frames- In Washington , the Senate voted *-1 to condemn [ARG0 Ortega 's] threat * to [rel cancel] [ARG1 the truce] , and Bush said 0 he would review U.S. policy toward Managua , including the possibility of * renewing military aid to the rebels .
- Hiroshima officials said 0 [ARG0 they] still consider the contract in effect and had no immediate plans * to [rel cancel] [ARG1 it] .
- Commerzbank had hoped *-1 to buy a stake in Credit Lyonnais , until [ARG0 the Socialists] returned to government last year and [rel canceled] [ARG1 plans * to privatize the large French bank] .
- Ferro also said 0 [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel cancel] [ARG1 the unused portion of a 1987 buy-back plan] [ARGM-PNC for administrative reasons] .
- [ARGM-ADV While some automotive programs have been delayed *-1] , [ARG1 they] have [ARGM-NEG n't] been [rel canceled] *-2 . ''
- [ARG0 The NBC network] [rel canceled] [ARG1 its first new series of the fall TV season] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 killing Mel Brooks 's wacky hotel comedy `` The Nutt House] . ''
- [ARGM-TMP Last week] [ARG0 CBS Inc.] [rel canceled] `` [ARG1 The People Next Door] . ''
- NBC , a unit of General Electric Co. , has n't decided on a permanent replacement for the [rel canceled] [ARG1 series] .
- Credit market analysts expected [ARG0 the Treasury] to [rel cancel] [ARG1 today 's three-month and six-month sale] and to sell $ 17 billion *U* of cash management bills .
- [ARG0 He] has [rel canceled] [ARG1 numerous campaign appointments] and was largely inaccessible to the media until the stock story broke .
- A few days later , American Medical announced sharply lower earnings , *-1 taking charges of $ 24 million *U* for insurance reserves and [rel canceled] [ARG1 real] estate leases .
- Although the half-hour situation comedy seen * Mondays at 9:30 p.m . Eastern and Pacific time is n't a candidate for cancellation , it is slated *-1 for fine-tuning and by next week the network may announce 0 `` Teddy Z '' is moving to 8:30 p.m. from its 9:30 time slot , *-4 replacing `` The People Next Door , '' which *T*-3 became [ARG1 the first network show] 0 *T*-5 to be [rel canceled] *-2 [ARGM-TMP this season] .
- Once she did so , [ARG0 the big-souled German maestro] with the shaky nerves who *T*-1 [ARGM-TMP so often] [rel cancels] offered a limpid , flowing performance that in its unswagged and unswaggering approach *T*-2 was totally at odds with the staging .
- [ARGM-ADV * Speaking of dark nights] , [ARG0 the Met 's next-door neighbor , the New York City Opera ,] has [rel canceled] [ARG1 its season] [ARGM-TMP after *-3 failing *-2 to reach a settlement with its musicians , who *T*-1 wanted pay parity with the the Chicago Lyric and San Francisco Opera orchestras] .
- Adding to the junk market 's jitters were *T*-3 reports that [ARG0 Donaldson , Lufkin & Jenrette Securities Corp.] is having trouble *-2 structuring a $ 1.6 billion *U* offering for TW Food Services Inc. and [ARGM-MOD will] postpone *RNR*-1 or [ARGM-DIS even] [rel cancel] [ARG1 *RNR*-1] the issue .
- [ARG1 Mr. Downey 's previous show , a one-hour shout fest , syndciated * by MCA Inc. and produced * by Quantum Media Inc. ,] was [rel canceled] *-1 [ARGM-TMP in July] [ARGM-TMP after advertisers and stations abandoned it] .
- [ARGM-LOC Under the deficit-reduction law] , [ARG1 4.3 % of the Pentagon 's money and 5.3 % of other agencies ' money] has been [rel canceled] *-1 .
- [ARG1 Meetings] [rel canceled] * by Apple Computer Inc. 's European sales force and by [ARG0-by other groups] raised the specter of empty hotel rooms and restaurants .
- [ARG1 Meetings] [rel canceled] * by [ARG0-by Apple Computer Inc. 's European sales force] and by other groups raised the specter of empty hotel rooms and restaurants .
- Foreign traders also say 0 [ARG1 many of China 's big infrastructural projects] have been [rel canceled] or postponed [ARGM-CAU because of the squeeze on domestic and foreign credit] .
- Albert Lee , a veteran trader who *T*-2 specializes in machinery sales , estimates that [ARG1 as many as 70 % of projects that *T*-3 had obtained approval * to proceed] have been [rel canceled] *-1 [ARGM-TMP in recent months] .
- And you thought 0 the only reason 0 * to save your [rel canceled] [ARG1 checks] *T*-1 was * to prepare for an IRS audit .
- `` I assume 0 those accounts are closed , '' says *T*-2 Mr. Smalling , *-3 referring to the accounts of the [rel canceled] [ARG1 checks] .
