frames- [ARG0 Their books] are written *-1 in idiomatic , contemporary language and [ARGM-TMP usually] [rel carry] [ARG1 hefty dashes of Americana] .
- If `` [ARG0 A Wild Sheep Chase] '' [rel carries] [ARG1 an implicit message] for [ARG4-for international relations] , it 's that the Japanese are more like us than most of us think 0 *?* .
- [ARGM-DIS Yet] [ARG0 this woman , Marie-Louise Giraud ,] [rel carries] [ARG1 historical significance] , [ARGM-MNR both as one of the last women 0 *T*-1 to be executed *-2 in France and as a symbol of the Vichy government 's hypocrisy] .
- [ARGM-TMP By Tuesday night] , [ARG0 television stations] were [rel carrying] [ARG1 new ads featuring Mr. Coleman himself raising questions about Mr. Wilder 's sensitivity to rape victims] .
- Soon , [ARG0 T-shirts *ICH*-1] appeared in the corridors that *T*-2 [rel carried] [ARG1 the school 's familiar red-and-white GHS logo] on [ARG2-on the front] .
- Mrs. Yeargin says that she also wanted *-1 to help *-2 lift Greenville High School 's overall test scores , usually near the bottom of 14 district high schools in [ARG1 rankings] [rel carried] * [ARGM-TMP annually] by [ARG0-by local newspapers] .
- They say that [ARG0 many vehicles classed * as commercial light trucks] [ARGM-ADV actually] [rel carry] [ARG1 more people than cargo] and therefore should have the same safety features as cars .
- Fifteen of the 26 subcommittee members *ICH*-2 attended the hearing , most notably Rep. John Dingell -LRB- D. , Mich. -RRB- , the full House Energy and Commerce Committee chairman , who *T*-216 has been willing *-1 to let [ARG0 Mr. Markey] [rel carry] [ARG1 the legislation] [ARGM-TMP in recent months] .
- The funding is attached *-11 to [ARG0 an estimated $ 27.1 billion *U* transportation bill] that *T*-1 goes *ICH*-2 next to the Senate and [rel carries] with [ARG3-with it] [ARG1 a proposed permanent smoking ban on virtually all U.S. domestic airline flights] .
- But GMAC approved the Buick program , he says 0 *T*-1 , because [ARG0 the American Express green card] requires payment in full upon billing , and so does [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel carry] [ARG1 any finance rates] .
- The scientists said 0 they created small changes in the crystal-lattice structures of the superconductors *-2 to raise [ARG1 the amount] of current that [ARG0 single crystals] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel carry] *T*-1 to 600,000 amps per square centimeter in a moderately strong magnetic field .
- Scientists had obtained even higher current-carrying capacity in thin films of the new superconductors , but have had problems *-2 increasing [ARG1 the amount] of current that [ARG0 bulk crystals] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel carry] *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 Each $ 5,000 *U* bond] [rel carries] [ARG1 one warrant , exercisable from Nov. 30 , 1989 , through Nov. 2 , 1993 , 0 * to buy shares at an expected premium of 2 1\/2 % to the closing price when terms are fixed *-1 Tuesday *T*-2 *T*-3] .
- In anticipation of the start-up of its new factory , the company said 0 [ARG0 a larger-than-normal chassis supply] has been built *-1 0 *T*-2 to [rel carry] [ARG1 it] [ARGM-TMP through the transition period] .
- According to [ARG1 reports] [rel carried] * by [ARG0-by various news services] , the Brazilian government told its sugar producers that they wo n't be allowed *-1 to export sugar during the current 1989-90 season , which *T*-92 began May 1 , and the 1990-91 season so that it can be used *-2 * to produce alcohol for automobile fuel .
- `` The psychology is still : ` We want -LRB- stocks -RRB- up , but if [ARG0 they] do [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel carry] we 're going *-1 to sell them . ' ''
- [ARG1 This gene , called * `` gametocide , ''] is [rel carried] *-23 [ARGM-DIR into the plant] by [ARG0-by a virus that *T*-41 remains active for a few days] .
- Tanks currently are defined *-74 as [ARG0 armored vehicles weighing 25 tons or more that *T*-1 [rel carry] [ARG1 large guns] ] .
- [ARG0 Each $ 5,000 *U* bond] [rel carries] [ARG1 one warrant *ICH*-2 , exercisable from Nov. 30 through Nov. 2 , 1993 , * to buy company shares at an expected premium of 2 1\/2 % to the closing share price when terms are fixed *-162 Tuesday *T*-1] .
