , blamed the 30-minute foul-up on [ARG1 `` a timing problem in our software ''] [rel caused] * by [ARG0-by the enormous early volume -- about 145 million shares] [ARGM-TMP in the first hour of New York Stock Exchange trading] .
- *-1 Together , [ARG0 the two stocks] wreaked havoc among takeover stock traders , and [rel caused] [ARG1 a 7.3 % drop in the Dow Jones Transportation Average , second in size only to the stock-market crash of Oct. 19 , 1987] .
- NCR Corp. reported a 10 % drop in third-quarter net income , *-2 citing [ARG0 intense competition] that *T*-1 [rel caused] [ARG1 its gross profit margins to dip] .
- But several committee members disapproved , some backing Mr. Trump 's claim that [ARG0 the threat of regulation] [rel caused] [ARG1 the failure of the UAL deal and the stock-market plunge] .
- But there is also the possibility that [ARG0 * shutting down markets] [ARGM-MOD will] intensify fears and [rel cause] [ARG1 an even more abrupt slide in prices] .
- If it *ICH*-1 is correct * to find that [ARG0 concerns over corporate debt and LBOs] [rel caused] [ARG1 Gray Friday] , what are *T*-2 the implications for policy makers ?
- [ARG0 That] [rel caused] [ARG1 investors to flee stocks and buy high-quality Treasury bonds , which *T*-1 are safer than other types of securities] .
- One analyst , Peter Cardillo of Josephthal & Co. , New York , said 0 the gold market already had [ARG0 some good price-supporting technical factors] that *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD would] have [rel caused] [ARG1 prices to rise] , [ARGM-MNR with or without the stock market] .
- `` [ARG0 What the stock market did *T*-1] was [rel cause] [ARG1 the rise to take place earlier than it would have happened *?*] , '' said *T*-2 Mr. Cardillo .
- [ARG0 Technical considerations following the hurricane , which *T*-1 was a factor in the market Friday ,] [rel caused] [ARG1 prices to decline yesterday] , said 0 *T*-2 Ernest Simon , cotton specialist for Prudential-Bache Securities , New York .
- A company spokesman said 0 he believed 0 [ARG1 the confusion] was [rel caused] *-1 [ARGM-TMP when James Batten , Knight-Ridder 's chairman and chief executive , told New York analysts two weeks ago that Knight-Ridder 's earnings per share for the first nine months of 1989 would `` be behind a little bit '' from like period of *T*-2]
- [ARGM-DIS For example] , [ARG0 their selling] [rel caused] [ARG1 trading halts *ICH*-1 to be declared *-5 in USAir Group , which *T*-2 closed down 3 7\/8 to 41 1\/2 , Delta Air Lines , which *T*-3 fell 7 3\/4 to 69 1\/4 , and Philips Industries , which *T*-4 sank 3 to 21 1\/2] .
- Peter Otradovec , vice president for planning at the Phoenix , Ariz. , carrier , said in an interview that [ARG0 the work stoppage at Boeing , now entering its 13th day ,] `` has [rel caused] [ARG1 some turmoil in our scheduling] '' and that more than 500 passengers who *T*-2 were booked *-3 to fly out of Houston on America West would now be put *-1 on other airlines .
- Last summer was notable for [ARG0 a heat wave and drought] that *T*-1 [rel caused] [ARG1 utilities to burn more natural gas *-2 to feed increased electrical demand from air conditioning use] .
- Brazilian juice , after [ARG1 a delay] [rel caused] * by [ARG0-by drought at the start of its crop season] , is beginning *-1 to arrive in the U.S. in large quantities .
- After [ARG0 a supply crunch] [rel caused] [ARG1 prices to rise 14 % since 1986 to $ 650 *U* a metric ton] , analysts are encouraged , because they do n't expect a price increase for the rest of this year .
- The franchisees , owners or operators of 1,000 of the 1,900 franchised Arby 's in the U.S. , said : 0 `` We have concluded that continued control of Arby 's by Victor Posner is totally unacceptable to us , because [ARG0 it] is extremely likely *-1 to [rel cause] [ARG1 irreparable damage to the Arby 's system] .
- [ARG0 Energy prices] then plummeted through the summer , * [rel causing] [ARG1 the index to decline for three consecutive months] .
- The company said 0 normal seasonal softness and [ARG1 lost orders] [rel caused] * by [ARG0-by prolonged labor talks] reduced shipments by 200,000 tons in the latest quarter , compared with the second quarter .
- [ARG0 The announcement] [rel caused] [ARG1 the company 's stock to surge $ 6.50 *U* *-1 to close at $ 75.50 *U* a share] .
- -- Prevent companies that *T*-8 have made leveraged buy-outs from *-1 getting federal tax refunds resulting from [ARG1 losses] [rel caused] * by [ARG0-by interest payments on debt issued * * to finance the buy-outs] , effective Aug. 2 , 1989 .
- [ARG0 Sharp increases in the price of fresh produce] [rel caused] [ARG1 Spain 's September consumer price index to shoot up 1.1 % from the previous month , * pushing the annual rate of inflation to 6.8 %] , the National Institute of Statistics said 0 *T*-1 Friday .
- The dollar also began *-2 to decline Friday as [ARG0 the stock market 's plunge] [rel caused] [ARG1 some investors to reassess their desire * to invest in the U.S.] .
- [ARG1 The sales drop for the No. 1 car maker] [ARGM-MOD may] have been [rel caused] *-3 [ARGM-ADV in part] by [ARG0-by the end in September of dealer incentives that GM offered *T*-1 in addition to consumer rebates and low-interest financing] , a company spokesman said 0 *T*-2 .
- [ARGM-ADV To the extent 0 we lack manpower 0 *T*-3 to staff menial jobs in hospitals *T*-2] , [ARGM-DIS for example] , [ARG0 we] [ARGM-MOD should] raise pay , pursue labor-saving technology , or allow more legal immigration , rather than overpay high school graduates [ARGM-ADV as short-term workers] and [rel cause] [ARG1 resentment among permanent workers paid * lesser amounts *-1 to do the same jobs] .
- The newspaper quoted experts as *-1 saying 0 [ARG0 the subsidies] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel cause] [ARG1 the difference between prices and real values of commodities to `` become very unreasonable '' and reduce needed funds for investment in the `` already difficult state budget] . ''
- Campeau developed [ARG0 a cash squeeze] that *T*-1 [rel caused] [ARG1 it to be tardy on some interest payments and to put its prestigious Bloomingdales department-store chain up for sale] .
- Mount Lebanon High School , near Pittsburgh , sought $ 21 million *U* in compensatory damages from Grace , * arguing that [ARG0 the asbestos] , which *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD can] [rel cause] [ARG1 respiratory diseases and lung cancer] , posed a risk to students .
- For the next two years , the Bank Board , which at the time *T*-1 was the agency responsible for * regulating thrifts , failed *-2 to act -- even after federal auditors warned in May 1987 that [ARG0 Mr. Keating] had [rel caused] [ARG1 Lincoln to become insolvent] .