- Mr. Jackson , who *T*-1 won the nickname `` Mr. October '' for his World Series exploits , is selling some of his [rel canceled] [ARG1 checks] to autograph collectors through a dealer for as much as $ 500 *U* each .
- Dealers say 0 the budding trade in Mr. Jackson 's [rel canceled] [ARG1 checks] is unusual .
- For years , the [rel canceled] [ARG1 checks] of a small number of well-known baseball players have been bought and sold *-1 .
- But [ARGM-ADV if the investment ca n't be bought or sold *-1 immediately] , [ARG1 the order] is [ARGM-MNR automatically] [rel canceled] *-2 .
- One-Cancels-The-Other Order : This is really two orders in one , generally for the same security or commodity , instructing [ARG0 floor brokers] *-2 to fill whichever order they can *?* *T*-1 first and [ARGM-TMP then] [rel cancel] [ARG1 the other order] .
- They found 0 they had bought stock from [ARG1 limit orders] that [ARG0 they] might have entered *T*-1 weeks or months earlier and had forgotten *-2 to [rel cancel] *T*-1 .
- Amex said 0 it would charge me $ 576 *U* a year for $ 100,000 *U* of coverage -- and would pay me back all the premiums 0 I put *T*-1 in if [ARG0 I] [rel canceled] [ARG1 the policy] [ARGM-TMP after 10 years] .
- First , if [ARG0 I] [rel canceled] , I 'd have no more insurance , a not insignificant consideration .
- Third and most important , Amex would charge me a far higher premium than other reputable companies would *?* on a straight term policy for the same amount ; I 'd be paying so heavily *ICH*-2 *-1 just to have the option of * getting my premiums back that [ARG0 I] 'd almost have *-3 to [rel cancel] *-3 to make the whole thing worthwhile .
- After six months on the run , Mr. Chan learned 0 [ARG1 the order for his arrest] had been [rel canceled] *-1 .
- [ARG1 The Fletcher Challenge Canada stake] was [ARGM-TMP then] [rel canceled] *-2 , Doman said 0 *T*-1 , [ARGM-ADV * raising Doman 's interest in Western Forest to 56 %] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Turner] was troubled *-1 enough * to [rel cancel] [ARG1 the U.S. contract with the rent-a-colonel] [ARGM-TMP at the beginning of the Carter administration] .
- [ARG0 One major NBC affiliate , KCRA in Sacramento ,] plans *-1 to [rel cancel] [ARG1 the NBC Saturday morning line-up] [ARGM-TMP as of January] and replace it with a local newscast .
- Retired army Chief of Staff Krishnaswami Sundarji discloses in an interview that he suggested in May 1987 that [ARG0 the government] [rel cancel] [ARG1 the Bofors contract] .
- [ARG1 NBC 's winning streak] has been [rel canceled] *-1 .
- Major injuries were n't reported *-2 at Candlestick Park , where [ARG1 the third game of baseball 's World Series] was [rel canceled] *-1 and fans evacuated *-4 from the stadium *T*-3 .
- So next day Mr. Cheney went out and did just that : [ARG0 He] [rel canceled] [ARG1 the 600-ship Navy] and cut back one carrier and 20 frigates .
- [ARGM-TMP Then] [ARG0 he] [rel canceled] [ARG1 production of the Navy 's most important carrier aircraft , the F-14 and the A-6] .
- Hydro-Quebec said 0 it notified Central Maine Power Co. 0 [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel cancel] [ARG1 a $ 4 billion *U* contract * to supply electricity to the Maine utility] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARGM-TMP several weeks ago] , [ARGM-LOC in the wake of the Beijing killings] , [ARG1 the loan] was [rel canceled] *-1 , [ARGM-ADV according to bankers and executives close to the project] .
- The decision [ARG0 *] to [rel cancel] [ARG1 the loan] exemplifies the tough attitude 0 bankers have taken *T*-1 toward China since June 4 .
- -- United Auto Workers Local 1069 , which *T*-1 represents 3,000 workers at Boeing 's helicopter unit in Delaware County , Pa. , said 0 [ARG0 it] agreed *-2 to extend its contract on a day-by-day basis , with a 10-day notification * to [rel cancel] , while it continues *-3 bargaining .
- [ARGM-DIS However] , [ARG1 the agreement] was [rel canceled] *-1 [ARGM-TMP in June 1984] .
- Weatherford International Inc. said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel canceled] [ARG1 plans for a preferred-stock swap] but may resume payment of dividends on the stock , and added that it expects *-1 to publicly offer about 10 million common shares .
- Line by line Mr. Friedman 's weary cynicism can be amusing , especially when he 's riffing on the Hollywood social scheme -- the way 0 [ARG0 people] size each other up , *-3 [ARGM-TMP immediately] [rel canceling] [ARG1 the desperate ones who *T*-2 merely almost made it] *T*-4 *T*-1 .
- And [ARGM-TMP as of last night] , [ARG0 Fed Chairman Greenspan] had [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel canceled] [ARG1 his plans * to address the American Bankers Association convention in Washington at 10 a.m. this morning] .