- [ARG0 Each $ 5,000 *U* bond] [rel carries] [ARG1 one warrant *ICH*-2 , exercisable from Nov. 30 through Nov. 2 , 1994 , * to buy company shares at an expected premium of 2 1\/2 % to the closing share price when terms are fixed *-163 Monday *T*-1] .
- That 's a headache for long-term investors , since it forces them to reinvest their money -- usually at [ARG1 lower rates] than [ARG0 the original mortgage securities] [rel carried] *?* .
- Britain 's House of Commons passed a law that *T*-232 will force [ARG0 English soccer fans] to [rel carry] [ARG1 identity cards] [ARGM-PNC *-1 to enter stadiums] .
- [ARG0 The merged firm] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel carry] [ARG1 Norris McLaughlin 's name] .
- The protesters lie down in the street , * blocking traffic , and will not move until [ARG0 the authorities] [rel carry] [ARG1 them] [ARGM-DIR away] .
- We think 0 it is n't such a great burden , that [ARG0 it] [rel carries] [ARG1 no stigma] , and we are prepared *-1 to do it . ''
- [ARGM-ADV Although investigations now account for only about 5 % of Pinkerton 's total revenue] , that side of the business has traditionally been the more `` glamorous '' of the two and [ARG0 it] [rel carries] [ARG1 historical and sentimental value] .
- Ted Eubank , Coda 's president , said 0 [ARG0 the loan] [rel carries] [ARG1 an interest rate of prime plus one percentage point] , [ARGM-ADV with 85 % of the company 's net oil and gas revenue each month dedicated * to repayment] .
- Afghanistan 's troops broke through a guerrilla blockade on the strategic Salang Highway , * allowing [ARG0 trucks] [rel carrying] [ARG1 food and other necessities] to reach Kabul after a missile attack on rebel strongholds .
- [ARGM-LOC In the two-part offering] , [ARG0 $ 151 million *U* of senior subordinated reset notes] were priced *-1 at 99.75 and [rel carried] [ARG1 a rate of 13 3\/4 %] , while the $ 100 million *U* of senior subordinated floating rate notes were priced *-2 to float at 4.25 percentage points above the London Interbank Offered Rate , or LIBOR .
- Some analysts have said 0 Courtaulds ' moves could boost the company 's value by 5 % to 10 % , because [ARG0 the two entities] [ARGM-MNR separately] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel carry] [ARG1 a higher price earnings multiple than they did *?* combined] .
- The PACs appeal to insurance companies and other investors because [ARG0 they] have higher yields than topgrade corporate bonds and [rel carry] [ARG1 the guarantee of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae , quasi-federal agencies] .
- [ARGM-PNC For especially stubborn haunts] , [ARG0 Mr. Baker] [rel carries] [ARG1 a secret weapon , a vial of cornstarch] .
- [ARG0 A World Series telecast] [ARGM-ADV typically] [rel carries] [ARG1 56 30-second commercials] , but by the fourth game ABC was cramming in 60 to 62 ads *-1 to generate extra revenue .
- All the published studies recommend that [ARG0 women on whom the drug proves ineffective *T*-1] [ARGM-NEG not] [rel carry] [ARG1 the pregnancy] to [ARG3-to term] but undergo a surgical abortion .
- Ford also offered the low financing rate option on [ARG0 1989-model Broncos] , which *T*-1 [ARGM-TMP previously] [rel carried] [ARG1 a $ 750 *U* cash discount] .
- Mr. Quinlan , 30 years old , knew 0 [ARG0 he] [rel carried] [ARG1 a damaged gene] , *-3 having lost an eye to the rare tumor when he was only two months old *T*-1 -- after his mother had suffered the same fate when she was a baby *T*-2 .
- The San Francisco-based telecommunications company said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel carries] [ARG1 $ 150 million *U* of earthquake insurance with a $ 10 million *U* deductible provision] .
- *-2 Departing from its newspaper ads featuring prim sketches of a suit or a coat , Brooks Brothers is marketing an updated image in [ARG0 a new campaign] that *T*-1 [rel carries] [ARG1 the slogan , `` The Surprise of Brooks Brothers] . ''
- Every morning , [ARG0 tractor-trailer trucks] arrive at the Natick Ground Station from Boston 's Logan Airport , *-1 [rel carrying] [ARG1 the day 's package load] .
- [ARG0 *-2] [rel Carrying] [ARG1 the new message] [ARGM-LOC on the road] , Mr. Straszheim meets confrontation that *T*-1 often occurs in inverse proportion to the size of the client .
