frames- `` [ARG1 Everyone else] is going *-2 to [rel catch] up '' with [ARG2-with Nissan 's innovative designs] , says 0 *T*-1 A. Rama Krishna , auto analyst at First Boston -LRB- Japan -RRB- Ltd .
- That gives it an enviable strategic advantage , at least until [ARG1 its rivals] [rel catch] up , but also plenty of managerial headaches .
- Meanwhile , Shearson Lehman 's Mr. Devario said that , *-1 to stay competitive , [ARG1 the U.S. paper industry] needs *-1 to [rel catch] up with [ARG2-with the European industry] .
- But [ARG1 the Japanese] have *-1 to go a long way *-2 to [rel catch] up .
- Mr. Peladeau says 0 [ARG1 he] is n't trying *-2 to [rel catch] up to [ARG2-to Donnelley , which *T*-1 has annual sales of over $ 3 billion *U*] .
- [ARG1 *] [rel Catching] up with [ARG2-with commercial competitors in retail banking and financial services] , they argue 0 *T*-1 , will be difficult , particularly if market conditions turn sour .
- `` If we do n't do something ... [ARG1 we] wo n't be able *-2 to [rel catch] up with [ARG2-with demand] , '' says *T*-1 a Dentsu spokesman .
- `` [ARG1 They] are going *-2 to [rel catch] up , '' said *T*-1 David Claridge , an analyst with Hambrecht & Quist .
- `` [ARG1 Demand] has [rel caught] up with [ARG2-with the supply of certain types of freight transportation] , and rates are starting *-2 to move up '' at a rate `` close to *RNR*-5 or slightly more than *RNR*-5 the inflation rate , '' said *T*-1 Clifford Sayre , director of logistics at Du Pont Co .
- Baseball , that game of the long haul , is the quintessential sport of the mean , and [ARG1 the mean ol' law] [rel caught] up with [ARG2-with the San Francisco Giants] [ARGM-LOC in the World Series] [ARGM-TMP last weekend] .
- Morever , much of the damage was accomplished *-1 by [ARG1 A 's] who *T*-2 had some [rel catching] up 0 * to do *T*-3 .
- Weatherford suspended its preferred-dividend payment in October 1985 and said 0 [ARG1 it] has n't any plans * to [rel catch] up on [ARG2-on dividends in arrears about $ 6 million *U*] , but will do so some time in the future .