frames- [ARGM-TMP Next week] , [ARG1 the Philippine Fund 's launch] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel capped] *-46 by [ARG2-by a visit by Philippine President Corazon Aquino -- the first time 0 a head of state has kicked off an issue at the Big Board here *T*-1] .
- [ARG2 The offer] [rel capped] [ARG1 a week of rumors that Georgia-Pacific , an Atlanta-based forest-products company , was considering *-1 making a bid for Nekoosa , a paper-products concern based * in Norwalk , Conn] .
- [ARG2 The arrests] [rel capped] [ARG1 a four-month investigation by the Internal Revenue Service , the U.S. Attorney 's office and a Security Pacific internal investigation team] .
- [ARG2 The action] [rel capped] [ARG1 a spurt of grim Arizona banking news for the third quarter] , and emphatically signaled that Arizona is challenging Texas 's long reign as banking 's busiest graveyard .
- [ARG2 The staggering losses] [rel cap] [ARG1 a tumultuous year for Alan Bond and his flagship , Bond Corp] .
- Activity was brisk in the high-grade general obligation market , as [ARG0 a series of sell lists] hit the Street and [rel capped] [ARG1 upward price movement] [ARGM-LOC in the sector] .
- Japan says 0 its economic growth will fall sharply if [ARG0 it] cuts back on the use of oil , coal and gas *-1 to [rel cap] [ARG1 emissions of carbon dioxide] .
- The study will support arguments against [ARG0 *] [rel capping] [ARG1 carbon-dioxide emissions] that Japan will make *T*-1 at a U.N.-backed conference on atmospheric pollution next month .
- Yesterday , in heavy , national over-the-counter trading , [ARG0 Lotus shares] rose to $ 32.50 *U* , up $ 1.25 *U* apiece , *-1 [rel capping] [ARG1 a threemonth run-up of more than 40 %] .
- [ARG0 Friday] [rel capped] [ARG1 a week of steadily rising crude oil prices in both futures and spot markets] .