- [ARGM-ADV Systemwide] , [ARG0 IATA airlines] [rel carried] [ARG1 632 million passengers *ICH*-1] [ARGM-TMP last year] , [ARGM-ADV 2 % more than in 1987] .
- But passenger-kilometers , the distance flown * while [ARG0 *] [rel carrying] [ARG1 people] , increased 5.3 % in 1988 .
- [ARG0 The bolstered cellular agreement between BellSouth Corp. and LIN Broadcasting Corp.] [rel carries] [ARG1 heightened risks] and could fail *-1 to fend off McCaw Cellular Communications Inc. , the rival suitor for LIN .
- [ARG0 The preferred shares] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel carry] [ARG1 a floating annual dividend equal to 72 % of the 30-day bankers ' acceptance rate] [ARGM-TMP until Dec. 31 , 1994] .
- Gaylord Container said 0 analysts are skeptical of it because [ARG0 it] 's [rel carrying] [ARG1 a lot of debt] .
- Mr. Whittle said that so far , three of [ARG0 the six schools] that *T*-1 [rel carried] [ARG1 the program] [ARGM-LOC in a five-week test last spring] have subscribed to the program .
- [ARG1 *-4] [rel Carried] *-2 [ARGM-MNR even further] , some investors assumed that since leveraged buy-outs are the only thing propping up stock prices , the market would collapse if no more LBOs could be done *-1 .
- [ARG0 Each $ 5,000 *U* bond] [rel carries] [ARG1 a warrant *ICH*-3 exercisable Dec. 1 , 1989 , through Nov. 9 , 1993] , [ARGM-PNC * to buy company shares at an expected premium of 2 1\/2 % to the closing share price when terms are fixed *-1 Nov. 2 *T*-2] .
- [ARG0 His morning paper , the Washington Post ,] [ARGM-ADV even] [rel carries] [ARG1 a sports column called * `` Jurisprudence '' that *T*-1 recounts the latest arrests and convictions of players and team managers] .
- [ARG0 Only about 20 % of California home and business owners] [rel carried] [ARG1 earthquake coverage] .
- [ARG1 They] simply got [rel carried] [ARGM-DIR away] with [ARG0-with *-2 interpreting what the executive order banning assassinations really meant *T*-1] .
- In that case , international banks and investors incurred big losses because they incorrectly believed 0 [ARG0 the company 's debt] [rel carried] [ARG1 implicit state guarantees] .
- In short , we have a movie and television industry that *T*-14 is either incapable or petrified of *-1 making a movie unless [ARG0 it] [rel carries] [ARG1 a PG-13 or R rating] .
- [ARG0 A man gunned * down by a stray bullet while * cycling to work] [rel carries] , [ARGM-TMP after his death] , [ARG1 the official stigma of `` counterrevolutionary] , '' his wife says 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARGM-MNR as legislative action] , [ARG0 they] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel carry] [ARG1 greater weight] and would be more difficult 0 * to rescind *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 Stores in upper-income neighborhoods] , [ARGM-DIS for instance] , [ARGM-MOD will] [rel carry] [ARG1 high-priced wines , publications such as Vanity Fair , gourmet pasta sauces , oat bran cereals and Weight Watchers and Pritikin products] .
- Mr. Hickey added that [ARG0 the stones found * in Hong Kong] are thought *-1 to [rel carry] [ARG1 double the U.S. radiation limit] , although he noted that double or even triple the U.S. limit is `` still in the range of safe levels . ''
- The FM radio band , *-1 considered *-2 technically superior because [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel carry] [ARG1 stereo broadcasts] , has cornered the airwaves for * delivering music .
- [ARG0 Serial bonds] , which *T*-1 all [rel carry] [ARG1 7 % coupons] , are priced *-2 *-3 to yield from 6.30 % in 1992 to 7 % in 2000 .
- [ARG0 The $ 58.9 million *U* of 7 % certificates due 2016] [rel carry] [ARG1 the issue 's high yield , priced * at 97 3\/4 *-1 to yield 7.19 %] .
- [ARG0 Each $ 5,000 *U* bond] [rel carries] [ARG1 a warrant *ICH*-2 exercisable Nov. 24 , 1989 , through Oct. 29 , 1993 , * to buy company shares at an expected premium of 2 1\/2 % to the closing share price when terms are fixed *-1 Oct. 31 *T*-3] .
- The Big Board this morning plans *-1 to begin *-2 trading its Exchange Stock Portfolio `` basket '' product , [ARG0 the first program-trading vehicle] [rel carrying] [ARG1 the exchange 's seal of approval] .
- So far , AIDS has stricken 1,859 children under age 13 , with [ARG0 many times that number] believed * to [rel carry] [ARG1 the infection] [ARGM-MNR without symptoms] .
- [ARG0 Big financial stocks] [rel carried] [ARG1 the day] .
- [ARG0 The CBS plan * to use big-time sports as a platform for other series] [rel carries] [ARG1 no guarantee of success] , [ARGM-DIS however] .
- [ARG0 Small models , whose performance *T*-1 increased as much as 46 % ,] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel carry] [ARG1 higher prices] .
- *-6 To be introduced *-1 later are *T*-5 a multiplexer , which *T*-2 will allow several signals to travel along a single optical line ; [ARG0 a light-wave system] , which *T*-3 [rel carries] [ARG1 voice channels] ; and a network controller , which *T*-4 directs data flow through cross-connect systems .
- Stanley Aslanian , [ARG0 the Haas broker] who *T*-1 agreed *-2 to [rel carry] [ARG1 a hidden microphone] [ARGM-TMP during the conversation] , also has pleaded guilty to conspiracy * to commit securities violations in the stock manipulation and agreed *-3 to cooperate .
- Thanks to centuries of polishing by Mother Nature -- first in the gentle current of [ARG0 the Orange River] that *T*-1 [rel carried] [ARG1 the stones] [ARGM-DIR from South Africa 's interior] , then in the cold surf of the ocean , and finally in the coarse sands of the desert -- 98 % of the diamonds uncovered * are of gem quality .
- [ARGM-ADV More seriously] , [ARG0 FmHA] has [rel carried] [ARG1 several billion dollars of defaulted loans] [ARGM-MNR at face value] .
- The market makers say 0 [ARG0 they] are n't comfortable *-1 [rel carrying] [ARG1 big positions in stocks] because they realize 0 prices can tumble quickly .
- [ARG0 Each $ 5,000 *U* bond] [rel carries] [ARG1 one warrant *ICH*-2 , exercisable from Nov. 28 , 1989 , through Oct. 26 , 1994 , * to buy shares at an expected premium of 2 1\/2 % to the closing share price when terms are fixed *-1 Oct. 26 *T*-3] .
- [ARG0 Each $ 5,000 *U* bond] [rel carries] [ARG1 one warrant *ICH*-2 , exercisable from Nov. 27 , 1989 , through Oct. 26 , 1993 , * to buy shares at an expected premium of 2 1\/2 % to the closing share price when terms are fixed *-1 Nov. 1 *T*-3] .
- [ARG0 Each $ 5,000 *U* bond] [rel carries] [ARG1 one warrant *ICH*-2 , exercisable from Nov. 21 , 1989 , through Oct. 19 , 1993 , * to buy shares at an expected premium of 2 1\/2 % to the closing share price when terms are fixed *-1 Oct. 31 *T*-3] .
- [ARG0 Each 5,000 mark bond] [rel carries] [ARG1 one warrant *ICH*-3 and one certificate for four warrants , exercisable from Dec. 18 , 1989 , to Oct. 26 , 1994 , * to buy shares at an expected premium of 2 1\/2 % above the closing share price when prices are fixed *-1 Oct. 30 *T*-2] .
- Viacom accuses [ARG0 Time] in its suit of *-1 refusing *-2 to [rel carry] [ARG1 Showtime or a sister service , The Movie Channel ,] on [ARG2-on Time 's Manhattan Cable TV system , one of the nation 's largest urban systems] .
- [ARG1 An investment in Chile 's telephone company] is [rel carried] *-2 [ARGM-MNR at US$ 300 million *U*] but really worth US$ 500 million *U* , and the company 's property portfolio is undervalued *-1 by at least A$ 250 million *U* , Mr. Bond said 0 *T*-3 .
- Within the same nine months , News Corp. closed down In Fashion , a once-promising young woman 's fashion magazine , Drake Publications Inc. has folded the long-troubled Venture magazine , and Lang Communications has announced 0 [ARG0 Ms. magazine] , [ARGM-TMP after 17 years] , [ARGM-MOD will] [ARGM-TMP no longer] [rel carry] [ARG1 advertising] [ARGM-TMP as of January] .
- But in spite of a wind-driven rainstorm , gridlock never materialized , mainly because [ARG0 the Bay Area Rapid Transit subway system] [rel carried] [ARG1 50 % more passengers than normal] .
- In Japan , the wineries are promoting their products ' Pacific roots and courting restaurant and hotel chefs , [ARG0 whose recommendations] *T*-1 [rel carry] [ARG1 weight] .
- One ad features [ARG0 a huge robot] [rel carrying] [ARG1 a voluptuous woman in a faint] .
- [ARG0 That ship] , which *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD would] [rel carry] [ARG1 about 2,050 passengers] , would expand the capacity of Carnival 's existing 14-ship fleet by 24 % .
- [ARGM-DIS And] [ARGM-DIS of course] , [ARG0 * doing anything that *T*-2 might be second-guessed *-1 by Congress] [rel carries] [ARG1 heavy penalties] .
- McDonald 's has long-term debt equaling 91 % of shareholder equity currently , but Mr. Kerschner said 0 [ARG0 the company] is [rel carrying] [ARG1 real estate assets] [ARGM-ADV at about $ 2.6 billion *U* below their real value] .
- Who 'd *T*-1 have thought that the next group of [ARG0 tough guys] [rel carrying] [ARGM-DIR around] [ARG1 reputations like that] would be school superintendents ?
- [ARG0 The issue] yields 8.90 % and [rel carries] [ARG1 a guarantee covering 9 % of the deal from the company] .
- For [ARG4-For Mr. Sherwin] , [ARG0 a conviction] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel carry] [ARG1 penalties of five years in prison and a $ 250,000 *U* fine on each count] .
- Some 60 % of the survey respondents said 0 they would buy anti-lock brakes even if [ARG0 they] [rel carry] [ARG1 a medium or high price tag] .
- UPS wo n't discuss its labor practices , but , according to Mr. Cleveland , a former UPS employee , and others , union work rules prohibit [ARG0 UPS drivers] from *-1 doing more than * [rel carrying] [ARG1 packages] [ARGM-DIR between customers and their vans] .
- [ARG0 Each $ 5,000 *U* bond] [rel carries] [ARG1 one warrant *ICH*-3 , exercisable from Nov. 28 , 1989 , through Oct. 28 , 1993 , * to buy company shares at an expected premium of 2 1\/2 % to the closing share price when terms are fixed *-1 Oct. 27 *T*-2] .
- [ARG0 The bridge] [ARGM-TMP normally] [rel carries] [ARG1 250,000 commuters a day] .
- All architects want *-2 to be aware of the ecological consequences of their work , says 0 *T*-3 John Burgee , whose New York firm *T*-1 is designing the redevelopment of Times Square , `` but [ARG0 we] [ARGM-MOD ca] [ARGM-NEG n't] all [rel carry] [ARG1 it] [ARGM-DIR to that extreme] . ''
- [ARG0 Less-than-truckload companies] , which *T*-1 [rel carry] [ARG1 the freight of several shippers] in [ARG2-in each truck trailer] , discounted away a 4.7 % rate increase implemented * last April .
- [ARG0 Ship companies] [rel carrying] [ARG1 bulk commodities , such as oil , grain , coal and iron ore] , have been able *-1 to increase their rates in the last couple of years .
- And [ARG0 ship lines] [rel carrying] [ARG1 containers] are also trying *-1 to raise their rates .
- Ship lines operating in the Pacific plan *-1 to raise rates on [ARG0 containers] [rel carrying] [ARG1 U.S. exports] [ARGM-DIR to Asia] about 10 % , * effective next April .
- In addition to softer production data , weaker housing starts and lower corporate profits currently in evidence , some analysts believe 0 [ARG0 the two recent natural disasters -- Hurricane Hugo and the San Francisco earthquake --] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel carry] [ARG1 economic ramifications] [ARGM-TMP in the fourth quarter] .
- [ARG0 The features] will focus on `` parenting , family health and nutrition , and financial management , '' and [ARGM-MOD will] [rel carry] [ARG1 30 seconds of advertising] .
- Nicaragua 's Defense Ministry said 0 a group of Contra rebels ambushed [ARG0 two trucks] [rel carrying] [ARG1 troops] in northern Nicaragua , *-1 killing 18 of the soldiers .
- [ARG0 Television] [ARGM-TMP last week] [rel carried] [ARG1 a new report on East Berlin 's main wallpaper factory and the need * to boost production] .
- It assessed nearly $ 500,000 *U* against [ARG0 a cruise-ship company] that *T*-1 [rel carried] [ARG1 about 100 deckhands , cooks , bartenders , entertainers and other employees] [ARGM-MNR as self-employed independents] .
- Mr. Blodgett , the boiler-room veteran , believes that for [ARG4-for many investors] , [ARG0 the get-rich-quick scams] [rel carry] [ARG1 a longed-for element of excitement] .
- [ARG0 The Camden County congressman] [ARGM-TMP still] [rel carries] [ARG1 himself] [ARGM-MNR with a trademark `` I'm-coming-down-your-throat '' intensity] , but at a pause in Newark 's Columbus Day parade recently , he was dancing with his wife in the middle of the avenue in the city 's old Italian-American ward .
- Another 20 % of the borrowed funds would come from the sale to investors of [ARG0 junk bonds] , which *T*-1 offer less security and [ARGM-ADV typically] [rel carry] [ARG1 higher yields than bank loans] .
- [ARGM-DIS Instead] , Mr. Beach says 0 *T*-1 , [ARG0 investors] `` [ARGM-DIS probably] [ARGM-MOD should] be [rel carrying] [ARG1 a very high level of cash , '' by which he means such so-called cash equivalents as money-market funds and Treasury bills *T*-2] .
- These people used *-2 to be called *-1 brokers , but [ARGM-ADV apparently] [ARG0 this word] either is not grandiose enough or [rel carries] [ARG1 too many negative connotations from the aforementioned technical correction , when terrified customers could n't raise brokers on the phone *T*-3] .
- For example , `` no load '' mutual funds remain a favorite with investors because [ARG0 they] do [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel carry] [ARG1 a frontend sales commission] .
- Moody 's said 0 it expects Valley National , of Phoenix , Ariz. , to make substantial further provisions against its real-estate portfolio , and that [ARG0 it] continues *-1 to suffer from the high cost of * [rel carrying] [ARG1 nonperforming assets] , and from high loan-loss provisions .
- [ARG0 Other bills *ICH*-3] will be moving soon that *T*-2 are expected *-1 to [rel carry] [ARG1 many of the tax cuts , including both the capital-gains and IRA provisions] .
- [ARG0 *-1] Printed * in the U.S. and [rel carrying] [ARG1 the line `` The Insider 's Japan] , '' Business Tokyo 's October cover story was `` The World 's No. 1 Customer '' -- Japanese women .
- Bonds due 1991-1996 carry 6.70 % coupons and [ARG0 bonds due 1997-2000] [rel carry] [ARG1 6 3\/4 % coupons] .
- [ARG0 Bonds due 1991-1996] [rel carry] [ARG1 6.70 % coupons] and bonds due 1997-2000 carry 6 3\/4 % coupons .
- [ARG0 They] [rel carry] [ARG1 a 7 % coupon] .
- NewsEdge uses an FM radio band *-2 to carry news wires provided * by Reuters , McGraw-Hill and Dow Jones & Co. , as well as [ARG0 PR Newswire] , which *T*-1 [rel carries] [ARG1 corporate press releases] .
- NewsEdge uses an FM radio band [ARG0 *-2] to [rel carry] [ARG1 news wires provided * by Reuters , McGraw-Hill and Dow Jones & Co. , as well as PR Newswire , which *T*-1 carries corporate press releases] .
- [ARG0 A new product , NewsEdge ,] [rel carries] [ARG1 five business news wires] [ARGM-MNR simultaneously] [ARGM-DIR into a user 's computer] and beeps and flashes whenever an article *ICH*-2 appears *T*-3 that *T*-1 is of interest to the user .
- Darman now blames the clash on miscommunication , but [ARG0 House GOP leader Michel] , who *T*-2 [rel carried] [ARG1 the offer] [ARGM-DIR to him] , observes , `` I was speaking English *NOT* *NOT* at the time , and quite loud so I could be understood *-1 . ''
- [ARG0 The Khmer Rouge] , [ARGM-DIS however] , [rel carry] [ARG1 an unsurpassed record for Cambodian tyranny] .
- [ARG0 Gonzalez , who *T*-1 pledged *-2 to help *-3 monitor voting in Nicaragua ,] was said *-4 to be [rel carrying] [ARG1 proposals for free elections in Panama] .
- [ARG0 An ebullient Mr. Johnson] , *-1 wearing a NASA baseball cap and [rel carrying] [ARG1 a camera and binoculars] , called the launch `` fantastic . ''
- [ARG0 Chickens] [rel carry] [ARG1 this bacteria , which *T*-1 can cause upset stomachs and , in rare cases , death among people] .
- [ARG0 The Egg King] [rel carries] [ARG1 written instructions * to break only high-grade eggs that *T*-3 have been properly sanitized *-1 and , as an added precaution , to use the eggs only in products that *T*-4 will be cooked *-2 enough * to kill bacteria] .
- [ARGM-ADV According to figures from the International Air Transport Association] , [ARG0 they] [rel carried] [ARG1 a combined 1.8 million tons of freight] [ARGM-TMP last year] .
- [ARG0 Federal Express and Flying Tiger] , [ARGM-ADV as separate companies] , [rel carried] [ARG1 a combined 2.6 million tons] .
- Both European airlines operate extensive fleets of Boeing 747 freighters and 747 Combis , [ARG0 aircraft] that *T*-1 [rel carry] [ARG1 both freight and passengers] on [ARG2-on the main deck] .
- [ARG0 Each $ 5,000 *U* bond] [rel carries] [ARG1 one warrant *ICH*-2 , exercisable from Dec. 1 , 1989 , through Nov. 2 , 1993 , * to buy company shares at an expected premium of 2 1\/2 % to the closing share price when terms are fixed *-1 Oct. 24 *T*-3] .
- [ARGM-ADV From the air] , [ARG0 ribbons of yellow fire hose] [rel carry] [ARG1 water] [ARGM-DIR from the bay] [ARGM-DIR to high-pressure nozzles trained * on the site] .
- Commodore has assembled an experienced management team , it has persuaded [ARG0 many more dealers] *-1 to [rel carry] [ARG1 its products] and it has unleashed a slick advertising campaign .
- [ARGM-DIS Even so] , [ARG0 Mr. Taylor] [rel carried] [ARG1 all but one of the district 's dozen counties] .
- [ARG0 Each $ 5,000 *U* bond] [rel carries] [ARG1 one warrant , exercisable from Nov. 16 , 1989 , through Oct. 19 , 1993 , * to buy company shares at an expected premium of 2 1\/2 % to the closing share price when terms are fixed *-1 Oct. 24 *T*-2] .
- [ARG0 Each $ 5000 *U* bond] [rel carries] [ARG1 one warrant , exercisable from Nov. 15 , 1989 , to Oct. 18 , 1993 , * to buy company shares at an expected premium of 2 1\/2 % to the closing share price when terms are fixed *-1 Oct. 23 *T*-2] .
- [ARG0 Each $ 5,000 *U* bond] [rel carries] [ARG1 one warrant , exercisable from May 8 , 1991 , through Oct. 8 , 1994 , * to buy company shares at an expected premium of 75 % to 85 % *U* to the closing share price when terms are fixed *-1 Oct. 18 *T*-2] .
- Numerous computer companies are having sales slumps and earnings declines , but [ARG0 very few] have had losses comparable to Wang 's or are [rel carrying] [ARG1 such a large debt load] .
- [ARG0 Who] *T*-1 is going *-2 to [rel carry] [ARG1 the water] ? ' ''
- Mr. Yanes said 0 [ARG0 the film , One Film ,] is [ARGM-TMP currently] [rel carried] [ARGM-LOC at about 15,000 retail outlets , including drugstores and supermarkets] .
- Sam Yanes , a Polaroid spokesman , said 0 `` I do n't know about disappointing , '' but added that the company has n't been able * to get the product on the shelves of [ARG0 some mass-merchandise , discount retailers] that it had hoped 0 *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD would] be [rel carrying] [ARG1 the product] [ARGM-TMP already] .
- [ARGM-ADV Although the network is n't connected to the computer systems that *T*-1 operate either Galileo or the shuttle] , [ARG0 part of the network] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel carry] [ARG1 analyses of Galileo data] [ARGM-TMP once the craft gets spaceborn] .
- Activists fear that if [ARG0 the shuttle] [rel carrying] [ARG1 Galileo] [ARGM-DIR into orbit] should explode , or if Galileo itself crashes into the Earth during the two times 0 it flies close to the planet , fatal levels of plutonium would be released *-1 into the atmosphere .
- [ARG0 The last U.S. congressional authorization , in 1983 ,] was a political donnybrook and [rel carried] [ARG1 a $ 6 billion *U* housing program] [ARG3 along with it] [ARGM-PNC * to secure adequate votes] .
- `` By * encouraging massive , routine , voluntary testing we can enable society to voluntarily segregate itself sexually into two groups : [ARG0 those] who *T*-1 [rel carry] [ARG1 the virus] and those who *T*-2 do not *?* , '' the Indianapolis research organization said *T*-3 in a new report .
- From the fee , [ARG0 the local phone company and the long-distance carrier] extract their costs 0 * to [rel carry] [ARG1 the call] *T*-2 , *-3 passing the rest of the money to the originator , which *T*-1 must cover advertising and other costs .
- [ARG0 Aeroflot] [rel carried] [ARG1 about 125 million passengers] [ARGM-TMP last year] , and Shannon Airport , the airline 's largest transit airport outside the Soviet Union , saw 1,400 Aeroflot flights and 250,000 passengers pass through .
- Hydro-Quebec said 0 Maine regulators ' refusal * to approve the contract earlier this year halted work on transmission lines and stopped negotiations for resale of [ARG1 electricity] [rel carried] * [ARGM-DIR through Maine] [ARGM-DIR to other utilities] .
- [ARG0 Warehouse clubs] [ARGM-TMP typically] [rel carry] [ARG1 general merchandise and food products , which they sell for close to wholesale prices in no-frills stores] .
- [ARG0 This growth sector] , which [ARGM-TMP usually] *T*-1 [rel carries] [ARG1 a price\/earnings multiple about twice that of the Standard & Poor 's 500] , happens *-2 to include some of the market 's most attractive bargains right now .
- [ARG1 Prices for the 416.3 million shares that *T*-2 changed hands during the session] were [rel carried] *-1 on [ARG2-on the exchange 's trading tape] [ARGM-MNR with barely a delay] , officials said 0 *T*-3 .
- Tomorrow , the Resolution Funding Corp. will provide details of [ARG0 its first bond issue] , which *T*-1 is expected *-2 to total between $ 4 billion and $ 6 billion *U* and [rel carry] [ARG1 a maturity greater than 20 years] .
- [ARG0 The company] is trying *-1 to [rel carry] out [ARG1 a three-year , $ 1.3 billion *U* plant-expansion program started * this year] .
- [ARG0 The 50 million warrants] will be priced *-1 at HK$ 1.25 *U* each and are expected *-1 to [rel carry] [ARG1 a premium to the share price of about 26 %] .
- With loving detail she recalls her Uncle Gabe , an Orthodox Jew and song lyricist -LRB- who *T*-1 rhymed river with liver in a love song -RRB- ; and Uncle Len , [ARG0 a mysterious part-time investigator] who *T*-2 looked like Lincoln and [rel carried] [ARG1 a change of clothing] in [ARG2-in a Manila envelope] , [ARGM-ADV *-3 like an `` undercover President on a good-will mission] . ''
- Now the two firms are collaborating on an alternative to Adobe 's approach , and analysts say 0 [ARG0 they] are likely *-1 to [rel carry] [ARG1 IBM , the biggest seller of personal computers ,] [ARG3 along with them] .
- And a senior aide to the House Ways and Means Committee , where tax legislation originates *T*-2 , said 0 there are n't any `` plans * to produce [ARG0 another tax bill] that *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD could] [rel carry] [ARG1 a gains tax cut] this year . ''
- But Senate supporters of the trimmer legislation said that [ARG0 other bills *ICH*-2] would soon be moving through Congress that *T*-4 [ARGM-MOD could] [rel carry] [ARG1 some of the measures that *T*-1 had been cast *-3 aside , including a capital-gains tax cut] .
- He expects [ARG0 the downturn] to [rel carry] [ARG1 the Dow Jones Industrial Average] [ARGM-DIR down] [ARGM-DIR to around 2000] [ARGM-TMP sometime next year] .
- `` [ARGM-TMP Two years ago] [ARG0 we] were [rel carrying] [ARG1 huge inventories] and that was the big culprit .
- I do n't know of [ARG0 anyone] [rel carrying] [ARG1 big inventories] [ARGM-TMP now] , '' said *T*-1 Mr. King of Robinson-Humphrey .
- Analysts say 0 [ARG0 they] 're faster and [rel carry] [ARG1 more memory than anything else of their size on the market] -- and they 're priced *-1 aggressively at $ 2,400 *U* to $ 5,000 *U* .
- But administration officials conceded that [ARG0 Friday 's drop] [rel carried] [ARG1 the chance of further declines this week] .
- The Fed 's efforts at secrecy were partly foiled *-1 Sunday morning , when [ARG0 both the New York Times and the Washington Post] [rel carried] [ARG1 stories quoting a senior Fed official saying 0 the central bank was prepared * to pour cash into the banking system Monday morning *T*-2] .
- [ARGM-ADV As with other plastic in Britain 's high-interest-rate environment] , [ARG0 the Labor card , administered * by Co-operative Bank ,] [rel carries] [ARG1 a stiff -LRB- in this case , 29.8 % -RRB- annual rate on the unpaid balance] .
- [ARG0 The Justin merchandise] [rel carried] [ARG1 wholesale prices some 40 % below those of Sony Corp. of Japan 's `` My First Sony '' line] .